[Ord. No. 79-2 § 1; Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Site development plans shall be so designed as to enhance the general appearance of the Borough; the harmonious use of the land; to lessen congestion in the street; to protect the safety of persons using the streets, walks, public and quasi-public areas within the Borough; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health, morals and general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land and buildings; and to encourage development and designs consistent with the purpose of the zoning regulations of the Borough. The exterior elevations of all buildings shall be arranged and the outer walls should be faced with materials approved by the Planning Board in conjunction with site plan approval. The architecture of all buildings shall be compatible with structures on adjacent lands and in the neighborhood. The developer shall comply with the following requirements and principle in the design of each development or portion thereof.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Buffer Area. All uses, other than single-family dwellings and their accessory uses (except as otherwise provided in this chapter), shall provide buffer areas along all side and rear property lines which abut areas zoned residentially and along front property lines on local, local collector, minor collector and major collector streets which abut areas zoned for such residential uses.
The width of the buffer area shall be ten (10') feet.
If a home professional office, home occupation or an accessory use to a single-family detached dwelling requires ten (10) or more off-street parking spaces, the Planning Board shall consider the need for a buffer area and may require that buffer areas of ten (10') feet in width be provided along side and rear property lines adjacent to such accessory use and/or off-street parking.
Buffer areas shall be maintained and kept free of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass by owner.
No structure, activity, storage of materials or parking of vehicles shall be permitted within the buffer area, except that where permitted by the Planning Board, the buffer area may be broken for vehicular or pedestrian access and appropriate directional and safety signs provided.
Screening. Within buffer areas required by paragraph a. above, there shall be provided screening in accordance with the following regulations:
Location. The location of screening within buffer areas shall be arranged in order to provide maximum protection to adjacent properties and to avoid damage to or interference with desirable existing plant material and shall be subject to approval by the Planning Board.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the screening area shall be a minimum of ten (10') feet in width and shall be planted with evergreen trees such as White Pine, American Holly, Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce or similar material, approved by the Borough Engineer on five (5') foot centers and shall be between six (6') and eight (8') feet in height and shall conform to the current American Standard for Nursery Stock sponsored by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc.
Where existing specimen trees exist within a screening area they shall be retained and supplemented with shade-tolerant evergreen trees to provide the equivalent of the required screening as determined by the Planning Board.
The required height for a screening area shall be measured in relationship to the elevation of the land at the nearest required rear, side or front yard setback line of the abutting residentially zoned properties. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is less than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the Planning Board may require that the height of trees planted in the required screening strip be increased by an amount equal to the difference in elevation, but in no case shall the required height be increased to greater than ten (10') feet. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is greater than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the Planning Board may permit the height of trees planted in the required screening strips to be decreased by an amount equal to one-half (1/2) the difference in elevation, except that in no case shall be required height be reduced to less than four (4') feet.
All trees in a screening area shall be watered weekly through the first growing season. The developer shall construct a six (6") inch deep earth saucer around each tree to hold water and fill with woodchips or other suitable mulch. Trees shall be nursery grown, balled and bagged, sheared and shaped, of the required height and planted according to accepted horticultural standards.
At the following locations within required screening areas, evergreen shrubs with a maximum mature height of thirty (30") inches or less, approved by the Borough Engineer as to type, location and spacing, shall be provided in lieu of the evergreen trees specified above:
Within sight triangle easements.
Within twenty-five (25') feet of intersections where sight triangle easements are not provided.
Within twenty-five (25') feet of access drives.
Waiver. The Planning Board, after favorable recommendation by the Planning Board Engineer, and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions and/or may require supplementary plantings.
Topsoil Preservation. No topsoil shall be removed from the site except as may be provided for in the ordinances of the Borough. All topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all regraded surfaces so as to provide an even cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. All regraded areas and all lawn areas shall be covered by a four (4") inch minimum thickness of topsoil. If sufficient topsoil is not available on the site, topsoil meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications shall be provided to result in a four (4") inch minimum thickness.
Tree Removal. All tree removal shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XX.
Protection of Trees. No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within six (6') feet of any trees or shrubs designated to be retained on the preliminary and/or final plat.
Removal of Debris. All tree stumps and other type tree parts or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with law.
Slope Plantings. Landscaping of the area of all cuts or fills and terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion.
Additional Trees in Single-Family Subdivisions. Besides the screening and shade tree requirements, additional trees shall be planted throughout the subdivision in accordance with a planting plan approval by the Planning Board at the time of final approval. The number of trees planted shall not be less than ten (10) per acre, calculated on the basis of the entire subdivision tract.
Additional Landscaping for Nonresidential Uses. In conjunction with all uses other than single family homes, all areas of the site not occupied by buildings, pavements, sidewalks, required safety islands or other required improvements shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover acceptable to the Planning Board and the minimum of two (2) shrubs and one (1) tree for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of open space.
Trees shall be planted with a minimum diameter of two (2") inches breast high.
Waiver. The Planning Board, after favorable recommendation by the Planning Board Engineer, and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this subsection in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions and/or may require supplementary plantings.
Specification. All planting, clearing, topsoiling, seeding and other landscaping work shall conform to the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Landscaping Plan. The placement of landscaping shall be in accordance with a landscaping plan submitted with the final plat.
Shade Trees.
In each subdivision of land, the developer shall plant within the shade tree and utility easements, or between the sidewalk and property line where such easements are not provided, proper shade and/or decorative trees at a maximum distance of fifty (50') feet between trees. The minimum distance between such trees planted shall be forty (40') feet. Planting sites shall be indicated on the final plat. Such plantings shall not be required within sight easements as required elsewhere herein.
