[Ord. No. 75-7]
Whenever any words and phrases are used in this chapter the meaning respectively ascribed to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein.
Whenever certain hours are named in this chapter, they shall mean either Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time as may be in current use in the Borough.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey statute or as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
Upon a declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs are displayed. The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking Police Officer is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs when weather conditions, accidents, fires and public celebration, dictate or require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that the EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any Police Officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon the signs being erected as required by law.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 80-3 § 2; amended 6-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07]
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof.
Name of Street
Bay Avenue
From VanSant Avenue to Summit Avenue.
Camp Walk, East
From the apex of the angle formed by its change of direction from north-south to east-west to a point 50 feet north thereof.
Camp Walk, West
From the apex of the angle formed by its change of direction from north-south to east-west to a point 50 feet north thereof.
Camp Walk, West
From the apex of the angle formed by its change of direction from north-south to east-west to Simpson Avenue.
Central Avenue
From the southerly curbline of State Highway Route No. 37 to a point 150 feet south thereof.
East End Avenue
From VanSant Avenue to a point 300 feet south thereof.
Highland Bend
Entire length.
Holly Avenue
From Lake Drive to Ocean Avenue.
Holly Avenue
From Lake Drive to a point 75 feet north thereof.
Ocean Avenue
From the easterly terminus to a point 45 feet west thereof.
River Avenue
From a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Central Avenue to Simpson Avenue.
From the northeast corner at the Intersection with Ocean Avenue to the southerly corner of the property line of Block 1, Lot 1.03 (28 River Avenue) [Ord. No. 2021-07]
Simpson Avenue
From a point 200 feet south of West Camp Walk to River Avenue.
Simpson Avenue
From a point 50 feet north of VanSant Avenue to a point 50 feet south of VanSant Avenue.
Simpson Avenue
From the northerly curbline of West Camp Walk to a point 50 feet south thereof.
West End Avenue
From Ocean Avenue to Lake Avenue.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 2006-09 § I; amended 6-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07; 5-10-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03; 5-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-07]
No person shall park any motor vehicle (including motorcycles), nor shall any vehicle be parked, stopped, or idled, between the hours specified below on any day. upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
Summit Avenue
8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. (Between September 1 and July 1)
From the northeast corner of Simpson Avenue and Summit Avenue-east along Summit Avenue to the legal boundary of the school property
Lake Drive
10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m.
Parking area the termination of Lake Drive (Boy Scout Island) [Ord. No. 2021-07]
Ocean Avenue
10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m.
East End (Long Point Beach Angle Parking Spaces) [Ord. No. 2021-07]
Summit Avenue
10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m.
East End (Wanamaker Beach Parking Area) [Ord. No. 2021-07]
Van Sant Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-07]
10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m.
The Handicapped Parking Spot Adjacent to Van Sant Park
The curbing of the areas designated herein by this subsection as "No Parking Zones" shall be painted yellow and/or red so as to signal the prohibition against parking.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle during the times specified below of any day, except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
West End Avenue
From the southerly curbline of State Highway Route No. 37 to a point 100 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. 2005-07 § 2]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle during the times specified below on any day, upon any of the following.
Post Office Exit Drive
East and West
From Post Office Building north to VanSant Avenue
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit shown below at any time between the hours listed of any day, except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
Time Limit
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof except at the angle designated and only within the painted white stall lines.
Name of Street
Ocean Avenue
From a point 45 feet west of the westerly shore of Barnegat Bay to a point 200 feet westerly thereof.
River Avenue
From Janes Avenue to Central Avenue.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 87-5 § 1]
No person shall park any trucks over four (4) tons gross weight upon any of the streets in the Borough of Island Heights, except for loading or unloading of goods or materials.
For the purpose of this subsection, truck shall mean every motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, including that part of the vehicle with motive power commonly known as "cab."
[Ord. No. 96-17 § 1—13; Ord. No. 2008-11 § 1]
Parking of any vehicle on any portion of a public road, street or highway is restricted whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the public roads, streets or highways within the Borough of Island Heights.
The parking restrictions, as determined by the Borough shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased and until the roads, streets or highways have been plowed, and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
As used in this section, the term "snow" shall mean any precipitation depositing any accumulations on the roads, streets or highways, including snow, sleet, hail, ice or freezing rain.
