Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 04-09 which adopted Chapter 7, Traffic, codified herein, was approved by the New Jersey Department of Transportation June 10, 2004. Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1974 Code §§ 24-1, 24-3, 24-7.1–24-23, 24-43, 24-46, 24-52–24-58 and Ordinance Nos. 80-55, 81-10, 81-20, 81-58, 82-44, 83-50, 85-36, 89-63, 90-17, 90-37, 91-30, 91-44, 91-77, 91-56, 92-13, 92-20, 92-21, 92-22, 92-23, 92-24, 92-25, 92-38, 92-46, 92-48, 92-49, 92-50, 92-51, 92-60, 92-61, 92-65, 92-66, 92-67, 92-78, 92-85, 92-87, 92-88, 92-89, 92-90, 93-08, 93-09, 93-11, 93-12, 93-21, 93-22, 93-23, 93-24, 93-25, 93-42, 93-43, 93-44, 93-56, 93-57, 93-58, 93-59, 93-60, 93-71, 93-75, 93-76, 93-82, 93-83, 93-86, 93-87, 93-88, 93-89, 93-99, 94-06, 94-07, 94-08, 94-09, 94-12, 94-18, 94-21, 94-28, 94-33, 94-34, 94-35, 94-36, 94-46, 94-54, 94-55, 94-61, 94-62, 94-63, 94-64, 94-65, 94-66, 94-69, 94-75, 94-76, 94-77, 94-87, 94-88, 94-94, 94-95, 94-96, 94-98, 94-99, 94-100, 94-109, 94-112, 94-120, 94-121, 95-03, 95-05, 95-10, 95-11, 95-14, 95-15, 95-16, 95-17, 95-26, 95-28, 95-29, 95-30, 95-31, 95-32, 95-33, 95-35, 95-36, 95-37, 95-40, 95-42, 95-43, 95-45, 95-46, 95-47, 95-51, 95-52, 95-55, 95-56, 95-57, 95-66, 95-67, 95-68, 95-70, 95-71, 95-72, 95-79, 95-80, 95-81, 95-82, 95-92, 95-93, 95-94, 95-98, 95-99, 95-100, 95-101, 95-103, 95-105, 95-115, 95-116, 96-08, 96-09, 96-10, 96-11, 96-13, 96-14, 96-17, 96-30, 96-35, 96-41, 96-42, 96-44, 96-46, 96-47, 96-48, 96-49, 96-50, 96-53, 96-54, 96-56, 96-57, 96-74, 96-75, 96-76, 96-77, 96-81, 96-84, 96-85, 96-86, 96-90, 96-91, 96-95, 97-06, 97-08, 97-12, 97-13, 97-14, 97-22, 97-23, 97-33, 97-34, 97-36, 96-64, 96-81, 98-21, 98-25, 98-31, 98-34, 98-45, 98-46, 98-47, 98-52, 98-56, 98-57, 98-60, 98-63, 98-64, 98-70, 98-72, 98-74, 98-77, 98-78, 98-79, 98-86, 98-87, 98-90, 99-05, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14, 99-17, 99-19, 99-20, 99-26, 99-27, 99-28, 99-29, 99-31, 99-33, 99-34, 99-41, 99-44, 99-49, 99-52, 99-59, 99-62, 99-63, 99-65, 99-66, 99-67, 99-68, 99-69, 99-70, 99-72, 99-73, 99-76, 99-77, 99-78, 99-82, 00-02, 00-04, 00-05, 00-14, 00-15, 00-20, 00-21, 00-23, 00-32, 00-33, 00-34, 00-35, 00-40, 00-41, 00-45, 00-46, 00-49, 00-50, 00-58, 00-60, 00-61, 01-01, 01-02, 01-10, 01-12, 01-15, 01-16, 01-17, 01-19, 01-20, 01-22, 01-29, 01-31, 01-33, 01-34, 01-35, 01-37, 01-38, 01-39, 01-40, 01-41, 01-42, 01-44, 01-45, 01-46, 01-49, 01-51, 02-02, 02-04, 02-05, 02-06, 02-07, 02-08, 02-09, 02-10, 02-11, 02-12, 02-13, 02-14, 02-16, 02-17, 02-18, 02-19, 02-22, 02-23, 02-24, 02-25, 02-26, 02-27, 02-28, 02-33, 02-36, 02-37, 02-38, 02-43, 02-44, 02-45, 02-46, 02-47, 02-55, 02-59, 02-60, 02-61, 02-62, 03-01, 03-03, 03-04, 03-05, 03-06, 03-09, 03-10, 03-13, 03-15, 03-23, 03-24, 03-25, 03-26, 03-28, 03-29, 03-33, 03-34, 03-38, 03-39, 03-41, 03-42, 03-46, 03-48, 03-49, 03-50, 03-51, 03-52, 03-53, 03-54, 03-55, 03-57, 03-58, 03-59, 03-60, 03-61, 03-62, 04-01 and 04-02.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-1]
Whenever any words and phrases are used in this chapter, the meaning respectively ascribed to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-1]
Whenever certain hours are named in this chapter, they shall mean either Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time as may be in current use.
[Ord. #08-108]
The following list of holidays shall be the days where parking rules are not in effect provide a specific parking ordinance mentions "holidays excluded:"
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day
Washington's Birthday (3rd Monday in February
Good Friday
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day (2nd Monday in October)
Election Day (General Election)
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-2; Ord. No. 2017-99]
The Mayor or, in his absence, disability or inability to act, the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police of the municipality is hereby authorized to provide by regulation for the closing of any street or portion thereof to motor vehicle traffic on any day or days during specified hours on any day or days whenever he finds that such closing is necessary for the preservation of the public safety, health or welfare.
[Ord. No. 2017-99]
Any regulations promulgated by the Mayor or Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police, and in accordance with Subsection a above, shall provide for the posting of proper warning signs of such closing on any street or portion thereof during the time the same is closed in pursuance thereof.
[Ord. No. 2017-99]
Any violation of this regulation promulgated thereunder shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty ($50.00) dollars.
Any regulation adopted that mandates the closing of any street for a period greater than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours shall not become effective unless and until it has been submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation.
[Ord. No. 2016-49]
Business District. Streets within the Township where at least fifty-one (51%) percent of the structures are used for commercial purposes. Properties that contain both a residential and commercial use (mixed use) shall be considered to be used for commercial purposes for purposes of this chapter.
Peak Business Operating Period. A time during which at least fifty-one (51%) percent of the businesses within a Business District are open for business.
Parade Line of March. A list that contains all of the following information:
[Added 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-70]
The approximate number of people that will march in the parade.
The names of all organizations or groups that will march in the parade.
A description, by type and quantity, of all vehicles, floats, displays, equipment, and other machinery that will be driven, pushed, pulled, or that will otherwise be used during or participate in the parade.
The approximate order of the procession.
Municipal Council Approval Required. No person, association, firm or corporation except for the Township shall cause or permit a municipal street to be closed for the purpose of conducting a street fair, sidewalk sale, parade, concert, or other special event excluding block parties, the process for which is defined in Subsection 7-2A.1 et seq. without first having obtained approval of such temporary street closing by the Municipal Council ("Special Event Street Closure Approval").
Applications for special events street closure shall be made to the Municipal Clerk or his designee at least forty-five (45) days before the date selected for the holding of such special event and shall be made on official forms furnished by the Township for that purpose.
The application shall contain:
Names, addresses and, telephone numbers of applicant(s).
In the case of a parade, the location of the proposed temporary street closings. All cross streets and connecting streets shall be identified on the application.
The date and period of time for such temporary street closings. A rain date shall be listed, if one is desired.
Explanation of the type, extent and nature of the proposed temporary street closing.
The proposed location and description of any temporary structures, stages, rides or other items to be placed in the roadway, with a sketch/diagram of such items provided.
The location of all staging and breakdown areas, with a sketch/diagram of same.
A signed statement by the applicant(s) that he/she or they agree to abide by all the conditions of the approval, the ordinances of the Township and the applicable rules and regulations of the Police Department.
A designated contact person in the event of an emergency.
Municipal Council Issuance and Denial Standards.
Standards for issuance. The Municipal Council shall authorize the issuance of a special events approval conditioned upon the applicant's written agreement to comply with the terms of such approval unless the Municipal Council is advised by a department of the Township that:
The time, size, location and/or duration of the special event will disrupt to an unreasonable extent the movement of traffic.
The special event is of a size or nature that the diversion of so great a number of police officers of the Township that reasonable police protection would be denied to the Township.
Such special event will interfere with another special event for which an approval has already been issued.
Standards for denial. The Municipal Council shall deny an application for a special event street closure and notify the applicant of such denial where:
The Municipal Council makes any finding contrary to the findings required to be made for the issuance of an approval;
The information contained in the application is to be found to be false or nonexistent in any material detail;
The applicant refuses to agree to abide by or comply with all conditions of the approval.
The proposed special event prevents emergency vehicles to provide timely responses to calls for service.
The special event proposes to close a street or a portion thereof that is:
Located within a Business District,
During a Peak Business Operating Period, and
Which street has previously been approved to be closed for three (3) other special events that take place during a Peak Business Operating Period within the same calendar year.
Applicant's Responsibility; Revocation of Approval.
Responsibilities of Applicant. If a special event street closure approval is granted by the Municipal Council, the person, association, firm or corporation that is granted the approval shall be responsible for conducting the operations so authorized in such manner that there shall be minimum inconvenience to the general public and, upon the expiration of the approval, such street shall be reopened free of any debris, refuse or other material interfering with the safe and free passage of pedestrians and vehicles.
Revocation of Approval. Any special event street closure permit issued pursuant to this subsection may be summarily revoked by the Municipal Clerk or his designee at any time, when by reason of disaster, public calamity, riot or other emergency, the Municipal Clerk or his designee deems that the safety of the public, including the participants in the event, or property requires such revocation. Notice of such action revoking a permit shall be delivered by contacting the designated contact person set forth in the application.
Liability. The applicant for a special event street closure agrees to save the Township, its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all costs, damages and liabilities which may accrue or be claimed to accrue by reason of the temporary street closing. The submission of the signed application under this subsection shall constitute such agreement.
Cash Bond. No cash bond will be required, unless the applicant has had prior negative experience with a street closure within the Township. Prior negative experience is defined as the failure to return the closed street, surrounding areas, staging areas and breakdown areas to a condition free of debris, refuse, or other material that interferes with the safe and free passage of pedestrians and vehicles. The amount of the bond shall be the cost incurred by the Township to clean up after the previous event with negative experience. In the event the applicant has negative experience with an unrelated street closure that occurs subsequent to the issuance of an approval for the requested special event, but prior to the holding of the requested special event, the Municipal Clerk may revoke the permit for the requested special event, unless a cash bond is posted in accordance with this subsection.
Violations and Penalties. Any person, association, firm or corporation found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties set forth in § 7-4. Each day that any violation of this subsection continues will constitute a separate offense.
No special event approval shall be required for impromptu public outpourings or any of the activities described in Subsection 7-2.1A which do not require the closing of a roadway.
Approvals will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the following:
No application shall be submitted prior to January 2nd (or the first business day thereafter should January 2nd fall on a weekend or legally recognized holiday) of the calendar year preceding the requested date.
Where multiple applications are submitted to the Municipal Clerk between January 2nd and January 15th (or the first business day thereafter should January 15th fall on a weekend or legally recognized holiday) of the calendar year preceding the requested date, for special events to take place on the same date and at the same location, priority will be given for established, recurring special events.
Where multiple applications are submitted to the Municipal Clerk between January 2nd and January 15th (or the first business day thereafter should January 15th fall on a weekend or legally recognized holiday) of the calendar year preceding the requested date, for special events to be held on different days, at the same location within a Business District, during a Peak Business Operating Period and the issuance of approvals for all of the requested special events would result in there being more than three (3) street closures during a Peak Business Operating Period at that location during a calendar year, priority will be given for established, recurring street closures.
The Township shall be permitted to close any road to conduct a Township sponsored event without obtaining a special event street closure approval, provided that the street closure is in compliance with the standards set forth in Subsection 7-2.1c3.
Additional Requirements for Parades. In order to more effectively regulate traffic and assembling of crowds in and upon the public streets, highways, and other places of the Township, in the interest of peace and good order of the Township, and for the protection of the residents and businesses of the Township, the applicant shall provide to the Municipal Clerk the Parade Line of March for the parade no less than four (4) days before the scheduled date of the parade. Once the Parade Line of March has been established, no changes to the Line of March shall be permitted.
[Added 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-70]
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-2.2; Ord. No. 2017-99]
Upon the declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs are displayed. The Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking Police Officer is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs when weather conditions, accidents, road construction, fires and public celebrations dictate or require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that EMERGENCY-NO PARKING signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
[Ord. No. 2017-99]
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any Police Officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of removal and storage, which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon signs being erected as required by law.
[Ord. #09-85]
Permit Required. No person, association, or group except for the Township shall cause or permit a municipal street to be closed for the purpose of conducting a block party, without first having obtained a permit therefor issued by the Municipal Clerk after approval of such temporary street closing by the Municipal Council (Block Party Street Closure Permit).
Permit Applications.
Applications for Block Party Street Closure Permits shall be made to the Municipal Clerk or his designee at least thirty (30) days before the date selected for the holding of such special event and shall be made on official forms furnished by the Township for that purpose.
The Block Party Street Closure Permit application shall contain:
Names, addresses and, telephone numbers of applicant(s) and each owner of property whose access to the temporarily closed street will be impacted by the Block Party Street Closure Permit.
The date and period of time for such temporary street closings.
Explanation of the extent and nature of the proposed temporary street closing.
Description of the proposed method of effecting the temporary street closing and the location of any and all barriers to be used in restricting the flow of vehicular traffic through the closed street.
The proposed location and description of any temporary structures, rides or other items to be placed in the roadway.
A signed statement by the applicant(s) that he/she or they agree to abide by all the conditions of the permit, the ordinances of the Township and the applicable rules and regulations of the Police Department.
A designated contact person.
An acknowledgement by property owners that no motor traffic will be permitted during the block party except for vehicles used in connection with the block party, municipal vehicles, and emergency vehicles.
Municipal Council Permit Issuance and Denial Standards.
Standards for issuance. The Municipal Council shall authorize the issuance of a Block Party Street Closure Permit conditioned upon the applicant's written agreement to comply with the terms of such permit unless the Municipal Council is advised by a department of the Township that:
The time, size and location of the special event will disrupt to an unreasonable extent the movement of traffic;
The special event is of a size or nature that the diversion of so great a number of police officers of the Town-ship that reasonable police protection would be denied to the Township.
Such special event will interfere with another event for which a Block Party Street Closure Permit or Special Event Road Closure Permit has already been issued.
Standards for denial. The Municipal Council shall deny an application for a Block Party Street Closure Permit and notify the applicant of such denial where:
The Municipal Council makes any finding contrary to the findings required to be made for the issuance of a permit;
The information contained in the application is to be found to be false or nonexistent in any material detail;
The applicant refuses to agree to abide by or comply with all conditions of the permit.
The proposed Block Party pre-vents emergency vehicles to provide timely responses to calls for service.
A Block Party Street Closure permit of a significant portion of the proposed roadway or roadways has occurred or is scheduled to occur within eleven (11) months of the requested date.
More than twenty-five (25%) percent of the residences affected oppose the Block Party Street Closure Permit Application.
Term of Permit. The permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed eight (8) continuous hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no block party shall extend beyond the earlier of 8:00 p.m. or dusk.
Permittee Responsibility; Revocation of Permit.
Responsibilities of Permittee. If a Block Party Street Closure Permit is granted by the Municipal Council, the person, association, or group that is granted the permit shall be responsible for conducting the operations so authorized in such manner that there shall be minimum inconvenience to the general public and, upon the expiration of the permit, such street shall be reopened free of any debris, refuse or other material interfering with the safe and free passage of pedestrians and vehicles.
Revocation of Permit. Any Block Party Street Closure Permit issued pursuant to this section may be summarily revoked by the Municipal Clerk or his designee at anytime, when by reason of disaster, public calamity, riot or other emergency, the Municipal Clerk or his designee deems that the safety of the public, including the participants in the event, or property requires such revocation. Notification of such action revoking a permit shall be delivered by contacting the designated contact person set forth in the application.
Violations and Penalties. Any person, association, or group found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties set forth in § 7-4. Each day that any violation of this subsection continues will constitute a separate offense.
No Special Event Permit shall be required for impromptu public outpourings which do not require the closing of a roadway.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-3]
Any vehicle parked in violation of this chapter shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic, and any Peace Officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall bear the reasonable costs of removal and storage, which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-4; amended 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey State Statutes for a violation of a provision of this chapter or any supplement thereto for which no specific penalty is provided, the offender shall be liable to a penalty of not more than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both.
Any person parking a motor vehicle in a restricted parking space without a special vehicle identification card shall be liable to a fine of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for the first offense and, for subsequent offenses, a fine of at least two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars and up to ninety (90) days community service on such terms and in such form as the court shall deem appropriate, or any combination thereof.
The provisions of this section, as amended, are not intended and shall not be construed to limit or otherwise interfere with the Municipal Court's power and authority to impose court costs and sanctions for contempt of court. Notice of the aforesaid penalty amount should be printed on the back of the defendant's copy of all summonses. Additionally, nothing contained herein shall amend or modify the fines imposed upon those pleading guilty or being found guilty of a violation of illegally parking in a properly authorized handicapped parking space.
If any part or parts of this chapter are, for any reason, held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-5; Ord. #10-45]
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other, more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey statute or as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. #10-45; Ord. #11-61]
Failure to Comply with Traffic Directions.
Shall mean any person authorized by the Township to control the flow of traffic upon the streets within the Township which shall include but not be limited to police officers; crossing guards; firefighters and officers and emergency management personnel.
Compliance with Direction. All persons whether in or on a motorized vehicle of any type, bicycle, automobile or on foot shall promptly and fully comply with direction of an officer.
Failure to Use Safety Devices.
Unless specifically permitted otherwise by State statute, no person shall operate or be a passenger in a motor vehicle driven upon the roadways within the Township without using all manufacturer installed safety devices.
No person shall operate an automobile upon the roadways within the Township if a) any person below the age of sixteen (16) is not secured in the vehicle using all manufacturer installed safety devices, and/or b) any child under the age of eight (8) and weighing less than eighty (80) pounds, is not secured with child passenger restraints as defined in New Jersey statutes.
Violations. Any person who violates any provision of Subsection 7-5.2b or c shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine in an amount of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for each violation.
Roadway Nuisances.
Roadway Nuisance. It shall constitute a roadway nuisance for the operator of any motorized vehicle of any type, automobile or bicycle travelling upon any roadway or pathway within the Township to:
Use a cellular communication device in a non-hands free manner, or
Prevent a pedestrian to complete a roadway crossing; or
Fail to yield to a pedestrian attempting to cross a roadway; or
Use a motorized vehicle, automobile or bicycle that (i) does not have all statutorily required safety devices, (ii) is broken in such a manner as to create a safety hazard to either the operator, the general public or both; (iii) creates a noise or odor condition higher than the average automobile operated upon the roadway; or
Position or operate their motorized vehicle, automobile or bicycle in such a manner as to slow, disrupt, alter the flow of, or cause the delay of the normal traffic flow.
Violation. Any person wishing to plead guilty to any provision of § 7-5 shall be permitted to do so without appearing in the matter by paying a fine of fifty-six ($56.00) dollars. Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this section 7-5 shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in an amount not to exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars.
All former traffic ordinances of the Township of Woodbridge are hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this chapter.
Editor's Note: For prior ordinance history see Editor's Note at the end of this chapter.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.1]
The Municipal Council hereby finds and declares that problems of traffic control occur when traffic must be moved through or around street construction, maintenance operations, utility work above and below ground which requires blocking the roadway and obstructing the normal flow of traffic; and that such obstructions are or can be dangerous when not properly controlled. In order to better promote the public health, safety, peace and welfare, it is necessary to establish controls and regulations directed to the safe and expeditious movement of traffic through construction and maintenance zones and to provide safety for the work force performing these operations.
The Township of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, does hereby adopt the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, hereafter known as the M.U.T.C.D., promulgated by the United States Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration, as same may be revised, supplemented, or amended, except as expressly set forth herein, as its controls and regulations whenever construction maintenance operations or utility work obstructs the normal flow of traffic. Any person, contractor, or utility that fails to comply with the provisions of the M.U.T.C.D. while performing such work is in violation of this section.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.2]
It shall be the responsibility of the person, contractor, or in the case of the public utility as required under the public utility agreement, § 16:25-9.2, wishing to conduct work on, under or above the roadway to contact the Engineer's Office of the Township of Woodbridge in order to submit plans, obtain a road opening permit and if required, arrange a preconstruction meeting to submit plans for the safe movement of traffic during such period of construction work. Any person, contractor or utility who fails to comply with this section prior to the start of such work or whose plans are not approved by the Engineer's Office of the Township of Woodbridge is in violation of this section.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.3; Ord. No. 2017-99]
The person, contractor, or utility shall provide the Engineer's Office and the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or his designee with at least two (2) emergency contact phone numbers to be called in case of emergency problems at the construction or maintenance site prior to the start of any work. If for any reason emergency contact cannot be reached, or if the emergency contact person does not respond to the call from the Department of Police to correct a hazardous condition, the Township of Woodbridge may respond to correct hazardous conditions. The reasonable and customary fees for such emergency service by the Township of Woodbridge, which may include, but not be limited to Police, Fire or EMS, shall be charged to the person, contractor, or utility responsible for such conditions. A hazardous condition shall be deemed to exist if the safety of any person is in jeopardy or the potential exists for any injury to any person.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.4; Ord. No. 2017-99]
There shall be no construction, maintenance operations, or utility work on any roadway in the Township of Woodbridge before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. This time restriction, however, may be adjusted to permit work prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. in the discretion of the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or his designee, or the Engineer's Office of the Township of Woodbridge unless it is determined by him or her that such adjustment would substantially delay traffic or raise safety or health concerns.
Exigent or emergency road openings in order to remove a hazardous or unsafe condition shall be exempt from this section, however, every attempt should be made to make notifications to the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or his designee and the Office of the Engineer.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.5; Ord. No. 2017-99]
Road closings and/or traffic detours shall not be permitted unless approved by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or his designee, the Engineer's Office of the Township of Woodbridge and the Municipal Council.
Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.6; Ord. #2015-27; amended 5-21-2019 by Ord. No. 19-68]
When required, Traffic Directors shall be posted at all construction or maintenance sites when determined by the Police Director or his designee that same is necessary to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of traffic. Traffic deflection procedures and patterns, traffic direction and all actions on the roadway shall be in full compliance with the M.U.T.C.D. as revised, supplemented and amended.
Traffic Directors are required whenever any construction, maintenance operation or utility work occurs on any enumerated roadway within the Township of Woodbridge or if the Township Engineer, his designee, the Police Director or his designee determines that a Traffic Director is required at a specific location to ensure the safe and expeditious movement of traffic.
Roadways of concern are:
State highways.
County roadways.
All streets considered minor arterial roads and listed in § 7-10.
Traffic Directors shall meet minimum qualifications and shall adhere to all procedures set forth in the M.U.T.C.D. as revised, supplemented and amended. Proof of the Traffic Director's qualifications shall be provided to the Township prior to the start of construction. Where police officers are used as Traffic Directors, only Woodbridge Township police officers are permitted to be used as Traffic Directors.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.7; Ord. No. 2017-99]
The Township Engineer, his designee, the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or his designee shall have the authority to stop work, including the removal of equipment and vehicles, stored material within the street right-of-way, backfilling of open excavations and/or other related work, in order to abate any nuisance and/or safety hazard or for any violation of this section.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.8]
It is to be expressly understood that no materials, vehicles or equipment are to be placed in the roadway or sidewalk areas until all construction signs, lights, devices, pavement marking and traffic directors are installed and in place.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-7.9]
Any person, contractor or utility who commits a violation of this section shall, upon conviction thereof for a first offense, pay a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars and/or be imprisoned in the County jail for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days.
For a second offense, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars and/or be imprisoned in the County jail for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days.
A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-8]
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other, more restrictive provisions prohibiting, or limiting the stopping or standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey Statute or as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. #08-69; amended 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
No person, firm or corporation shall park or permit the parking, stopping or standing of any trailer that is not connected to a towing motor vehicle on any municipal street or portion thereof within the Township of Woodbridge at any time of the day for any reason. This prohibition shall not apply to courier vehicles, i.e., FedEx, DHL, UPS and the like.
Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate this subsection, upon conviction, shall be liable to a fine of up to five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each violation and each day that a violation continues shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.
[Ord. #04-09 § 7-9; Ord. No. 2017-99]
Upon the declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon the streets where temporary EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are displayed. The Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking police officer is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs when weather conditions, accidents, road construction, fire or public celebrations dictate or require avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
[Ord. No. 2017-99]
The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon the signs being erected as required by law.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-20; Ord. #04-21; Ord. #04-22; Ord. #04-65; Ord. #05-27; Ord. # 14-40; Ord. No. 2018-19]
Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the streets and highways, an emergency shall exist and no vehicle shall be parked on the streets or highways or portions thereof indicated.
The above parking prohibitions shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the costs of the removal and storage, which may result from such removal according to the service rates as set forth in Subsection 4-7.15 of the General Revised Ordinances before regaining possession of the vehicle. Such costs shall be in addition to any penalty or penalties incurred as thereinafter set forth.
The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon signs being erected as required by law.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation or provision of this section or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than fifty ($50.00) dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both.
Name of Street
Aborn Avenue
Entire length
Amherst Avenue
Entire length
Arthur Avenue
From Conduit Way to Lake Avenue
Avenel Street
Entire length
Barron Avenue
Entire length
Bedford Avenue
From Lincoln Avenue to Washington Avenue
Beekman Avenue
Entire length
Benjamin Avenue
From Green Street to Middlesex - Essex Turnpike
Blair Road
From Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) to Markley Street
Bramhall Road
From Bramhall Court to Colonia Boulevard
Brown Avenue
From Green Street (CR#604) to southerly terminus
Cameo Place
From Claridge Place to Lake Avenue
Caroline Place
From Claridge Place to Willow Street
Carson Drive
Entire length
Central Avenue
From Glen Cove Avenue to Tonlyn Place.
Claremont Avenue
Entire length
Claridge Place
From Cameo Place to Caroline Place.
Clark Place
From Carson Drive to Edgewood Avenue.
