[Added 8-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish policies and procedures for the collection of fees associated with the performance of marriage or civil union ceremonies by the Mayor or Mayor's designee.
Collection of Fees. Persons married or joined in civil union by the Mayor or Mayor's designee of the Township of Lacey shall remit the applicable fee delineated below to be paid to the Township of Lacey:
Residents of the Township of Lacey where the ceremony is performed within the Township shall pay a fee of $50.
Residents of the Township of Lacey where the ceremony is performed outside the Township shall pay a fee of $75.
Nonresidents of the Township of Lacey where the ceremony is performed within the Township shall pay a fee of $100.
Nonresidents of the Township of Lacey where the ceremony is performed outside the Township shall pay a fee of $150.
Use of fees. The fee shall be paid by check, payable to the Township of Lacey, unless waived by the Mayor in cases of financial hardship. Fees collected shall be deposited into the general fund.