The restrictions in paragraph a shall mean one side of the road, street or highway parking. During the periods of the above-listed conditions, vehicles will only be allowed parking privileges on those sides of the roads, streets, or highways of Island Heights where the appropriate regulatory or warning signs are placed.
As to paragraphs a through d, regulatory and warning signs in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 shall be erected and maintained to indicate appropriate side to park on all roads, streets and highways in the Borough.
During the weather conditions listed in paragraph c., when a vehicle is not able to proceed and must be parked on any road, street or highway in violation of these restrictions, the owner of such vehicle must, by the quickest means of communications, notify the Police Department and Road Department of such vehicle and also indicating when the vehicle will be removed.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic. Any Police Officer may issue a Summons for a vehicle in violation of this section. The Summons may be issued to the owner or operator of the vehicle depending upon the circumstances. The Officer may also provide for the immediate removal of such a vehicle. The owner or operator of such a vehicle shall pay the costs of the removal and storage, if applicable, before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Upon declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking within the Borough of Island Heights where either a permanent or temporary "Emergency No Parking" sign is displayed. The Mayor, or his designee is authorized to declare such an emergency within the Borough of Island Heights, and to direct the posting of any temporary "Emergency No Parking" signs when in his/her judgment, weather conditions exist which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that "Emergency No Parking" signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which is parked in the designated emergency area prior to the posting of the signs. Placing a written statement of such posting on or in such a parked vehicle shall be deemed sufficient notification hereunder. The notification is not required prior to removal of vehicles if those conditions listed in paragraph c exist, but an emergency has not been declared.
Parking Regulations during such an emergency will be as follows:
There shall be no parking permitted on the SOUTH SIDE of EAST WEST STREETS, and on the EAST SIDE of NORTH SOUTH STREETS.
All off street parking must be utilized to the fullest capacity.
Penalty. Unless another penalty is expressly provided by Statute, every person convicted of violating the provisions of the section, shall be liable for a fine not to exceed two hundred ($200.00) dollars or incarceration for a term not exceeding ten (10) days or both.
No provisions of this section shall apply to any State Highway located within the Borough of Island Heights.
During any special event where River Avenue is closed to vehicle traffic from Central Avenue to Ocean Avenue and River Avenue for the streets Oak Avenue, Maple Avenue, Chestnut Avenue, West End Avenue, and Simpson Avenue will take place on the WEST SIDE of these streets. There will be NO PARKING permitted on the EAST side of these streets. In addition, there will be no parking on either side of Jaynes Avenue between Ocean Avenue and River Avenue. All off-street parking must be utilized to the fullest capacity.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 80-3 § 1; Ord. No. 2006-09 § II; amended 6-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07]
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Camp Meeting Avenue, East
From Ocean Avenue to Highland Avenue.
Camp Meeting Avenue, West
From Ocean Avenue to Simpson Avenue.
Highland Bend
Counter- clockwise
Entire length.
Ocean Bend
Entire length.
Sassafras Lane
From West End Avenue to Summit Avenue.
Simpson Avenue
From Ocean Avenue to River Avenue.
Simpson Avenue
From Summit Avenue to Lake Avenue.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street, except where yield signs are provided for in the designations.
Name of Street
Central Avenue (County Route No. 2)
From the southerly curbline of River Avenue to New Jersey Route No. 37 East.
Lake Avenue
From Central Avenue to East End Avenue.
Lake Avenue
From West End Avenue to Central Avenue.
Ocean Avenue
From Central Avenue to its easterly terminus.
Ocean Avenue
From River Avenue to Central Avenue.
River Avenue
From Central Avenue to its northerly intersection with West End Avenue.
Summit Avenue
From Central Avenue to West End Avenue.
Summit Avenue
From its easterly terminus to Central Avenue.
VanSant Avenue
From Simpson Avenue to its easterly terminus.