Cleveland Avenue
Entire length
Colonia Boulevard
Entire length
Columbus Avenue
From Grove Street to Main Street (CR# 514)
Conduit Way
Entire length
Correja Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-07]
Entire length
Corrielle Street
Entire length
Crows Mill Road
From New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to King Georges Road (CR#501)
Delaware Avenue
Entire length
Dukes Road
Entire length
East Hill Road
From Chain O'Hills Road to Long Hill Road
[Ord. # 14-40]
East Street (Colonia)
Entire length
East Tappen Street
From Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) to Turner Street
East Woodbridge Avenue
From Avenel Street to Tappen Street
Edgewood Avenue
Entire length
Elizabeth Avenue
From Green Street (CR# 604) to Washington Avenue
Fanning Street
Entire length
Florida Grove Road
From Route NJ 184 to May Street
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Entire length
Freeman Street
Entire length
Glen Cove Avenue
From Central Avenue to Old Road
Gorham Avenue
From Green Street (CR#604) to Grove Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
From Route NJ 27 to Route US 1
Green Street (CR#604)
From Route US 9 to Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Grove Street
From Route NJ 35 to Columbus Avenue
Harrow Drive
Entire length
Hawthorne Avenue
From Beekman Avenue to Amherst Avenue
Hearthstone Avenue
Entire length
Hoffman Boulevard
Entire length
Hudson Street
From Maryknoll Road to Wall Street
Hudson Boulevard
From Roanoke Street to Tappen Street
Indiana Avenue
Entire length
Ira Avenue
From Carson Drive to Board of Education Property (School # 22)
Isabelle Street
Entire length
Jordan Road
From Inman Avenue to Lancaster Road
King Georges Post Road
Entire length
Kline Boulevard
From Inman Avenue (CR#602) to Luci Court
Lake Avenue
From boundary of Clark to Garden State Parkway Underpass
Lancaster Road
Entire length
Leesville Avenue
From Route US 1 to Woodbine Avenue
Liberty Street
From New Brunswick Avenue to King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Lincoln Avenue
From Bedford Avenue to Worth Street
Lincoln Avenue
From Grove Avenue to Van Buren Street
Loretta Street
Entire length
Magnolia Road
Entire length
Main Street (CR#514)
From Route US 9 to Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Main Street (CR#514)
From Mary Avenue to Boundary of Edison Township
Mary Avenue
Entire length
Middlesex Avenue
Route NJ 27 to Meredith Road
Montrose Avenue
From Cleveland Avenue to Water Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Entire length
New Dover Road
From Wood Avenue (CR#649) to Sterling Drive
North Hill Road
Entire length
North Washington Avenue
From Route NJ 35 to Bedford Avenue
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Entire length
Old Road
Entire length
Old St. Georges Avenue
From Route NJ 35 to Freeman Street
Pennsylvania Avenue
From New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to Loretta Street
Plymouth Drive
Entire length
Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
From Milos Way to Lee Street
Prospect Avenue
From Barron Avenue to Aborn Avenue
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Entire length
Randolph Avenue
From Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to Hart Street
Regina Street
From West Woodbridge Avenue to Route 9
Roanoke Street
Entire length
Rosewood Lane
[Ord. No. 2018-19]
Entire length from Fourth Street to Willow Street
School Street
Entire length
Semel Avenue
Entire length
South Inman Avenue
Entire length
Stanford Avenue
From Claremont Avenue to Hoffman Boulevard
Sterling Drive
From New Dover Road to Amherst Avenue
Tappen Street
From Woodbridge Avenue to Hudson Boulevard
Tonlyn Place
From Central Avenue to Old Road
Turner Street
Entire length
Tyler Avenue
Entire length
Valley Road
Entire length
Van Buren Street
From Lincoln Avenue to Route NJ 35
Wall Street
From Ford Avenue to Isabelle Street
Washington Avenue (Iselin)
Entire length
Water Street
From Colonia Boulevard to Montrose Avenue
West Avenue (CR#611)
From Debra Place to Arbor Street
West Woodbridge Avenue
From Regina Street to Route 1
Willow Street
From Caroline Place to Delaware Avenue
Wood Avenue (CR#649)
From Inman Avenue (CR#602) to Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Woodbine Avenue
Entire length
Woodbridge Avenue
From West Avenue (CR#611) to Berry Street (CR#652)
Worth Street
Entire length
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-35; Ord. #05-76; Ord. #07-87; Ord. #07-88; Ord. #08-109; Ord. #09-19; Ord. #09-44; Ord. #09-54; Ord. #09-98; Ord. #10-19; Ord. #10-48; Ord. #11-29; Ord. #11-30; Ord. #12-03; Ord. # 14-25; Ord. # 14-39; Ord. #2015-44; Ord. #2015-59; Ord. No. 2016-64; Ord. No. 2018-45. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle between the hours specified on any day upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Amboy Avenue
All times
Between the City of Perth Amboy and Route NJ 35
Amherst Avenue
All times
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and a point 240 feet south thereof
Antares Drive
All times
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Mutton Hollow Road
Arlington Drive
All times
Beginning 70 feet east of Glenwood Terrace, to a point 100 feet east thereof
Auth Avenue
All times
Between Route NJ 27 and a point 385 feet north thereof
Auth Avenue
All times
Between Dow Avenue and Vernam Street
Austin Avenue (Iselin)
All times
Between the intersection of Connector Road "B" and Route US 1 Southbound
Avenel Street
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and Ella Avenue
Avenel Street
All times
Between Jansen Avenue and East Woodbridge Avenue
Avenel Street
All times
Beginning 100 feet west of Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to a point 150 feet west thereof
Avenel Street
All times
Between a point 115 feet west of westerly curbline of West Park Avenue extending to a point 160 feet east of the easterly curbline of West Park Avenue
Avenel Street
All times
Between a point 110 feet west of the westerly curbline of West Park Avenue and a point 110 feet east of the easterly curbline of West Park Avenue
Avenel Street Underpass
All times
Between Inman Avenue and a point 990 feet east thereof
Baker Street
All times
Between Worth Street and Winter Street
Benjamin Avenue
All times
Between Berkeley Boulevard and a point 125 feet north of the northerly curbface of Green Street (CR#604)
Benjamin Avenue
All times
Between Grand Street and a point 85 feet south of the southerly curbface of Green Street (CR#604)
Berry Street
All times
Between Gordon Street to a point 35 feet northerly therefrom
Berry Street
All times
Beginning at a point 195 feet north of the northerly curbline of Gordon Street to Main Street
Blair Road
All times
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the boundary line of the Borough of Carteret
Blair Road
All times
Between Randolph Avenue and Markley Street
Blair Road
All times
Between Markley Street and a point 100 feet south thereof
Blair Road
All times
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of North Grand Avenue to a point 35 feet south of North Grand Avenue
Blair Road
All times
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of Langford Street south to Second Avenue
Blandford Avenue
All times
Entire length
Brandywine Road
All times
Between the easterly curbline of De Grasse Street and a point 350 feet easterly thereof
Brook Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-64]
Caroline Place
[Ord. #2015-59]
All times
From West Willow Street to a point 50 feet north thereof
Carrol Avenue
All times
Between Ridgedale Avenue and the westernmost termination of Carrol Avenue
Cavour Street
All times
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) to a point 100 feet north of the northerly curbline of Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Claremont Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2015-44]
Cleveland Avenue
All times
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and a point 100 feet south of the southerly curbline of Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Coddington Avenue
All times
Entire length
Colonia Boulevard
All times
Between Bramhall Road and a point 50 feet south thereof
Correja Avenue
All times
Between a point 190 feet south of the southerly curbline of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and a point 85 feet north of the northerly curbline of Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Correja Avenue
All times
Between Silser Avenue to the south to La Guardia Avenue to the north
Corrielle Street
All times
Beginning 100 feet from the northerly curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Crows Mill Road
All times
Between relocated Smith Street (CR#656) and Old Smith Street
Crows Mill Road
All times
Between the southerly curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 200 feet south thereof
Crows Mill Road
All times
Between the southerly curbline of relocated Smith Street (CR#656) and a point 220 feet south thereof
Crows Mill Road
All times
From the northerly curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR #616) to a point 105 feet north thereof
Crows Mill Road
All times
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Daniel Street
All times
From Port Reading Avenue to a point 115 feet north
Dino Drive
All times
Between the southerly curbline of Judy Drive and a point 400 feet south therefrom
Dow Avenue
All times
From a point 200 feet south of the intersection of Coakley Street to a point 200 feet south of the intersection of Coakley Street
Dow Avenue
All Times
Between Wright Street and Vernam Street
East Coddington Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and the easterly termination of the roadway
East Coddington Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Blanford Avenue
East Edward Street
All times
Between Route US 1 and Route US 9
East Green Street
All times
From Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to a point 100 feet east of the easterly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
East Green Street
All times
From Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to a point 80 feet east of the easterly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
East Park Avenue
All times
Between School Street and a point 150 feet east thereof
East Smith Street
All times
Between the northerly curbline of Albert Street and a point 100 feet north thereof
East Tappen Street
All times
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and East Third Street
Edward Street
All times
Between Route US 1 and Montague Avenue
Elizabeth Avenue
All times
Between a point 140 feet north of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 90 feet south of Green Street (CR#604)
Elizabeth Avenue
All times
Between a point 130 feet north of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 85 feet south of Green Street (CR#604)
Connector Road "B"
All times
Between Austin Avenue and Montague Avenue termination of the roadway
Florida Grove Road
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 500 feet west thereof
Florida Grove Road
All times
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR# 616) and the southerly most termination of the roadway
Ford Avenue
All times
Between Ethel Street and Wall Street
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
All times
Between the northerly curbline of Wildwood Avenue and a point 150 feet north therefrom
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
All times
Between the southerly curbline of Wildwood Avenue and a point 130 feet south therefrom
Freeman Street
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 70 feet west of the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Freeman Street
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 125 feet west of the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Frontage Road
All times
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and Florida Grove Road (CR#655) (including the safety aisle)
Grace Street
All times
Beginning 235 feet from the southerly curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to the southerly termination of the roadway
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between a point 180 feet east of Elizabeth Avenue and a point 150 feet west of Elizabeth Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between a point 180 feet east of Worth Street and a point 200 feet west of Worth Street
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between a point 100 feet west of Benjamin Avenue to a point 285 feet east thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 125 feet east thereof
Green Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-25]
All times, Monday - Friday
Northbound side from Rahway Avenue to a point 440 feet west from the westerly curbline
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Beginning at the west curbline of Bloomfield Avenue to a point 50 feet west thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between a point 135 feet east of Worth Street and a point 200 feet west of Worth Street
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between Berkley Court and a point 45 feet west of the westerly curbline of Benjamin Avenue and between Elmhurst Avenue and a point 30 feet east of Elmhurst Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between Lyman Avenue and Mobile Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
Between Lyman Avenue and Route US 9
Green Street (CR#604)
All times
From Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to a point 195 feet west of the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Green Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-25]
All times, Monday - Friday
Southbound side from Pearl Street to a point 260 feet east of the easterly curbline
Green Street
All times
Between Middlesex-Essex Turnpike and Cooper Avenue
[Ord. # 14-39]
Hanson Avenue
All times
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and the northerlymost termination of Hanson Avenue
Highland Avenue
Between Smith Street and Oakland Avenue
Highway 27
Between Wood Avenue and Oak Tree Road
Homestead Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 90 feet west thereof
Homestead Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 130 feet east thereof
Hoy Avenue
All times
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Hyatt Street
All times
Between Route US 1 northbound and Jansen Avenue
Ida Way
All times
Entire length
Ida Way
All times
Beginning 35 feet north of Florida Grove Road (CR#655) to a point 72 feet north thereof and 160 feet north thereof to the north terminus
Industrial Highway (CR#656)
All times
Beginning at Clearview Avenue to a point 915 feet east thereof
Industrial Highway
All times
Beginning at Clearview Avenue to a point 1,465 feet east thereof
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
Between a point 250 feet east of Jordan Road and a point 150 feet west of Jordan Road
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
Between North Pennsylvania Avenue and Conduit Way
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
From the municipal boundary with the Township of Edison to a point 200 feet east
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
Between a point 140 feet west of Jordan Road and Amherst Avenue
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
Between Broadway Avenue and a point opposite Conduit Way
Inman Avenue (CR#602)
All times
From Wood Avenue (CR#649) to a point 100 feet east of the easterly curbline of Wood Avenue (CR#649)
Isabelle Street
All times
Between the Edison Township border and a point 100 feet north thereof
Jansen Avenue
All times
Between Avenel Street and Hyatt Street
Jordan Road
All times
Between a point 140 feet north of Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Amherst Avenue
Judy Drive
All times
Between Smith Street (CR#656) and a point 100 feet north thereof
Judy Drive
All times
Between Glenn Drive and Dino Drive
Kevin Place
All times
Between Outlook Avenue and Fairview Avenue
King George's Post Road
All times
From Amboy Avenue to a point 190 feet northeast of the northeasterly curbline west of Amboy Avenue
King George's Post Road
All times
From New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to a point 200 feet northeast of the northeasterly east curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
King George's Post Road
All times
Between Third Avenue and Mary Avenue
King George's Post Road
All times
From New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to a point 290 feet southwest of the east southwesterly curbline of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
Lafayette Road
All times
Between Route US 1 south and the border of the Township of Edison
La Guardia Avenue
All times
Beginning 125 feet from the westerly curbline of Correja Avenue to a point 285 feet west thereof
Lake Avenue
All times
Between Dukes Road and Beechwood Road
Larson Road
All times
Between Route US 9 and Green Street (CR#604) and East Edward Street
Liberty Street
All times
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 90 feet north thereof
Linden Street
All times
Between Mary Avenue and Woodview Avenue
Long Hill Road
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 250 feet west thereof
Long Hill Road
All times
Between North Hill Road and the westerlymost termination of the roadway
Long Hill Road
All times
Between McFarlane Drive and the westerlymost termination of the roadway
Longview Circle
All times
Between Corey Street and Warner Street
Lord Street
All times
Between a point 110 feet east of Minna Avenue and Route US 1
Lucille Drive
All times
Between Florida Grove Road (CR#655) and Judy Drive
Lyman Avenue
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and the southerly most termination of the roadway
Magnolia Road
All times
Between Maple Road and Holly Road
Magnolia Road
All times
Between South Walnut Avenue and Maple Road
Main Street
All times
Between Oak Avenue and Route US 9
Main Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-25]
All times, Monday - Friday
Northbound side from Pearl Street to a point 220 feet eastbound
Main Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-25]
All times, Monday - Friday
Southbound side from Fulton Street to Eleanor Place
Main Street
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-72]
All Times
Northbound side between Poillon Street to Eleanor Place
Main Street
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-72]
All Times
Southbound side between Eleanor Place to Berry Street
Mary Avenue
All times
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Pittman Avenue
Mattison Avenue
All times
Beginning at a point 129 feet south of Main Street to a point 15 feet south thereof
[Ord. # 14-25]
Mereline Avenue
All times
Entire length
Metuchen Avenue
All times
Beginning at the intersection of Main Street (CR#514) to a point 100 feet north thereof
Middlesex Avenue
All times
Beginning 45 feet south of Harding Avenue to a point 100 feet south thereof
Middlesex Avenue
All times
Beginning at a point 35 feet south of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) to a point 200 feet thereof
Middlesex Avenue
All times
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and Wilus Way
Middlesex Avenue
All times
Between Oak Tree Road and Harding Avenue
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
All times
Between Gill Lane and Kiva Street
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Merrill Park
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
All times
Between Wood Avenue (CR#649) and Gill Lane
Mileed Way
All times
Between the north curbline of Randolph Avenue and a point 1,085 feet north thereof
Montague Avenue
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Edward Street
Montague Avenue
All times
From Green Street (CR#604) beginning at the southeast and southwest curbline of Montague Avenue and extending to a point 135 feet south thereof
Murdock Street
All times
Between Ford Avenue (CR#648) and a point 300 feet west thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
Between Crows Mill Road and Voorhees Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
All times
Between the westerly curbline of Crows Mill Road to a point 150 feet west thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
From King George's Post Road (CR#501) to a point 45 feet southeast of the southeasterly east curbline of King George's Post Road (CR#501)
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
Between Crows Mill Road and Grace Street
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
From King George's Post Road (CR#501) to a point 60 feet southeast of the southeasterly west curbline of King George's Post Road (CR#501)
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
Beginning at King George's Post Road (CR#501) to a point 136 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
Beginning 190 feet east of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point 32 1/2 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
All times
Between Erin Avenue and Emmet Avenue
New Dover Road
All times
Between Harrow Drive and Middlesex Avenue
New Dover Road
All times
Between Wood Avenue (CR#649) and a point 235 feet easterly from the easterly curbline of Wood Avenue (CR#649)
New Dover Road
All times
Between Wood Avenue (CR#649) and a point 190 feet easterly from the easterly curbline of Wood Avenue (CR#649)
New Dover Road
All times
From the easterly curbline of Meredith Road to a point 165 feet east therefrom
New Street
All times
Beginning 100 feet south of Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue) to a point 350 feet south thereof
North Inman Avenue
All times
Between Route US 1 and 400 feet east of Douglas Avenue
North James Street
All times
Between 135 feet from the southwesterly curbline of Pearl Street and a point 75 feet west thereof
North James Street
All times
Beginning 100 feet east of School Street to a point 100 feet east thereof
North Park Drive
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and Elmwood Avenue
North Park Drive
All times
Between School Street and East Park Avenue
Norwood Avenue
All times
Beginning 180 feet West of Adelaide Avenue to the westerly termination of Norwood Avenue
Oak Tree Road
All times
Between a point 120 feet west of the westerly curbline of Correja Avenue and a point 95 feet east of the easterly curbline of Correja Avenue
Oakwood Avenue
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Route US 9
Old Road
All times
Between Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) and South Robert Street
Old Road
All times
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Wesley Place
Old Road
All times
From Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) to West Avenue (CR#611)
Omar Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Blair Road
Paddock Street
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and the westerly terminus of Paddock Street
Peach Street
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and Portal Place
Pennsylvania Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2015-44]
Pennsylvania Avenue
[Ord. #2015-44]
All times
Between Archangela Avenue and a point 50 feet south
Pine Tree Drive
All times
Between Longfellow Drive and Country Club Drive (southbound)
Pine Tree Drive
All times
Between Longfellow Drive and Country Club Drive (parkway buffer zone) area
Pine Tree Drive
All times
Between Longfellow Drive and Country Club Drive (northbound)
Poillon Street
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and the westerly termination of Poillon Street
Portal Place
All times
Between Woodbine Avenue and Peach Street
Port Reading Avenue
All times
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Alden Street
Port Reading Avenue
All times
Beginning at a point 120 feet west of Milos Way to a point 50 feet west of Old Road
Port Reading Avenue
All times
Between Second Avenue and a point 35 feet west of Third Avenue (Blair Road Extension)
Port Reading Avenue
All times
Between a point 35 feet east of Fourth Avenue to East Fifth Avenue (Blair Road Extension)
Port Reading Avenue
All times
Between West Avenue and Marion Street
Prospect Avenue
All times
Beginning 200 feet south of Smith Street to a point 100 feet south thereof
Pump Station Way
All times
Between Mileed Way and the most westerly termination of Pump Station Way
Quality Road
All times
Between Route US 1 and Green Street (CR#604)
Queens Road
All times
Between Route US 9 and Green Street (CR#604)
Radcliff Road
All times
Between Old Road and a point 115 feet east thereof
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between Homestead Avenue and a point 150 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
All times
Between a point 330 feet south of the southerly curbline of Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 285 feet north of the southerly curbline of Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
All times
Between Homestead Avenue and a point 100 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
All times
From Randolph Avenue to a point 300 feet south of the southerly curbline of Randolph Avenue
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between a point 250 feet south of Wedgewood Avenue and a point 60 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between a point 295 feet south of the southerly curbline of Freeman Street and a point 170 feet north of the southerly curbline of Freeman Street
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between Homestead Avenue and a point 150 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between a point 210 feet south of the south curbline of Crampton Avenue to a point 85 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
All times
Between Prospect Avenue and Craske Street
Rahway Avenue
All times
From a point 130 feet south of the southerly curbline of Nielson Street to a point 350 feet south of the northerly curbline of Green Street (CR#604)
Rahway Avenue
All times
From the municipal boundary with the City of Rahway to a point 270 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
From Randolph Avenue to a point 710 feet south
Randolph Avenue
All times
From Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to a point 155 feet east of the easterly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Roanoke Street
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and Hudson Boulevard
Rogers Street
All times
Between Route US 1 and Leesville Avenue
Ronson Road
All times
Entire length
Ross Street
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 220 feet east thereof
St. Joseph Street
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and St. Joseph Terrace
School Street
All times
Between North Park Drive and East Park Avenue
Semel Avenue
All times
Between a point 32 feet south of the southernmost curbline of West Louis Place and a point 100 feet south thereof
Smith Street-Smith Street (CR#656)
All times
Between a point 150 feet east of Crows Mill Road and a point 175 feet west of (relocated) Crows Mill Road
Smith Street-Smith Street (CR#656)
All times
Between a point 150 feet east of Crows Mill Road and a point 150 feet west of (relocated) Crows Mill Road
South Fulton Street
All times
Between Cutters Dock Road and Ruddy Place
South Park Drive
All times
Between School Street and the Board of Education property
South Pine Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-45]
Sycamore Road
All times
Between Cambridge Drive and the northerlymost termination of Sycamore Road
Thayer Avenue
All times
Entire length
Turner Street
All times
Between Seventh Street and Camelot Drive
Vernam Street
All times
Between Middlesex Avenue and Auth Avenue
Warner Street
All times
Between Longview Circle and a point 200 feet west thereof
West Avenue
All times
From a point 450 feet south of the southerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) to a point 250 feet north of the northerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
West Avenue
All times
Between Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) and South Robert Street
West Avenue
All times
From Old Road to a point 320 feet north of the northerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
West Kelly Street
All times
Entire length
West Park Avenue
All times
Between Avenel Street and a point 120 feet southerly from the southerly curbline of Avenel Street
West Park Avenue
All times
Between Avenel Street and a point 115 feet southerly from the southerly curbline of Avenel Street
West Willow Street
[Ord. #2015-59]
All times
Between Delaware Avenue and Caroline Place
Willow Avenue
All times
Between the northerly curbline of Wood Avenue (CR#649) and a point 150 feet north thereof
Wood Avenue
All times
From Barry Place to the north of New Dover Road to West Edward Street to the south of New Dover Road
Wood Avenue
All times
From Inman Avenue (CR#602) to a point 175 feet south of the southerly curbline of Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Wood Avenue
All times
Between the northeasterly curbline of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) to a point 350 feet north thereof
Wood Avenue
All times
Between Route NJ 27 and Middlesex- Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Wood Avenue
All times
Between Route NJ 27 and Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Wood Avenue South (CR#649)
All times
Between Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and the southerly termination of Wood Avenue South (CR#649)
Woodbine Avenue
All times
Between the easterly curbline of Route NJ 35 to a point 150 feet easterly thereof
Woodbine Avenue
All times
Between Route NJ 35 and Portal Place
Woodbine Avenue
All times
Between a point 500 feet west of Leesville Avenue and a point 325 feet west thereof
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
All times
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and Old Road
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
All times
From West Avenue (CR#611) to a point 60 feet east of the easterly curbline of West Avenue (CR#611)
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
All times
From West Avenue (CR#611) to a point 75 feet east of the easterly curbline of West Avenue (CR#611)
Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646)
All times
Between a point 300 feet west of the westerly curbline of the westerly driveway and a point 200 feet east of the easterly curbline of the easterly driveway
Worth Street
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and the southerly terminus of Worth Street
Worth Street
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 110 feet south thereof
Worth Street
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Concord Road
Worth Street
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 100 feet south thereof
Worth Street
All times
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 105 feet north thereof
Wright Street
All times
Between Auth Avenue and Dow Avenue
[Added 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
No vehicle with a manufacturer gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of eight (8) tons or higher shall park on any of the streets listed in Section 7- 11 of the Revised Ordinances of the Township of Woodbridge. Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate this subsection, upon conviction, shall be liable to a fine of up to five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each violation and each day that a violation continues shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense. The person, or a representative of the firm or corporation who violates this section shall be required to appear in the Municipal Court for the determination of the penalty by the Court.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #05-69; Ord. #05-92; Ord. #06-27; Ord. #06-28; Ord. #06-49; Ord. #06-70; Ord. #08-09; Ord. #08-53; Ord. #08-54; Ord. #09-19; Ord. #09-36; Ord. #09-92; Ord. #10-01; Ord. #11-31; Ord. #13-52; Ord. # 14-32; Ord. #2015-45; Ord. #2016-01; Ord. No. 2016-65; Ord. No. 2017-87; Ord. No. 2017-109; Ord. No. 2017-130; Ord. No. 2018-41; Ord. No. 2018-66. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit between the hours listed on any day upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Time Limit
Amherst Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and a point 190 feet south thereof
Archangela Avenue
[Ord. #2015-45]
30 min.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (School days only)
Between Cavour Street and N. Pennsylvania Avenue
Avenel Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 90 feet east of Fifth Avenue and Livingston Avenue
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Beginning 135 feet from the westerly curbline of Manhattan Avenue to Wolfe Place
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between East Pennsylvania Avenue and East Side Avenue
Avenel Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-109]
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 285 feet east of East Pennsylvania Avenue and a point 275 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between East Pennsylvania Avenue and a point 125 feet west thereof
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between West Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue
Avenel Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Beginning 95 feet from the easterly curbline of East Pennsylvania Avenue to Wolfe Place
Avenel Street
15 min.
All times
Between a point 175 feet east of East Pennsylvania Avenue and a point 110 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Between Minna Avenue to a point 140 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
[Ord. No. 2017-130]
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays)
Between Minna Avenue and 65 feet west thereof
Barron Avenue
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Every day
Beginning at Green Street to a point 250 feet north
Barron Avenue
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
Beginning 295 feet from the southwesterly curbline of Grove Avenue to Green Street
Bird Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between the Garden State Parkway and Middlesex Avenue
Brook Street
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-80]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From School Street to Pearl Street
Brook Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-65]
Claremont Avenue
[Ord. #2015-45]
30 min.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (School days only)
Beginning at a point 470 feet south of Stanford Avenue to a point 215 feet south thereof
Correja Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 250 feet south of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and Bird Avenue
Correja Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-87]
30 minute
10:00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m.
From Fiat Avenue to Sonora Avenue
Corrielle Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except Sundays and holidays)
Between a point 50 feet north of New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 50 feet north thereof
Crampton Avenue
2 hours
All times
Beginning at a point 50 feet east of Rahway Avenue to a point 35 feet east thereof
Crampton Avenue
2 hours
All times
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of Rahway Avenue to a point 85 feet east thereof
Cypress Drive
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays
The west intersection of Inman Avenue to a point 250 feet north thereof
East Pennsylvania Avenue (Avenel)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-41]
Edgar Street
[Ord. #13-52]
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Beginning at Amboy Avenue to a point 160 feet west thereof
Eleanor Place
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Lillian Terrace
Eleanor Place
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 250 feet south of the southerly curbline of Main Street (CR#514)
Eleanor Place
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
Starting 200 feet south of Main Street to Jean Court
Elm Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Holly Road and the easterly termination of Elm Avenue
Florida Grove Road
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except Sundays or holidays)
Between Frontage Road and Luther Avenue (300 feet south of Luther Avenue)
Green Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 320 feet west of Benjamin Avenue and a point 680 feet west thereof
Green Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Elmhurst Avenue and Ridgeley Avenue
Green Street
30 minutes
All times
Beginning at a point 60 feet west of the west curbline of Benjamin Avenue to a point 42 feet west thereof
Grenville Street
15 minutes
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., School days
From Route 35 to Manor Place
Grove Street
15 minutes
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., School days
From Route 35 to Manor Place
Grove Street
[Added 11-1-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-72]
1 hour
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.,
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
From Manor Avenue eastbound to Amboy Avenue
Harding Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Correja Avenue and the Garden State Parkway
Harding Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Correja Avenue and Middlesex Avenue
Harding Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 190 feet west of Middlesex Avenue and Correja Avenue
Holly Road
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Wood Avenue (CR# 649) and the northerly termination of Holly Road
Inman Avenue
(For School #21)
[Ord. #2016-01]
30 Minutes
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. School Days Only
Beginning at Cypress Drive to a point 190 feet east thereof
Inman Avenue
(For School #21)
[Ord. #2016-01]
30 Minutes
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. School Days Only
Beginning at Thelma Court to a point 250 feet west thereof
Leesville Avenue
45 min.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Beginning at a point 295 feet south of Woodbine Avenue to a point 250 feet south thereof
Liberty Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Beginning 50 feet from the northerly curbline of King George's Post Road (CR# 501) to a point 260 feet north therefrom
Lord Street
1 hour
Beginning at a point 140 feet east of Minna Avenue to Route 1
Luther Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Florida Grove Road (CR#655) and South Charles Street
Main Street
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Thursday and Saturday; 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Amboy Avenue
Main Street
15 min.
All times
Between a point 160 feet west of Pearl Street and a point 50 feet west thereof
Manhattan Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday
Between Avenel Street and George Avenue
Marconi Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-08; Ord. No. 2024-22]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday thru Saturday
From Oak Tree Road to LaGuardia Avenue
Middlesex Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday
Beginning at a point 35 feet west of Route NJ 27 to a point 35 feet east of Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Middlesex Avenue (Woodbridge)
15 min.
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday
Beginning 35 feet from the easterly curbline of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) to a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Harding Avenue
Middlesex Avenue
15 min.
All times
Between a point 110 feet north of Route NJ 27 and a point 70 feet north thereof
Middlesex Avenue
15 min.
All times
Between La Guardia Avenue and a point 105 feet south thereof
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
15 min.
All times
Between Kiva Street and a point 235 feet north thereof
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
[Ord. No. 2022-76]
30 min.
All times
From Gill Lane to Kiva Street
Morton Place
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Fairview Avenue (south of New Dover Road) and South Middlesex Avenue
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Corrielle Street and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Crows Mill Road and South Brook Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Egan Avenue and Corrielle Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Hornsby Street and Hoy Avenue
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Hoy Avenue and Egan Avenue
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between South Brook Street and Hornsby Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Hornsby Street and Lillian Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and Raymond Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Lillian Street and South Louis Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Ling Street and Paul Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Paul Street and Ryan Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Raymond Street and Ling Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday
Between Ryan Street and William Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between South Louis Street and Grace Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday
Between William Street and Hornsby Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
15 min.
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday
Between a point 75 feet east of the east curbline of Ryan Street to a point 50 feet east thereof
Nielson Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
From Rahway Avenue to a point 200 feet west thereof
North James Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. thru 6:00 p.m., Monday to Sunday
Between a point 35 feet east of School Street and a point 225 feet east thereof
North James Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday (except holidays)
Beginning at a point 50 feet east of School Street to a point 35 feet east thereof
[Ord. # 14-32]
North Laurel Avenue (Iselin)
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Between Elm Avenue and Magnolia Road
North Smith Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-41]
North William Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and New Street
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 85 feet west of Middlesex Avenue and Marconi Avenue
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 50 feet west of Marconi Avenue and a point 45 feet east of Correja Avenue
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 55 feet west of Plymouth Drive and Wood Avenue (CR#649)
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 90 feet west of Correja Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20]
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 85 feet east of Correja Avenue and Middlesex Avenue
Oak Tree Road
[Amended Ord. No. 2023-52; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20
3 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday;
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between a point 120 feet west of Correja Avenue and a point 510 feet west thereof
Pearl Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Between Main Street and Brook Street
Pearl Street
15 min.
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Between Brook Street and East Park Avenue
Pearl Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Between East Park Avenue and Green Street
Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
1 hour
24 hours a day Monday thru Sunday
Between Lee Street and 100 feet west of B Street
Port Reading Avenue
2 hours
All times
Between Marion Street and the boundary line of Carteret
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday (except holidays)
Between East Green Street and Poillon Street
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Between a point 50 feet north of East Grove Avenue and a point 45 feet south of Martin Terrace
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (except holidays)
Beginning at a point 105 feet south of the south curbline of Crampton Avenue to a point 105 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday (except holidays)
Between a point 25 feet south of the south curbline of Craske Street to a point 25 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
15 minutes
All times
Between Yale Avenue and Lehigh Avenue
School Street
2 hours
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Thursday and Saturday; 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Brook Street
Silzer Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Correja Avenue and the Garden State Parkway
Sonora Avenue
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Marconi Avenue and a point 160 feet east thereof
South Inman Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-66]
30 minutes
5:00 am till 5:00 p.m.
From Avenel Street to Clark Place
Van Buren Street
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Route NJ 35 and East Washington Avenue
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
1 hour
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between a point 60 feet west of Sewaren Avenue and a point 50 feet east of Sherman Street
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-23]
No person shall cause or permit to be parked any motor vehicle upon any street between the specified hours and days described.