Planting Requirements.
All trees planted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be placed in a proper manner and in a good grade of topsoil and within the area of the tree well at the point where the tree is planted.
All trees planted that are balled and burlapped will require one (1) stake parallel to the trunk and secured at two (2) points using the common hose and wire binding method. All trees planted bare root will require two (2) stakes parallel to the trunk opposite each other and secured to same using the common hose and wire binding method.
All trees will require a three (3") inch thick mulch layer covering the area of the hole.
An identification tag attached at the nursery indicating the exact variety will be required on at least one (1) tree of each variety planted.
All shade trees to be hereafter planted in accordance with this chapter shall be nursery grown or of substantially uniform size and shape and shall have straight trunks.
All trees pursuant to this chapter shall be planted in a dormant state.
A hole in which a tree is to be planted shall, in each case, be one-third (1/3) larger in width and in depth than the existing root ball of the particular tree to be planted. The hole for a tree to be planted shall contain proper amounts of topsoil and peat moss but no chemical fertilizer shall be added until the tree has been planted for one (1) year.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
All concrete used in any subdivision or site improvements shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1989, for the various classes of concrete used, except that the twenty-eight (28) day comprehensive strength of the concrete used shall not be less than the following:
Type of Concrete
(pounds per square inch)
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Unless specific written permission is obtained from the Borough Engineer to the contrary, only concrete obtained from dry-batched redi-mixed trucks shall be allowed.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
General Requirements. Curbs shall be constructed along both sides of every street within a development. Any existing pavements damaged by curb construction shall be repaired to the standards herein and/or as shown on the final plat. Where one (1) side of the development boundary is along an existing street, the curb shall be constructed only on the development side. Curbs shall be constructed of Class B concrete, air entrained, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. Preformed bituminous cellular type joint filler, one-half (1/2") inch thick, cut to match the cross section of the curb, shall be used at all expansion joints at intervals not greater than twenty (20') feet. Intermediate plate joints shall be provided at intervals not exceeding ten (10') feet. The requirements of the Standard Specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.
Timing of Curb Construction. In areas with bituminous concrete pavement, required curb shall be constructed prior to the construction of the bituminous base courses. Any required repairs to curbs which are not suitable for acceptance shall be made prior to construction of the final pavement wearing course.
Alternate Curb Types. In certain instances it may be necessary or desirable to construct alternate curb types. If alternate curb types are to be permitted, an appropriate construction detail shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and final plats.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Drainage Easements.
If the property on which a proposed development is to be located is or is proposed to be traversed by a drainage facility of any kind, including a pipe, channel, stream or swale, the Planning Board may require that a stormwater and drainage easement or right-of-way along the facility be provided by the developer. If existing land drainage structures are encountered during the course of construction of any development, detailed plans, profiles and cross sections shall be submitted to the Planning Board Engineer for consideration by the Planning Board. The Planning Board, after consulting its Engineer and other appropriate agencies, shall either require a drainage easement, require that the structure be removed in part or in its entirety or recommend such other action to the Governing Body as it deems appropriate.
All easements shall be shown on the final plat with a notation as to the purpose and restrictions of the easement. Easement lines on the final plat shall be shown with accurate dimensions and bearings.
The land which is the subject of an easement or right-of-way shall, in the case of storm drains or constructed channels, be of a suitable width meeting the requirements for design of drainage facilities or be a strip which conforms substantially to the floodplain of any watercourse along both sides of watercourse. The easement and right-of-way shall include provisions assuring the following:
Preservation of the channel of the watercourse.
Except in the course of an authorized drainage improvement, prohibition of alteration of the contour, topography or composition of the land within the easement and right-of-way.
Prohibition of construction within the boundaries of the easement and right-of-way which will obstruct or interfere with the natural flow of the watercourse.
Reservation of a public right-of-way for the purpose of maintaining the storm drain, drainage channel or the natural flow or drainage through the watercourse, of maintaining any and all structures related to the exercise of the easement and right-of-way and of installing and maintaining a storm or sanitary sewer system or other public utility.
Sight Triangle Easements. In addition to right-of-way widths required for the full design of all streets, sight triangle easements may be required on all corners at all street intersections. Such easements shall include provisions to restrict the planting of trees or other plantings or the location of structures exceeding thirty (30") inches in height that would obstruct the clear sight across the area of the easements. Such easements shall include the area of each street corner that is bounded by the right-of-way line and a straight line connecting points of the right-of-way lines, which points are the following distances from the intersection of the right-of-way lines or of their prolongations:
Where a local, local collector or minor collector street intersects another local, local collector or minor collector: fifty (50') feet on each right-of-way line.
Where a local, local collector, or minor collector or major collector street intersects a principal arterial highway: fifty (50') feet on the local street, local collector or minor collector, and one hundred fifty (150') feet on the principal arterial highway.
Where the intersections occur on highway or roadways under the jurisdiction of the State or County, the sight triangle easements required by the State or the County may be substituted in lieu of the requirements above.
Shade Tree Easement.
There shall be provided, where possible and practical, a shade tree easement with a minimum width of six (6') feet in the following locations:
Adjacent and parallel to both sides of each new street in a subdivision.
Adjacent and parallel to existing streets bordering the proposed development.
