The purpose of this chapter is to alleviate conditions which
lead to an unnecessary drain on the manpower, time, space, facilities
and finances of the Borough of Flemington and its police and fire
departments and the deterioration of the quality of services to persons
subscribing to alarm services.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any person, other
than the Borough of Flemington, who operates, maintains or owns any
alarm device designed to summon the police or fire departments to
any location in response to any type of alarm signal. The terms of
this chapter shall also apply to alarm companies providing services
to other companies within or without the borough if the purpose of
the furnishing of such services is to summon the police or fire departments
to any location in response to any type of alarm signal.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Shall mean any type of alarm-actuating equipment which provides
warning of fire, burglary, intrusion, flood or like peril.
Shall mean that component installed in the console in police
or fire station headquarters containing alarm indications and designation.
Shall mean the installation in one or more buildings of one
or more alarm devices for the express purpose of giving visual or
audible warning, or both, of an emergency such as fire, burglary,
intrusion, flood or like perils.
Shall mean the activation of an alarm system by causes other
than those to which the alarm system was designed or intended to respond.
False alarms will not include activations caused by power or phone
line interruptions, where such interruptions have been reported to
the police.
In the case of false alarms which summon the police department
to investigate, the police chief shall cause an investigation to be
made and shall keep a record of such false alarms on file.
In any six month period the following penalties shall apply:
a. For the first false alarm, a warning shall be issued.
b. For the second and subsequent false alarm, a fine of not less than
$50.00 and not more than $100.00 shall be imposed.
c. In the event of a third or subsequent false alarm, an investigation
shall be conducted by the police department. Where the investigation
of the police department discloses continued abusive or negligent
operation or maintenance of an alarm device and a disregard for the
taking of remedial steps to avoid false alarms, the police chief may
require disconnection of the device for a limited or permanent period;
provided, however, that the owner or the user of the device shall
be given adequate notice of the intended disconnection and shall have
an opportunity within 14 days of said notice to show cause before
the police chief of the Borough of Flemington why such action should
not be taken. The determination of the police chief in such matters
shall be based upon the effect on the general public health, safety
and welfare of the continued use of the alarm device in question.
d. In the event that an alarm company, independent contractor, subcontractor
or employee of the user is responsible for the third or subsequent
false alarm, a fine not to exceed $100.00 may be imposed for every
such false alarm.
e. In the event that any person subject to the provisions of this chapter
is directed by the chief of police to disconnect an alarm system or
correct defects in an alarm system and fails to comply with such directive
within seven days of same, such person shall be subject to a fine
not to exceed $100.00 for each false alarm received after the expiration
of the seven-day period and until such time as the system is disconnected
or the defects are corrected.
Any individual intentionally, willfully or maliciously destroying
or injuring any of the posts, alarm boxes or other alarm apparatus
owned by the Borough of Flemington or intentionally, willfully or
maliciously interfering with the operation of same or any part thereof
or who hinders or impedes any of the operations intended to be accomplished
thereby shall, upon conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county
jail for a term not exceeding 90 days or shall forfeit and pay a fine
not exceeding $500.00, or both. In default of any fine imposed hereunder,
any person convicted of a violation of this chapter may, in the discretion
of the municipal judge, be imprisoned in the county jail for a term
not exceeding 90 days.