Pursuant to the Charter, the governing body shall consist of the Mayor and six (6) Council members, all of whom shall be elected and take office in the manner provided by law. Council members shall serve for a term of three (3) years and the Mayor shall serve for a term of four (4) years.
The Borough of Island Heights is governed by the Small Municipality Plan of the Optional Municipal Charter Law, Chapter 210 of New Jersey Laws of 1950, as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.A. 40:69A-139 through 143, and any and all general laws as therein defined which are or may be applicable to the Borough.
[Ord. No. 2011-09]
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2011-09, municipal elections shall be held the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
The term of any person in office on the date of the adoption of this subsection shall be extended until the beginning of the term of the person elected to that office on the day of the general election in November.
The legislative power of the Borough shall be exercised by the Borough Council, subject to the procedures set forth in this plan of government. Legislative powers shall be exercised by ordinance, except for the exercise of those powers that, under this plan of government or general law, do not require action by the Mayor as a condition of approval for the exercise thereof, and may, therefore, be exercised by resolution, including but not limited to:
Editor's Note: Refer to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-36.
The override of a veto of the Mayor;
The exercise of advice and consent to actions of the Mayor;
The conduct of a legislative inquiry or investigation;
The expression of disapproval of the removal by the Mayor of officers or employees;
The removal of any municipal officer for cause;
The adoption of rules for the Council;
The establishment of times and places for Council meetings;
The establishment of the Council as a committee of the whole and the delegation of any number of its members as an Ad Hoc Committee;
The declaration of emergencies respecting the passage of ordinances;
The election, appointment, setting of salaries and removal of officers and employees of the Council, subject to any pertinent Civil Service requirements and any pertinent contractual obligations, and within the general limits of the municipal budget;
Designation of official newspapers;
Approval of contracts presented by the Mayor;
Actions specified as resolutions in the "Local Budget Law" (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq.) and the "Local Fiscal Affairs Law" (N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq.); and
The expression of Council policies which require no formal action by the Mayor.
The Mayor shall be elected by the voters as provided in the Charter, and shall serve for a term of four (4) years.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:69A-33.
The executive power of the Borough shall be exercised by the Mayor, subject to the procedures set forth in this plan of government.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:69A-39.
The Mayor shall:
Enforce the charter and ordinances of the municipality and all general laws applicable thereto;
Report annually to the Council and to the public on the state of the Borough, and the work of the previous year; the Mayor shall also recommend to the Council whatever action or programs he deems necessary for the improvement of the Borough and the welfare of its residents. He may from time to time recommend any action or programs he deems necessary or desirable for the municipality to undertake;
Supervise, direct and control all departments of the municipal government and shall require each department to make an annual and such other reports on its work as he may deem desirable;
Require such reports and examine such accounts, records and operations of any board, commission or other agency of municipal government, as he deems necessary;
Prepare and submit to the Council for its consideration and adoption an annual operating budget and a capital budget, establish the schedules and procedures to be followed by all municipal departments, offices and agencies in connection therewith, and supervise and administer all phases of the budgetary process;
Supervise the care and custody of all municipal property, institutions and agencies, and make recommendations concerning the nature and location of municipal improvements and execute improvements determined by the Governing Body;
Sign all contracts, bonds or other instruments requiring the consent of the municipality;
Review, analyze and forecast trends of municipal services and finances and programs of all boards, commissions, agencies and other municipal bodies, and report and recommend thereon to the Council;
Supervise the development, installation and maintenance of centralized budgeting, personnel and purchasing procedures as may be authorized by ordinance;
Negotiate contracts for the Borough, subject to Council approval;
Assure that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Borough or its inhabitants in any Statute, franchise or other contract are faithfully kept and performed;
Serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of all appointive bodies in municipal government of which he is not an official voting member.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:69A-40.
Vacancies shall be filled according to N.J.S.A. 40A:16-4 for both the Mayor and the Council.
The Mayor shall preside over all meetings of the Borough Council. The Mayor shall participate and vote as all other Council Members at all meetings of the Borough Council. The Governing Body shall meet regularly within the Borough at such times and places as provided by resolution.* The Mayor shall, with the advice of the majority of Council, when necessary, call special meetings of the Council. In case of his neglect or refusal, any four (4) members of the Council may call such meetings at such time and place in the Borough as they may designate and, in all cases of special meetings, notice shall be given to all members of the Council. Three (3) Councilmen and the Mayor and, in the absence of the Mayor, four (4) members of Council, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; but a smaller number may meet and adjourn. Notice of meetings shall be given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act.
The Council shall elect from among its members a President of the Council who shall serve in place of the Mayor in the event of his absence, disability or refusal to act.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:69A-120.