Such shade tree easements will be utilized for the construction and maintenance of landscaping and shade trees and for such other municipal purposes as required. Such easements shall be considered part of the lots they traverse for the purpose of determining lot depths, setbacks, frontages and areas.
In cases where a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where shade trees have already been installed in a location other than as specified above, the Planning Board may approve alternate shade tree easement locations in order to provide for the continuation of existing construction.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Every use requiring off-street loading space shall provide such spaces at the side or rear of the principal building in accordance with the following schedule:
Square Feet of Floor Area
Min. No. of Off-Street Loading Spaces
More than 10,000
Each truck loading space shall measure at least twelve (12') feet in width, forty-five (45') feet in length and shall have a vertical clearance of at least fourteen (14') feet in height.
Required off-street loading spaces and access drives shall be paved, drained and located in accordance with requirements established for parking areas.
Access to truck standing, loading and unloading areas may be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.
Loading areas, as required under this subsection, shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking spaces.
No off-street loading and unloading area shall be permitted in any required front yard area.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
In all zones, except the Downtown Business Zone, in connection with every commercial, professional, recreational, residential or any other use, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements and parking lot standards:
Type of Parking Permitted. Each dead storage bay of an off-street parking space may be perpendicular with the aisle, parallel with the aisle or at any angle between sixty (60°) degrees and ninety (90°) degrees. No angle parking layout shall be permitted with an angle less than sixty (60°) degrees.
Stall Size.
Automobiles. Each perpendicular or angle off-street parking space shall occupy a rectangular area of not less than nine (9') feet in width and eighteen (18') feet in depth exclusive of access drives and aisles, except that parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be twelve (12') feet wide. Parallel parking spaces shall occupy a rectangular area ten feet by twenty-three (10' x 23') feet.
Other Vehicles.
Uses that own, rent or service motor vehicles larger than automobiles which must be parked and/or stored on the site shall indicate, in the statement of operations submitted with the site plan, the size of such vehicles and the anticipated largest number of such vehicles to be stored and/or parked on the site at any single time, and the site plan shall show a sufficient number of parking and/or storage stalls at an adequate size for the largest number of such vehicles to be parked and/or stored on the site at any one time. Aisles providing for access to such parking and/or storage stalls shall be of adequate width for the vehicles to be served.
Failure of an applicant to indicate, where applicable, in the statement of operations that vehicles larger than automobiles are to be parked and/or stored on the site and provide for such parking and/or storage on the site plan shall be a violation of this chapter, and any building permit or certificate of occupancy that has been issued shall not be valid and may be revoked.
Any change of use to a use which requires parking and/or storage space for a greater number of vehicles larger than automobiles than the previous use shall be required to make application for site plan approval.
Aisle Widths.
Aisles from which cars directly enter or leave parking spaces shall not be less than twenty-four (24') feet wide or perpendicular parking or for parking at any angle greater than sixty (60°) degrees and twenty (20') feet wide for sixty (60°) degree angle parking, except that all two (2) way aisles shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24') feet wide.
Only angle parking stalls or parallel parking stalls shall be used with one (1) way aisles.
Access Drives.
Entrance and exit drives shall have a minimum width of eighteen (18') feet for those designed for one (1) way traffic and twenty-four (24') feet for those carrying two (2) way traffic.
Parking areas for twenty-five (25) or more cars and access drives for all parking areas on major arterial highways shall provide curbed return radii of not less than fifteen (15') feet for all right turn movements and left turn access from one (1) way streets and concrete aprons on entrance and exit drives.
Parking areas for less than twenty-five (25) cars may utilize concrete aprons without curb returns at entrance and exit drives which are not located on a minor arterial or principal arterial highway.
Paint Striping. All parking areas shall provide paint striping to delineate parking stalls, barrier lines, lane lines, directional arrows, stop lines, fire lanes and other striping as may be required to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such striping shall be in substantial conformance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices.
Traffic Signs. All parking areas shall provide traffic control signs and devices necessary to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such devices shall be in substantial conformance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices.
Curbing. The perimeter of all parking areas and internal islands within all parking areas open to the general public shall have continuous cast-in-place concrete curbing with a six (6") inch face or such alternate curb types as may be approved by the Planning Board at the time of site plan approval. The Planning Board may waive the requirement for curb in parking areas open only to employees, service vehicles or for loading and unloading, provided that drainage, vehicle control and safety can be properly accommodated by alternate means.
Paving. All parking areas shall provide pavement in accordance with the requirements of local, local collector and minor collector streets set forth in this chapter, except as follows:
Parking areas for less than fifty (50) cars, which the Planning Board determines are not likely to be utilized by heavy truck traffic or drive-up window service, may be paved with two (2") inches of pavement. Type FABC-1, over a six (6") inch gravel base.
In parking areas for one hundred (100) or more cars, access drives and aisles shall provide a minimum surface of not less than one and one-half (1 1/2") inches of pavement. Type FABC-1, a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than two (2") inches and a dense graded gravel base course of six (6") inches.
Location of Parking.
Parking areas in residential zones for uses other than single-family and dwellings may be located in the rear or side yard, but may not be located in any required front yard setback.
Where parking is permitted between the front building line and the street line, whether by this chapter or variance, a safety island or raised median separating the public street from the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
The width of the safety island shall be that width between the proposed curbline and a point five (5') feet inside the property line. All required trees and shrub plantings shall be placed on the on-site portion of the safety island.
When perpendicular or angled parking spaces abut the safety island, the stalls shall be separated from access drives by curbed islands with a minimum width of ten (10') feet.