Name of Street
Hours and Days
Main Street (CR#514)
3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Between Amboy Avenue and Pearl Street
Main Street (CR#514)
3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday
Between Amboy Avenue and Fulton Street
Oak Tree Road
5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on Mondays (except holidays) April through December
Between Middlesex Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-24; Ord. #04-46; Ord. #04-66; Ord. #04-67; Ord. #04-68; Ord. #05-09; Ord. #05-10; Ord. #05-36; Ord. #05-38; Ord. #05-72; Ord. #05-77; Ord. #06-18; Ord. #09-10; Ord. #09-47; Ord. #10-53; Ord. #11-37; Ord. #11-38; Ord. #11-65; Ord. #13-27; Ord. #13-56; Ord. #2015-46; Ord. No. 2016-65; Ord. No. 2017-52; Ord. No. 2017-116; Ord. No. 2018-22; Ord. No. 21-45; Ord. No. 2022-25]
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any streets or parts thereof described.
Name of Street
Adams Street
Between Plymouth Drive and Bradford Place
Albert Street
Between Fulton Street and Route NJ 35
Albert Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 100 feet east thereof
Alice Place
Between East Grove Avenue and Martin Terrace
Amherst Avenue
Between Sterling Drive and Neptune Place
Arlington Drive
Between Glenwood Terrace and Milfran Place
Ashton Court
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Mereline Avenue
Augustus Street
Between Albert Street and Spring Street
Auth Avenue
Between Wilus Way and Route NJ 27
Avenel Street
Between Jansen Avenue and Route US 1
Avenel Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 125 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 150 feet west thereof
Avenel Street
Between the east curbline of Ella Avenue and a point 75 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
[Repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-47]
Avenel Street
Between Manhattan Avenue and a point 135 feet west thereof
Avenel Street
Between East Pennsylvania Avenue and a point 95 feet east thereof
Avenel Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 200 feet west thereof
Avenel Street
[Ord. No. 2017-116]
From Manhattan Avenue to E. Pennsylvania Avenue
Avenel Street
[Ord. No. 2017-116]
From Wolfe Place to a point 135 feet westbound
Beech Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and Grover Street
Bergen Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 160 feet west thereof
Bergen Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 150 feet west thereof
Berkley Boulevard
Between Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and Cooper Avenue
Berkley Boulevard
Between Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and a point 75 feet east thereof
Berry Street (CR#652)
Between Moore Avenue and a point 220 feet north thereof
Berry Street (CR#652)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Gordon Street
Bradford Place
Between Plymouth Drive and a point 460 feet east thereof
Bradford Place
Between Adams Street and a point 140 feet north thereof
Bradford Place
Between Adams Street and a point 130 feet north thereof
Brook Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-65]
Brown Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and the southerly termination of Brown Avenue
Bunns Lane
[Ord. No. 2022-25]
Between Route NJ 9 and Route NJ 35
Bunns Lane
[Deleted Ord. No. 2022-25]
Editor's Note: See § 7-15, Parking Prohibited Certain Times on Certain Streets, for Bunns Lane parking restrictions on the north side.
Burnett Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 65 feet west thereof
Burnham Drive
Between Ford Avenue (CR#648) and Hickock Street
Butler Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Crystal Avenue
Caroline Place
Between Westminister Road and West Willow Street
Caroline Street
Between Fulton Street and East Smith Street
Carrol Avenue
Between Ridgedale Avenue and a point 150 feet west thereof
Chain O'Hills Road
Between Green Street (CR#604) and New Dover Road
Chain O'Hills Road
Between Maplewood Avenue and a point 500 feet east thereof
Chain O'Hills Road
Between Route NJ 35 and East Hill Road
Chain O'Hills Road
Between Route NJ 35 and Dover Road
Claire Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 60 feet east thereof
Claire Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 50 feet east thereof
Claremont Avenue
[Ord. #2015-46]
Beginning at Stanford Avenue to a point 245 feet south thereof
Cliff Road
Between Debra Place and the northerly termination of Cliff Road
Cliff Road
Between East Avenue and the southerly termination of Cliff Road
Clinton Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 60 feet west thereof
Clum Avenue
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 170 feet south thereof
Clum Avenue
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 125 feet south thereof
Clyde Avenue
Beginning at a point 225 feet west of Mary Fee Lane to a point 170 feet west thereof
Coddington Avenue
Between Florida Grove Road (CR#655) and the westerly termination of Coddington Avenue
Coley Street
Between Fulton Street and a point 45 feet west thereof
Coley Street
Between East Smith Street and Fulton Street
Colonia Boulevard
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-60]
Beginning 375 feet eastbound from the corner of Dogwood Lane and extending to a point 380 feet westbound from the corner of Sandalwood Lane
Colonia Boulevard
Between Sandalwood Lane and Dogwood Lane
Colonia Boulevard
Between New Dover Road and the boundary line of Rahway
Colonia Boulevard
Between a point 720 feet south of Prospect Lane and a point 425 feet south thereof
Columbus Avenue
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Grove Street
Cooper Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Berkley Boulevard
Cooper Avenue
Between West Indiana Avenue and a point 235 feet north thereof
Cornell Street
From the dead end to a point 50 feet south
Correja Avenue
Between a point 95 feet north of Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and a point 250 feet south of Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Correja Avenue
Between Route NJ 27 and Bird Avenue
Correja Avenue
Between Route NJ 27 and Sonora Avenue
Corrielle Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 60 feet north thereof
Cragwood Road
Between Randolph Avenue and Englehard Avenue
Crows Mill Road
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 300 feet south thereof
Crows Mill Road
Between a point 180 feet north of Stephens Avenue and a point 80 feet north thereof
Crows Mill Road
Between the south curbline of relocated Smith Street (CR#656) and the southerly termination of Crows Mill Road
Crows Mill Road
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 60 feet north thereof
Decker Place
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 55 feet west thereof
Decker Place
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 85 feet west thereof
Delaware Avenue
Between Inman Avenue and West Walnut Street
Dunham Place
Between Route NJ 35 and Linden Avenue
East Avenue
Beginning 80 feet north of the northerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue to a point 70 feet north thereof
East Essex Avenue
Between the south curbline of Homestead Avenue and a point 380 feet south thereof
East Essex Avenue
Entire length
East Fifth Avenue
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 185 feet north thereof
East Green Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 55 feet east thereof
East Grove Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 60 feet west thereof
East Hill Road
Between Chain O'Hills Road and Longhill Road
East Side Avenue
Between Avenel Street and East Pennsylvania Avenue
East Side Avenue
Between Avenel Street and East Pennsylvania Avenue
East Smith Street
Between Albert Street and Second Street
East Tappen Street
Between Fourth Street and Dawn Drive
East Tappen Street
Between East Third Street and Fourth Street
Edgar Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Elmwood Avenue
Eleanor Place
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 100 feet south thereof
Elizabeth Avenue
Between a point 90 feet south of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 125 feet south thereof
Elizabeth Avenue
Between a point 85 feet south of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 125 feet south thereof
Elizabeth Avenue
Between a point 360 feet south of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 400 feet south thereof
Elmhurst Avenue
Between West Indiana Avenue and a point 125 feet north thereof
Elmhurst Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 100 feet south thereof
Elmwood Avenue
Between the north curbline of Main Street to a point 167 feet north thereof
Englehard Avenue
Between Blair Road and termination of roadway
Fairfield Avenue
Between King Georges Road (CR#501) and Cliff Avenue
Fairview Avenue
Between New Dover Road and a point 350 feet south thereof
Florida Grove Road
Between Smith Street (CR#656) and the northerly termination of Florida Grove Road (CR#655)
Florida Grove Road
Between a point 500 feet west of Route NJ 35 and Coddington Avenue
Florida Grove Road
Between Route NJ 440 and a point 250 feet south thereof
Florida Grove Road
Between Worden Avenue and a point 60 feet south thereof
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between Ethel Street and Route US 1
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between Jackson Court and the boundary line of Edison
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between Route US 1 and a point 400 feet south of Arlington Drive
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between a point 450 feet north of Overlook Terrace and a point 150 feet south of Main Street (CR#514)
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between Burnham Drive and a point 120 feet north of Denman Drive
Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Between Route US 1 and Webb Drive
Freeman Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 45 feet west thereof
Freeman Street
Between Ellis Place and a point 50 feet east thereof
Freeman Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 50 feet west thereof
Fulton Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 185 feet south of Second Street
Fulton Street
[Ord. No. 2017-116]
Between Main Street (CR #514) and a point 185 feet south of Second Street
Gill Lane
Between Route US 1 and Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
George Frederick Plaza
Between Route NJ 35 and the easterly termination of George Frederick Plaza
Grace Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 235 feet south thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Nimitz Place and a point 200 feet west of Worth Street
Green Street (CR#604)
Between a point 770 feet west of Benjamin Avenue and a point 200 feet west thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Barron Avenue and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Route US 1 and a point 50 feet west of Universal Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Lyman Avenue and Route US 9
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Pearl Street and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Route NJ 27 and Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Green Street (CR#604)
Between a point 95 feet east of Route NJ 27 and a point 100 feet east of Cooper Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
Between a point 145 feet east of Elizabeth Avenue and a point 150 feet east thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Berkley Court and Indiana Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Dundee Avenue and a point 50 feet east thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Route US 1 and a point 135 feet east of Worth Street
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Pearl Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 225 feet west thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
Between School Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Green Street Extension
Between northerly curbline of Green Street (CR#604) and a point 250 feet west thereof
Grenville Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 75 feet west thereof
Grove Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 95 feet east thereof
Grove Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Columbus Avenue
Grove Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 125 feet west thereof
Harding Avenue
Between a point 70 feet west of Middlesex Avenue and a point 120 feet west thereof
Harding Avenue
Beginning at a point 25 feet west of Middlesex Avenue to a point 217 feet west thereof
Hart Street
Between Randolph Avenue and a point 100 feet south thereof
Highland Avenue
Between the north curbline of Smith Street (CR#656) and a point 65 feet north thereof
Hillcrest Avenue
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and LaGuardia Avenue
Hoover Way
Between King Georges Road and westerly dead end at the New Jersey Turnpike Service Road
Howell Avenue
Between Main Street (CR#514) and the northerly termination of Howell Avenue
Hoy Avenue
Between King George's Road (CR#501) and a point 110 feet south thereof
Hoy Avenue
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 125 feet north thereof
Hyatt Street
Between Route US 1 and Minna Avenue
Inman Avenue
From Wood Avenue to a point 300 feet east thereof
Inman Avenue
From Kimberly Drive to the Rahway City border
Ira Avenue
Between Jeffrey Road and the easterly termination of Ira Avenue
Jansen Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Route US 1
Jansen Avenue
Between Lord Street and Avenel Street
Jordan Road
Between a point 140 feet north of Inman Avenue (CR#602) and a point 125 feet north thereof
King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Between Route US 9 and Route No. 440 within corporate limits
King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Between Third Street and New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Between Garden State Parkway and Mary Avenue
King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 175 feet east of Hoy Avenue
King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Between Clum Street and Crows Mill Road
Kohl Avenue
Entire length
LaGuardia Avenue
Between Middlesex Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue
Lancaster Road
Between Lake Avenue and a point 900 feet west thereof
Laurel Street
Between a point 410 feet south of Richard Avenue and the southerly termination of Laurel Street
Leesville Avenue
Between Route 1 and a point 25 feet north of the north curbline of Prospect Avenue
Leesville Avenue
Beginning at a point 250 feet north of the northern curbline of Prospect Avenue to a point 425 feet north thereof
Leesville Avenue
Beginning at a point 625 feet north of the northern curbline of Prospect Avenue to the intersection of Elliot Street
Leesville Avenue
Entire length
Liberty Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and Koyen Street
Liberty Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 105 feet south thereof
Liberty Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 100 feet north thereof
Lillian Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 60 feet south thereof
Ling Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 60 feet south thereof
Mac Lane
Entire length
Magnolia Road
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and Holly Road
Magnolia Road
Between Route NJ 27 and South Walnut Avenue
Magnolia Road
Between Route NJ 27 and North Laurel Avenue
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Route US 9 and the boundary of Edison
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Metuchen Avenue and a point 50 feet west thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Metuchen Avenue and a point 135 feet east thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Pearl Street and a point 45 feet west thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 100 feet west thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between a point 160 feet west of Fulton Street and a point 45 feet west thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Berry Street (CR#652) and a point 275 feet west thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 185 feet east thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 335 feet west thereof
Manning Street
Between School Street and a point 100 feet east thereof
Marconi Avenue
[Repealed 7-9-2019 by Ord. No. 19-80]
Markley Street
Between Blair Road and the westerly termination of Markley Street, including cul-de-sac
Mary Avenue
Between the west curbline of King Georges Post Road (CR#501) and a point 150 feet north thereof
Maryknoll Road
Between Hudson Street and westerly termination of Maryknoll Road
Mattison Avenue
Between Main Street and Grove Street
Mawbey Street
Between South Lincoln Avenue and East Washington Avenue
May Street
Between South Charles Street and a point 85 feet east thereof
May Street
Between South Charles Street and a point 100 feet east thereof
McKinley Avenue
Between North High Street and the southerly termination of McKinley Avenue
Mercury Avenue
Between the north curbline of Sterling Drive and a point 70 feet north thereof
Middlesex Avenue
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#501) and a point 75 feet north thereof
Middlesex Avenue
Between Route NJ 27 and a point 45 feet north thereof
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Between Green Street (CR#604) and North Juliet Street
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 600 feet south thereof
Midwood Way
Between Middlesex Avenue and Meredith Road
Minna Avenue
Between Hyatt Avenue and Avenel Street
Moore Avenue
Between Berry Street (CR#652) and a point 75 feet east thereof
Moore Avenue
Between Berry Street (CR#652) and a point 235 feet east thereof
Morton Place
Between Fairview Avenue and South Middlesex Avenue (south of New Dover Road)
Mutton Hollow Road
Between Route US 9 and Main Street (CR#514)
Nielson Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 160 feet west thereof
Nielson Street
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and the western terminus of Nielson Street
Ned Court (Dead End of)
[Ord. No. 2018-22]
Adjacent to Stiles Street
New Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 75 feet east thereof
New Street
Between Fulton Street and Route NJ 35
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 55 feet east of South Brook Street and a point 45 feet west of South Brook Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Egan Avenue and a point 45 feet west of Egan Avenue
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 140 feet east of Hoy Avenue and a point 50 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between Corrielle Street and a point 45 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between Hornsby Avenue and a point 45 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between Hoy Avenue and a point 45 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 75 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
Between Liberty Street and a point 45 feet west thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Lillian Street and a point 45 feet west of Lillian Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Ling Street and a point 45 feet west of Ling Street.
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of South Louis Street and a point 45 feet west of South Louis Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Paul Street and a point 45 feet west of Paul Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Raymond Street and a point 45 feet west of Raymond Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of Ryan Street and a point 45 feet west of Ryan Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet east of William Street and a point 45 feet west of William Street
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 45 feet west of Grace Street and Crows Mill Road
New Brunswick Avenue
Between a point 430 feet east of Raymond Street and a point 25 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between Hornsby Street and a point 45 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 65 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
Between the east curbline of Ryan Street to a point 75 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
[Ord. No. 21-45]
From Pennsylvania Avenue to South Charles Street
New Dover Road
Between Cambridge Drive and Old New Dover Road
New Dover Road
Between a point 275 feet east of Cambridge Drive and a point 225 feet west of Cambridge Drive
New Dover Road
Between Kent Road and Route NJ 27 Extension
North James Street
Between Pearl Street and a point 45 feet west of School Street
North James Street
Between Pearl Street and a point 75 feet west thereof
North James Street
Between School Street and Route NJ 35
North Lincoln Avenue
Between Central Avenue and the southern terminus of North Lincoln Avenue
North Park Drive
Between School Street and a point 285 feet west thereof
North Washington Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 150 feet west thereof
North Washington Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and Lincoln Place
North William Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Coley Street
Oak Avenue
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Grove Street
Oak Avenue
Between Grove Street and Bunns Lane
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between Route NJ 27 and Middlesex Avenue
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between a point 50 feet east of Correja Avenue and a point 90 feet west of Correja Avenue
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between a point 175 feet west of Correja Avenue and a point 150 feet west thereof
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between Hillcrest Avenue and Plymouth Drive
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between Marconi Avenue and a point 50 feet west thereof
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between Hillcrest Avenue and Wood Avenue (CR#649)
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Between Middlesex Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue
Old Road
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Wesley Place
Old Smith Street
Between Smith Street (CR#656) and a point 190 feet north thereof
Olive Place
Between East Grove Avenue and Martin Terrace
Outlook Avenue
Between a point 225 feet south of New Dover Road and a point 325 feet south thereof
Pearl Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Green Street (CR#604)
Pearl Street
Between a point 45 feet north of North James Street and a point 45 feet south of North James Street
Pearl Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 50 feet north thereof
Pennsylvania Avenue
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 120 feet south thereof
Pershing Avenue
Between Wilson Avenue and a point 340 feet west thereof
Port Reading Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Milos Way
Port Reading Avenue
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and the Carteret boundary line
Port Reading Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 350 feet west thereof
Port Reading Avenue
Between a point 375 feet east of School Street and a point 70 feet east thereof
Port Reading Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 150 feet east thereof
Port Reading Avenue
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and a point 200 feet west thereof
Port Reading Avenue
North, South and
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and B Street jug handle
Port Reading Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-116]
From E. Fifth Avenue to Sixth Avenue
Portal Place
Between Woodbine Avenue and the northerly termination of Portal Place
Rahway Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-06]
From Avenel Street south to North Smith Street
Rahway Avenue
Between Ashton Court and a point 90 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between Claire Avenue and a point 50 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between East Coddington Avenue and a point 80 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between East Green Street and a point 45 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 120 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 125 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514) (Fox Run - South Driveway)
Between a point 68 feet north of the north curbline of Schoder Avenue to a point 122 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514) (Fox Run - Center Driveway)
Between a point 73 feet south of the south curbline of East Prospect Avenue to a point 117 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514) (Fox Run - North Driveway)
Between the south curbline of North East Avenue to a point 150 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514) (Barronsgate - South Driveway)
Between the north curbline of Hillside Avenue to a point 138 feet north thereof.
Rahway Avenue (CR#514) (Barronsgate - North Driveway)
Between a point 350 feet north of the north curbline of Bucknell Avenue to a point 125 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-06]
From Avenel Street to a point 155 feet north
Rahway Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-52]
Beginning at a point at the driveway of 1491 Rahway Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001 to extend 100 feet in each direction
Rahway Avenue
Between a point 50 feet north of Freeman Street and a point 90 feet south of Freeman Street
Rahway Avenue
Between a point 120 feet north of Avenel Street and Harvard Avenue
Rahway Avenue
Between Avenel Street and North Smith Street
Rahway Avenue
Between East Grove Avenue and a point 50 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue
Between George Street and a point 115 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Green Street (CR#604)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Between Martin Terrace and a point 45 feet south thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Between Nielson Street and a point 280 feet north thereof
Rahway Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-06]
From Avenel Street to a point 110 feet north
Randolph Avenue
Between the boundary line of Carteret and Hart Street
Randolph Avenue
Between the boundary line of Carteret and Rahway Avenue
Raymond Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 75 feet south thereof
Regina Street
Between US Route 1 North and Jansen Avenue
Remsen Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 250 feet east thereof
Remsen Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and Tappen Street
Ridgely Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 100 feet south thereof
Roanoke Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 235 feet northeast thereof (northeast part)
Rodgers Street
Between Route US 1 and Leesville Avenue
Roosevelt Avenue
From the south curbline of Inman Avenue (CR#602) to a point 115 feet south thereof
Roosevelt Avenue
From the south curbline of Inman Avenue (CR#602) to a point 75 feet south thereof
Old St. Georges Avenue
Between Kelly Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Old St. Georges Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 115 feet east thereof
St. James Avenue
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Grove Street
School Street
Between Green Street (CR#604) and a point 60 feet south thereof
School Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 40 feet north thereof
School Street
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and Cliff Road
School Street
Between West Avenue (CR#611) and Carteret Road
School Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and a point 50 feet north thereof
School Street
Between North James Street and a point 70 feet north thereof
School Street
Between South Park Drive and a point 170 feet south thereof
Second Street
Between Fulton Street and Route NJ 35
Sewaren Avenue
Between a point 50 feet north of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) and a point 75 feet south of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Sewaren Avenue
Between a point 75 feet north of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) and a point 50 feet south of Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Smeathers Street
Between Freeman Street and the Board of Education property
Smith Street (CR#656)
Between Crows Mill Road and the boundary line of Perth Amboy
South Fourth Street
Between Ford Avenue (CR#648) and a point 60 feet east thereof
South Fourth Street
Between South Second Street and a point 60 feet west thereof
South Inman Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Clark Place (Avenel)
South Lincoln Avenue
Between Mawbey Street and a point 275 feet south thereof
South Park Drive
Between a point 150 feet east of Route NJ 35 and a point 90 feet west of Route NJ 35
South Second Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 60 feet north thereof
South Second Street
Between a point 60 feet north of South Fourth Street and a point 60 feet south of South Fourth Street
Spring Street
Between East Smith Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Spring Street
Between East Smith Street and Augustus Street
Spring Street
Beginning at Augusta Street to the easternmost terminus
Sterling Drive
Between Amherst Avenue and New Dover Road
Stiles Street (Dead End of)
[Ord. No. 2018-22]
Adjacent to Ned Court
Stone Place
Between Fairview Avenue and South Middlesex Avenue
Sycamore Road
Between Cambridge Drive and the northerly termination of Sycamore Road
Temple Way
Between Arthur Avenue and the westerly termination of Temple Way
Third Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and a point 60 feet north thereof
Thorpe Avenue
Between West Smith Street and a point 145 feet south thereof
Vernam Street
Between Middlesex Avenue and Auth Avenue
Voorhees Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 60 feet south thereof
Voorhees Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and a point 200 feet south thereof
Wedgewood Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Ridgedale Avenue
Wedgewood Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Lewis Street
Wedgewood Avenue
Between Ridgedale Avenue and the Pennsylvania Railroad
West Avenue (CR#611)
Between Ferry Street and Woodbridge Creek
West Avenue (CR#611)
Between Ferry Street and Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
West Avenue (CR#611)
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 185 feet south thereof
West Avenue (CR#611)
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and a point 160 feet south thereof
West Avenue (CR#611)
Between School Street and a point 235 feet south thereof
West Indiana Avenue
Between Elmhurst Avenue and Cooper Avenue
West Indiana Avenue
Between Elmhurst Avenue and a point 145 feet west thereof
West Smith Street
Between a point 160 feet east of Route NJ 35 and Prospect Avenue
West Smith Street
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 160 feet east thereof
West Smith Street
Between a point 100 feet east of Route NJ 35 and Prospect Avenue
West Smith Street
Between Jansen Avenue and Minna Avenue
West Street
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and a point 250 feet south thereof
West Willow Street
Between Delaware Avenue and Caroline Place
Willry Street
Between the west curbline of St. Georges Avenue (Route NJ 35) and a point 75 feet west thereof
Wilus Way
Between Middlesex Avenue and Auth Avenue
Winston Drive
Between Ridgedale Avenue and a point 150 feet west thereof
Wolfe Place
Between Avenel Street and North Smith Street
Woodbine Avenue
Between Leesville Avenue and Portal Place
Woodbine Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and a point 800 feet east thereof
Woodbridge Avenue
Between a point 100 feet east of Sewaren Avenue and a point 60 feet west of Sewaren Avenue
Woodbridge Avenue
Between Berry Street (CR#652) and a point 90 feet east thereof
Woodbridge Avenue
Between Sherman Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Woodbridge Avenue
Between a point 90 feet east of Sewaren Avenue and a point 100 feet west of Sewaren Avenue
Woodbridge Center Drive
Between Route US 1 and Main Street (CR#514)
Wooley Lane
Between Predmore Avenue and the westerly termination
Worden Avenue
Between Florida Grove Road (CR#655) and a point 55 feet west thereof
Worth Street
Between a point 105 feet north of Green Street (CR#604) and Lincoln Avenue
Parking Near Driveways.
Name of Street
All streets
Within sixteen (16) inches of either side of a private driveway at a one- or two-family residence. Said sixteen (16) inches to be measured from where no curb exists — the extreme limit of the driveway where it intersects with the pavement of the public right-of-way or where a curb exists — the point at which the depressed curb returns to full height
Exceptions. It shall be permissible to park within the herein described prohibited area; whenever both the vehicle and driveway involved are owned by the same person, the motor vehicle is owned by a member of the same household as the owner and/or tenant of the private driveway, or the owner and/or tenant of the private driveway authorizes the parking of a motor vehicle within the area prohibited by this subsection; and where such parking is not otherwise prohibited and the permitting thereof would not interfere with the normal flow of traffic. The affected property owner and/or tenant must initiate the complaint.
Penalties. Violators shall be issued a warning for the first offense. All subsequent violations shall require a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
Parking near Crosswalks, Sidelines, or Stop Signs.
Name of Street
Valentine Place
[Ord. #13-27]
Within 25 feet of the crosswalk on the westerly portion of Valentine Place
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #05-78; Ord. #06-44; Ord. #07-06; Ord. #08-38; Ord. #08-43; Ord. #09-80; Ord. #12-01; Ord. #2015-49; Ord. No. 2017-110. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified any day upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Aborn Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between West Prospect Avenue and the westerly termination at the start of Board of Education property
Apollo Drive
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Starting at the intersection of West Side Avenue to a point 250 feet south thereof
Avalon Drive
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Sycamore Road and Harrow Drive
Avenel Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between South Inman Avenue and Madison Avenue
Barron Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Grove Avenue and the southerly end of the Board of Education Property
Benjamin Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Main Street (CR#514) and Cherry Street
Bunns Lane
[Ord. No. 2022-25]
5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday
Between DeSota Avenue and Saint James Avenue
Carlson Drive
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Entire length
Clarence Street
[Ord. #2015-49]
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Entire length
Dover Road
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between the northern termination of Dover Road to a point 175 feet west
East Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Cherbar Court and the northerly end of the Board of Education property
East Hill Road
5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (except holidays)
Between Chain O'Hills Road and Long Hill Road
Elliot Street
[Ord. #2015-49]
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Entire length
Flagman Place
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Garfield Avenue and North Grant Avenue
Harrow Drive
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between New Dover Road and the northerly termination of Harrow Drive
Hearthstone Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Inverness Terrace and Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Hudson Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Maryknoll Road and Wall Street
Jason Court
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Entire length including cul-de-sac
Landing Lane
[Ord. #2015-49]
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Entire length
Leesville Avenue
[Ord. #2015-49]
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
From Rogers Street to Rahway border
North James Street
6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Between East Middlesex Avenue and Route NJ 35
Ralph Avenue
[Ord. #2015-49]
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Entire length
Ron Osborne Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Worth Street and the easterly end of the Board of Education property
Ross Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between North James Street and a point 350 feet north thereof
Turner Street
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Seventh Street and Camelot Drive
Vine Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-110]
Washington Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Days)
Between Bloomfield Avenue and the westerly end of the Board of Education property
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #11-73; Ord. #2016-24]
Whenever any words and phrases are used in this subsection, the meaning respectively ascribed to them in Title 39:1-1 (Definitions) of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein.
Hereafter there shall be no parking upon any streets within the Township of Woodbridge of:
Trucks with a Manufacturer Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of eight (8) tons or above;
[Ord. #2016-24; amended 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
Buses used to transport sixteen (16) or more passengers, including the driver;
Truck trailers;
Truck semi-trailers; and
Recreational vehicles between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except for the pickup and delivery of materials on these streets. In the absence of a truck having a registered gross weight, the vehicle manufacturer's recommended gross volume weight will be utilized instead.
For purposes of this section, "recreational vehicle" will be defined as a self-propelled or towed vehicle equipped to serve as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel purposes. Additionally, boats on trailers used solely for family or personal purposes will be considered recreational vehicles.
Proper signs shall be erected by the Police Department pursuant to law (N.J.S.A. #39-4-198).
Special Restrictions for the Woodbridge (Proper) Resident Parking Permit Area. The Woodbridge (Proper) Resident Parking Permits are issued to residents in and nearby the downtown area and are to be used in conjunction with parking near respective residences. Commuters, including residents who are in possession of a Woodbridge (Proper) Resident Parking Permit are required to park in the designated parking lots. It shall be considered abuse of the permit and a violation of this subsection to park near a mass transit facility, unless you are accessing your residence. This shall only apply to the time restrictions listed in the ordinance.
The Township of Woodbridge reserves the right to rescind a Residential Parking Permit if the aforementioned permit abuse is found to have occurred.
The provisions of this Section 7-16 shall not apply to courier trucks and vehicles, that are actually making pick-ups or deliveries. Any such truck, bus, truck trailer, truck semitrailer, or recreational vehicle parking in excess of 30 minutes without unloading or loading activity shall be presumed to be parked for the purposes of this section. Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate this subsection, upon conviction, shall be liable to a fine of up to five hundred ($500.00) dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both, for each violation and each day that a violation continues shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense. The person, or a representative of the firm or corporation who violates this section shall be required to appear in the Municipal Court for the determination of the penalty by the Court.
[Amended 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
[Ord. #07-54]
The following locations are hereby designated as locations where all boats and boat trailers are restricted from being parked at any time.
Name of Street
Cliff Road
Ferry Street to Woodbridge Avenue
Ferry Street
Entire length
Broad Street
Ferry Street to Holton Street
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #11-06]
No person shall park a vehicle on streets or parts of streets as described within the following sections unless an appropriate and current parking permit as issued by the Township of Woodbridge is displayed on said vehicle for those streets or parts of streets as described or listed within the following sections.
[Ord. #04-0; Ord. #08-20; Ord. #13-38; amended 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-25]
The vehicle is owned or operated on a regular basis by a resident of that street.
The vehicle has the current issued residential parking permit decal displayed on the top of the front driver's side window or guest parking permit hanging from its rearview mirror, either of which can be examined by a Police Officer.
The vehicle falls under one (1) of the exceptions hereto to this subsection.
Each vehicle with a valid New Jersey registration and insurance identification card principally garaged or maintained by a resident of one (1) of the streets listed herein shall be issued the appropriate decal upon presentation of the proofs required in Subsection 7-17.2.