West End Avenue
From Ocean Avenue to New Jersey Route No. 37.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 97-03 § 1; Ord. No. 97-11 § 1; Ord. No. 97-13 § 1; Ord. No. 2005-07 § 3; amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10; 5-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-07]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Bay Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Exit from Post Office
Bay Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Bay Avenue
Bay Avenue and Summit Avenue
Bay Avenue
Bayview and Ocean Avenue
Beech Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Beech Avenue
Beech Avenue and Summit Avenue
Beech Avenue
Camp Walk and West Camp Walk
Camp Walk
Cedar Place and Ocean Avenue
Cedar Place
Cedar Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Avenue and Summit Avenue
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Place and Park Avenue
Cedar Place
Central Avenue and Route 37
Central Avenue
Chestnut Avenue and Lake Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Avenue and Summit Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Avenue and River Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Dirmitt Avenue and Bay Avenue
Dirmitt Avenue
Dirmitt Avenue and East End Avenue
Dirmitt Avenue
East Camp Walk and Highland Avenue
East Camp Walk
East Camp Walk and Highland Avenue
East Camp Walk
East End Avenue and Summit Avenue
East End Avenue
East End Avenue and VanSant Avenue
East End Avenue
Ensor Place and Ocean Avenue
Ensor Place
Fletcher Place and Ensor Place
Fletcher Place
Fletcher Place and Westray Avenue
Fletcher Place
Garden Avenue and West End Avenue
Garden Avenue
Garden Avenue and Maple Avenue
Garden Avenue
Garfield Avenue and Jackson Avenue
Garfield Avenue
Garfield Avenue and Garden Avenue
Garfield Avenue
Garden Avenue and Central Avenue
Garden Avenue
Gilford Avenue and Jackson Avenue
Gilford Avenue
Gilford Avenue and Garden Avenue
Gilford Avenue
Highland Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Highland Avenue
Holly Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Holly Avenue
Jackson Avenue and Maple Avenue
Jackson Avenue
Jackson Avenue and Route 37
Jackson Avenue
Jackson Avenue and Central Avenue
Jackson Avenue
Jaynes Avenue and Lake Avenue
Jaynes Avenue
Jaynes Avenue and Summit Avenue
Jaynes Avenue
Jaynes Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Jaynes Avenue
Jaynes Avenue and River Avenue
Jaynes Avenue
Lake Avenue and Central Avenue
Lake Avenue
Lake Avenue and West End Avenue
Lake Avenue
Lake Avenue and River Avenue
Lake Avenue
Lake Drive and Ocean Avenue
Lake Drive
Laurel Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Laurel Avenue
Laurel Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Laurel Avenue
Laurel Avenue and Summit Avenue
Laurel Avenue
Laurel Avenue and Lake Avenue
Laurel Avenue
Maple Avenue and Lake Avenue
Maple Avenue
Maple Avenue and Summit Avenue
Maple Avenue
Maple Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Maple Avenue
Maple Avenue and River Avenue
Maple Avenue
Maple Avenue and Route 37
Maple Avenue
Oak Avenue and Lake Avenue
Oak Avenue
Oak Avenue and Summit Avenue
Oak Avenue
Oak Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Oak Avenue
Oak Avenue and River Avenue
Oak Avenue
Ocean Avenue and River Avenue
Ocean Avenue
Ocean Avenue and Central Avenue
4-Way Stop [Ord. No. 2021-10]
Ocean Bend and Ocean Avenue
Ocean Bend
Park Avenue and Ensor Place
Park Avenue
Park Avenue and Westray Avenue
Park Avenue
River Avenue and West End Avenue
River Avenue
Sassafras Avenue and Summit Avenue
Sassafras Avenue
Simpson Avenue and River Avenue
Simpson Avenue
Simpson Avenue and Summit Avenue
Simpson Avenue
Simpson Avenue and Lake Avenue
Simpson Avenue
Simpson Avenue and Ocean Avenue
Simpson Avenue
Summit Avenue and Central Avenue
4-Way Stop [Ord. No. 2021-10]
Tennent Avenue and VanSant Avenue
Tennent Avenue
Tennent Avenue and Summit Avenue
Tennent Avenue
Thomas Avenue and East End Avenue
Thomas Avenue
VanSant Avenue and Simpson Avenue
VanSant Avenue
West Camp Walk and Simpson Avenue
West Camp Walk
West End Avenue and Summit Avenue
4-way stop
West End Avenue and Ocean Avenue
West End Avenue
West End Avenue and River Avenue
West End Avenue
Westray Avenue and Cedar Avenue
Westray Avenue
Westray Avenue and East End Avenue
Westray Avenue
[Ord. No. 75-7]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the following described intersections are hereby designated as yield intersections. Yield signs shall be installed as provided therein.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 2005-16 § I]
The following described locations are hereby designated as loading zones:
River Avenue
85 foot portion of the entrance way of the property commonly referred to as the "Yacht Club," from a point 100 feet west of Jaynes Avenue to a point 85 feet west thereof.