Safety islands shall be landscaped, topsoiled and seeded, except that they may, as an alternative to seeding, be provided with a ground cover and mulch which provide a clear and unmistakable distinction between the parking area and the safety island.
Notwithstanding the use of ground cover, there shall be provided at least one (1) deciduous tree two (2") inches in diameter at breast height every forty (40') feet, or part thereof, on all safety islands. A greater distance will be allowed for plantings if necessary for traffic safety. The area between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three (3) evergreen type shrubs. The portions of the safety island within twenty-five (25') feet in any access drive or street intersection shall be planted with evergreen shrubs less than thirty (30") inches in height. Alternate or additional plantings may be permitted or required by the Planning Board in accordance with an approval site plan.
No commercial signs, light standards or other aboveground obstructions other than plantings shall be permitted within ten (10') feet of the street right-of-way.
All required parking spaces and facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the structure or use it shall serve.
Required parking spaces for the physically handicapped should be located to provide convenient access to building entrances by way of depressed curbs and ramps in accordance with State regulations. Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be a minimum of twelve (12') feet in width, and the number of spaces to be provided shall be determined by the following table:
Total Parking Spaces
in Parking Area
Minimum Number of
Spaces to Be
Provided for Physically
Up to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
Parking Lots. Parking lots shall be designed to provide the following minimum design requirements:
A safety island where parking is provided in the front yard area.
A five (5') foot unbroken landscaping strip along side and rear property lines. The five (5') foot landscaping strips shall have the same minimum planting requirements as safety islands, except that:
Where screening is required under this chapter, the screening requirements shall take precedence.
Where the property abuts a lot zoned for nonresidential purposes, but utilized for residential purposes, the Planning Board may also require screening.
Not more than one (1) two- (2) way access driveways or two (2) one- (1) way access drives shall be permitted on any street.
Where possible, access driveways shall not be located closer than one hundred (100') feet to the nearest right-of-way of an intersecting street.
No parking stall shall be located to require a vehicle to back into any portion of the right-of-way in order to enter or exit the parking stall.
All parking areas for ten (10) or more vehicles shall have artificial lighting that will provide a minimum lighting level of five-tenths (0.5) horizontal footcandle throughout the parking area and access drives. Freestanding light poles shall be no higher than the height of the highest principal building plus five (5') feet. Shielding shall be required where necessary to prevent glare upon adjacent properties or streets.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces Required.
Automotive sales and service: one (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area shall be provided for customer and employee parking. These areas shall be in addition to areas utilized for display and storage of vehicles. Site plans shall specify which parking spaces are designated for customers, employees, display and storage.
Banks, savings and loan associations and similar financial institutions: one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
Barber and beauty shops: three (3) parking spaces for each chair (if known), but not less than one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
Business offices: One (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area.
Church, temple or chapel: one (1) parking space for each four (4) seats in the main congregation seating area. Where no individual seats are provided, twenty (20") inches of bench shall be considered as one (1) seat. Where seats or benches are not provided, or are provided only in a portion of the main congregation seating area, there shall be one (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of floor area within the main congregation seating area.
Community center, library, museum, art gallery: one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
Meeting rooms, assembly or exhibition hall: one (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area.
Dwellings: two (2) parking spaces for each single family dwelling.
Dental or medical offices: one (1) parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area, except that if located within a building housing three (3) or more separate, unassociated practitioners, the requirement shall be one (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area.
Farmers market: one (1) parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of land area in the site.
Furniture and appliance stores or similar types of uses requiring large amounts of storage: one (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet up to four thousand (4,000) square feet, plus one (1) parking space for each eight hundred (800) square feet of gross floor area above four thousand (4,000) square feet.
Government office: to be determined by the Planning Board, except that governmental offices within privately owned buildings shall provide a minimum of one (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area.
Hardware and auto supply stores: one (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area.
Laundromats or similar coin-operated cleaning: one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
Manufacturing or industrial establishments, research or testing laboratory, or similar uses: one (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area.
Marina, boatyard, boat sales: one (1) parking space for each boat slip. Where no boat slips exist, there shall be one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area.
Nursery school, day camp or similar uses: one (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area.
Professional office: one (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area.
Public and private utilities, electrical substation, gas regulator, waterworks, pumping station and similar facilities: to be determined by the Planning Board based on the specific need of the use.
Restaurant, cafe, diner: one (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area.
Recreation facilities: those not specifically mentioned herein shall be determined by the Planning Board.
Retail stores, except otherwise specified: one (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150') square feet of gross floor area.
Studio (art, music, dance, gymnastics and similar for the purpose of giving instruction rather than shows or exhibitions): one (1) parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area.
Elementary: one (1) parking space for each eight (8) students based on design capacity.
Tourist/Guest House: one (1) parking space for each guest sleeping room plus two (2) parking spaces for the owner.
Warehouse, wholesale, machinery or large equipment sales: one (1) parking space for each one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) parking space for each vehicle used in connection with the business.
Criteria for Determining Required Parking Spaces. In computing the number of the above required parking spaces, the following rules shall govern:
Where fractional spaces result, the required number shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.
Nothing in the above requirement shall be construed to prevent the joint use of off-street parking facilities by two (2) or more uses on the same site, provided that the total of such spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses computed separately by the above requirements.
No part of off-street parking required by a structure or use shall be included as part of an off-street parking requirement of another use unless substantial proof and assurances are presented and it is determined by the Planning Board that the use of this parking will not be simultaneous.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
General Requirements.
Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets within a development and entirely around the perimeter of all culs-de-sac. Where the development abuts an existing street, the sidewalk shall be constructed only on that side. Sidewalks shall also be constructed at any other place, such as pedestrian walkways or access points to open space, as shown on or required at the approval of the final plat.
The requirements of the Standard Specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.
Location. Sidewalks within street rights-of-way shall generally be located with the sidewalk edge farthest from the roadway placed one (1') foot from the property line. Sidewalks not within street rights-of-way shall be located to provide for the most likely routes of pedestrian travel. In cases where the topography dictates or a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where sidewalks have already been installed in a location other than as specified above or where such variations in sidewalk locations are needed to preserve trees or natural features, the Planning Board may approve alternate sidewalk locations in order to provide for the preservation of physical features or the continuation of the existing sidewalks.
Sidewalk Construction.
Sidewalks shall be four (4') feet wide and four (4") inches thick, except crossing driveways, where the thickness shall be increased to six (6") inches for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than fifty (50) spaces and to eight (8") inches for all other uses. Where the Planning Board determines that a sidewalk may be subject to usually heavy pedestrian traffic it may require that its width be increased to a maximum of eight (8') feet. All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications. Concrete shall be Class C, air-entrained. Preformed bituminous cellular joint fillers one-half (1/2") inch thick shall be placed at intervals not exceeding twenty (20') feet. Dummy (formed) joints shall be cut into the concrete sidewalk between the expansion joints at equal intervals not exceeding the width of the sidewalk.
The sidewalk subgrade shall be compacted prior to the placement of any sidewalk. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material acceptable to the Engineer. All six (6") inch or eight (8") inch thick sidewalks crossing drive-ways shall be reinforced at the midpoint or one-third (1/3) points, respectively, of the sidewalk section. Reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric (66-1212) or an equivalent approved by the Borough Engineer.
Apron Construction. Reinforced concrete aprons shall be constructed at all driveways between the concrete curb and the concrete sidewalk. Such aprons shall be six (6") inches thick for residential uses, and all drives to parking areas of less than fifty (50) spaces and eight (8") inches thick for all other uses and shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric (66-1212) or an equivalent approved by the Borough Engineer, located at the midpoint or one-third (1/3) points, respectively, of the apron section. Concrete shall be Class C, air entrained. The width of the apron at the curbline shall be not less than the width of the driveway plus ten (10') feet or a minimum of twenty (20') feet, whichever is greater.
Driveway Depressions. At each driveway without curb return radii, the concrete curb shall be depressed to form a driveway opening. The depression shall be equal in length to the width of the driveway plus ten (10') feet but not less than twenty (20') feet. At driveways with curb return radii, the curb depression shall accommodate the exterior limits of the radii. The depression shall be smoothly formed to maintain a lowered curb face across the depression of at least one (1") inch, but not more than two (2") inches in height. The bottom of the curb shall be lowered to maintain full curb depth across the depression.
Alternate Sidewalk or Apron Types and/or Locations. In areas where alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations are proposed or desired, either for decorative purposes or because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, a detail of the type and/or location of sidewalk and apron proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.
Curb Ramps for the Physically Handicapped.
Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed on all street curb returns and, where appropriate, in parking areas. In general, two (2) curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner. A single ramp at the center of the corner is acceptable when site conditions preclude the use of the two (2) ramp system.
Curb ramps shall be provided at all four (4) corners of full intersections and at the two (2) corners plus a location across the street from both of the ramps at T-intersections.
The developer shall submit a detailed intersection grading plan for approval of the Borough Engineer prior to installation of the curbs, sidewalks and curb ramps at the intersection.
Curb ramps shall be constructed with a rough broom finish in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation Specifications and shall be flush with the street pavement at the gutter line.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Solid wastes from all uses other than single family homes, if stored outdoors, shall be placed in suitable receptacles within a screened refuse area subject to the following minimum standards:
The screened refuse area shall not be located within any front yard area.
The refuse storage area shall be surrounded on three (3) sides by a solid uniform fence or wall not less than five (5') feet nor more than eight (8') feet in height. Such fence shall be exempt from the provisions of any ordinance of the Borough regulating the height of fences and requiring permits therefor.
A five (5') foot minimum width landscaping area shall be provided along the fence or wall enclosing the refuse storage area. The landscaping to be provided shall be shown on the site plan submitted for Planning Board approval.
The opening in the enclosed refuse area should be located to minimize the view of refuse from adjoining properties or public streets.
If located within or adjacent to a parking area or access drive, the enclosed refuse areas shall be separated from such parking area or access drive by curbing.
The enclosed refuse area shall not be located so as to interfere with traffic circulation or the parking of vehicles.
All refuse shall be deposited in containers maintained within the refuse area. The use of dumpsters shall be limited between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. No containers shall be maintained anywhere on a site except in a refuse area meeting these requirements.
If outdoor storage of solid waste is not proposed, the site plan submission shall detail the methods proposed for accommodating solid waste within the structure. The Planning Board may require that a suitable area be set aside, but not improved, for a future solid waste storage area meeting these requirements even if indoor accommodations for solid waste are proposed.
No refuse storage area shall be placed within ten (10') feet of any public right-of-way or any property line.
[Ord. No. 90-03 § 3]
Street Extensions. The arrangement of streets within a development shall provide for the extension and/or realignment of existing streets, except that local and local collector streets should only be extended when such extension is necessary and the Planning Board concurs that such extension will promote safety and conform to the street standards contained elsewhere in this chapter.