Exceptions. The following vehicles shall be exempt from the provisions hereof:
A vehicle displaying a current visitor parking permit may park a maximum of two (2) days; provided, however, that the operator of the vehicle is a bona fide guest of a resident within the permit parking area. The visitor's permit shall be hung from the rear view mirror of the vehicle in such a manner as to be clearly visible by a Police Officer or other traffic enforcement personnel enforcing parking regulations. Three (3) visitor's permits shall be issued to each residential unit on any street or portion thereof upon which parking is restricted by this section. It shall be a violation of this section for persons other than bona fide visitors to utilize visitor's parking permits.
Additional visitor permits. Any resident residing within the areas set forth in subsections 7-17.6 and 17-17.7 hereof may obtain from the Records Division of the Police Department, additional temporary visitor's permits. The Records Division of the Police Department shall issue the same to such resident for a period of time not to exceed seven (7) days from the effective date thereof. The temporary visitor's permit may, upon application to the Records Division of the Police Department, be reissued for an additional seven (7) days. In no event shall a visitor's permit be reissued to permit nonresidential parking for a period of time, in the aggregate, of thirty (30) days. No resident shall be issued, at any one (1) time, more than ten (10) temporary visitor's permits.
Contractors, Service and Delivery Vehicles. Contractors, service and delivery vehicles bearing the name and address of a commercial business or enterprise may park in the areas affected without a permit; provided, however, that the vehicle is actually being utilized in providing services to a resident within the parking area.
Emergency Vehicles. Emergency vehicles, public service, telephone, public utility or municipal vehicles may park within the parking areas while rendering service or repairs within the area.
Handicapped Vehicles. Vehicles which have been issued handicapped license plates or temporary placards are exempt from the provisions hereof.
Governmental Vehicles. All Federal, State, County and municipal vehicles bearing the appropriate license plates are hereby exempted from the provisions of this section.
The Municipality shall reserve the right to issue permits for addresses that are adjacent to any street that is in the Residential Permit Parking listings.
The Police Director or his designee shall have the right to review the applications on a case by case basis for special circumstances to determine if granting the permit would be warranted.
[Added 6-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-42]
[Ord. #2015-11]
All residential permit parking is enacted with the purpose to ensure an adequate quality of life for those residents that reside near a mass transit facility, downtown type shopping, or nightclub type establishment that is located within or adjacent to a residential neighborhood area. All residents should be able to park their vehicle near their home without fear of being unreasonably displaced by commuters or business patrons. Therefore, it shall be unlawful for anyone with a residential parking permit to display their permit when they are not parking their vehicle in the immediate vicinity of their home, but rather are using mass transit or frequenting a business located near a densely populated downtown type shopping area.
[Ord. #04-09; amended 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-25]
Applications for parking permits as provided herein shall be made in writing on forms provided by the Records Division of the Police Department. The issuance of the permit shall be subject to the following conditions:
Proof of Residency. The applicant shall certify that he or she is a resident of an area covered by this subsection.
Possession of a Valid New Jersey Driver's License. In the event a resident has relocated to Woodbridge, a valid driver's license shall be acceptable.
Possession of a current valid automobile registration.
Possession of a valid liability insurance card.
[Ord. #04-09]
Whenever the Mayor, or his designee, shall determine that certain streets exclusively or primarily servicing residential land uses, or portions of such streets, are being used for parking by the operators of vehicles who do not reside on the streets, and that the average number of such vehicles parking in such manner is in excess of twenty-five (25%) percent of the number of parking spaces on such streets and that the total number of parking spaces actually occupied exceeds sixty-five (65%) percent of the total number of parking spaces on such streets on the days described herein of any month, as disclosed by a traffic study or police monitoring, then the Mayor or his designee shall recommend to the Municipal Council that such streets be included in this section.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #08-20]
See § 7-4, General Penalty.
[Ord. #04-09]
Any vehicle parked on a street designated herein without the required permit being displayed shall be towed, and the cost of the towing shall be at the owner's expense and in the amount prescribed by § 4-7 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-52]
Any resident whose residence is located on Green Street between Leon Avenue and Lyman Avenue or at an intersection outlined in Subsection 7-17.7 hereof shall be entitled to obtain residential and visitor's permits. The issuance of the permits shall permit such residents to park on those streets outlined in Subsection 7-17.7. Nothing herein shall authorize residential parking on Green Street in areas governed by existing municipal and/or County ordinances.
[Ord. #08-20]
Any resident whose residence is located on Oak Tree Road between Middlesex Avenue and the Garden State Parkway or at an intersection outlined in Subsection 7-17.7 hereof shall be entitled to obtain residential and visitor's permits. The issuance of the permits shall permit such residents to park on those streets outlined in Subsection 7-17.7. Nothing herein shall authorize residential parking on Oak Tree Road in areas governed by existing municipal and/or County ordinances.
[Ord. #08-20]
Any resident whose residence is located on Correja Avenue whose residence intersects with LaGuardia, Sonora, Fiat, Silzer, Harding and Bird Avenues or at an intersection outlined in Subsection 7-17.7 hereof shall be entitled to obtain residential and visitor's permits. The issuance of the permits shall permit such residents to park on those streets outlined in Subsection 7-17.7. Nothing herein shall authorize residential parking on Correja Avenue in areas governed by existing municipal and/or County ordinances.
[Ord. #08-20]
Any resident whose residence is located on the west side of Middlesex Avenue whose residence intersects with LaGuardia, Sonora, Fiat, Pershing, Harding and Bird Avenues or at an intersection outlined in Subsection 7-17.7 hereof shall be entitled to obtain residential and visitor's permits. The issuance of the permits shall permit such residents to park on those streets outlined in Subsection 7-17.7. Nothing herein shall authorize residential parking on Middlesex Avenue in areas governed by existing municipal and/or County ordinances.
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-50]
Any resident whose residence is located on the south side of Avenel Street whose residence intersects with Fifth Avenue and Livingston Avenue or at an intersection outlined in Subsection 7-17.7 hereof shall be entitled to obtain residential and visitor's permits. The issuance of the permits shall permit such residents to park on those streets outlined in Subsection 7-17.7. Nothing herein shall authorize residential parking on Avenel Street in areas governed by existing municipal and/or county ordinances.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-44; Ord. #07-55; Ord. #08-37; Ord. #08-39; Ord. #08-55; Ord. #08-56; Ord. #08-73; Ord. #08-74; Ord. #08-110; Ord. #09-02; Ord. #09-20; Ord. #09-32; Ord. #09-33; Ord. #09-37; Ord. #09-63; Ord. #09-75; Ord. #10-10; Ord. #1023; Ord. #10-33; Ord. #13-30; Ord. #2015-39; Ord. #2015-61; Ord. No. 2016-57; Ord. No. 2016-66; Ord. No. 2018-37; Ord. No. 2018-50; Ord. No. 2018-65; Ord. No. 2018-85. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall park a vehicle on streets or parts of streets described within the following sections unless an appropriate and current parking permit as issued by the Township of Woodbridge is displayed on said vehicle for those streets or parts of streets as described or listed within the following sections:
Albert Street
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Alden Street
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Alden Street
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Alice Place
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Almon Avenue
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Almon Avenue
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Apollo Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to Westside Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Astor Place
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Apollo Avenue to Westside Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Augustus Street
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Avenel Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge Avenue to Route 1
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Avenel Street
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-130]
Both sides from Fifth Avenue to East Woodbridge Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday, excluding holidays
Avenel Street
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-130]
Both sides from Wolfe Place to Rahway Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday, excluding holidays
Avenel Street
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-85]
From Fifth Avenue eastbound to the railroad tracks (both sides)
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Avenel Street
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-85]
From Wolfe Place westbound to the railroad tracks (both sides)
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Bamford Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Bamford Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Barron Avenue
East side from Green Street to Freeman Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Barron Avenue
West side from Green Street to Freeman Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Barron Avenue
West side from Freeman Street to Orange Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Barron Avenue
West side from Freeman Street to Orange Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Berry Street
East side from Woodbridge Avenue to Legion Place
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Berry Street
West side from Woodbridge Avenue to Legion Place
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Berry Street
On the west side of Berry Street between Moore Avenue and Gordon Street
All times
All days
Bird Avenue
Both sides
Entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Bird Avenue
Both Sides
Entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Bird Avenue
Both sides
Entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Brook Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-66]
Brook Street
On the north side beginning at a point 25 feet west of Pearl Street to a point 185 feet west
7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Brook Street
[Ord. No. 2016-66]
North side from Pearl Street to a point 270 feet west thereof
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Brook Street
[Ord. #2015-39]
South side
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Brookfield Avenue
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Brookfield Avenue
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Burnett Street
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from E. Pennsylvania Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Burnet Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Butler Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Route 1 to East Woodbridge Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Butler Street
North side from Crystal Street to Ella Avenue
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Butler Street
South side from St. George's Avenue to Ella Avenue
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Campbell Street
Both sides from Lyman Avenue to Leon Avenue
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Caroline Street
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Cedar Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Cedar Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Center Street
[Ord. No. 2018-85]
Both Sides from West Side Avenue To W. Park Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Chase Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Avenel Street to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Chase Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Church Street
North side from Freeman Street to Linden Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Church Street
South side from Freeman Street to Linden Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Claire Avenue
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Claire Avenue
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Clark Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from South Inman Avenue to East Woodbridge Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Clinch Street
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Clinch Street
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Clinton Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge to Chase Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Coley Street
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Cornell Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Avenel Street to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Oak Tree Road to Trieste Street
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Oak Tree Road to Trieste Street
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Correja Avenue
Both sides from Oak Tree Road to Trieste Street
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Crampton Avenue
North side beginning at a point 85 feet east of Rahway Avenue to Garden Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Crampton Avenue
South side beginning at a point 120 feet east of Rahway Avenue to Garden Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Crampton Avenue
North side from Rahway Avenue to Watson Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Crampton Avenue
South side from Rahway Avenue to Watson Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Crystal Street
Both sides from Butler Street to Hyatt Street
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Dartmouth Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Decker Place
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Decker Place
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Doreen Drive
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Dunham Place
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Dunham Place
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Green Street
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Green Street
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Grove Avenue North
Entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Grove Avenue South
Entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
E. Hill Road
[Added 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 20-88]
Both sides from Chain O’ Hills Road to Long Hill Road
24 hours
East Maple Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Maple Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Middlesex Avenue
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Middlesex Avenue
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Park Avenue
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Park Avenue
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Pennsylvania
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Smith
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
East Woodbridge Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Tappen Street to Route 1
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Eleanor Place
East from Jean Court to Legion Place
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ellis Place
East side from Martin Terrace to Freeman Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ellis Place
West side from Martin Terrace to Freeman Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Elm Avenue
East side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Elm Avenue
West side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Fiat Avenue
Both sides from Middlesex Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Fifth Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-50]
Both sides from Avenel St. to Lenox Ave.
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Fifth Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Firehouse Square
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Route 1 to Avenel Street
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Forrest Street
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Freeman Street
[Amended 11-10-2020 by Ord. No. 20-79]
North side from Rahway Avenue to Church Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
South side from Rahway Avenue to Church Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Fulton Street
East sidLindene from Albert Street to 185 feet south of Second Street
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Garden Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Garden Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
George Street
[Ord. No. 2018-37; Ord. No. 2018-85]
Both sides from East Pennsylvania Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
George Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Gordon Street
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Gordon Street
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Gordon Street
On the north side of Gordon Street between Berry Street and the driveway of the Woodbridge Municipal Complex
All times
All days
Grant Avenue, Southeast
Both sides from Port Reading Avenue to Carteret Borough border
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Green Street
South side from Pearl Street to Linden Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Green Street
North from Baron Avenue to Linden Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Green Street
North side from Amboy Avenue to Elmwood Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Green Street
South side from Amboy Avenue to Elmwood Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Grove Avenue
North side from Dead End to Route 35
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Grove Avenue
South side from Dead End to Route 35
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Grove Avenue
On the south side beginning at a point 77 feet west of the west curbline of Barron Avenue and extending to a point 325 feet westerly therefrom
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
School days
Harding Avenue
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Harding Avenue
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Harding Avenue
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Harrell Avenue
East side from Freeman Street to Orange Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Harrell Avenue
West side from Freeman Street to Orange Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Harriot Street
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Harriot Street
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Harvard Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Henley Street
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Henley Street
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Henry Street
Both sides from Port Reading Avenue to Holly Street
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday
High Street
North side from Barron Avenue to Linden Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
High Street
South side from Barron Avenue to Linden Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Hillcrest Avenue
West side from LaGuardia Avenue to Fiat Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Hillcrest Avenue
East side from Oak Tree Road to Fiat Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Holly Road
North side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Holly Road
South side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Holly Street
Both sides from Henry Street to Carteret Borough border
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Homestead Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-34]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to Oak Street
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Jansen Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Tappen Street to Avenel Street
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Jean Court
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Jean Court
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Judy Drive
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-90]
Judy Drive Municipal Lot to include satellite lots (Dino Drive and Judy Drive)
9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Kirk Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Route 1 to East Woodbridge Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Kiva Street
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Kiva Street
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Kiva Street
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
LaGuardia Avenue
[Ord. #2015-61]
North side from Middlesex Avenue to a point 230 feet west thereof
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
LaGuardia Avenue
[Ord. #2015-61]
North side from Marconi Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Larch Street
Both sides from Henry Street to Carteret Borough border
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Legion Place
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Legion Place
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Lehigh Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Leon Avenue
Both sides from Green Street (CR#604) to Campbell Street
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Leone Street
[Ord. #13-30]
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Leone Street
[Ord. #13-30]
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Lewis Street
[Ord. #13-30]
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Lewis Street
[Ord. #13-30]
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday excluding holidays
Libby Lane
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Libby Lane
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Libby Lane
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Lillian Terrace
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Lillian Terrace
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Linden Avenue
East side from Green Street to High Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Linden Avenue
West side from Green Street to High Street
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Livingston Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Avenel Street to Lenox Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Livingston Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Lord Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge Avenue to Route 1
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Lyman Avenue
Both sides from Mawbey Street to its southerly terminus
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Madaline Drive
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-19]
Entire length both Sides
24 hours
Madison Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Avenel Street to Lenox Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Madison Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Marconi Avenue
Both sides from LaGuardia Avenue to Pershing Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Magnolia Road
East side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Magnolia Road
West side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Manor Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Tappen Street to Lenox Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Manhattan Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Avenel Street to Burnett Street
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Maple Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Dartmouth Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Maple Road
North side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Maple Road
South side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Maple Road (Iselin)
[Ord. No. 2016-57]
Both sides/entire length
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Mark Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from South Inman to East Woodbridge Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Martin Terrace
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Martin Terrace
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Meinzer Street
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from East Pennsylvania Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Meinzer Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Melbourne Court
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Melbourne Court
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Middlesex Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Middlesex Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Middlesex Avenue
Both sides from Route 27 to Oak Tree Road
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Mitchell Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Kirk Street to Route 1
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Mobile Avenue
Both sides from Green Street to (CR#604) South Park Drive
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Monica Court
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Moore Avenue
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Moore Avenue
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Myrtle Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Myrtle Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Neilson Street
North side beginning 200 feet west of Rahway Avenue to the dead end
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
New Street
North side between Fulton Street and William Street
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North James Street
North side beginning at East Middlesex Avenue to a point 110 feet east
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North James Street
South side beginning at East Middlesex Avenue to a point 110 feet east
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Juliet Street
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Juliet Street
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
North Juliet Street
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
North Laurel Avenue
North side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Laurel Avenue
South side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Laurel Avenue
[Ord. No. 2016-57]
Both sides/entire length
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Madison Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37; Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Avenel Street to Clark Place
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Oak Avenue
East side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Oak Avenue
West side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Oak Avenue (Iselin)
[Ord. No. 2016-57]
Both sides/entire length
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Smith Street
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from East Pennsylvania Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Smith Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Rahway Avenue to Commercial Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North Walnut Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Dartmouth Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
North William Street
West side from New Street to Coley Street
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Oak Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Avenel Street to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Olive Place
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Pershing Avenue
Both sides from Middlesex Avenue to Wilson Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Pocahont Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from East Woodbridge Avenue to North Madison Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Rahway Avenue
East side from Green Street to Crampton Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Rector Street
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Rector Street
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ridgedale Avenue
East side from Martin Terrace to Carol Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ridgedale Avenue
West side from Martin Terrace to Carol Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ridgewood Place
East side from Freeman Street to Trinity Lane
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Ridgewood Place
West side from Freeman Street to Trinity Lane
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Rowland Place
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Rowland Place
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
School Street
East side from North James Street to Green Street
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
School Street
West side from North James Street to Green Street
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Second Street
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Silzer Avenue
Both sides entire length
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Silzer Avenue
Both sides entire length
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Silzer Avenue
Both sides entire length
1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
Sonora Avenue
Both sides from Middlesex Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
South Inman Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-65]
South Inman Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Clark Place to 1st Street
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
South Park Drive
Both sides from Mobile Avenue to Fleetwood Avenue
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
South Walnut Avenue
North side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
South Walnut Avenue
[Ord. No. 2016-57]
Both sides/entire length
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
South Walnut Avenue
South side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Spring Street
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Tappen Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Route 1 to the dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Thomas Street
Both sides from Lyman Avenue to Elias Avenue
7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Tisdale Place
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Tisdale Place
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Trieste Avenue
Both sides from Kennedy Place to Wilson Avenue
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Trinity Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Dartmouth Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Trinity Lane
North side from Rahway Avenue to Ridgewood Place
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Trinity Lane
South side from Rahway Avenue to Ridgewood Place
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Valentine Place
North side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Valentine Place
South side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Vassar Place
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Cornell Street to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Victoria Way
[Ord. No. 2023-37]
Entire length both sides
24 hours
All days
Von Vetchen Avenue
North side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Von Vetchen Avenue
South side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Wallace Street
East side entire length
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Wallace Street
West side entire length
2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Watson Avenue
West side entire length
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Watson Avenue
East side entire length
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
West Park Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Lenox Avenue to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
West Park Place
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Avenel Street to Lenox Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Westside Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-37]
Both sides from Avenel Street to dead end
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Willow Avenue
East side entire length
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Willow Avenue
West side entire length
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Willow Avenue
[Ord. No. 2016-57]
Both sides/entire length
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Woodbridge Avenue
North side from Berry Street to Harriot Street
2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Woodbridge Avenue
South side from Berry Street to Harriot Street
2:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Wylie Street
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides from Route 1 to Jansen Avenue
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
Yale Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-17]
Both sides Rahway Avenue to dead end
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday excluding holidays
[Ord. #04-09]
The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated for Angle Parking, at an angle so indicated.
Name of Street
Amherst Avenue
45 degrees
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Jordan Road Extension
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-21[1]]
Editor's Note: Former § 7-18A, Parking Near Driveways, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ord. No. 04-18 was repealed in its entirety by Ord. No. 04-45. See § 7-14b for regulations pertaining to parking near driveways.
This article is adopted pursuant to the powers conferred upon the Township pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46.
For purposes of this section, "quasi-public property" shall be defined as private property upon which the public is invited to drive and park motor vehicles for the purpose of the business or businesses maintaining the same and shall specifically include private parking lots and driveways connecting the same to public streets.
No person shall, on quasi-public property as defined in this section, operate his motor vehicle in any manner which would, if committed upon a public highway as defined in N.J.S.A. 39:1-1, constitute a violation of:
N.J.S.A. 39:4-82 (keeping to right);
N.J.S.A. 39:4-88 (traffic on marked lanes);
N.J.S.A. 39:4-96 (reckless driving); and
N.J.S.A. 39:4-97 (careless driving).
No person shall park any vehicle across any line or marking designating a parking space, or park any vehicle in such a position that said vehicle shall not be entirely within the space designated by such lines or markings, or park any vehicle in such a way as to prevent another vehicle from parking in any adjacent space.
No truck with a manufacturer gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of eight (8) tons or higher; bus used to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver; truck trailer; truck semitrailer; or recreational vehicle; shall park on any street or quasi -public area within the Township of Woodbridge except for vehicles making pick-ups and deliveries. Any such truck, bus, truck trailer, truck semitrailer, or recreational vehicle parking in excess of 30 minutes without unloading or loading activity shall be presumed to be parked for the purposes of this section. Where a property has an approved Site Plan that permits actions that are contrary to the terms of this Section 7-18.2A,c, the approved Site Plan shall override this Section 7-18.2A,c and shall be a defense to any violation of this Section 7-18.2A,c.
[Amended 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-54]
For purposes of this section, "recreational vehicle" will be defined as a self-propelled or towed vehicle equipped to serve as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel purposes. Additionally, boats on trailers used solely for family or personal purposes will be considered recreational vehicles.
For any violation of this article, the court may impose the same penalty as may be imposed for a violation of the comparable Title 39 motor vehicle violation. Where there is no comparable Title 39 violation, the penalty to be imposed by the court shall be in accordance with Revised General Ordinance § 1-5, entitled "General Penalty."
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. No. 2017-17]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the streets or parts of streets described are hereby designated as Through Streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near-right side of each street intersecting the Through Street except where Yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Alwat Street
Between E. Richard Avenue and Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue)
Amherst Avenue - Sterling Drive
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and New Dover Road. A YIELD sign shall be installed on Taylor Terrace
Auth Avenue
Between Route NJ 27 and 10 feet north of Star Street
Avenel Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Rahway Avenue
Barron Avenue
Between Freeman Street and Green Street (CR#604)
Bedford Avenue
a. Between North Washington Avenue and Able Street
b. Between Raynor Street and Julius Street
Beech Street
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and Pitman Avenue
Bender Avenue
Between New Dover Road and Reynolds Street
Benjamin Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Berkley Boulevard
Between Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and Benjamin Avenue
Blackstone Road
Between Rosewood Lane and Vernon Way
Blair Road
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Randolph Avenue
Bloomfield Avenue
Between Green Street and Washington Avenue
Bloomfield Avenue - Topaz Lane
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Winding Road
Bond Street
Between Abel Street and McKinley Avenue
Brown Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and its northerly terminus
Bunns Lane
Between Route US 9 and Route NJ 35
Burnett Street
Between East Pennsylvania Avenue and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Butler Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Demorest Avenue-Douglas Avenue
Caroline Place
Between Claridge Place and West Willow Street
Carson Drive
Between New Dover Road and West Clark Place
Cavour Street
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Temple Way
Central Avenue
Between East Street and Cleveland Avenue
Chain O'Hills Road
Between Route NJ 35 and Green Street (CR#604)
Charles Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and James Street
Church Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Lyman Avenue
Cleveland Avenue
Between Montrose Avenue and Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Cliff Road
Between Ferry Street and Milos Way
Colonial Boulevard
Between New Dover Road and Bramhall Road
Columbus Avenue
Between Grove Street and Bunns Lane
Commercial Avenue
Between Burnett Street and Avenel Street
Conduit Way - Arthur Avenue
Entire length
Cornell Street
Between Avenel Street and a point fifty (50) feet north of Vassar Place
Correja Avenue
Between Route NJ 27 and Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Correja Avenue - Charles Street
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and a point 50 feet north of the northerly curbline of East Warren Street
Crampton Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and its easterly terminus
Creemer Avenue/Joel Place
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Winding Road
Crows Mill Road
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Cutters Dock Road
From a point 50 feet east of South Fulton Street to Amboy Avenue (CR#501)
Daniel Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the Carteret Borough corporate line—Woodbridge Township corporate line
Decker Place - Thomas Street
Between Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue) and Lyman Avenue
De Kalb Avenue
Between Grove Street and Clinton Street
Demorest Ave.-Douglass Ave.
Between Avenel Street and Route US 1&9. A Yield Sign shall be place on Leesville Avenue at Douglas Avenue
Demorest Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Tappen Street
De Sota Avenue
Between Grove Street and Bunns Lane
Dow Avenue
Between Auth Avenue and Route NJ 27
Dukes Road
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Lake Avenue
East Cliff Road
Between Highland Road and North Hill Road
East Grove Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and its westerly terminus
East Tappen Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Blackstone Road
East Woodbridge Avenue
Between Route US 1&9 and Avenel Street (CR#650)
Edgarton Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 50 feet east of Borman Avenue
Fulton Street
Between Albert Street and Main Street (CR#514). A YIELD sign shall be installed on the southerly approach of Fulton Street facing northbound traffic
Elizabeth Avenue - Broome Street
Between Green Street (CR#604), and Pleasant Avenue
Ellen Avenue - Herbert Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and its northerly terminus
Elmwood Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Main Street (CR#514)
Fairview Avenue
Between New Dover Road and Merrill County Park
Ford Avenue
Between Route US 1 and Wall Street
Freeman Street-Church Street
Between Linden Avenue and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Freeman Street-Old St. Georges' Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue) and Church Street
Gill Lane
Between Route US 1 and Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Grady Drive
Between Grove Street and Clinton Street
Grant Avenue
Between Fifth Street and Main Street (CR#514)
Grove Street
Between Route US 9 and Route NJ 35
Hagaman Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the Woodbridge Township corporate line—Carteret Borough corporate line
Henry Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the Woodbridge Township corporate line—Carteret Borough corporate line
Highland Road
Between South Hill Road and West Hill Road
Highland Avenue
Between Smith Street (CR#656) and South Maplewood Avenue
Homes Park Avenue-Nassau Street
Between Green Street and Grand Avenue
Homestead Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Blair Road
Hornsby Avenue
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and Fairfield Avenue
Hoy Avenue
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Jansen Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Tappen Street
John Street
Between Luther Avenue and Howard Street
Lake Avenue
Between the Woodbridge Township corporate line—City of Rahway corporate line and 10 feet north of Jupiter Street
Langford Street
Between Blair Road and Sixth Avenue
Leesville Avenue
Between Route US 1&9 and the City of Rahway corporate Line—Woodbridge Township corporate line
Lenox Avenue
Between West Park Avenue and East Woodbridge Avenue
Liberty Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Linden Avenue
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Freeman Street
Long Hill Road
Between Route NJ 35 and 10 feet west of North Hill Road
Magnolia Road
Between Route NJ 27 and Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Manhattan Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Burnett Street
Manor Avenue
Between Grove Street and Bunns Lane
Marian Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the Borough of Carteret corporate line —Woodbridge Township corporate line
Martin Terrace
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 50 feet west of Olive Place
Mary Avenue
Between King George's Post Road (CR#501) and Main Street (CR#514)
Mawbey Street
Between Route NJ 35 and Lyman Avenue
Menlo Avenue
Between Route US 1 and Isabelle Street
Mereline Avenue
Between East Coddington Avenue and Cobb Way
Metuchen Avenue
Between Main Street (CR#514) and the westerly terminus.
Middlesex Avenue
Between New Dover Road and Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Merrill County Park jurisdictional line
Minna Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Tappen Street
Montrose Avenue-Water Street
Between Colonia Boulevard and Pennington Avenue
Morrisey Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and a point 50 feet east of Piper Avenue
Nebel Way
Between Washington Avenue and Pleasant Avenue
New Dover Road
Between Wood Avenue (CR#649) and Chain O' Hills Road
North Grand Avenue
Between Blair Avenue and 10 feet west of East Fifth Avenue
North High Street
Between Garfield Avenue and Cleveland Avenue
North Park Drive
Between Elmwood Avenue and Mobile Avenue
North Pennsylvania Avenue
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and East Willow Street
Norwood Avenue
Entire length
Oak Street
Between Avenel Street (CR#650) and a point 50 feet north of Homestead Avenue
Old Road
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Omar Avenue
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Blair Road
Pennsylvania Avenue
Between Clyde Avenue and New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
Pleasant Avenue
Winter Street and Chain O'Hills Road
Plymouth Drive
Between Oak Tree Road (CR#604) and Lowell Street
Prospect Avenue
Between Thorpe Avenue and Avenel Street
Raritan Avenue
Between Second Avenue and Sixth Avenue
Remsen Avenue
a. Between Route NJ 35 and Avenel Street
b. Between Avenel Street and Butler Street
Ridgedale Avenue
Between Freeman Street and Bucknell Avenue
Rosewood Lane
Between Fourth Street and the Borough of Carteret corporate line—Woodbridge Township corporate line
St. James Avenue
Between Grove Street and Bunns Lane
Savoy Street
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Patricia Avenue
School Street
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Main Street (CR#514)
Semel Avenue
Between New Dover Road and Lowell Street
Sewaren Avenue
a. Between North Robert Street and Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
b. Between Arbor Street and Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Sherman Street -
Central Avenue - Wesley Place
Between Old Road and Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Sixth Avenue
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and North Grand Avenue
South Charles Street
Between New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) and James Street
South Cliff Road
Between Chain O'Hills Road and Winter Street
South Grant Avenue
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and the Borough of Carteret corporate line - Woodbridge Township corporate line
South Middlesex Avenue
Between the Merrill County Park jurisdictional line and 10 feet north of Grange Way
South Park Drive
Between Clayton Court and Mobile Avenue
South Robert Street
[Ord. No. 2017-17]
West of rear driveway of 40 Woodbridge Avenue to Vale Place
Talmadge Avenue
Between Dow Avenue and 10 feet north of Eagle Street
Tappen Street
a. Between Remsen Avenue and Route US 1&9
b. Between Route US 1&9 and West Park Avenue
Thayer Avenue
Between East Coddington Avenue and Cobb Way
Turner Street
Between Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) and Dawn Drive
Vernon Way
Between Willow Street and Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
Wall Street
Between Mason Street and the westerly terminus of the roadway
Water Street - Montrose Avenue
Between Colonia Boulevard and a point 50 feet west of the westerly curbline of Pennington Avenue
Westhill Road
Between Dover Road and Elm Street
West Park Avenue
Between Avenel Street and Tappen Street
Willow Street
Between Rosewood Lane and Hagman Street
Willry Street
Between Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue) and 10 feet west of Lyman Avenue.