An owner or operator of any vehicle may stop and stand in any above described loading zone, for the sole and limited purpose of loading and/or unloading materials, vehicles, merchandise, goods, equipment, boats, and/or persons, provided that the owner and operator of the vehicle which is stopped or standing has a rightful basis to be on the property.
An owner or operator of any vehicle may stop and stand to load or unload as set forth above for only such period of time as is reasonably necessary to load or unload, provided that such time period shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
The following described locations are hereby designated as taxi stands.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
The following described locations are hereby designated as bus stops.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall make a left turn at any of the following described locations.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall make a U-Turn at any of the following described locations.
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No person shall make a turn at any of the following described locations.
No person shall make a right turn when facing a steady red signal (STOP) indication whenever an official sign is presented prohibiting such turn on the red signal at the following described locations.
[Amended 4-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-4; amended 6-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07; 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-08]
The following described streets or parts of streets shall have the speed limits designated. Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the designated speed limits as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Name of Street
Speed Limit
Bay Avenue North
Bay Avenue South
Bayview Avenue
Beech Avenue
East Camp Walk
Camp Meeting Avenue
Cedar Avenue
Central Avenue
From the Intersection with State Highway #37 to the Intersection with Lake Avenue
From the Intersection with Lake Avenue to the Intersection with River Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Dirmitt Avenue
East End Avenue
Fletcher Place
Garden Avenue
Garfield Avenue
Gilford Avenue
Highland Avenue
Holly Avenue
Jackson Avenue
Jaynes Avenue
Lake Avenue
Lake Drive
Laurel Avenue North
Laurel Avenue South
Maple Avenue
Oak Avenue
Ocean Avenue
All (County street)
Ocean Bend
Park Avenue
River Avenue
From the Northerly Intersection with West End Avenue to the Southerly Intersection with West End Avenue
From the Southerly Intersection with West End Avenue to the Intersection with Central Avenue
Siddons Court
Simpson Avenue
Summit Avenue
All (West End Avenue to Central Avenue)
Tennent Avenue
Thomas Avenue
VanSant Avenue
All (County street)
West Camp Walk
West End Avenue
From the southerly intersection with River Avenue to the northerly intersection with River Avenue
West End Avenue
From the northerly intersection with River Avenue to the intersection with State Highway # 37
Westray Avenue
[Ord. No. 75-7]
No-passing zones are hereby established and maintained along the following described streets or parts of streets, as authorized by the New Jersey Department of Transportation in accordance with the sketch dated and numbered as indicated.
Name of Street
Sketch Dated
Sketch Number
[Ord. No. 2000-08; amended 5-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-07]
No person shall park in the area situated on the following described premises, unless they have been issued special vehicle identification cards by the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles, when using a motor vehicle for which a special vehicle identification card has been issued by the Division.
Name of Street
East Camp Walk
Adjacent to the Camp Meeting Pavilion
Lake Avenue
Memorial Field and Park, Adjacent to the Playground
Lake Drive
Adjacent to the Boy Scout Island Park
Ocean Avenue
Adjacent to Long Point Park
River Avenue
Adjacent to the Boardwalk And Central Avenue Pavilion
Summit Avenue
Adjacent to the Wanamaker Beach
Van Sant Avenue
Adjacent to Van Sant Park
Wanamaker Complex
Adjacent to Borough Hall,
Adjacent to the Headquarters of the Island Heights Police Department,
Adjacent to the Island Heights Post Office,
Adjacent to the Playground and Workout Area
[Ord. No. 75-7]
Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated at the following described intersections.
The traffic signal installation shall be in accordance with the provisions of An Act Concerning Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations, Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated shall conform to the design and shall be maintained in operation as authorized by the Department of Transportation of the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 75-7; Ord. No. 2004-01 § 2]
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of a provision of this chapter or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen (15) days or both.
Any person parking a motor vehicle in a restricted parking space without a special vehicle identification card shall be liable to a fine of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for the first offense and, for subsequent offenses, a fine of at least two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars and not more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars and up to ninety (90) days community service on such terms and in such form as the Court shall deem appropriate, or any combination thereof.
All former traffic ordinances of the Borough covered in this Traffic Chapter are hereby repealed except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this chapter.