Street Widening. Where developments abut existing roadways, sufficient rights-of-way shall be reserved to provide the right-of-way width proposed for the functional classification of the street in question.
Design of Local Streets. Local streets shall be designed in accordance with the Schedule of Street Design Standards and the following requirements:
Local streets shall be arranged so that there exists a minimum possibility of their use by traffic which does not have its origin or destination at the lots to which the local streets provide access.
Culs-de-sac (dead-end streets) should have a centerline length, from the intersecting street center line to the center point of the turnaround of the cul-de-sac, of not less than one hundred (100') feet nor longer than six hundred (600') feet and should not provide access to more than thirteen (13) lots. They shall provide an end turnaround with a pavement radius of not less than forty (40') feet and a property line radius of not less than fifty (50') feet, which shall have its center point at or to the left of the center line of the street, when viewed toward the closed end. In the event that it is contemplated that a dead-end street shall be extended in the future, a temporary turnaround, meeting the aforementioned design criteria, shall be required.
Artificial modifications in street rights-of-way for the purpose of increasing lot frontage shall be prohibited. Such prohibited modification shall include but shall not be limited to widening the right-of-way of a continuous street through the use of semicircular projections.
Classification of Streets. In any development it shall be the duty of the Planning Board to approve classification of proposed streets according to their use. In making its decisions, the Planning Board shall refer to the Master Plan and shall consider conditions within the development and the surrounding areas and shall use as a guide the following street classifications and criteria:
Local Street. A local street is a street serving only single-family residences and where feasible should be either a cul-de-sac or a loop street meeting the requirements hereinabove set forth. A street which serves traffic having origins and destinations other than within the lots which abut the street shall not be considered a local street. The maximum traffic normally expected on a local street shall be four hundred (400) vehicles per day.
Local collector or minor collector street. A local collector or minor collector is generally a street gathering traffic from local streets and feeding it into a system of major collectors, minor arterial and major arterial highways. Even if laid out as a local street, a street should be considered a local or minor collector street if it provides access or could provide access to more than sixty (60) lots, or could be utilized by traffic other than residential in nature. Local or minor collector streets should generally not be expected to carry traffic exceeding one thousand (1,000) vehicles per day.
Major Collector Streets. A major collector street is generally a street gathering traffic from local streets or minor collector streets and feeding it into a system of arterial highways. Even if laid out as a local or minor collector street, a street should be considered a major collector street if it provides access or could provide access to more than one hundred fifty (150) lots or would be utilized by traffic other than residential in nature. Major collector streets should generally not be expected to carry traffic exceeding two thousand five hundred (2,500) vehicles per day.
Principal Arterial Highway. Principal arterial is the state highway intended to carry traffic between other major arterials and minor arterials and between the various neighborhoods of the Borough to destinations outside the Borough.
Classification Criteria. Street classifications will be approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the foregoing definitions, in accordance with the provisions of the Master Plan and Official Map as such are adopted, in accordance with the provisions of applicable County and State regulations or plans or, in the absence of specific information from the above, in accordance with its own best judgment concerning the use to which the various streets in any development will be put.
Lots Abutting Major Collector and Arterial Highways. In any subdivision abutting or being traversed by a major collector street or principal arterial highway, one (1) of the following conditions shall be required by the Board:
All lots abutting major collector streets shall be provided with suitable driveway turnarounds eliminating any necessity for vehicles to back into the collector street.
Other means of providing a satisfactory buffer separating through and local traffic shall be provided as may be deemed proper by the Planning Board.
Dwellings on corner lots shall have their driveway access on the roadway designed and intended to carry the lesser amount of traffic.
Street Design Standards. Street design standards shall be appropriate to the expected use of the street, soil, topographical and other physical conditions and to the maintenance of the purposes of this chapter.
Street Intersections. Street intersections shall be designed according to the following standards:
No more than two (2) streets shall cross the same point. Street intersections shall be at right angles whenever possible, and intersections of less than seventy (70°) degrees, measured at the center line of streets, shall not be permitted.
Approaches of any local, local collector or minor collector street to any other street shall:
Be tangent (straight) for a distance of at least fifty (50') feet from the intersection, or
Have a center line radius greater than one thousand (1,000') feet for at least one hundred fifty (150') feet from the intersection, and
Have a clear sight of a point three (3') feet high in the intersection for a distance of not less than four hundred (400') feet.
Street Layout.
Curved local, local collector and minor collector streets are preferred to discourage speed and monotony. The maximum straight line distance should not exceed one thousand (1,000') feet.
The Planning Board may require provisions for continuing circulation patterns onto adjacent properties and, for this purpose, may require the provision of stub streets abutting adjacent properties.
Street Names. Street names and development names shall not duplicate, nearly duplicate or be phonetically similar to the names of any existing streets or development in Island Heights or contiguous areas of other communities. Any continuation of an existing street shall have the same street name.
Limit of Improvements. The developer shall complete all improvements to the limits of the development, unless other provisions have been made and approved by the Planning Board. In those instances where completion of certain improvements would not be possible until the development of adjacent land takes place, alternate temporary improvements may be constructed subject to the approval of the Planning Board, and cash or a certified check representing the difference between the value of the temporary improvements and the required improvements may be accepted by the Borough Council to be credited toward the completion of such improvements at such time as the adjacent land develops.