Wilson Avenue
Entire length
Winding Road
Between Jade Place and a point 50 feet west of Topaz Lane
Worth Street
Between Green Street (CR#604) and Lincoln Avenue
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #05-17; Ord. #06-33; Ord. No. 2017-111; Ord. No. 2018-48. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as Stop Intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On:
Access Road B eastbound at Henry Way
[Added 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-38]
Henry Way
Access Road B westbound at Henry Way
[Added 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-38]
Henry Way
Avenel Street at Wolfe Place
[Ord. No. 2017-111]
Wolfe Place
Bamford Avenue and Von Vetchen Avenue
Von Vetchen Avenue
Berkley Avenue at Pennington Avenue
[Ord. No. 21-71
Pennington Avenue
Berkley Avenue at Rutgers Avenue
[Ord. No. 21-71
Rutgers Avenue
Berkley Avenue at Princeton Avenue
[Ord. No. 21-71
Princeton Avenue
Berkley Avenue at Columbia Avenue
[Ord. No. 21-71
Columbia Avenue
Berkley Avenue at Vernon Way
[Ord. No. 21-71
Vernon Way
Bramhall Road and Colonia Boulevard
[Added 11-24-2020 by Ord. No. 20-83]
Colonia Boulevard
Broad Street and East Avenue
East Avenue facing northbound traffic
Bucknell Avenue and Ridgedale Avenue
Ridgedale Avenue
Carver Avenue and Clark Street
Clark Street
Catherine Street and Wesley Place
Wesley Place
Central Avenue and North Lincoln Avenue
Central Avenue
Chase Avenue and Center Street
Center Street
Claire Avenue and Garden Avenue
Claire Avenue
Claire Avenue and Melbourne Court
Melbourne Court
Claridge Place and Caroline Place
Caroline Place
Clayton Court and South Park Drive
South Park Drive
Cliff Road and Ferry Street
Ferry Street
Clinton Street and De Kalb Avenue
De Kalb Avenue
Clinton Street and Grady Drive
Grady Drive
Clyde Avenue and Louis Street
Louis Street
Court Street and Crescent Street
Crescent Street
Crestview Road and Johnson Street
Johnson Street
Cypress Drive East and Overbrook Drive
Overbrook Drive
Dorothy Street and Karkus Avenue
Karkus Avenue
Douglas Street and Fraser Street
Fraser Street
Dover Road and Westhill Road
Westhill Road
E Street and B Street
B Street
East Avenue and Holton Street
Holton Street
East Street and Garfield Avenue
Garfield Avenue
East Green Street and Melbourne Court
Melbourne Court
East Julius and West Woodbridge Avenue
West Woodbridge Avenue
East Pennsylvania and North Smith Street
North Smith Street
East Washington Avenue and Seymour Avenue
Seymour Avenue
Edgewood Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue
Hawthorne Avenue
Ella Avenue and Hyatt Street
Hyatt Street
Englehard Avenue and Craigwood Road
Craigwood Road
Fairfield Avenue and Hornsby Street
Hornsby Street
Fiat Avenue and Marconi Avenue
Marconi Avenue
Fifth Avenue and Center Street
Center Street
Fifth Street and South Second Street
South Second Street
Fifth Street and Third Street
Third Street
Henry Way at Access Driveway B
[Added 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-38]
Access Driveway B
Henry Way at Smith Street
[Added 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-38]
Henry Way
Highfield Road and Hillcrest Road
Hillcrest Road
Holton Street and Broad Street
Broad Street
Howard Street and John Street
John Street
Howell Avenue and South Maple Street
South Maple Street
Howell Avenue and Wick Drive
Wick Drive
Hyatt Street and Minna Avenue
Minna Avenue
Hyde Avenue and Clark Street
Clark Street
Hyde Avenue and Patten Street
Patten Street
Hudson Boulevard and Roanoke Street
Roanoke Street
Hudson Street and Maryknoll Road
Maryknoll Road
Isabelle Street and Menlo Avenue
Menlo Avenue
James Street and South Charles Street
South Charles Street
Jordan Road and Lancaster Road
Lancaster Road
Jordan Road and Tudor Lane
Tudor Lane
Julius Street and Montague Avenue
Montague Avenue
Kennedy Place and Trieste Street
Trieste Street
Kensington Avenue and Claremont Avenue
Claremont Avenue
Kimball Avenue and East Julius Street
East Julius Street
La Guardia Avenue and Marconi Avenue
Marconi Avenue
Lee Street and B Street
B Street
Legion Place and Eleanor Place
Eleanor Place
Lenox Avenue and Fifth Avenue
Lenox Avenue
Lincoln Avenue and Worth Street
Worth Street
Ling Street and March Place
March Place
Livingston Avenue and Lenox Avenue
Lenox Avenue
Lord Street and Woodruff Avenue
Woodruff Avenue
Lowell Street and Plymouth Drive
Plymouth Drive
Lowell Street and Semel Avenue
Semel Avenue - southerly approach
Luther Avenue and John Street
John Street
Lyon Avenue and Crescent Street
Crescent Street
Madison Avenue and Center Street
Center Street
Main Street and Rahway Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-48]
Rahway Avenue
Maplewood Avenue and Highland Avenue
Highland Avenue
Marconi Avenue and Sonora Avenue
Marconi Avenue
Maryknoll Road and Atlantic Street
Atlantic Street
Mercury Avenue and Wooley Lane
Wooley Lane
Meredith Road and Midwood Way
Midwood Way
Middle Hill Road and Hillcrest Road
Hillcrest Road
New Street and North William Street
North William Street
North Hill Road and East Cliff Road
East Cliff Road
North Washington Avenue and Bedford Avenue
Bedford Avenue
Park Place at The Avenue and Tappen Street
Tappen Street
Patricia Avenue and Savoy Street
Savoy Street
Pershing Avenue and Marconi Avenue
Marconi Avenue
Pershing Avenue and Wilson Avenue
Wilson Avenue
Port Reading Avenue and Trinity Lane
[Added Ord. No. 2022-35]
Trinity Lane
Predmore Avenue and Wooley Lane
Wooley Lane
Rahway Avenue and Green Street
[Added 10-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-73]
Green Street
Regina Street and Kimball Street
Kimball Street
Reynolds Street and Bender Avenue
Bender Avenue
Russell Street and Benjamin Street
Benjamin Street
Second Street and North William Street
North William Street
South Fulton Street and Fulton Street
Fulton Street, facing northbound traffic
South Second Street and South Fourth Street
South Fourth Street
South Elm Street and South Pine Street
South Pine Street
South Harrison Avenue and Rivington Street
Rivington Street
South Hill Road and Highland Avenue
Highland Avenue
South Hill Road and North Washington Avenue
North Washington Avenue
South Park Drive and Middlesex Avenue
Middlesex Avenue
Strawberry Hill Avenue and Benjamin Street
Benjamin Street
Summit Avenue and Poplar Street
Poplar Street
Temple Way and Byron Place
Byron Place
Tyler Avenue and Regina Street
Regina Street
Vantage Way and Peach Street
Peach Street
Warner Street and Crestview Road
Crestview Road
Washington Avenue and Bloomfield Avenue
Bloomfield Avenue
Washington Avenue and Nebel Way
Nebel Way
West Clark Place and Carson Drive
Carson Drive
Winter Street and South Cliff Road
South Cliff Road
Woodbridge Avenue and East Avenue
East Avenue
Woodbridge Avenue at Pennval Road
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-71]
Pennval Road
Woodruff Avenue and Hyatt Street
Hyatt Street
[Ord. #04-09]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections herein described are designated as Multi-Way stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided herein.
Stop Signs On
Chestnut Street at Morrisey Avenue
[Added 5-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-36]
All Ways
N. Washington Avenue at Bedford Avenue
[Added 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-49]
All Ways
Old Road at Glen Cove Avenue
[Added 6-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-40]
All Ways
Old Road at Wesley Place
[Added Ord. No. 2023-40; deleted Ord. No. 2023-65]
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #07-06; Ord. No. 2017-91; Ord. No. 2017-118; Ord. No. 2018-46]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as Yield Intersections. Yield signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Yield Sign(s) On
Blair Road Ramp to Port Reading Avenue (eastbound) (CR#604)
Blair Road ramp approach to Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) eastbound.
Chain O'Hills Road extension to New Dover Road
[Ord. No. 2017-91; Ord. No. 2017-118]
New Dover Road
Colonia Boulevard extension to Bramhall Road
Colonia Boulevard (northbound) at Bramhall Road/Colonia Boulevard extension.
Connector Road "B" and Montague Street
Connector Road "B"
Delaware Avenue and West Willow Street
Delaware Avenue
East Warren Street and Kennedy Street
Kennedy Street
Fairview Avenue and Grange Way
Grange Way
Fairview Avenue and Stone Place
Stone Place
Fairview Avenue and Union Street
Union Street
Ramp from Florida Grove Road to New Brunswick Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 2022-36]
Florida Grove Road
Main Street and Rahway Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-46]
Roanoke Street Jug Handle and the Roanoke Street Extension
Northeast corner of the Roanoke Street Extension facing westbound traffic
South Middlesex Avenue and Grange Way
Grange Way
Warner Street and Winchester Road
Winchester Road
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #06-55; Ord. #06-64; Ord. #08-85; Ord. #09-31; Ord. #11-38; Ord. No. 2017-17. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as One-Way Streets in the direction indicated. Parking on these streets will be permitted on the sides indicated below.
Name of Street
Parking Permitted
Adams Street
Between Wood Avenue (CR#649) and westerly Avon Terrace
Both sides
Amherst Avenue
Between Jordan Road and Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Both sides
Barbara Court -Tammy Place
Between Laurie Place and Gill Lane
Both sides
Bensonhurst Avenue
Between Woodview Avenue and Mary Avenue
Both sides
Central Street
Between East Street and Harrison Avenue
Both sides
Chestnut Street
[Ord. No. 2023-35]
From Edgerton Boulevard to Homestead Avenue
Both sides
Chestnut Street
[Ord. No. 2023-35]
From Omar Avenue to Morrisey Avenue
Both sides
Chestnut Street
[Ord. No. 2023-35]
From Edgerton Boulevard to Morrisey Avenue
Both sides
Cozy Corner
Between Prospect Avenue and Butler Street
Both sides
Dunham Place
Entire length
Both sides
East Street
Between North Grant Avenue and Central Street
Both sides
Eastside Lane
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-42]
From end of driveway To East Pennsylvania Avenue
Goodrich Street
Between Middlesex Avenue and the property of the Board of Education
Both sides
Grove Street
Between Oak Avenue and the western termination at the ramp from Route US 9 northbound
Both sides
Hunt Street
Between the property of the Board of Education and Middlesex Avenue
Both sides
Jansen Avenue
Between Route NJ 35 and Demorest Avenue
Both sides
Kimball Street
From US Route 9 to Julius Street
Laurie Place
Between Barbara Court and Gill Lane
Both sides
Lincoln Place
Entire length
Both sides
Lincoln Place
From Lincoln Place to Bedford Avenue
Both sides
Linden Street
Between Mary Avenue and Woodview Avenue
Both sides
Marconi Avenue
From Oak Tree Road to LaGuardia Avenue
Both sides
Mattison Street
Entire length
West Side
Morton Place
(Access road-South side)
Between Fairview Avenue and South Middlesex Avenue
South Side
North Grant Avenue
Between Inman Avenue (CR#602) and Central Street
Both sides
North Hill Road
Between Chain O'Hills Road and Route NJ 35
Both sides
North Park Drive
From Mobile Avenue to Clayton Court
North side only
North Pennsylvania Avenue
Between Arcangela Avenue and Cavour Street
West side
North William Street
Between Main Street (CR#514) and New Street
West side
Old Road
Between Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) and West Avenue (CR#611)
Old Smith Street
Between Smith Street (CR#656) and a point 190 feet north thereof
Pocahont Street
Entire length
Port Reading Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 2022-37]
From Trinity Lane to Lewis Street
Ridge Road
Between City of Rahway - Woodbridge Township corporate line and Colonia Boulevard
Both sides
Ridgewood Avenue
Trinity Lane
Between Freeman Street and Rahway Avenue
Both sides
Roanoke Street Jughandle
Between Route NJ 35 and Roanoke Street
Both sides
Ross Street
Entire length
North side
Samuel Lupo Place
Between Route NJ 35 and the property of the Board of Education
Both sides
South Park Drive
Between Route NJ 35 and the property of Adath Israel Synagogue
Both sides
South Park Drive
From Clayton Court to Mobile Avenue
South side only
South Robert Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-17]
Smeathers Street
Between a point 160 feet east of Old St. Georges Avenue and the Board of Education Property
South side
Stone Place
(access road - north side)
Between Fairview Avenue and South Middlesex Avenue
North side
Trinity Lane
[Added Ord. No. 2022-37]
From Lewis Street to Port Reading Avenue
Universal Avenue
Between Green Street and Concord Road
Both sides
Valentine Place
Entire length
Both sides
Valley Road
Between Route NJ 35 and Chain O'Hills Road
Both sides
West Kelley Street
From Ford Avenue to a point 370 feet south
West side
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #07-56; Ord. #08-87; Ord. No. 2017-68]
The following streets are hereby designated as truck routes in the Township in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:67-16.1. All trucks having a registered gross volume weight of four (4) tons or above are hereby required to use only the streets designated herein as truck routes and are hereby excluded from all other streets in the Township except State and County roads.
In the absence of a truck having a registered gross volume weight, the vehicle manufacturer's recommended gross volume weight will be utilized instead.
Name of Street
Blair Road
Entire length
King George's Post Road
From New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616) to the Edison Township-Woodbridge Township corporate line
Mutton Hollow Road
Entire length
Omar Avenue
Entire length
Randolph Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-68]
Between Route US 1/9 and Hart Street
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent such trucks from making deliveries of merchandise or other property along streets from which such trucks are excluded or to authorize the exclusion from any street in the Township of trucks used by public utility companies in connection with the construction, installation, operation or maintenance of public utility facilities.
The streets herein designated as truck routes shall be marked by signs as so placed and maintained as to clearly show said truck routes, both by day and night, and shall designate the weight of the trucks which are to use such truck routes.
Alternate Routes as Routes for Trucks over Four (4) Tons:
Port Reading Avenue and Tappen Street to Port Reading Avenue and Industrial Highway via Industrial Highway/Prologis Way.
Port Reading Avenue and Industrial Highway to Port Reading Avenue and Tappen Street via Industrial Highway/Prologis Way.
[Ord. No. 04-09; Ord. #08-87; Ord. #2016-29; Ord. No. 2017-68; Ord. No. 2017-100]
Commercial vehicles over the gross vehicle weight (GVW) are hereby excluded from the streets or parts of streets described except for the pick-up and delivery of materials on such streets.
Name of Street
Weight Limit
Avenel Street
[Ord. No. 2017-100]
4 tons
From Rahway Avenue to St. Georges Avenue
Chain O'Hills Road
[Ord. No. 2017-100]
4 tons
From Green Street to St. Georges Avenue
Green Street (CR 604)
10 tons
From Route 35 to Rahway Avenue (CR 514)
Main Street (CR 514)
10 tons
From Route 35 to Rahway Avenue (CR 514)
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #09-12; Ord. #2016-30; Ord. No. 2017-126; Ord. No. 2018-86. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall make a turn at any location listed and only in the manner described.
Turn Prohibited
Movement Prohibited
Amherst Avenue and Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Left Turn
Northbound from Amherst Avenue to westbound on Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Avenel Street at Minna Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-39]
At intersection
Avenel Street and Quik Chek Convenience Store
Left Turn
Northbound from Quik Chek Driveway to westbound onto Avenel Street
Berry Street (CR#652) and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
From north on Berry Street (CR#652) to south on Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Berry Street (CR#652) and Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Left Turn
From north on Berry Street (CR#652) to south on Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Butler Street
Left Turn
Eastbound from Butler Street to northbound on Cozy Corner
Charles Frank Shopping Center
Left Turn
Eastbound out of Charles Frank Shopping Center driveway to northbound onto Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Charles Frank Shopping Center
Left Turn
Southbound out of Charles Frank Shopping Center driveway to eastbound onto Main Street (CR#514)
Charles Frank Shopping Center
Left Turn
Northbound on Berry Street (CR#514) to westbound into Charles Frank Shopping Center
Colonia Boulevard and Woods Lane
[Ord. No. 21-55]
Left Turn
No left turn from Colonia Boulevard southbound onto Woods Lane at all times except for local traffic
Eastside Lane
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-43]
Right Turn
Eastbound from the exit driveway to East Pennsylvania Avenue
Green Street and U.S. #1
Left Turn
Westbound from Green Street into 775 U.S. #1
Magnolia Road
Left Turn
East on Magnolia Road to north on Route NJ 27
Main Street (CR#514)
Right Turn
Westbound on Main Street (CR#514) to northbound on Rahway Avenue (CR#514) west of the Veteran Monument
Main Street (CR#514)
U - Turn
Between Route US 9 and Woodbridge Center Drive. Both eastbound and westbound
Main Street
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-38]
Left Turn
Left Turn onto Vermella Way
Eastern most entrance
Left Turn
Left Turn onto Vermella Way
Western most entrance
McCrory's Corp.
Shopping Plaza and Gill Lane
Left Turn
South on Gill Lane to eastbound into the southernmost driveway of the McCrory's Corp. Shopping Plaza
New Brunswick Avenue
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-68]
Left Turn
Left turn onto Jersey Avenue
Left Turn
Left turn onto S. Columbus Avenue
Left Turn
Left turn onto Fraser Street
Paddock Street
[Ord. No. 21-68]
Right Turn
Southbound on Rahway Avenue
McCrory's Corp.
Shopping Plaza and Gill Lane
Left Turn
West out of the southernmost driveway of the McCrory's Corp. Shopping Plaza to southbound on Gill Lane
Plaza Drive and Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646)
Left Turn
East on Plaza Drive to north on Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646)
Plymouth Drive and Bender Avenue
Left Turn
North on Plymouth Drive to west on Bender Avenue, Monday through Friday, 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded
Port Reading Avenue
(CR#604) and Blair Road
Left Turn
South on Blair to east of Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
Port Reading Avenue
(CR#604) and Alden Road
Left Turn
West on Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) to southbound on Alden Road, 7:00—9:00 a.m. and 4:00—7:00 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded
Rahway Avenue
[Ord. #2016-30]
Left Turn
Northbound from Rahway Avenue into 987 Rahway Avenue
Rahway Avenue
[Ord. #2016-30]
Left Turn
From 987 Rahway Avenue onto Rahway Avenue northbound
Rahway Avenue
Left Turn
Southbound on Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to eastbound on Main Street (CR#514)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
and Quik Chek (475 Rahway Avenue)
Left Turn
East from Quik Chek—KFC Driveway to north on Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Randolph Avenue
Right Turn
South from the easternmost driveway of the service station (known as Metro 1) to west onto Randolph Avenue
Smith Street (CR#656) and Crows Mill Road
Turns prohibited on Smith Street (CR#656) at Crows Mill Road
Smith Street (CR#656) and Highland Avenue
U- Turn
Turns prohibited on Smith Street (CR#656) at Highland Avenue
755 U.S. #1
Left Turn
Northbound from 755 U.S. #1 onto Green Street
Vermella Way
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-38]
Left Turn
Left Turn onto Main Street
Eastern most entrance
Left Turn
Left Turn onto Main Street
Western most entrance
119 West Pond Road
Route NJ 184 (Block 1, Lot 2A)
Approx. 250 feet west of the center line of Florida Grove Road (CR655)
Approx. milepost 0.70
[Ord. No. 2017-126]
Right Turns Only
Northbound from the exit driveway onto Route NJ 184 (West Pond Road) eastbound
119 West Pond Road
Route NJ 184 (Block 1, Lot 2A)
Approx. 250 feet west of the center line of Florida Grove Road (CR655)
Approx. milepost 0.70
[Ord. No. 2017-126]
Exit Only
Northbound only
119 West Pond Road
Route NJ 184 (Block 1, Lot 2A)
Approx. 400 feet west of the center line of Florida Grove Road (CR655)
Approx. milepost 0.67
[Ord. No. 2017-126]
Entrance Only
Southbound only
Willow Avenue
Left Turn
East on Willow Avenue to north on Route NJ 27
Wood Avenue
Left Turn
South on Wood Avenue to east on Reynolds Street, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m., Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded
Woodbridge Center Drive
Easterly driveway— entire length
Woodbridge Center Drive
Westerly driveway—entire length
Woodbridge Center Drive
Turns prohibited from Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646) at Plaza Drive
Woodbridge Center Drive
Turns prohibited from Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646) at Maple Hill Terrace (Center Mall Driveway)
Woodbridge Center Drive
Turns prohibited from Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646) at Woodbridge Terrace
Woodbridge Center Plaza Drive
(Woodbridge Towne Square) and Main Street (CR#514)
Left Turn
From eastbound on Main Street (CR#514) to northbound onto the Woodbridge Center Plaza Drive
Woodbridge Center Plaza Drive (Woodbridge Towne Square) and Main Street (CR#514)
Left Turn
From southbound on Woodbridge Center Plaza Drive to eastbound onto Main Street (CR#514)
Woodbridge Center Drive
At Wick Corporate Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-86]
No U-Turns permitted
At intersection
Woodbridge Center Drive
At Highview Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-86]
No U-Turns permitted
At intersection
Woodbridge Center Drive
At Sharon Gardens Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-86]
No U-Turns permitted
At intersection
Woodbridge Center Drive
At Maple Hill Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-86]
No U-Turns permitted
At intersection
Woods Lane and New Dover Road
[Ord. No. 21-55]
Left Turn
No left turn from Woods Lane onto New Dover Road at all times
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #05-80]
No person shall make a turn at the below listed location other than a Right Turning Movement.
Movement Permitted
Fulton Street and Main Street
(CR #514)
Northbound Fulton Street onto eastbound Main Street (CR #514) 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday)
Second Street and Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue)
Vehicles traveling west on Second Street must turn right onto Route NJ 35 (Amboy Avenue) between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
[Ord. No. 04-09]
No person shall make a Right Turn on the red signal at any location listed:
Prohibited Time
Movement Prohibited
Avenel Street and West Park Avenue
All Times
Eastbound on Avenel Street to southbound on West Park Avenue
Avenel Street and West Park Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.;
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday
Northbound on West Park Avenue to eastbound on Avenel Street
Green Street (CR#604)-Benjamin Avenue
All Times
All right turns
Green Street (CR#604)-Elizabeth Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.;
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday
Northbound on Elizabeth Avenue to eastbound on Green Street (CR#604)
Green Street (CR#604)-Elizabeth Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.;
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday
Westbound on Green Street (CR#604) to northbound on Elizabeth Avenue
Green Street (CR#604)-Elizabeth Avenue
All Times
South on Elizabeth Avenue to west on Green Street (CR#604)
Green Street (CR#604)-Worth Street
All Times
North on Worth Street to east on Green Street (CR#604)
Inman Avenue (CR#602)-Jordan Road
All Times
East on Inman Avenue (CR#602) to south on Jordan Road
Inman Avenue (CR#602)-Jordan Road
All Times
West on Inman Avenue (CR#602) to north on Jordan Road
King George's Post Road (CR#501)-Liberty Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.;
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday
All right turns
Main Street (CR#514) and Ford Avenue (CR#648)
All Times
Eastbound on Main Street to southbound on Ford Avenue
Main Street (CR#514) and Ford Avenue (CR#648)
All Times
Northbound on Ford Avenue to eastbound on Main Street
Main Street (CR#514) and Ford Avenue (CR#648)
All Times
Southbound on Ford Avenue to westbound on Main Street
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)-Crows Mill Road
All Times
East on New Brunswick Avenue to south on Crows Mill Road
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)-Crows Mill Road
All Times
South on Crows Mill Road to west on New Brunswick Avenue
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)-Hoy Avenue
All Times
All right turns
New Brunswick Avenue(CR#616)-King George's Post Road (CR#501)
All Times
All right turns
New Dover Road and Wood Avenue (CR#649)
All Times
All right turns
Oak Tree Road (CR#601)-Correja Avenue
All Times
All right turns
Oak Tree Road (CR#601)- Middlesex Avenue
All Times
All right turns
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Avenel Street-Ashton Court
All Times
All right turns
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Green Street (CR#604)-East Green Street
All Times
North on Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to east on East Green Street (CR#604)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Green Street (CR#604)-East Green Street
All Times
South on Rahway Avenue (CR#514) to west on Green Street (CR#604)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Green Street (CR#604)-East Green Street
All Times
West on East Green Street to north on Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)-Freeman Street
All Times
East on Freeman Street to south on Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)-Freeman Street
All Times
North on Rahway Avenue to east on Port Reading Avenue
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)-Freeman Street
All Times
South on Rahway Avenue to west on Freeman Street
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)-Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)-Freeman Street
All Times
West on Port Reading Avenue to north on Rahway Avenue
West Avenue (CR#611)-Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
All Times
West on Woodbridge Avenue to north on West Avenue
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #14-56; Ord. #2015-14; Ord. No. 2017-131. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
The following locations are hereby designated as mid-block crosswalks.
Name of Street
Cone Way
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 460 feet south of the westerly curbline of New Dover Road to a point 9 feet west thereof
Cone Way
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 289 feet south of the westerly curbline of New Dover Road to a point 9 feet west thereof
Green Street (CR#604)
(New Jersey Transit Station)
From a point 200 feet east of the easterly curbline of Pearl Street to a point 10 feet east therefrom
Main Street (CR#514)
(New Jersey Transit Overpass)
From a point 59 feet west of the westerly curbline of Eleanor Place to a point 10 feet west therefrom
Main Street (CR#514) (Municipal Building)
From a point 167 feet east of the easterly curbline of Eleanor Place to a point 10 feet east therefrom
Mutton Hollow Road
From a point 740 feet east of the easterly curbline of Antares Drive to a point 10 feet east therefrom
Oak Tree Road
[Ord. #14-56]
From a point 300 feet east of Correja Avenue to a point 10 feet east thereof
Oak Tree Road
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 213 feet west of the northerly curbline of Marconi Avenue to a point 8 feet west thereof
Omar Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 382 feet west of the northerly curbline of Blair Road to a point 6 feet north thereof
Omar Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 146 feet west of the northerly curbline of Blair Road to a point 9 feet north thereof
Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
From a point 135 feet west of the west curbline of "E" Street and extending 6 feet westerly therefrom
Port Reading Avenue
[Ord. #2015-14]
From a point 132 feet west of E Street to a point 10 feet west thereof
Port Reading Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 70 feet east of the northerly curbline of Daniel Street to a point 6 feet east thereof
Rahway Avenue
[Added 10-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-72]
From a point 300 feet from Green Street westbound to the northerly curb of Rahway Avenue to a point 6 feet from thereof * (*For a period of twenty-four (24) months, or until construction is completed, whichever comes first.)
Ronson Road
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 1560 feet south of the westerly curbline of Gills Lane to a point 6 feet west thereof
South Inman Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-07]
From a point 31 feet north of the westerly curbline of Clark Place to a point six feet north thereof
Tappen Street
[Added 10-6-2020 by Ord. No. 20-68]
From a point 211 feet west of the southerly curb line of Madeline Drive to a point 6 feet west thereof
Woodbine Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-131]
From a point 515.5 feet west of the northerly curbline of Leesville Avenue to a point 8 feet west thereof
[Ord. No. 2017-123. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated by the Township of Woodbridge at the following crosswalks:
Name of Street
Main Street (CR #514)
From point 59 feet west of the westerly curbline of Eleanor Place to a point 10 feet west therefrom
Green Street
[Added 3-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-11]
Near the New Jersey Transit Train Station
Rahway Avenue (CR 514)
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-36]
Intersection of Rahway Avenue (CR 514) and Poillon Street
The Traffic Control Signals installed are in accordance with the provisions of the MUTCD, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes and the New Jersey Administrative Code and shall conform to the design, and shall be maintained in operation as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
A Rapid Flashing Pedestrian Signal shall control the following intersections:
Port Reading Avenue (CR 604) and Daniel. Street in accordance with the As-Built Plan dated July 23, 2021.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 21-54]
That the Rapid Flashing Pedestrian Signal shall be in accordance with the provisions of the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes and the New Jersey Administrative Code and shall be operated in conformance with the designated plan.
The lane locations described are designated as Lane Use Reservations and traffic shall move as indicated.
Intersection or Location
Blair Road (southbound) and Second Street at Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) Ramp
The left lane of the southbound approach of Blair Road shall be used for left turns only onto Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) Ramp
Green Street (CR#604) and Chain O'Hills Road
The left lane of the southerly approach of Green Street (CR#604) shall be for left turns only onto Chain O'Hills Road
[Ord. #04-09]
The lane locations described are hereby designated as Exclusive Lanes for use by certain vehicles as indicated.
Name of Street
Type of Vehicle
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #06-63; Ord. #11-39]
The lane locations described are hereby designated as Bicycle Lanes. Bicycle Lanes shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width, pursuant to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
Name of Street
Lane Width
Inman Avenue
4 feet
Kline Boulevard to Edison Township Border
Wood Avenue
4 feet
Freida Lane to Inman Avenue
The lane locations described are hereby designated as Bicycle Lanes. Bicycle Lanes shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in width, pursuant to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
Name of Street
Lane Width
North Park Drive
6 feet
Mobile Avenue to Clayton Court
South Park Drive
6 feet
Mobile Avenue to Clayton Court
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #06-37; Ord. #07-80 § I; Ord. No. 2017-38; Ord. No. 2017-53; Ord. No. 2017-61; Ord. No. 2017-83; Ord. No. 2017-84; Ord. No. 2017-108; Ord. No. 2017-132; Ord. No. 2018-14; Ord. No. 2018-91; Ord. No. 21-48]
The speed limits for both directions of traffic along the streets or parts thereof described below and made a part of this chapter are hereby established at the rate of speed indicated.
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits.
Name of Street
Antares Drive
[Ord. No. 21-48]
The entire length from Main Street to Mutton Hollow Road.*
*Use street names as a reference point not mile markers from the State straight Line Diagrams.
Blair Road
[Ord. No. 2018-14]
From Markley Street to Port Reading Avenue
Blair Road
[Ord. No. 2018-14]
From Markley Street to Randolph Avenue
Chain O'Hills Road
[Ord. No. 2017-61]
Entire length
Colonia Boulevard
Entire length
Henry Street
[Added 8-4-2020 by Ord. No. 20-56]
From Smith Street to Access Road B
Main Street (CR #514)
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-74]
From Route 9 to Amboy Avenue (Milepost 0.00 to Milepost 1.16)
Rahway Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-84]
From Berry Street to the northerly Woodbridge Township Line
West Avenue (CR#611)
[Ord. No. 2017-38; Ord. No. 2017-53]
Ferry Street to Port Reading Avenue
West Middlesex Avenue (Port Reading)
Entire length
Woodbridge Center Drive (CR #646)
[Ord. No. 2017-83; Ord. No. 2017-108; Ord. No. 2018-91]
From Main Street, Middlesex County Route 514 to U.S. Route 1 (Mile post 0.00 to mile post 1.16)
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. 06-46; Ord. # 14-33; Ord. #2015-26]
No Passing Zones are hereby established and shall be maintained upon the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
Sketch #:
Sketch Date
Approval Date
Chain O'Hills Road
CH 2006
November 22, 2006
July 14, 2006
Route NJ 27
[Ord. #2015-26]
Both sides
Entire length
Route NJ 184 (West Pond Road)
Both Sides
Entire length
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #06-38; Ord. #08-62; Ord. #12-31; Ord. # 14-38]
The locations described are hereby designated as Bus Stops. No vehicle other than an omnibus, picking up or discharging passengers, shall be permitted to occupy said location at any time.
Name of Street
Along Amboy Avenue
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
Cutter Dock Road (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Cutter Dock Road and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Along Amboy Avenue
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
Cutter Dock Road (mid-block)
Beginning 150 feet south of the prolongation of the southerly curbline of Cutter Dock Road and extending 135 feet southerly therefrom.
Along Avenel Street
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Jansen Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Jansen Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Avenel Street
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Route US 1 (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Route US 1 and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Along Chain O'Hills Road
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Route NJ 35 (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Route NJ 35 and extending 120 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
Main Street (mid-block) (CR#514)
Beginning 230 feet north of the northerly curbline of Main Street and extending 135 feet northerly therefrom.
Jackson Court (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Jackson Court and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Marie Road (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Marie Road and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Brandywine Road (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Brandywine Road and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Wisteria Drive (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Wisteria Drive and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Burnham Drive (far side)
Beginning 250 feet north of the northerly curbline of Webb Drive and extending 135 feet therefrom.
Linden Street (Near Side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Linden Street and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom (Stop 32810)
[Ord. No. 2018-61]
Along Ford Avenue (CR#648)
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
Webb Drive (mid-block)
Beginning 185 feet north of the northerly curbline of Webb Drive and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Burnham Drive (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Burnham Drive and extending 100 feet southerly therefrom.
Denman Drive (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Denman Drive and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Hearthstone Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Hearthstone Avenue and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Thistle Place (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Thistle Place and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Murdock Street (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Murdock Street and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Overlook Terrace (mid-block)
Beginning 135 feet north of the northerly curbline of Overlook Terrace and extending 135 feet northerly therefrom.
Wildwood Avenue (Near Side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Wildwood Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom (Stop 32809)
[Ord. No. 2018-61]
Along Gill Lane
Northbound on the easterly side at:
Cheryl Drive (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Cheryl Drive and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Barbara Court and Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) (mid block)
Beginning 407 feet north of the northerly curbline of Barbara Court and extending 135 feet northerly therefrom (in front of Building 55).
Along Gill Lane
Southbound on the westerly side at:
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and (Prolongation) Barbara Court (mid-block)
Beginning 570 feet south of the southerly curbline of Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657) and extending 135 feet southerly therefrom (in front of Building 60).
Cheryl Drive (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the northerly curbline of Cheryl Drive and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Along Green Street (CR#604)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Benjamin Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Benjamin Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Dundee Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Dundee Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Elizabeth Street (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Elizabeth Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (far side) (CR#657)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Middlesex-Essex Turnpike and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Pearl Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Pearl Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Rahway Avenue (near side) (CR#514)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
School Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of School Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
South Worth Street (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of South Worth Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Tyler Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the westerly curbline of Tyler Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Green Street (CR#604)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Rahway Avenue (mid-block) (CR#514)
Beginning 240 feet west of the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue and extending 135 feet westerly therefrom.
Universal Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Universal Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
[Added 5-5-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32]
Worth Street and Universal Avenue (mid-block)
Beginning 320 feet east of the easterly curbline of Worth Street and extending 135 feet easterly therefrom. (In front of 838 Green Street)
Dundee Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the westerly curbline of Dundee Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Elizabeth Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Elizabeth Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Benjamin Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Benjamin Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Along Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Wood Avenue (far side) (CR#649)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Wood Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Kline Boulevard (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Kline Boulevard and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Edgewood Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Edgewood Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Clover Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Clover Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Amherst Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Amherst Avenue and extending 120 feet easterly therefrom.
West Street (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of West Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
West Street and East Street (mid-block)
Beginning 660 feet east of the easterly curbline of West Street and extending 140 feet easterly therefrom.
Harrison Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Harrison Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
[Added 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-08]
Broadway Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Broadway Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Cleveland Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Cleveland Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Between North Lincoln Avenue and Bramhall Road (mid-block)
Beginning 285 feet east of North Lincoln Avenue and extending 135 feet easterly therefrom.
Between North Lincoln Avenue and Bramhall Road (mid-block)
Beginning 800 feet east of North Lincoln Avenue and extending 135 feet easterly therefrom.
Along Inman Avenue (CR#602)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Savoy Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Savoy Street and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Cavour Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Cavour Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
North Pennsylvania Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of North Pennsylvania Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Delaware Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Delaware Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Delaware Avenue and Jordan Road (mid-block)
Beginning 715 feet west of the westerly curbline of Delaware Avenue and extending 135 feet westerly therefrom.
Jordan Road (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Jordan Road and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Kimberly Road (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Kimberly Road and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Thelma Court (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Thelma Court and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Cypress Drive (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Cypress Drive and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
West Street (mid-block)
Beginning 200 feet west of the westerly curbline of West Street and extending 135 feet westerly therefrom.
Along West Kelly Street
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
Ford Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Ford Avenue and extending 150 feet southerly therefrom.
Menlo Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Menlo Avenue and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Along West Kelly Street
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
Menlo Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Menlo Avenue and extending 150 feet northerly therefrom.
Ford Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Ford Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Along King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Corrielle Street (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Corrielle Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Liberty Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Liberty Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Hoy Avenue (Near Side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Hoy Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
[Ord. No. 2018-61; amended 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-38]
Liberty Street (Near Side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Liberty Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom (Stop 32812)
[Ord. No. 2018-61]
Along King George's Post Road (CR#501)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Liberty Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Liberty Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Third Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Third Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Izola Avenue (Far Side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Izola Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
[Ord. No. 2018-61; amended 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-38]
Liberty Street (Near Side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Liberty Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom (Stop 32813)
[Ord. No. 2018-61]
Along Main Street (CR#514)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Bersey Court (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Bersey Court and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom
Amboy Avenue (mid-block)
Beginning at a point 155 feet west of Amboy Avenue and extending 110 feet westerly therefrom.
Howell Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Howell Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Metuchen Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Metuchen Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom
Pearl Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Pearl Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Between Rahway Avenue (CR#514) and Pearl Street (near side)
Beginning 220 feet west of the westerly curbline of Rahway Avenue and extending 70 feet westerly therefrom.
School Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of School Street and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom
Along Main Street (CR#514)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Columbus Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Columbus Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Eleanor Place (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Eleanor Place and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Fulton Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Fulton Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Howell Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Howell Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Mary Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Mary Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
North William Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of North William Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Vine Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Vine Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
North Juliet Street (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of North Juliet Street and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Along Middlesex-Essex Turnpike (CR#657)
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
North Juliet Street (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the northerly curbline of North Juliet Street and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Along New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Columbus Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Columbus Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Fraser Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Fraser Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Hornsby Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Hornsby Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Paul Street (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Paul Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Penn Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Penn Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Between Raymond Street and Ling Street (far side)
Beginning 60 feet east of the easterly curbline of Raymond Street and extending 130 feet easterly therefrom.
South Charles Street (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of South Charles Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Along New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Crows Mill Road (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Crows Mill Road and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Liberty Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of South Charles Street extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Oregon Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Oregon Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Penn Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Penn Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
South Brook Street
Beginning at the westerly curbline of South Brook Street extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
South Charles Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of South Charles Street extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Hornsby Street (far side)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 14-38]
Hoy Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Hoy Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Corrielle Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Corrielle Street and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Magnolia Road (far side)
Beginning 115 feet east of the easterly curbline of Magnolia Road and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Correja Avenue (near side)
Beginning 50 feet west of the westerly curbline of Correja Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Middlesex Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Middlesex Avenue and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Along Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Correja Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Correja Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Middlesex Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Middlesex Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Plymouth Drive (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Plymouth Drive and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Along West Park Avenue
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
Avenel Street (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Avenel Street and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Along Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
Henry Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Henry Street and extending 140 feet westerly therefrom.
Marion Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Marion Street and extending 130 feet westerly therefrom.
Daniel Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Daniel Street and extending 125 feet westerly therefrom.
Hagaman Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Hagaman Street and extending 120 feet westerly therefrom.
Vernon Way (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Vernon Way and extending 135 feet westerly therefrom.
Turner Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Turner Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
East Tappen Street (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of East Tappen Street and extending 220 feet westerly therefrom.
E Street (near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of E Street and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Old Road (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Old Road and extending 120 feet easterly therefrom.
Seventh Avenue (mid-block)
Beginning at a point 150 feet west of the west curbline of Seventh Avenue and extending 110 feet.
Lewis Street (far side)
Beginning at a point 55 feet west of the prolongation of the westerly curbline of Bamford Avenue and extending 110 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Port Reading Avenue (CR#604)
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
Watson Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Watson Avenue and extending 120 feet easterly therefrom.
Sixth Avenue (Near Side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Sixth Avenue and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Old Road (far side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Old Road and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Milos Way (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Milos Way and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
West Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of West Avenue and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
East Tappen Street (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the westerly curbline of East Tappen Street and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Turner Street (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Turner Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Vernon Way (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Vernon Way and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Hagaman Street (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Hagaman Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Daniel Street (far side)
Beginning at a point 50 feet east of the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Daniel Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Marion Street (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Marion Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Henry Street (far side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Henry Street and extending 100 feet easterly therefrom.
Along Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
East Green Street (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of East Green Street and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Crampton Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Crampton Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Port Reading Avenue (near side)
Beginning at a point 190 feet south of the southerly leg of Port Reading Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Wedgewood Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Wedgewood Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
East Coddington Avenue (near side)
Beginning at a point 230 feet south of the southerly curbline of East Coddington Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Ashton Court (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Ashton Court and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Homer Court (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Homer Court and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Morrisey Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Morrisey Avenue and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Along Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
Morrisey Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the northerly curbline of Morrisey Avenue and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Yale Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Yale Avenue and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Avenel Street (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Avenel Street and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Burnett Street (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Burnett Street and extending 100 feet southerly therefrom.
Wedgewood Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Wedgewood Avenue and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Martin Terrace (near side)
Beginning at a point 145 feet of the northerly curbline of Martin Terrace and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Crampton Avenue (far side)
Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the prolongation of the southerly curbline of Crampton Avenue and extending 180 feet southerly therefrom.
Green Street (CR# 604) (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Green Street and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Along Randolph Avenue
Eastbound on the southerly side thereof at:
[Added 5-5-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32]
Cragwood Road (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Cragwood Road and extending 105 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Randolph Avenue
Westbound on the northerly side thereof at:
[Added 5-5-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32]
Mileed Way(near side)
Beginning at the easterly curbline of Mileed Way and extending 105 feet easterly therefrom.
Along West Avenue (CR#611)
Northbound on the easterly side thereof at:
Brewster Place (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the southerly curbline of Brewster Place and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Debra Place (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Debra Place and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Ferry Street (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Ferry Street and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Milos Way (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Milos Way and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Port Reading Avenue and extending 150 feet southerly therefrom.
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Along West Avenue (CR#611)
Southbound on the westerly side thereof at:
Brewster Place (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Brewster Place and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Debra Place (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Debra Place and extending 100 feet southerly therefrom.
Dunlop Drive (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Dunlop Drive and extending 105 feet northerly therefrom.
Milos Way (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Milos Way and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Port Reading Avenue (CR#604) (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Port Reading Avenue and extending 150 feet southerly therefrom.
Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652) (near side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Woodbridge Avenue and extending 215 feet northerly therefrom.
Along Wood Avenue (CR#649)
Northbound on the easterly side at:
Barry Place (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Barry Place and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Jennifer Court (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Jennifer Court and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Oak Tree Road (CR#604) (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Oak Tree Road and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Quaker Lane (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Quaker Lane and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Reynold Street (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of Reynold Street and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
West Louis Place (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of West Louis Place and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
West Warren Street (near side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of West Warren Street and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
West James Place (far side)
Beginning at the northerly curbline of West James Place and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom.
Along Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Eastbound on the southerly side at:
Austin Avenue (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Austin Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Old Road (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Old Road and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Woodbridge Avenue (CR#652)
Westbound on the northerly side at:
Austin Avenue (far side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Austin Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Bridge Street (near side)
Beginning at the westerly curbline of Sewaren Avenue and extending 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Along Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646)
Northbound on the easterly side at:
Plaza Drive (near side)
Beginning at the prolongation of the southerly curbline of Plaza Drive and extending 105 feet southerly therefrom.
Along Woodbridge Center Drive (CR#646)
Southbound on the westerly side at:
Woodbridge Terrace (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Woodbridge Terrace and extending 100 feet southerly therefrom.
Plaza Drive (far side)
Beginning at the southerly curbline of Plaza Drive and extending 100 feet southerly therefrom.
Route NJ 35.
[Added 11-12-2019 by Ord. No. 19-114; repealed 2-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-15]
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #2015-71; Ord. No. 2017-101]
The locations described are hereby designated as Loading Zones. No person shall park a vehicle in said location during the times indicated other than for the loading or unloading of goods and materials.
Name of Street
Cliff Road
[Ord. #2015-71]
All times
Beginning at a point 277 feet south of Woodbridge Avenue to a point 73 feet south thereof
Fulton Street
[Ord. No. 2017-101]
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In front of address #325
Main Street
All Times
Beginning at a point 124 feet east of Amboy Avenue to a point 50 feet east thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
All Times
Between a point 35 feet east of School Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
All Times
Between a point 35 feet west of William Street and a point 50 feet west thereof
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
All Times
Between a point 45 feet east of Corrielle Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
All Times
Between a point 65 feet east of King George's Post Road and a point 50 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue (CR#616)
All Times
Beginning at a point 103 feet east of Ryan Street and a point 50 feet east thereof
North Williams Street
All Times
Beginning at a point 35 feet south of Main Street to a point 50 feet south thereof
Oak Tree Road (CR#604)
All Times
Between a point 35 feet west of Middlesex Avenue and a point 50 feet west thereof
Pennsylvania Avenue
All Times
Between a point 120 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue and a point 75 feet south thereof
West Woodbridge Avenue
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday
Beginning at a point 160 feet west of East Julius Street to a point 250 feet west thereof
(Note: Minimum length for all loading zones is 50 feet. No loading zone may be established in any area where it is prohibited to stand or park by statute. N.J.S.A. 39:4-138.)
[Ord. #04-09]
The locations described are hereby designated as Taxi Stands. No vehicle other than a taxi shall be permitted to occupy said locations during the times indicated.
Metropark (100 Middlesex -Essex Turnpike- MET)
[Added 2-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-12]
A point 310 feet north of MET entrance and a point 370 feet west thereof
All Times
Pearl Street
West side between a point 35 feet north of Brook Street and a point 40 feet north thereof
All Times
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-25; Ord. #04-26; Ord. #04-27; Ord. #04-28; Ord. #04-36; Ord. #04-37; Ord. #04-38; Ord. #04-43; Ord. #04-47; Ord. #04-48; Ord. #04-49; Ord. #04-53; Ord. #04-59; Ord. #04-60; Ord. #04-62; Ord. #04-63; Ord. #04-69; Ord. #04-71; Ord. #05-02; Ord. #05-04; Ord. #05-22; Ord. #05-28; Ord. #05-31; Ord. #05-34; Ord. #05-44; Ord. #05-48; Ord. #05-49; Ord. #05-59; Ord. #05-60; Ord. #05-68; Ord. #05-70; Ord. #05-71; Ord. #05-73; Ord. #05-81; Ord. #05-82; Ord. #05-90; Ord. #06-02; Ord. #06-09; Ord. #06-29; Ord. #06-43; Ord. #06-56; Ord. #08-12; Ord. #09-64; Ord. #12-14; Ord. #12-21; Ord. #12-23; Ord. #12-37; Ord. # 14-04; Ord. #2015-12; Ord. #2015-15; Ord. #2016-12; Ord. No. 2017-07; Ord. No. 2017-25; Ord. No. 2017-57; Ord. No. 2017-80; Ord. No. 2017-89; Ord. No. 2017-99; Ord. No. 2017-115; Ord. No. 2017-129; Ord. No. 2018-02; Ord. No. 2018-16; Ord. No. 2018-24; Ord. No. 2018-32; Ord. No. 2018-47; Ord. No. 2018-60; Ord. No. 2018-68; Ord. No. 2018-77; Ord. No. 2018-84; Ord. No. 2018-90; Ord. No. 19-41; Ord. No. 20-07; Ord. No. 21-53; Ord. No. 21-66;Ord. No. 21-76; Ord. No. 2022-26; Ord. No. 2022-28; Ord. No. 2022-38; Ord. No. 2022-47; Ord. No. 2022-57. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following street locations are designated as handicapped parking spaces. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards or plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
1st Street, Fords
[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-06]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of 5th Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
2nd Avenue
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-79]
Beginning at a point 38 feet south of Langford Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof.
E. 2nd Street
[Added 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-41]
Beginning at a point 56 feet east of Carteret Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Alden Street (Woodbridge)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Alden Street
Beginning at a point 50 feet south of Port Reading Avenue to a point 25 feet south thereof
Alice Place
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 180 feet south of East Grove Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Alice Place (Woodbridge)
[Added Ord. No. 21-66]
Beginning at a point 134 feet south of Martin Terrace to a point 20 feet south thereof
Alwat Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 150 feet east of South Lincoln Avenue to a point 29 feet east thereof
Alice Place
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 55 feet south of Martin Terrace to a point 20 feet south thereof
Anthony Court (#8)
Beginning at a point 177 feet west of the west curbline of Strawberry Hill to a point 20 feet west thereof
Archangela Avenue
Beginning at a point 130 feet east of West Pennsylvania Avenue to a point 30 feet east thereof
Austin Avenue
Beginning at a point 25 feet from the northernmost termination of the roadway to a point 25 feet south thereof
Auth Avenue (#78)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Autumn Court
[Added 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-91]
Beginning at a point 410 feet north of Wendy Road to a point 20 feet north thereof.
Avenel Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-129]
Bamford Avenue (#37)
[Deleted 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-37]
Barron Avenue
(First Congregational Church)
Beginning at a point 125 feet north of Grove Avenue to a point 50 feet north thereof
Barron Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-07]
Benjamin Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Bergen Street
Beginning at a point 185 feet west of the northwesterly curbline of Route NJ 35 to a point 25 feet west thereof
Bergen Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 25 feet east of DeSota Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof
Berry Street (#331)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Berry Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Brewster Place
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 122 feet west of West Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Bunns Lane
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 80 feet west of DeSota Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Bunns Lane
The second head-on recessed parking space from the right in the parking area in front Building #1
Bunns Lane
The ninth head-on recessed parking space from the left in the parking area in front Building #7
Bunns Lane
The 19th head-on recessed parking space from the left in the parking area in front Building #9
Bunns Lane
The first head-on recessed parking space from the right in the parking area in front Building #12
Bunns Lane
The second head-on recessed parking space from the right in the parking area in front Building #12
Bunns Lane
The first head-on recessed parking space from the left in the parking area in front Building #10
Bunns Lane
Beginning at a point 100 feet west of DeSota Avenue to a point 100 feet west thereof (4 spaces)
Bunns Lane
The first head-on parking space from the right in the parking area in front of Building #13
Bunns Lane (Building #I-J) (Woodbridge)
The fifth marked parking space from the right in the parking area in front of Building #1
Camelot Drive
[Ord. No. 2024-32]
Beginning at a point 120 feet west of Vernon Way to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Campbell Street (#208)
Beginning at a point 245 feet west of the west curbline of Amboy Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Caroline Street (#59)
Beginning at a point 86 feet east of Augustus Street, to a point 25 feet east thereof
Caroline Street
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 22 feet west of Augustus Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Carolyn Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 207 feet west of Savoy Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Cedar Avenue
Beginning at a point 226 feet north of Grove Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Church Street
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 270 feet east of Linden Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof
Church Street
[Added 4-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-24]
Beginning at a point 186 feet west of Amboy Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Church Street
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-18]
Beginning at a point 235 feet west of Linden Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Claire Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Claire Avenue
[Deleted 4-6-2021 by Ord. No. 21-16
Claremont Avenue (For School #20)
[Ord. #2015-15]
Beginning at a point 245 feet south of Stanford Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Claybourne Avenue (#57)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Cliff Road
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-05]
Beginning at a point 50 feet north of Ferry Street to a point 25 feet north thereof
Clinton Avenue Keasbey
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-05; 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 90 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 20 feet west thereof
Clinton Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-10]
Beginning at a point 85 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Clinton Street (#192)
Beginning at a point 70 feet west of the west curbline of Columbus Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Clum Avenue
[Added 3-5-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-15]
Beginning at a point 385 feet south of King Georges Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof.
Clyde Avenue
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-79]
Beginning at a point 315 feet east of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof.
Commercial Avenue (For #57 Avenel Street)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Coolidge Avenue
From a point 28 feet north of West Prospect Avenue to a point 25 feet north thereof
Cornell Street
[Repealed Ord. No. 19-94]
Cornell Street
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 33 feet north of Dartmouth Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Cornell Street
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 100 feet north of Dartmouth Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Cornell Street
[Ord. No. 21-76]
Beginning at a point 142 feet north of Vassar Place to a point 20 feet north thereof
Cozy Corner
Beginning at a point 326 feet east of Butler Street to a point 25 feet east thereof
Creemer Avenue (#121)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Crows Mill Road
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 108 feet south of the southern curbline of Douglas Street to a point 128 feet south thereof
Crows Mill Road
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 200 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 25 feet south thereof
Daniel Street
[Ord. No. 2018-84]
Beginning at a point 25 feet north of Larch Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
Dartmouth Avenue
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 60 feet west of Rahway Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Dartmouth Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 2023-57]
Beginning at a point 181 feet west of Dartmouth Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Decker Place
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Decker Place
[Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 217 feet west of Amboy Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Demorest Avenue
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Demorest Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36; repealed 7-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-50]
DeSota Avenue (#224 Bunns Lane)
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the north curbline of Bunns Lane to a point 25 feet north thereof
DeSota Avenue
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 50 feet north of Bunns Lane to a point 20 feet north thereof
Diaz Street (#62)
Beginning at a point 135 feet west of the west curbline of Correja Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Drew Way
[Added 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-70]
Beginning at a point 55 feet north of South McKinley Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Drummond Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 655 feet north of Main Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
Dunbar Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-77; amended 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 122 feet west of Mary Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
E Street
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 55 feet north of Port Reading Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
East Coddington Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at the eastern curbline of Thayer Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
East Hill Road
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 231 feet north of Longhill Road to a point 20 feet north thereof
East James Place
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 50 feet east of Charles Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
East New Street (#50)
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 205 feet east of the east curbline of East Avenue to a point 35 feet thereof
East Tappen Street (#33)
Beginning at a point 65 feet north of the north curbline of East 3rd Street to a point 25 feet north thereof
Edgar Street
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 105 feet west of Amboy Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Ella Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 345 feet south of Butler Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ellis Place
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 195 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ellis Place
[Added 8-2-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-47]
Beginning at a point 140 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 25 feet south thereof.
Ellis Place
[Ord. No. 2023-10]
Beginning at a point 110 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Elmhurst Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 228 feet south of Green Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Emmett Avenue (#46) (Hopelawn)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Emmett Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 100 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Emmett Avenue
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 90 feet north of Quincy Court to a point 20 feet north thereof
Emmett Avenue
[Added 6-13-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-41]
Beginning at a point 238 feet south of Emmett Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Fairfield Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 55 feet north of Hoy Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Fiat Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Fiat Avenue
Beginning 35 feet west of Marconi Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Fifth Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 181 feet south of Avenel Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Fifth Street (Fords)
[Added 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-09]
Beginning at a point 45 feet east of Third Street to a point 25 feet east thereof
First Avenue (Port Reading)
[Added 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-07]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of Langford Avenue (Port Reading) to a point 20 feet south thereof
Florida Grove Road
[Ord. No. 21-53]
Beginning at a point 25 feet north of Oakland Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Foster Way
Beginning at a point 93 feet west of Roanoke Street to a point 25 feet west thereof
Garden Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 200 feet north of Crampton Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Garden Avenue
[Added 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-41]
Beginning at a point 330 feet south of Crampton Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Garfield Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 50 feet north of Flagman Place to a point 20 feet north thereof
Garfield Avenue
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 297 feet north of Flagman Place to a point 20 feet north thereof
Garfield Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 243 feet south of North High Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Garfield Avenue
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2202-02
Beginning at a point 195 feet north of Flagman Place to a point 20 feet north thereof
George Street
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 227 feet west of Commercial Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Glenwood Terrace
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 41 feet south of Brandywine Road to a point 25 feet south thereof
Gordon Street
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 25 feet east of Wallace Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Fraser Street
[Added 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-36]
Beginning at a point 100 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Grady Drive
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Grady Drive
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Grand Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of Nebel Way to a point 20 feet east thereof
Grand Avenue
[Added 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-41]
Beginning at a point 25 feet west of Rivington Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Grand Avenue
[Added 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-70]
Beginning at a point 122 feet west of Rivington Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Greenbrook Avenue
[Added 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-41]
Beginning at a point 344 feet west of Highland Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Greenbrook Avenue (#49)
[Repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-48]
Grove Avenue (#86)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Hamilton Avenue (#71)
Beginning at a point 213 feet west of the west curbline of Hornsby Street to a point 25 feet west thereof
Harding Avenue
Beginning at a point 228 1/2 feet west of Middlesex Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Harding Avenue
Beginning at a point 323 feet east of the northeast curbline of Correja Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
Harmony Way
[Added Ord. No. 19-51; deleted Ord. No. 2023-55]
Harned Avenue
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 127 feet east of South Church Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
High Street
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51; repealed 7-9-2019 by Ord. No. 19-79]
Highland Avenue
Beginning at a point 120 feet north of Smith Street to a point 25 feet north thereof
Highland Avenue
[Added 11-12-2019 by Ord. No. 19-112]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of Greenbrook Avenue to a point 25 feet south thereof
Highland Terrace
Beginning 106 feet north of Smith Street to a point 25 feet north thereof
Holly Road
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Holly Street
[Added Ord. No. 19-51; deleted Ord. No. 2023-55]
Holly Street
[Added 4-19-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-21]
Beginning at a point 68 feet west of Hagaman Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Homestead Avenue
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 20 feet east of North Walnut Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Hornsby Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Hornsby Street (#33)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-16; Ord. No. 2018-84]
Hornsby Street
[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 19-94]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of Maxwell Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Howard Street
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 75 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 25 feet west thereof
Howard Street
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 180 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 20 feet west thereof
Howard Street
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 40 feet west of John Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Hoy Avenue
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 114 feet north of Hamilton Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Hudson Street (Menlo Park Terrace)
Beginning at a point 70 feet west of Wall Street to a point 25 feet west thereof
Hudson Street (Menlo Park Terrace)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-89]
Isabelle Street (#72)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Juliette Street
Beginning at a point 124 feet east of Geraldine Street to a point 25 feet east thereof
Kennedy Place
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 246 feet west of Middlesex Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Kilmer Drive
[Added 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-09]
Beginning at a point 152 feet north of Lake Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Koyen Street
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-51]
Beginning at a point 271 feet west of Winchester Road to a point 20 feet west thereof
LaGuardia Avenue (For #25 Hillcrest Avenue)
Beginning at a point 30 feet north of the north curbline of Hillcrest Avenue to a point 25 feet north thereof
Larch Street (#55)
[Repealed 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-07]
Larch Street
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 174 feet east of Vernon Way to a point 20 feet east thereof
Lawrence Street
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 56 feet east of Crestview Road to a point 20 feet east thereof
Lee Avenue (Hopelawn)
[Added Ord. No. 21-66]
Beginning at a point 162 feet west of S. Charles Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Lehigh Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-05; 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 109 feet west of Oak Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Leone Street
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 146 feet north of Trinity Lane to a point 20 feet north thereof
Linden Avenue
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of Valentine Place to a point 25 feet south thereof
Linden Street
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 155 feet west of Woodview Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Lockwood Avenue
[Ord. No. 2023-18]
Beginning at a point 232 feet west of Rahway Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Lord Street (222 Prospect Avenue)
Beginning at a point 40 feet east of the east curbline of Prospect Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
Loretta Street
[Added 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-37]
Beginning at a point 178 feet east of Ellen Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Loretta Street
[Added 10-3-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-57]
Beginning at a point 105 feet east of Geraldine Street to a point 20 feet east thereof.
Luther Avenue (#61)
Beginning at a point 39 feet east of Ellen Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Madison Avenue
[Added 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-91]
Beginning at a point 230 feet north of Lenox Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof.