Streets Serving Other than Single-Family Detached Homes. The right-of-way width and other standards for internal roads and alleys in multifamily, commercial and industrial developments shall be determined by the Board on an individual basis and shall in all cases be of sufficient width and design to safely accommodate maximum access for fire fighting equipment and shall generally conform to the requirements herein.
Reserve Strips. There shall be no reserve strips or areas controlling access to streets except where control and disposal of the land comprising such strips or areas have been placed in the hands of the Governing Body under conditions approved by the Planning Board.
[Ord. No. 2000-09]
In all zones, for all proposed uses, site development or construction other than that associated with single family detached dwellings on individual lots, site plan approval shall be required prior to:
The issuance of a building permit for any new structure or for any addition to or alteration of an existing structure.
Any changes to use of land or structure to a use for which any of the standards of this chapter are more restrictive or stringent or which requires an increase in parking and/or storage space for passenger automobiles or increases the number of vehicles larger than passenger automobiles to be stored on the site.
The construction or alteration of or addition to any off-street parking area which provides an increase in vehicle parking spaces as compared to the last approved and/or developed site plan or the number existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter.
Interior alterations which increase the required number of off-street parking spaces.
Construction or installation of underground facilities which alter the general use, appearance or grade of the site.
Alteration of any parking area, entrance and/or exit drive, buffer area or other site improvement.
Construction or alteration or any structure which would require an increase in parking spaces.
The bulk storage of sand, gravel, soil, asphalt, lumber, pipes, plumbing supplies, metal, concrete and equipment on any parcel of land.
Construction or alterations which would increase the impervious area of the site.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 1]
Site approval shall not limit the requirements for submission of subdivision plans for subdivision approval as otherwise provided by any ordinance in existence or any ordinance hereinafter enacted in the Borough.
Site approval shall not limit the requirements for submission of an application for a variance to the Borough Planning Board where necessary.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 2; Ord. No. 2000-09]
An application for approval of a site plan shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Board through the office of the Borough Clerk and a site plan as herein required shall be submitted in ten (10) copies to the Clerk of the Planning Board at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled public meeting of the Planning Board. Proof of service of all persons within two hundred (200') feet of the site plan shall be provided by the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, within ten (10) days of the public hearing at the expense of the applicant. All site plans and supporting documents shall comply with the requirements hereinafter set forth and shall contain the following information and data:
One (1) copy of the plan shall consist of a translucent tracing cloth and be of a size of no more than thirty inches by forty-eight (30" x 48") inches and all information appearing thereon shall be in black india ink.
A scale of not less than fifty (50') feet to the inch shall be used. All distances shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all bearings shall be given to the nearest ten (10) seconds. The error of closure shall not exceed one (1) to ten thousand (10,000).
The names of all owners of record of all adjacent properties, and the tax map block and lot numbers of the property.
Existing school, zoning and special district boundaries. Such features shall be shown on a separate map or as a key map on a special detailed map itself.
Boundaries of the property, building or setback lines, and lines of existing streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas dedicated to public use.
A copy of any covenants or deed restrictions that are intended to cover all or any part of the tract.
Location of existing buildings which shall remain and all other structures such as walls, fences, culverts, bridges, roadways, etc., with spot elevations of such structures. The outline of such structures shall be indicated by a dash line and those that shall remain shall be shaded.
Location of all storm drainage structures and utility lines, whether publicly or privately owned, with pipe sizes, grades, and direction of flow; and if any existing utility lines are underground, the estimated location of the already existing underground utility line shall be shown.
The Planning Board Engineers shall determine the amount of an assessment necessary for the completion of adequate off-site draining. Such sum shall be deposited in cash with the Borough as a condition precedent to the site plan approval.
Existing contours with intervals of two (2') feet where slopes are less than five (5%) percent and five (5') feet when five (5%) percent or more, refer to a datum as provided by the Planning Board Engineer to be indicated by a dash line. Where any change in contours are proposed, finish grades should be shown as solid lines.
Location of existing rock, outcrops, high points, marshes, wooded areas, single trees not in wooded areas with a diameter of six (6") inches or more as measured three (3') feet above the base of the trunk and other significant existing features, including previous flood elevations of water courses, pond and marsh areas as determined by survey.
Title of development, north point, scale, name and address of record owner, engineer, architect, land planner or surveyor preparing the site development plan.
A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor of the State shall accompany the site plan and shall show the boundaries of the parcel and the limits of all proposed streets, recreation areas, and other property to be dedicated to public use. The site plan may be accompanied by such other exhibits of an architectural or planning nature submitted by the applicant or as may be required by the Planning Board pursuant to any ordinance now in existence or any ordinance hereinafter enacted in the Borough.
All proposed easements, and public and community areas. All proposed streets with (a) profiles indicating grade, and (b) cross sections showing width of roadways, location and width of sidewalks, and location and size of utility lines according to the standards and specifications of the Borough.
The proposed use or uses of land and buildings and proposed location of building, including proposed grades. Such features should be indicated on a separate drawing where deemed desirable and necessary by the Planning Board Engineer.
All means of vehicular access and egress to and from the site onto public streets showing size and location of driveways, curb cuts and sidewalks, together with appropriate on-site pavement or mounted traffic control signs.
The location and design of any off-street parking areas or loading areas showing size and location of bays, isles, barriers and fire lanes.
The location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants and of all sewer lines or alternative means of water supply or sewerage disposal and treatment in conformance with applicable standards of the Borough and the Ocean County Sewerage Authority.
The proposed location, direction of illumination, amount of illumination expressed in average horizontal footcandles, hour and time of proposed outdoor lighting in conformance with applicable standards of the Borough and as may be applied by the Planning Board.