Main Street
[Ord. No. 2018-60; amended 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 130 feet east of the east curbline of Metuchen Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
Main Street (CR#514)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Main Street (#229) (CR#514)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Manhattan Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 90 feet north of Meinzer Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
Marion Street
[Added Ord. No. 2023-63]
Beginning at a point 61 feet south of Holly Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Marion Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Marion Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-02]
Martin Terrace (#33)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-57]
Martin Terrace
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 25 feet east of the east curbline of Alice Place to a point 25 feet east thereof
Martool Drive
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 94 feet west of Elmwood Avenue to a point 25 feet west thereof
Mary Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 295 feet north of King George Road to a point 25 feet north thereof
Maryknoll Road
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 474 feet north of West Kelly Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
Mawbey Street (#284)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-68]
Mawbey Street
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 180 feet east of Lyman Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof
Mawbey Street
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 210 feet west of Amboy Avenue (Route 35) to a point 20 feet west thereof
Maxwell Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 67 feet west of Hornsby Street to a point 25 feet west thereof
May Street
[Ord. No. 2022-26]
Beginning at a point 179 feet east of Ellen Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof
May Street (#17)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
McKinley Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 193 feet north of Central Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
McKinley Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 327 feet north of Central Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
McKinley Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 178 feet north of Central Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
McKinley Avenue
[Deleted 3-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-12]
Melbourne Court
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northeasterly curbline of Claire Avenue to a point 25 feet north thereof
Melbourne Court
[Added 1-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Beginning at a point 108 feet south of Claire Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Mercer Street
[ Ord. No. 19-117; deleted Ord. No. 2024-34]
Mereline Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Middlesex Avenue
Beginning at a point 70 feet from the northeast corner of Vernam Street to a point 25 feet north
Middlesex Avenue (#120)
Beginning at a point 25 feet west of the west curbline of Wright Street to a point 25 feet west thereof
Mileed Way
Beginning at a point 650 feet north of the northeast corner of Randolph Avenue to a point 25 feet north
Moffett Street (#53)
[Deleted Ord. No. 21-66]
Moffett Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-02; Ord. No. 2018-32]
Morrisey Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 68 feet east of Rahway Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof
New Brunswick Avenue
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 92 feet west of Hornsby Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
New Street
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 35 feet west of Fulton Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
New Street
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 55 feet west of Fulton Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Nielson Street (#24)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
North James Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Oak Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 2022-38]
Beginning at a point 143 feet south of Anders Way to a point 20 feet south thereof
Oak Street
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of Homestead Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Oak Street
[Added 10-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-74]
Beginning at a point 117 feet south of Grove Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Oakland Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 25 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 20 feet west thereof
Oakland Avenue
[Ord. #2015-12]
Beginning at a point 235 feet west of Highland Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Oakland Avenue (#51)
Beginning at a point 252 feet west of the south curbline of Highland Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Old St. Georges Avenue (#622)
Beginning at a point 162 feet north of the north curbline of Church Street to a point 24 feet north thereof
Olive Place
[Ord. No. 2018-68]
Beginning at a point 165 feet south of Martin Terrace to a point 20 feet south thereof
Parsler Place
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 25 feet east of Heritage Lane to a point 20 feet east thereof
Pennsylvania Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 20-86; deleted Ord. No. 2023-64]
Pennsylvania Avenue
[Added Ord. No. 2023-57]
Beginning at a point 25 feet north of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Pershing Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-90; deleted Ord. No. 2023-55]
Piper Avenue
[Added 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-68]
Beginning at a point 25 feet north of Morrisey Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof.
Prospect Avenue
[Added 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-76]
Beginning at a point 50 feet south of Avenel Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Prospect Avenue
[Added 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-41]
Beginning at a point 88 feet west of Leesville Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Rahway Avenue (CR#514)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Remsen Avenue
[Deleted 3-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-12]
Remsen Avenue
[Added 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-91]
Beginning at a point 30 feet south of Butler Street to a point 20 feet south thereof.
Ridgedale Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-80]
Ridgedale Avenue (#590)
Beginning at a point 175 feet south of the south curbline of Freeman Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ridgedale Avenue
[Added 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-70]
Beginning at a point 200 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 25 feet south thereof
Ridgedale Avenue
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 177 feet south of Martin Terrace to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ridgedale Avenue
[Added 7-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-50]
Beginning at a point 190 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ridgedale Avenue
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 215 feet south of Freeman Street to a point 25 feet south thereof
Ridgeley Avenue
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 245 feet south of Green Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
Roanoke Street
Beginning at a point 70 feet north of the Roanoke Street loop to a point 25 feet north thereof
Roanoke Street
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 865 feet south of Roanoke Street to a point 25 feet south thereof
Roanoke Street (#68)
Beginning at a point 235 feet east of the east curbline of Foster Way to a point 20 feet east thereof
Ronald Drive
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2202-02]
Beginning at a point 95 feet west of Saint Georges Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Russell Street
[Added 4-19-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-21]
Beginning at a point 194 feet north of Cutters Dock Road to a point 20 feet north thereof
Russell Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-25]
Ryan Street
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Ryan Street (#29)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Ryan Street
[Added 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-84]
Beginning at a point 369 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ryan Street (#33)
Beginning at a point 325 feet south of the south curbline of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
Ryan Street
[Ord. No. 2018-24; repealed 3-24-2020 by Ord. No. 20-18]
St. James Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
St. James Avenue
Beginning at a point 37 feet south of the southern curbline of Bunns Lane to a point 25 feet south thereof
St. James Avenue
[Added 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-07]
Beginning at a point 66 feet north of Grove Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
St. James Avenue
[Added 2-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-09]
Beginning at a point 57 feet north of Bergen Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
St. James Avenue
[Added 9-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-104; repealed 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-07]
Smith Street
[Ord. No. 2018-84]
Beginning at a point 260 feet east of Crows Mill Road to a point 25 feet east thereof
Smith Street (Keasbey)
[Added Ord. No. 19-89; repealed Ord. No. 19-112]
S. Charles Street (Hopelawn)
[Added Ord. No. 21-66]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of James Street to a point 20 feet south thereof
S. Charles Street (Hopelawn)
[Added Ord. No. 21-66]
Beginning at a point 45 feet south of James Street to a point 70 feet south thereof
S. Charles Street
[Ord. No. 2022-28]
Beginning at a point 60 feet south of James Street to a point 20 feet south thereof.
South Church Street (#35)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
South Cliff Road
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-47]
South Elm Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
South Elm Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
South First Street
[Added 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-07]
Beginning at a point 113 feet north of South Fourth Street to a point 20 feet north thereof
South Fourth Street (Our Redeemer Lutheran Church)
Beginning 35 feet west of South First Street to a point 50 feet west thereof (2 spaces)
South Fulton Street
[Added Ord. No. 19-70; deleted Ord. No. 2023-55]
South Fulton Street
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-89]
Beginning at a point 13 feet south of Milton Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
South Fulton Street
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-89]
Beginning at a point 246 feet east of Ruddy Place to a point 20 feet east thereof
South Grove Avenue (#55)
Beginning at a point 500 feet west of Florida Grove Road to a point 25 feet west thereof
South Inman Avenue (School # 4 & 5)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
South Maplewood Ave. (#23)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
South Roberts Street (#92)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
South Robert Street (#87)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
South Robert Street
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-89]
Beginning at a point 70 feet west of West Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Spruce Street
[Added 4-6-2021 by Ord. No. 21-16]
Beginning at a point 180 feet east of Daniel Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Stanford Avenue
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-128]
Beginning at a point 61 feet west of Timberline Drive to a point 20 feet west thereof
Strawberry Hill Avenue
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-89]
Beginning at a point 153 feet north of Benjamin Avenue to a point 20 feet north thereof
Strawberry Hill Avenue
[Added 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-89]
Beginning at a point 386 feet south of Anthony Court to a point 20 feet south thereof
Thorpe Avenue (#107)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
Thorpe Avenue
[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 19-94; repealed 8-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-62]
Trento Street
Beginning at a point 210 feet east of Correja Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
Trieste Street
Beginning at a point 38 feet east of the southeasterly curbline of Wilson Avenue to a point 25 feet east thereof
Vassar Place
[Ord. No. 2022-78]
Beginning at a point 165 feet west of Cornell Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Vernon Street
[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 19-94]
Beginning at a point 320 feet west of Old Road to a point 20 feet west thereof
Wagner Street (1 Eberly Place)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
Watson Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-12]
West Avenue (CR#611)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-04]
William Street
[Ord. No. 2024-32]
Beginning at a point 374 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof
William Street (North)
Beginning at a point 46 feet north of New Street to a point 69 feet north of New Street
William Street
Beginning at a point 68 feet north of the southern terminus to a point 25 feet north thereof
William Street
[Added 3-5-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-15]
Beginning at a point 395 feet south of New Brunswick Avenue to a point 20 feet south thereof.
Williams Street
Beginning 35 feet north of New Street to a point 25 feet north thereof
Woodbridge Avenue (#103)
Beginning at a point 78 feet west of the west curbline of Sewaren Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof
Worden Avenue
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-23]
Beginning at a point 140 feet west of South Charles Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Worden Avenue
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-61]
Beginning at a point 150 feet west of South Charles Street to a point 20 feet west thereof
Worden Street
[Ord. No. 2017-115]
Beginning at a point 25 feet east of John Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
Worden Street
[Ord. No. 2017-115]
Beginning at a point 47 feet east of John Street to a point 20 feet east thereof
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-39; Ord. #04-54; Ord. #04-64; Ord. #05-03; Ord. #05-44; Ord. #05-49; Ord. #05-50; Ord. #05-59; Ord. #05-62; Ord. #05-63; Ord. #05-64; Ord. #05-71; Ord. #05-74; Ord. #05-89; Ord. #06-10; Ord. #06-30; Ord. #06-42; Ord. #06-57; Ord. #06-65; Ord. #06-69; Ord. #07-02; Ord. #07-07; Ord. #07-08; Ord. #07-21; Ord. #07-22; Ord. #07-41; Ord. #07-42; Ord. #07-57; Ord. #07-64; Ord. #07-65; Ord. #07-75; Ord. #07-76; Ord. #08-01; Ord. #08-13; Ord. #08-15; Ord. #08-19; Ord. #08-35; Ord. #08-44; Ord. #08-45; Ord. #08-57; Ord. #08-91; Ord. #09-01; Ord. #09-45; Ord. #09-65; Ord. #09-66; Ord., #09-67; Ord. #09-68; Ord. #09-76; Ord. #09-81; Ord. #09-97; Ord. #10-02; Ord. #10-12; Ord. #10-20; Ord. #10-28; Ord. #10-34; Ord. 10-49; Ord. #10-54; Ord. #10-60; Ord. #10-71; Ord. #10-79; Ord. #11-12; Ord. #11-19; Ord. #11-26; Ord. #11-47; Ord. #11-52; Ord. #11-58; Ord. #11-66; Ord. #11-74; Ord. #12-09; Ord. #12-24; Ord. #12-36; Ord. #12-39; Ord. #12-40; Ord. #12-41; Ord. #13-14; Ord. #13-18; Ord. #13-20; Ord. #13-26; Ord. #13-36; Ord. #13-39; Ord. #13-40; Ord. #13-42; Ord. #13-49; Ord. #13-57; Ord. # 14-05; Ord. # 14-16; Ord. # 14-17; Ord. # 14-24; Ord. # 14-34; Ord. #14-41; Ord. #14-44; Ord. #14-52; Ord. #14-57; Ord. #14-61; Ord. #2015-08; Ord. #2015-13; Ord. #2015-16; Ord. #2015-19; Ord. #2015-22; Ord. #2015-40; Ord. #2015-43; Ord. #2015-47; Ord. #2015-54; Ord. #2015-60; Ord. #2015-62; Ord. #2015-79; Ord. #2016-13; Ord. #2016-23; Ord. #2016-32; Ord. #2016-39; Ord. #2016-42; Ord. #2016-45; Ord. No. 2016-50; Ord. No. 2016-56; Ord. No. 2017-09; Ord. No. 2017-18; Ord. No. 2017-26; Ord. No. 2017-31; Ord. No. 2017-46; Ord. No. 2017-51; Ord. No. 2017-57; Ord. No. 2017-63; Ord. No. 2017-78; Ord. No. 2017-85; Ord. No. 2017-99; Ord. No. 2017-102; Ord. No. 2017-112; Ord. No. 2017-113; Ord. No. 2018-04; Ord. No. 2018-05; Ord. No. 2018-13; Ord. No. 2018-15; Ord. No. 2018-17; Ord. No. 2018-31; Ord. No. 2018-40; Ord. No. 2018-59; Ord. No. 2018-75; Ord. No. 2018-83; Ord. No. 2018-97. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.6, the following on-street parking locations are designated as handicapped parking spaces in front of private residences occupied by handicapped persons. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards or plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted in these spaces.
Alice Place
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Alwat Street
[Ord. #2015-22; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bergen Street
[Ord. No. 2018-13; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Brewster Place
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane (#236)
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Ord. #14-44; Ord. #2015-19; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Ord. #2015-19; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Ord. #2015-40; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Bunns Lane
[Ord. No. 2016-56; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
Burnet Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Caroline Street
[Ord. No. 2017-113; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Carolyn Avenue
[Ord. #2015-16; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Church Street (#112)
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Claire Avenue (#20)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Claire Avenue
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Claire Avenue
[Ord. #14-57; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Clinton Avenue
[Ord. #2016-39; repealed 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-04; 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Coley Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Columbus Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Cornell Street
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Cornell Street
[Ord. #13-20; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Crows Mill Road
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Crows Mill Road
[Ord. No. 2018-13; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Dartmouth Avenue
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Decker Place
[Ord. No. 2017-26; Ord. No. 2017-112; Ord. No. 2017-113; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Demorest Avenue
[Ord. No. 2016-50; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-46]
Demorest Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-46; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Desota Avenue
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Douglas Avenue
[Ord. #14-17; deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Drummond Avenue
[Ord. #2015-43; 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Dunbar Avenue
[Ord. #13-42; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-75; 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Dundee Avenue (#5)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
E Street
[Ord. No. 2017-63; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
East Coddington Avenue
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
East Green Street (#8)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
East Hill Road (For #117)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
East Hill Road
[Ord. #13-18; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
East James Place
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
East New Street (#50)
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Edgar Street
[Ord. No. 2017-85; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Ella Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-57; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-31; 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Ella Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-31]
Beginning at a point 345 feet south of Butler Street to a point 20 feet south thereof (P1949715)
Ellen Avenue
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Ellis Place
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Ellis Place
[Ord. #13-20; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Elmhurst Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Elmhurst Avenue
[Ord. #14-61; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-31]
Emmett Avenue
[Ord. #2016-45; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Emmet Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-13; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Ethel Street (#26)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Evergreen Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Fairfield Avenue
[Ord. # 14-41; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
42 5th Street
[Added 1-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Beginning at a point 230 feet west of Grant Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Fifth Avenue (Port Reading)
[Ord. No. 2017-63; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
5th Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-05; 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Fifth Avenue
[Ord. #2016-32; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-05]
Fifth Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-102; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Fulton Street
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Garden Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-09; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Garfield Avenue
[Ord. #13-57; repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Garfield Avenue
[Ord. #13-42; Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-75]
Garfield Avenue
[Ord. #2015-47; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-05]
Garfield Avenue
[Ord. No. 2016-56; Ord. No. 2018-40; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Garfield Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-102; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
George Street
[Repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Glenwood Terrace
[Repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Gordon Street
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-15]
Gordon Street
[Ord. No. 2018-15; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Grace Street
[Ord. #13-49; deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Grand Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Grand Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-31; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Grand Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-51; repealed 4-2-2019 by Ord. No. 19-40]
Harmony Way
[Repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Harned Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-18; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Harrowsgate Condo 323 Gills Lane (#9B) (Iselin)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Henry Street
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
High Street
[Ord. #2016-23; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Highland Avenue (#2)
[Repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Holly Street
[Ord. No. 2018-17; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Homestead Avenue
[Ord. #13-39; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Howard Street
[Ord. #13-14; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Howard Street
[Ord. #2015-79; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-31]
Howard Street
[Ord. No. 2018-15; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Howard Street
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Howard Street
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Hoy Avenue (#47)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-31]
Hoy Avenue (#47)
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
James Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Jeffrey Road
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Juliette Street (#81)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Juliette Street
[Ord. No. 2017-31; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Kennedy Place
[Ord. # 14-34; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Kimball Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Koyen Street
[Ord. #2015-54; repealed 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-49]
Larch Street
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-59]
Lawrence Street
[Ord. #2015-60; repealed 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-59]
Lee Street (for 37 Lee Street)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Lee Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Lehigh Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-57]
Lehigh Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-57; repealed 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-04; 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-59]
Leone Street
[Ord. # 14-34; repealed 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-59]
Lillian Terrace (#18)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Linden Street
[Repealed 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-59]
Luther Avenue (#44)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Luther Avenue (#44)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Main Street
[Ord. No. 2017-46; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-59; 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Manhattan Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-51; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Martin Terrace
[Ord. No. 2017-57; 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Martin Terrace (#25)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Martin Terrace
[Repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
Martool Drive
[Ord. #14-52; trepealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Mary Avenue
[Ord. #2015-08; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Maryknoll Road
[Ord. #2015-43; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Mawbey Street
[Ord. #13-57; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Mawbey Street
[Ord. # 14-34; repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
Mawbey Street
[Ord. No. 2018-31; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Maxwell Avenue
[Ord. #2016-39; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-17]
Maxwell Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-17; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
McGuire Street
[Ord. #2016-42; repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
McKinley Avenue
(For #47)
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
McKinley Avenue
(For #47)
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
McKinley Avenue (#48)
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
McKinley Avenue
[Ord. #13-49; deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
McKinley Avenue
[Ord. # 14-16; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Melbourne Court
[Repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
Melbourne Court
[Ord. #13-20; deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Morrisey Avenue
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
New Brunswick Avenue
[Ord. #13-36; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
New Street
[Ord. #14-24; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-09]
New Street
[Ord. #2016-42; repealed 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
New Street
[Ord. No. 2017-09; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
New Street
[Ord. No. 2017-112; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
North Smith Street (#63)
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
North Williams Street (#365)
[Repealed 3-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-35]
Oak Avenue
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Oak Street
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Oakland Avenue
[Ord. #2016-32; repealed 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-04; 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Parsler Place (#48)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Parsler Place (#66)
[Repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Peach Street (#601)
At the front of Building #6 in the Peach Street Village Complex; the fourth parking space from the left (NJ P365954)
Prospect Avenue
[Ord. #13-49; repealed 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 19-75]
Remsen Avenue
[Ord. #2015-54; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-05]
Remsen Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-05; repealed 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Ridgedale Avenue
[Repealed 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-04; 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Ridgedale Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-113; repealed 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Ridgeley Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-102; repealed 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Roanoke Street
[Repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
Roanoke Street
[Ord. No. 2018-40; repealed 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Ryan Street
[Ord. No. 2018-17; repealed 7-23-2019 by Ord. No. 19-83]
Ryan Street
[Ord. #2015-40; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-17]
S.E. Grant Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Sewaren Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Smith Street (Keasbey)
[Ord. No. 2018-04; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-83; 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
South Brook Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
South Fulton Street
[Ord. #13-40; repealed 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
South Fulton Street
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
South Fulton Street
[Ord. #2016-23; repealed 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
South Robert Street
[Ord. #2015-13; repealed 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
St. James Avenue (#295)
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
St. James Avenue
[Deleted 3-5-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-16]
Star Street
[Ord. No. 2016-50]
Beginning at a point 143 feet east of Talmadge Avenue to a point 25 feet south thereof (P1451075)
Strawberry Hill
[Repealed 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
Strawberry Hill Avenue
[Ord. #14-61; repealed 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 19-88]
Sunset Drive
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Thorpe Avenue
[Ord. #13-36; repealed 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 19-93]
Tisdale Place (#503)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-13]
Turner Street (#43)
[Deleted by Ord. #2016-13]
Vernon Street
[Repealed 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 19-93]
Vernon Way
[Ord. #2015-62; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-31]
Vernon Way
[Ord. No. 2018-31; deleted by Ord. No. 2022-14]
Voorhees Street
[Repealed 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 19-69]
136 Walter Drive Kings Gardens Apartments
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Wedgewood Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
Wedgewood Avenue
[Ord. #2016-32]
Beginning at a point 327 feet west of Wedgewood Avenue to a point 20 feet west thereof (P1217474)
West Henry Place
[Deleted by Ord. # 14-05]
William Street
[Ord. #13-36; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-18]
William Street
[Ord. No. 2017-18; repealed 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-05]
Woodruff Avenue
(Deleted NJ P612859)
[Deleted Ord. No. 2022-39]
Worden Avenue
[Ord. No. 2017-78; deleted by Ord. No. 2018-97]
Worden Avenue
[Ord. No. 2018-13]
Beginning at a point 175 feet west of Herbert Street to a point 20 feet west thereof (P1668319)
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #05-29; Ord. #05-54; Ord. #05-83; Ord. #06-24; Ord. #06-25; Ord. #06-31; Ord. #06-45; Ord. #06-60; Ord. #08-92; Ord. #10-43; Ord. #10-55; Ord. #11-20; Ord. #12-02; Ord. #14-48; Ord. No. 2017-08; Ord. No. 2017-92; Ord. No. 2017-99; Ord. No. 2018-76]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, following off-street Municipal Parking Yards and Board of Education property are designated as Handicapped Parking areas. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards issued by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these areas.
Editor's Note: The site plans referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
Number of Spaces
Adams Towers
555 Rahway Avenue
Beginning at the first space in from the first driveway on Martin Terrace to the last space at the entrance
Adams Towers
555 Rahway Avenue
(NJ P140006)
The fifth parking space from the right along the handicapped parking aisle located in the rear of the building
Adams Towers
555 Rahway Avenue
(NJ 0140006)
The first parking space from the right in the parking area between two (2) driveways on Martin Terrace
Avenel Fire Department
As indicated on site plan
Avenel Middle School
Woodbine Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Barron Arts Center
582 Rahway Avenue
The third parking space east of Port Reading Avenue entrance to the center
Bowtie Municipal Pool
(Wdbg. Community Pool)
The first three (3) recessed parking spaces on the west side of the main entrance
Colonia Fire Company
250 Inman Avenue
Two (2) handicapped parking spaces in the west side parking lot of the Colonia Fire Company property. They are the second and third spaces north of Inman Avenue
Colonia Library
450 Chain O'Hills Road
Beginning at a point 16 feet north of the northerly curbline of Chain O'Hills Road and extending 24 feet northerly therefrom
Colonia Middle School
Delaware Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Colonia High School
East Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Cooper Towers Senior Complex
Oak Tree Road
As indicated on site plan
Evergreen Senior Center
400 Inman Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Finn Towers
19 Martin Terrace
Beginning from the thirteenth space from the second driveway on Martin Terrace to a point 8 spaces south
Finn Towers
19 Martin Terrace
At the rear of the building at 19 Martin Terrace the second handicapped space from the left
Finn Towers
19 Martin Terrace
(NJ LK413V)
At the rear of the building at 19 Martin Terrace the third handicapped space from the left
Finn Towers
19 Martin Terrace
(NJ P336366)
At the rear of the building at 19 Martin Terrace the second handicapped space from the right
Fords Middle School
Fanning Street
As indicated on site plan
Fords Public Library
211 Ford Avenue
Beginning at a point 80 feet west of the westerly curbline of Ford Avenue and extending 12 feet westerly thereof
Greiner Towers
460 Inman Avenue
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2017-08]
Greiner Towers
460 Inman Avenue
Beginning at the second space along the driveway and ending at the seventh space in from Inman Avenue
Henry Inman Library
607 Inman Avenue
Beginning at a point 98 feet north of the northerly curbline of Beekman Avenue and extending 12 feet southerly thereof
1 Highland Terrace
(Highland Grove Pool & Splash Park)
[Ord. #14-48]
As noted on diagram kept on file
70 Highland Terrace
(Highland Grove Pool & Splash Park)
[Ord. No. 2017-92]
As noted on diagram kept on file.
Hopelawn Fire Department
Board of Fire Commissioners (Dist. # 8)
127 Loretta Street
The first parking space off Juliette Street to the south of Loretta Street, Hopelawn side of the firehouse
Hopelawn First Aid Squad
South Charles Street
As indicated on site plan
Hopelawn Fire Department
Juliette Street
As indicated on site plan
Iselin Fire Department
Green Street
As indicated on site plan
Iselin Fire Department
Auth Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Iselin Fire Department
Kelly Street
As indicated on site plan
Iselin Library
1081 Green Street
Beginning at a point 60 feet south of the southerly curbline of Green Street and extending 12 feet southerly thereof
Iselin Middle School
Panther Way
As indicated on site plan
JFK High School
Washington Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Keasbey Fire Department
Smith Street
As indicated on site plan
Municipal Complex
1 Main Street
The first 4 parking spaces of the left of the main entrance facing the building
The 2 parking spaces to the right of the main entrance facing the building
The 4 parking spaces on the second level of the parking deck in the row facing the building
Municipal Parking Lot
North James Street
The first parking space located in the southwest corner of the parking lot as noted in the attached diagram
Municipal Parking Lot
New Street
The first 2 parking spaces located on the inner row of the parking lot at the east entrance. Also, the first 2 spaces located on the inner row of the parking lot at the west entrance
Olsen Towers
555 New Brunswick Avenue
Along the row of parking spaces that face the building, starting at the seventh space in from Raymond Street and continuing to the twelfth parking space
Olsen Towers
555 New Brunswick Avenue
The second handicapped parking space from the right in the parking isle in the rear of the building
Olsen Towers Senior Complex
New Brunswick Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Pearl Street
(For quarterly permit holders only)
The first 9 spaces to the right of the train station retail building
Pearl Street
(For daily visitors only)
The tenth through the eighteenth parking spaces to the right of the train station retail building
Port Reading Library
(AKA School Media Center)
As indicated on site plan
School #1
Mawbey Street
As indicated on site plan
School #4 and 5
Avenel Street
As indicated on site plan
School #9
Turner Street
As indicated on site plan
School #11
Ross Street
As indicated on site plan
School #18
Indiana Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #19
Maryknoll Road
As indicated on site plan
School #20
Claremont Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #21
Inman Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #22
Ira Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #23
Woodbine Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #24
Goodrich Street
As indicated on site plan
School #25
Ford Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #26
Benjamin Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #27
No. Pennsylvania Avenue
As indicated on site plan
School #28
Glen Cove Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Stern Towers
55 Brook Street
Along the row that faces the building; beginning at the second space from the right to the ninth space from the right
Woodbridge Community Center
600 Main Street, Woodbridge
As noted on the diagram dated November 21, 2011 that is kept on file
Woodbridge Fire Department
School Street
As indicated on site plan
Woodbridge High School
Sam Lupo Plaza
As indicated on site plan
Woodbridge Main Library
1 George Frederick Plaza
As indicated on site plan
Woodbridge Middle School
Barron Avenue
As indicated on site plan
Woodbridge Municipal Boat Launching Complex
1 Ferry Street
Beginning at a point 24 feet south of the ramp driveway and extending 12 feet southerly thereof
Woodbridge Municipal Boat Launching Complex
1 Ferry Street
[Ord. No. 2018-76]
The first and second parking space to the right of the boat launch ramp facing the Arthur Kill
Woodbridge Municipal Boat Launching Complex
1 Ferry Street
The first and second parking spaces to the left of the outbuilding facing Ferry Street
Woodbridge Township Health Center
2 George Frederick Plaza
The north side of the building, the fifth and sixth parking spaces from the right
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-72; Ord. #05-01; Ord. #05-30; Ord. #05-32; Ord. #05-65; Ord. #08-93; Ord. #09-21; Ord. #10-29; Ord. No. 2017-99]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46, the following off-street parking yards are designated as handicapped parking areas. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number of Spaces
A & P Supermarket
Route 35, #789
The first 4 spaces in the 2 parking isles closest to the main entrance door.
Avenel Street, #354
The parking space closest to the entrance in the rear of the building.
Access Self Storage
Route 35, #135
The first parking space from the left in the rear of the building.
Amazing Savings
320 Route 9 North
The 2 head-on parking spaces facing the north side of the building closest to the northwest corner of the building.
Ashley Furniture
Kings Georges Road, #501
The first parking space to the right of the front door.
The Avenue/Starbucks
Route 1, #744
The first parking spaces from the left in the parking isle facing the building.
Bank of America
Route 35, #378
The first parking spaces from the left in the parking isle adjacent to the front door.
Bank of America
Route 35, #655
The first parking space directly opposite the main entrance.
Best Buy
Route 1, #675
The first 8 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Big Shots
Route 1, #780
The first parking space to the left of the front door.
Block Buster
Route 35, #1392
The 2 parking spaces from the right to the right of the concrete island directly in front of the building.
Bonefish Grill
Route 1, #625
The first 2 parking spaces on the left side of the building.
Boston Market
1560 Route NJ 35
(St. Georges Avenue)
Two (2) parking spaces opposite ramp from southwest corner of the building.
BP Gas
Route 1, #975
The first parking space on the left opposite the pump operators office.
Bud's Hut
Route 1 #906
The first parking space to the left of the front door.
Burger King
Route 35, #1140
The first 2 parking spaces directly adjacent to the front door.
Casa Guiseppe
Route 27, #487
The first parking space on the right in the parking isle adjacent to the main entrance.
Capital One Bank
Route 1, #755
The first parking space to the right of the main entrance.
Chase Bank
Route 35, #1342
The fourth parking space from the left on the side of the building.
Cheeseburger in Paradise
Route 1, #625
The sixth and seventh parking space to the left of the main entrance.
Chicago Grill
Route 1, #61
The first 2 parking spaces from the right in the isle facing the building.
Chris Michael's Steakhouse
Oakwood Avenue #40
The first 2 parking spaces to the right of the main entrance.
The first 2 parking spaces from the left on the side of the building.
Club at Woodbridge
585 Main Street
The first and second space on the north side of building west of main entrance and first and second spaces on the north side of building opposite main entrance.
Colonia Dairy Maid
Route 35, #1075
The first parking space from the right on the left side of the building.
Colonia Medical Building
Route 35, #1503
The first 2 parking spaces from the left of the isle adjacent to the main entrance.
The first 3 parking spaces from the left facing the rear of the building.
Columbia Bank
Route 35, #604
The first parking space on the left of the concrete island opposite the front door.
Community Bank
Green Street, #150
The first parking space to the left of the front door.
Convergex 75
Route 27, #75
The seventh parking space from the right in the parking isle facing the main entrance.
Crossroads Restaurant
345 Main Street
The first 2 spaces north of the driveway entrance off the ramp from Route 9 South to Main Street, on the north side of the building.