The proposed screening and landscaping, including planting plan, in conformance the applicable standards of the Borough and the Planning Board.
Proposed stormwater drainage system in conformance with subsection 31-9.6 of these Borough Ordinances.
A schedule indicating proposed and required setbacks, lot frontage and depth, lot area, percentage of structure occupation of lot area, structure height, structure floor area, number of parking spaces and such other area and bulk requirements required or hereinafter required pursuant to the ordinances of Island Heights.
Such other information or data as may be required by the Planning Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accordance with the standards of the ordinances of the Borough and all other general law.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 3]
It is required that prior to submission of the detailed site plan or in conjunction therewith, the applicant shall submit either approval by, or evidence that his application is pending before the necessary governmental units in charge of sewerage, sanitary and water supply and, where required, local and State Board of Health approval.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 3]
The Planning Board may waive any of their requirements or details specified to be shown in the site plan in any given application, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60 and 55D-51, if the Planning Board determines that certain physical characteristics do not permit the site in question to be practically utilized for the use intended by the applicant, where that use is permitted by the zoning regulations for that zone.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 3]
A minor site plan shall be a site plan with no more than one (1) building with a ground floor not in excess of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet, involving no more than one (1) parcel of ground, containing no new or altered public streets or roads and involving no change of construction of municipal drainage installations caused by the proposed site plan.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 4]
After a site plan, including all requirements of Sections 30-4 through 30-7, has been submitted, the Planning Board shall, within ninety (90) days from that submission, either approve or disapprove the site plan. Upon approval or disapproval, the Planning Board shall render a written report indicating the reason for the same. In the event that the Planning Board fails to either approve or disapprove the site plan within the ninety (90) day period, it shall be deemed that the Planning Board has, in fact, approved the site plan. All site plans as approved by the Planning Board shall thereafter be submitted to the Construction Official.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 5]
Before approval of the site plan, the applicant shall furnish a New Jersey approved surety company bond (the amount to be approved by the Planning Board), in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53, for the purpose of guaranteeing the completion of such items as set forth in the site plan as will affect the public interests, such as but not limited to drainage, streets, control signs and signals, sidewalks, recreational areas, shade trees or shrubbery and required landscaping, off-street parking, loading and unloading zones and artificial lighting, and any and all water and sewerage facilities set forth in the site plan.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 6]
Planning Board approval of the site plan shall be guided by the fact that the site plan conforms with the following standards and regulations:
The applicant has submitted a site plan containing all of the information and data as provided for in this chapter.
The details of the site plan are in accordance with the standards of the zoning regulations and any amendments thereto, and any and all other ordinances of the Borough and amendments thereto, which may be in existence at the time of the application, and in harmony with the officially adopted Comprehensive Master Plan of the Borough.
That all parking and traffic problems shall be kept at a minimum by the use of engineering design features, such as acceleration and deceleration lanes, jughandled and marginal access streets.
That adequate provisions are made so as to prevent any drainage problem.
That a reasonable screening at all seasons of the year, of all playgrounds, parking and service areas, from the view of adjacent properties and streets be provided, where necessary, for the purpose of protecting the health, safety and general welfare, comfort and convenience of the public.
That the location, power, direction and time of any outdoor lighting will not have an adverse effect upon any properties in such districts.
That the details of the site plan for the authorized use will be such that the operation will not offend the public interests.
Upon approval by the Planning Board, of the site plan of an applicant, the applicant shall have six (6) months to commence construction. The construction shall be completed within two (2) years of the date of commencement of construction. Beyond such two (2) year period, the approval of the site plan by the Planning Board shall automatically become void, and the applicant shall reapply for a new site plan approval.
[Ord. No. 79-2 § 7; Ord. No. 94-01 § 2; Ord. No. 2009-05 § 2, 3]
There shall be submitted to the Planning Board Clerk with each site plan application, in order to defray the cost of review of the site plan, the following fees:
For a Minor Site Plan. An application fee of five hundred ($500.00) dollars.
For a Major Site Plan. An application fee of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars.
Escrow(s). The developer shall, at the time of filing an application for development, in addition to paying the nonrefundable Administrative Fees, as previously set forth to the Borough, pay to the Borough, upon filing the application, an escrow fee based upon the following schedule:
Minor Site Plan—Fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollars.
Major Site Plan—Five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars.
Engineering Inspection Fees. In addition to the escrow set forth above, the applicant shall pay an additional escrow fee for inspection of the site by the Borough and/or Planning Board Engineer for the installation of all improvements required to be installed by the developer. The escrow fee for inspection shall be a minimum of seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollars per acre.
[Ord. No. 89-11 § 3; Ord. No. 94-01 § 3; Ord. No. 2009-05 § 4]
Any developer of a site in accordance with this chapter may request a pre-application conference or concept plan review in accordance with the provisions of Section 31-10 of Chapter XXXI entitled "Land Subdivision." Further, any developer seeking a pre-application conference or concept plan review, shall be required to pay all fees set forth in subsection 31-5.4d of Chapter XXXI entitled "Land Subdivision."
The developer shall, at the time of requesting a preapplication conference or concept plan review, submit a fee in the amount of five hundred ($500.00) dollars. This fee, however, shall be credited against any additional fees for a review of any formal application for development submitted by the developer with respect to the plan which is the subject of the pre-application conference and/or informal review.
Additional fees may be applicable pursuant to 31-5.4e and f.