Denny's Restaurant
Route 35, #1286
The 6 parking spaces adjacent to the front door.
Dollar Surplus/Xpress Liquors
Route 35, #779
The eighth and ninth parking spaces from the right along the front of the building.
Ducoff Tuxedo
Route 35, 1260
The first parking space from the left on the side of the building.
Dunkin Donuts
Route 1, #760
The first parking space to the right of the front door.
Dunkin Donuts
Route 1, #975
The first parking space on the left in front of the main entrance.
Dunkin Donuts
Route 35, #1360
The first parking space from the left directly in front of the building.
1/9 Express Store
Route 1, #1092
The first parking space to the right of the front door.
Eye World
Route 35, #1009
The second and third parking spaces on the right side of the building.
Fairfield Inn & Suites
Route 1, #1295
The first two parking spaces on the right side of the building.
The first 2 parking spaces on the left side of the building.
The first 2 spaces from the left on the rear side of the building.
Famous Daves BBQ
Route 1, #53
The first 4 parking spaces to the right of the front door.
1 Quality Way, Woodbridge
The single head-on parking space located along the east side of the building. The space is the fourth head-on space from the north edge of the parking lot entrance.
The 2 parking spaces opposite the front door.
First Union Bank
875 King George's Post Road
The first 2 spaces facing the building starting at the northeast section of the parking lot.
Fords Shopping Center
Ford and Lafayette Road
In front of the Furniture Depot Store, opposite the entrance doors.
Fords Shopping Center
Ford and Lafayette Road
Opposite the entrance to the A & G Store.
Fords Shopping Center
Ford and Lafayette Road
Opposite the entrance of the Spa Lady Salon.
Forge Inn Restaurant
1002 Route 9 North
The first 4 spaces located on the north side of the Forge Inn Restaurant and on the west side of motel building B.
Garden Farm Market
927 W. Kelly Street
The first 4 parking spaces on the left side of the building.
Hampton Inn/Longhorn Steakhouse
370 Route 9 North
The first 3 head-on parking spaces facing the south side of the Longhorn Steakhouse. In addition, the 6 head-on parking spaces facing the west side of the Hampton Inn Hotel closest to the main entrance.
Harbor Freight Tools
Route 1, #675
The first 2 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Hess Express/Gas Station
Route 9 South
The second head-on parking space from the south in front of the building.
Hess Express/Gas Station
Route 9 North
The fourth head-on parking space from the north in front of the building.
Hess Gas Station
Route 35, #1215
The first parking space from the left in the isle to the right of the main building.
Holiday Inn
Route 1, #874
The first 3 parking spaces from the left on the side of the building.
Home Depot
The 11 head-on parking spaces located on both sides of the third aisle from the west side of the aisle and 6 spaces on the east side of the aisle. Spaces are closest to the building.
Home Depot
1555 St. Georges Avenue
The 6 head-on parking spaces located at the south end of the third and fifth aisles west of Route 35.
Homestead Village Hotel
1 Hoover Way, Woodbridge
The 1st, 2nd, 13th and 14th parking spaces on the south side of the building and the 18th and 19th parking spaces on the north side of the building.
Horizon Inn
Route 1, #1054
The first 2 parking spaces to the left of the front door.
Iselin Veterinary Hospital
Route 27, #450
The first parking space from the right in the parking isle facing the building.
320 Route 9 North
The 2 head-on parking spaces facing the west side of the building closest to the northwest corner of the building.
Jesus Book and Gift Store
101 Austin Avenue
The fifth parking space north of the main driveway entrance.
Jesus Book Store
Austin Avenue, #101
The parking space directly opposite the main entrance.
Jose Tejas
700 Route 1 North, Woodbridge
The first head-on parking space located on the front entrance side of the building closest to the northwest corner of the building.
Jose Tejas
Route 1, #700
The first parking space from the left in the parking isle facing the front door.
The first parking space on the right side of the building.
Kislak Building
100 Route 9 North
First 3 parking stalls in off the southeast driveway off Route # 9, northbound, opposite the west side of the building.
K&G Clothing Store
Route 9, #1200
The first 3 parking spaces from the left in the parking isle to the right of the main entrance.
Route 35, #1555
The first 6 parking spaces in the isle adjacent to the main entrance.
The first 5 parking spaces in the isle to the left of the main entrance.
The first 5 parking spaces in the isle to the right of the main entrance.
LaMirage Motor Inn
Route 1, #969
The first 2 parking spaces directly in front of the main entrance.
471 Green Street, Woodbridge
The 4 head-on parking spaces located in the first aisle directly across from the business entrance.
Loop Inn
Rogers Street, #30
The first 2 parking spaces from the left in the parking isle along the main entrance.
10 Main Street (Woodbridge)
The first 2 parking spaces on the left facing the building. The first space on the right along the first parking aisle on the left nearest the Rahway Avenue entrance to the parking lot.
Majestic Lanes
Route 9, #525
The first parking space to the left of the main entrance.
The left most parking space facing the front of the building.
Route 1, #1 to 25
The first 2 parking spaces of the five main parking isles in front of the building.
330 Route 9 North
The sixth, seventh and eighth head-on parking spaces from the west, facing the south side of the building.
McDonalds Restaurant
Route 35, #1256
Seventh and eighth parking spaces from Route 35 in the entrance driveway.
McGuire Car Dealership
Route 1, #910
Three parking spaces in the middle of the parking isle opposite the main entrance.
Metro Park Associates
111 South Wood Avenue
Parking lot area - the first 8 spaces on the west side of the building - main entrance.
Route 9, #495
The first parking space from the right in the parking isle facing the Route 9.
Miller Car Dealership
Route 1, #920
The first 3 parking spaces from the right in the parking isle facing the main entrance.
Mocci Park Plaza
458 Amboy Avenue
The fifth and sixth parking spaces in the easternmost row located on the west side of the building.
Mocci Plaza
Route 35, #1021
The fourth and fifth parking spaces from the left in the parking isle adjacent to the front of the building.
Movie City 5
675 US Highway 1
Four (4) parking spaces opposite west side of building north of Movie City 5 entrance. Also, the first 2 spaces facing north in the aisle directly opposite the entrance to Movie City 5 and the first space facing south in the same parking aisle.
Route 1, #742
The first 2 parking spaces opposite the side entrance.
The first 2 parking spaces facing the main entrance.
Northfield Bank
Route 35, #1410
The first 3 parking spaces on the right opposite the building entrance.
NY Sports Club
1250 Highway 27
Colonia, NJ
The 10th and 11th parking spaces from the right in the parking isle opposite the main entrance.
Office of Weights & Measures
Route 1, #1261
The first 2 parking spaces to the left of the side entrance.
Parkway Towers
485 Route 1 South
Three (3) parking spaces at the southwest corner of Building 485A on the south side of the building; and 3 parking spaces at the northwest corner of Building 485B on the north side of the building.
Party City
455 Green Street, Woodbridge
The 2 head-on parking spaces located directly in front of the west side of the business entrance.
Route 35, #1600
The first 5 parking spaces in the isle adjacent to the main entrance.
The first 5 parking spaces in the isle to the left of the main entrance.
Peach Pizza
Route 35, #1500
The first 2 parking spaces from the left in the parking isle facing Peach Street.
The first 2 parking spaces from the left in the center parking isle facing Peach Street.
The sixth and seventh parking spaces from the right in the parking isle in the rear of the building.
Pearle Vision
Route 1, #670
The first 2 parking spaces to the right of the rear door.
Perkins Route 35, #1009
The first 2 parking spaces from the left directly in front of the building.
Pet Smart
Route 35, #863
The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth parking spaces from the left in the parking isle adjacent to the front door.
Pizza Hut
320 Route 9 North
The 2 head-on parking spaces facing the west side of the building closest to the northwest corner of the building.
Pizza Time
Route 35, #1076
The fifth parking space from the right in the parking isle on the side of the building.
Plaza 9 Associates
900 Route 9 North
Thirteen (13) spaces opposite the south corner of the building facing south and in between 2 concrete curbed islands.
Plaza 35
1030 Route NJ 35
(St. Georges Avenue)
All 8 spaces on the east side of the building, facing the building.
All 8 parking spaces facing the rear of the building.
The first 8 spaces from the right in the second parking row in the rear of the building.
PNC Bank
Route 35, #1190
The first parking space from the right in the parking isle facing the building.
Pollo Tropical
Route 1, #77
The first 3 parking spaces in the parking isle adjacent to the side door.
Provident Bank
Route 35, #325
The fifth parking space from the left in the parking isle facing the building.
R&S Strauss Auto Parts
340 Route 9 North
The 2 head-on spaces located nearest the southeast corner of the building.
1420 Rahway Avenue
(Extra Space Storage)
The first parking space to the left directly in front of the building entrance.
1488 Rahway Avenue
(Avenuel Flea Market)
The 15th and 16th parking spaces from the right in the angled parking isle to the right of the entrance.
The 33rd, 34th and 35th parking spaces from the right in the angled parking isle to the right of the entrance.
The 47th parking space from the right in the angled parking isle to the right of the entrance.
1500 Rahway Avenue (Hudd Building)
The first four (4) parking spaces in front of the building to the right of the main entrance.
Rainbow Academy
The Medicine Shoppe
Route 35, #458
The sixth parking space from the right in the isle opposite the front door.
Ready Liquors
Route 1, #768
The first parking space from the right facing the front door.
Red Lobster
Route 1, #635
The first 5 parking spaces on the left side of the building
Reo Diner
392 Amboy Avenue
The first 3 spaces on the south side of the building east of the main entrance.
Retro Fitness
Route 1, #675
The first 3 parking spaces to the left of the main entrance.
Rita's Ice
Route 35, #755
The fourth parking space from the left in the parking isle in front of the building.
680 Amboy Avenue
The first 2 head-on spaces north of the entrance to the building.
Route 1, #65
The first 2 parking spaces the right of the front door.
The first 2 parking spaces to the left of the front door.
Route 1, #143
The first space on the left side of the building.
Route 1, #419
The first 2 spaces on the right side of the building directly adjacent to the entrance door.
The first 2 spaces to the left of the front door.
Route 1, #511
The 5 spaces directly in front of the main entrance.
Route 1, #555
On the southern side of the building the first three parking spaces to the right of the main entrance.
On the southern side of the building 4 parking spaces in the first parking isle opposite the main entrance.
Route 1, #1555
The first 6 spaces in the parking isle in the third row from the main entrance.
The first 6 spaces in the parking isle on the fifth row from the main entrance.
Route 1, #1555
The first 2 spaces in the parking isle furthest from Route 35.
Royal Seafood Restaurant
Route 1, #1021
The first 2 parking spaces on the right on the side of the building facing Route 1.
Ruby Tuesday
Route 1, #675
The first 4 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Rugs & Riffy's
475 Rahway Avenue
The first space, south of the building, east of the main entrance.
7-11 Store
Edwards Street, #60
The first parking space on the right side of the building.
7-11 Store
Route 35, #401
The first parking space from the fright in the parking isle facing the building.
7-11 Store
Route 1, #1099
The first parking space to the left of the front door.
7-11 Store
Route 35, #1265
The first parking space from the right directly in front of the building.
Sanford Brown Institute
Route 1, #675
The first 2 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Route 1, #835
The first two parking spaces to the right of the main entrance driveway.
Shannon Rose
Route 35, #855
The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, twentieth, and twenty-first parking spaces right in the parking isle adjacent to the front of the building.
Shell Gas Station
Route 35, #480
The first parking space to the left side of the building.
6th Ave Electronics
Route 1, #950
The first 3 parking spaces from the left in the parking isle facing the main entrance.
Route 1, #770
The first parking space to the right of the front door.
Spevak Law Office
Green Street, #525
The first parking space from the right in the isle facing the front door.
Sports Authority
Route 1, #931
The first 8 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Route 1, #801
The first 2 parking spaces to the left of the main entrance.
St. Georges Crossing
877 Route NJ 35
(St. Georges Avenue)
Four (4) spaces in front of Office Max, 4 spaces in front of Pet Smart, 8 spaces in front of Shop-Rite, 4 spaces in front of northern future retail tenant and 2 spaces in front of Bertucci's Restaurant, all as noted in diagram.1
St. Georges Plaza
Route 35, #1144
The eighth and ninth parking spaces from the left directly in front of the building.
Sunoco Gas
Route 35, #501
The first parking space to the right of the building.
Subway Sandwiches
Route 27, #490
The first 3 parking spaces from the right on the north side of the building.
Syms Clothing Store
555 King Georges Road, Fords
The first 3 parking spaces to the right of the main entrance (on the west side) of the building.
Tasty Cafe
Route 35, #695
The first parking space from the right in the parking isle to the left of the building.
TD Bank
St. Georges Avenue, #900
The first parking space on the right in the isle facing the building.
TGI Fridays
Gills Lane, #401
The first 3 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
The Great Indoors
479 Green Street, Woodbridge
The 6 head-on parking spaces located on the front entrance side of the building closest to the west side of the building on the lower level.
Tile & Stone Depot
King Georges Road, #503
The first parking space from the right in the parking isle facing the building.
Toys 'R' Us
Route 1, #675
The first 4 parking spaces directly opposite the main entrance.
Toys 'R' Us
US Highway 1 & Gill Lane
Four (4) parking spaces opposite east side of building in front of Toys 'R' Us.
445 Rahway Avenue
The first 2 spaces south of the main store entrance, on the east side of the building and the first space north of the main store entrance, on the north side of the building.
306 Route 9 North
Two (2) parallel and 8 head-on parking spaces located in the 2 parking aisles closest to the main entrance. Two (2) additional head-on angle parking spaces in the aisle closest to the Garden Center entrance. All spaces are south of the south side of the building.
White Castle
Lafayette Road, #8
The first 2 parking spaces to the right of the front door.
Woodbridge Cookie Jar
Route 35, #356
The first parking space on the left in the rear of the building.
Woodbridge Hotel
Route 1, #515
The first 3 spaces in the rear of the building in the parking isle closest to the main entrance.
The first 3 spaces nearest the building in the first isle on the Gills Lane side of the building.
The first 4 spaces nearest the building directly opposite the front door.
The first 4 spaces nearest the building in the isle on the left side of the building.
Woodbridge Veterinary
Route 35, #424
The first 3 parking spaces from the left next to the front door.
Woodbridge Center Mall
Fortunoff's (Pole 31)
Spaces located near the north lower entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Fortunoff's (Pole 32-33)
Spaces located near the east upper entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Fortunoff's (Pole 2)
Spaces located near the south lower entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
JC Penney (Pole 28-29)
Spaces located near the north lower entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Jewelry Exchange
1 Woodbridge Center Drive
(CR# 646)
Spaces located near the south entrance to building as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Lord & Taylor (Pole 24)
Spaces located near the north upper entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Lord & Taylor (Pole 27)
Spaces located near the east lower entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Macy's (Pole 5)
Spaces located near the east lower entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Macy's (Pole 8)
Spaces located near the south upper entrance to store as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Main Entrance
Spaces located near the southwest main entrance to the Mall as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Main Entrance
(Johnny Rocket's)
Spaces located near the northwest main entrance to the Mall as noted on diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Sears (Pole 16)
Spaces located near the west upper entrance to store as noted on the diagram.1
Woodbridge Center Mall
Sears (Pole 19)
Spaces located adjacent to the north entrance to Sears.
Woodbridge Center Mall
Verizon Wireless
Spaces located near north side of building as noted on diagram.1
1 Editor's Note: The diagram referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #04-29; Ord. #04-61; Ord. #05-06; Ord. #05-13; Ord. #05-32; Ord. #05-35; Ord. #05-58; Ord. #05-61; Ord. #05-75; Ord. #05-91; Ord. #06-01; Ord. #06-23; Ord. #06-26; Ord. #07-58; Ord. #07-66; Ord. #07-77; Ord. #08-02; Ord. #08-03; Ord. #08-04; Ord. #08-14; Ord. #08-16; Ord. #08-94; Ord. #09-93; Ord. #10-21; Ord. #10-55; Ord. #10-61; Ord. #10-73; Ord. #11-13; Ord. #11-25; Ord. #11-27; Ord. #11-28; Ord. #11-32; Ord. #11-42; Ord. #11-54; Ord. #11-57; Ord. #11-68; Ord. #12-04; Ord. #12-11; Ord. #12-16; Ord. #12-26; Ord. #12-32; Ord. #12-34; Ord. #13-02; Ord. #13-03; Ord. #13-07; Ord. #13-08; Ord. #13-09; Ord. #13-28; Ord. #13-43; Ord. #13-58; Ord. #13-63; Ord. # 14-29; Ord. # 14-31; Ord. # 14-42; Ord. #14-45; Ord. #14-49; Ord. #2015-05; Ord. #2015-09; Ord. #2015-17; Ord. #2015-32; Ord. #2015-34; Ord. #2015-41; Ord. #2015-48; Ord. #2015-66; Ord. #2015-67; Ord. #2015-75; Ord. #2016-07; Ord. #2016-33; Ord. #2016-46; Ord. No. 2016-51; Ord. No. 2017-08; Ord. No. 2017-19; Ord. No. 2017-23; Ord. No. 2017-24; Ord. No. 2017-47; Ord. No. 2017-62; Ord. No. 2017-67; Ord. No. 2017-81; Ord. No. 2017-82; Ord. No. 2017-90; Ord. No. 2017-99; Ord. No. 2017-104; Ord. No. 2017-114; Ord. No. 2017-128; Ord. No. 2018-03; Ord. No. 2018-18; Ord. No. 2018-25; Ord. No. 2018-39; Ord. No. 2018-49; Ord. No. 2018-67; Ord. No. 2018-74. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the following off-street parking locations are designated as handicapped parking. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Editor's Note: Peach Tree Village Complex — see Subsection 7-38.2.
Number of Spaces
Aspen Manor Condominiums
Building #9 as indicated on site plan.1
1 Aspen Way
Building #22 as indicated on site plan.1
Aspen Manor
80B Golden Square
The second parking space from the left directly in front of Building #7.
Aspen Manor
40 Powderhorn Court
The third parking space from the right directly in front of Building #4.
Aspen Manor
126-B Keystone Court
The sixth space from the left directly in front of building #11 Aspen Manor.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
27A Powderhorn Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The thirteenth parking space from the left directly in front of Building #13.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
40 Powderhorn Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The fifth parking space from the right on the side of Building #4.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
Overlook Court
The left-most parking space in the parking aisle opposite the main entrance to Building #12.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
218-A Sierra Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The ninth parking space from the left in front of Building #19.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
290-A Alpine Way
Woodbridge, NJ
The sixth parking space from the right on the side of Building #25.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
152-B Overlook Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The fourth parking space from the right of Building #13.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
18-B Powderhorn Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The fifth parking space from the right in the rear of building #2.
(Placard #P333797)
Aspen Manor Condominiums
266-A Alpine Way
Woodbridge, NJ
The sixth parking space from the left in the rear of building #23.
(Placard #P846095)
Aspen Manor Condominiums
111-A Keystone Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The first parking space from the right on the right side of building #10.
(Placard #P923039)
Aspen Manor Condominiums
18-B Powderhorn Court
Woodbridge, NJ
The seventh parking space from the right in the front of building #25.
(Placard #P756146)
Aspen Manor Condominiums
266-A Alpine Way
Woodbridge, NJ
The first parking space from the left in the front of building #6.
(Placard #P982110)
Aspen Manor
76 Golden Square
Woodbridge, NJ
The last parking space to the right directly in front of building #8.
(Placard #P1043006)
Aspen Manor
285C Alpine Way
Woodbridge, NJ
The 9th parking space from the left directly in front of building #24.
(Placard #P997394)
Aspen Manor Condos
64A Golden Square
[Added by Ord. No. 19-113; deleted by Ord. No. 2022-08]
Avenel VFW Post 7164
60 West Park Avenue
The third and fourth parking spaces facing the building on the south side of the building.
Beverly Hills Terrace
For 123E Beverly Hills
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
The second space from the left in the parking isle across from 123 Beverly Hills Terrace
Beverly Hills Terrace
For 124F Beverly Hills
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
The first space from the left in the parking isle across from 123 Beverly Hills Terrace
Beverly Hills Terrace
For 131H Beverly Hills Terrace
The first space to the left of the front walkway to Building 131 Beverly Hills Terrace
Beverly Hills Terrace
134C Beverly Hills Terrace
The first space from the left in front of 134 Beverly Hills Terrace
Beverly Hills Terrace (134)
[Amended 3-24-2020 by Ord. No. 20-19]
The second parking space to the left of the front door of Building 134
Beverly Hills Terrace (#135A)
The first parallel parking space along the south curbline of the private roadway directly north of the main entry to Building 135
Beverly Hills Terrace
[Ord. #13-43]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Beverly Hills Terrace
[Ord. #2015-66]
As noted on diagram kept on file
(Placard #P1445668)
Beverly Hills Terrace
[Ord. No. 2017-08]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Beverly Hills Terrace
[Ord. No. 2017-67]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1639701)
Beverly Hills Terrace
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1845173)
Center Village
Michael Court
Woodbridge, NJ
Placard #P1113397
[Ord. # 14-31]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Center Village
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
Placard #P1258573
[Ord. # 14-31]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Cloverleaf Gardens
Roanoke Street
The third space from Roanoke Street in the parking lot behind Building #11.
Cloverleaf Gardens
Roanoke Street
The fourth space in from Roanoke Street facing the back of Building #11.
Congregation Adath Israel
Amboy Avenue
The 3 spaces that parallel Amboy Avenue (Rt. 35) beginning at a point 35 feet from the northernmost corner of Ross Street.
The Crossings at 1 Hyacinth Drive
[Added 8-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-63]
The first parking space to the right of the front door of Building #15
The Crossings at 1 Hyacinth Drive
[Added 8-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-63]
The furthest space to the left in front of Building #15
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
The eighth parking space from the left directly in front of Building 3. (Placard #P989454)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 14th parking space from the right directly in front of building #1. (Placard #P11298436)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 17th parking space from the left in the parking isle nearest to Ida Way. (Placard #P1129360)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 1st parking space from the right directly in front of building #1. (Placard #P1111775)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 2nd parking space from the right directly in front of building #1. (Placard #P1071429)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 13th parking space from the right in the area between buildings #1 and #2. (Placard #P783783)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 15th parking space from the left in the area between buildings #4 and #6. (Placard #P1116683)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 29th parking space from the left in the area between buildings #4 and #5. (Placard #P940665)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 10th parking space from the left in the area between buildings #3 and #7. (Placard #P1101106)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 9th parking space from the left in the area between buildings #3 and #7. (Placard #P989454)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 30th parking space from the left in the area between buildings #4 and #5. (Placard #P710418)
Crossroads Gardens
Pikeview Lane
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #13-07]
The 15th parking space from the right in the area between buildings #7 and #8. (Placard #P982398)
Florida Grove Manor
[Ord. #13-08]
As noted on diagram kept on file. (P854565)
40 Gills Lane
Iselin, NJ
The first parking space from the left in the rear of building #44. (NJ HV9999)
323 Gills Lane Building #5
[Ord. #13-58]
As noted on diagram on file. (P1133864)
323 Gill Lane (Apartment 8B)
[Added 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-66]
As noted on diagram kept on file
20-80 Gill Lane (Metro Lark Station Apts.)
[Added 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-92]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Golden Square
[Ord. No. 2017-19]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Golden Square
[Ord. No. 2017-23]
The second parking space from the left directly across from Building #8 in center parking area (P1653723)
Golden Square
[Ord. No. 2017-24]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1449576)
Greiner Towers
[Ord. No. 2017-62]
The first parking space in the isle to the left of the front door (west side of lot) (P1419810)
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane Building 1H
The second parking space from the west curbline of Gill Lane located in the parking lot north of Building #1.
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane Building 9B
The second parking space to the left of the grass island directly in front of Apartment 9B.
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane
Iselin, NJ
Unit 51
The second parking space from the right facing building #5 at 323 Gill Lane.
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane Building 11P
The first parallel parking space located closest to the northeast corner of the north side of Building #11.
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane (#6F)
Iselin, NJ
The first space on the right nearest building #6.
Harrowsgate Condominium
324 Gill Lane Building 4
The ninth parking space in from Gill Lane on the left side of the western driveway facing Building #4.
Harrowsgate Condominium
324 Gills Lane
Unit 3-B
The second parking space from the left facing Building #1 at 324 Gills Lane.
Harrowsgate Condominium
324 Gill Lane (#3D)
Iselin, NJ
The first space on the left nearest building #3.
Harrowsgate Condominium
323 Gill Lane (#5A)
[Added 11-10-2020 by Ord. No. 20-78]
The first space to the left of Building #5 (closest to Gill Lane)
Harrowsgate Condominium
[Ord. No. 2023-11]
The fifth space from Gill Lane in the side of Building #1
Kensington Gardens
4 Tulip Drive
Fords, NJ 08863
The eighteenth parking space from the left of Ford Avenue in front of building #4. (Placard #P752045)
Kensington Gardens
5 Tulip Drive
Fords, NJ
The parking space directly opposite the main entrance to building #5.
(Placard #P690791)
Keystone Court (For #120)
At the front of Building #10 in the Aspen Manor Complex; the fifth parking space from the right.
Keystone Court
[Ord. #2015-09; Ord. No. 2018-39]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1940316)
Kings Gardens
Walter Drive
Woodbridge, NJ
[Ord. #2015-48]
The first parking space on the right directly behind building #5
(Placard #P1439849)
Kings Gardens
14 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, NJ
The first parking space from the left in the parking lot to the right of building #2.
(Placard #P29466)
Kings Gardens Apartment
58 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, NJ
The first parking space from the right in the front of building #5.
(Placard #P632306)
Kings Gardens Apartment
59 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The first parking space from the left in the parking isle directly in front of building #5 in the Kings Garden Apartment Complex.
(Placard # NJ P1016436)
Kings Gardens Apartment
59 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The first space from the right in the parking isle directly in front of building #6 in the Kings Garden Apartment Complex.
(Placard # NJ P958917)
Kings Gardens Apartment
76 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The first parking space from the left in the left in the parking lot to the rear of building #7.
(NJ Plate #HE6348)
Kings Gardens
83 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The first parking space from the left in the parking isle directly in front of Building #10 in the Kings Garden Apartment Complex.
(NJ Plate #936122)
Kings Gardens Apartment
90 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The third space from the left in the parking isle directly in front of Building #10 in the Kings Gardens Apartment Complex.
(NJ P858086)
Kings Gardens Apartment
Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The fourth parking space from the left directly in front of Building #10.
(Placard #846979)
Kings Gardens Apartment
Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The second parking space from the left directly in front of Building #7.
(Placard #1097130)
Kings Gardens Apartment
Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
The second space to the left of the sidewalk between buildings #14 and #15 in the Kings Gardens Apartment Complex.
(NJ HY3636)
Kings Gardens Apartment
140 Walter Drive
Woodbridge, N.J.
Directly in front of building 15, to the left of the sidewalk that leads to the front doors of building 15.
(Placard # P846659)
Kings Gardens Apartments
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-49]
The first parking space from the right in front of building #7 on the north side of the building (P1537862)
Knights of Columbus
116 Grand Street
Three (3) parking spaces located on the east side of the building, the first parking space is against the south curb of the parking lot, the second is adjacent to the first and the third is next to the second.
Knights of Columbus
109 Morrisey Avenue
The first 5 spots facing the back of the building at the western driveway. Also, the first 3 spaces on the east side of the building starting at the rear of the building.
350B Lafayette Road
The first parking space from the left in the aisle directly in front of 350A Lafayette Road.
Lafayette Road
[Ord. #2015-05]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1346198)
Lafayette Road
[Ord. #2015-05]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1319565)
Lafayette Road (Building D)
[Added 11-1-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-73]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1319565)
Luther Avenue
[Added 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-67]
Beginning at a point 548 east of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof.
Maple Hill Drive
(For 131A Beverly Hills Terrace)
West side—Beginning at a point 295 feet south of Woodbridge Center Drive south to a point 25 feet south thereof.
Maple Hill Drive
(For 131 C Beverly Hills Terrace)
West side—Beginning at a point 300 feet south of Woodbridge Center Drive south to a point 25 feet south thereof.
Maple Hill Drive
[Added 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 20-87]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Metropark Station Apartments - 60 Gill Lane
[Added 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-48]
See diagram on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk
Michael Court
[Ord. #13-63]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Michael Court
[Ord. #2016-07]
As noted on diagram kept on file.
Placard #P1340809
Michael Court (Apartment 203)
[Added 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-14]
As noted on diagram kept on file
215 New Brunswick Avenue
At the rear of 215 New Brunswick Avenue, the 4th parking space from the left.
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #14-42; Ord. No. 2018-74]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #14-49; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-47]
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2015-09]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1314659)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2015-09]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1356920)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2015-17]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P847509)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2015-32]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1131915)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2015-34]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1439637)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. #2016-46]
As noted on diagram kept on file. (P1510157)
Pikeview Lane (P1764636)
[Ord. No. 2017-47]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1764636)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. No. 2017-114]
3rd parking space to the right of the walkway between Buildings #7 and #3 (P1816610)
Pikeview Lane
[Ord. No. 2018-03]
The 3rd parking space to the left of the walkway between buildings #4 and #5 (P1850368)
Powderhorn Court
[Added 7-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-51]
The sixth and seventh parking spaces from the curb from the intersection of Powderhorn Court and Aspen Lane
Reinhard Manor Outlook Avenue side
[Ord. No. 2018-18]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1742637)
Saint Cecilia's Church Lot
45 Wilus Way
As indicated on site plan
St. Anthony's Church
436 Port Reading Avenue
The first 3 spaces at the eastern entrance of Port Reading Avenue.
Sierra Court
[Ord. #2015-05]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1268578)
Sierra Court
[Ord. #2015-41; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-90]
Sierra Court
[Ord. No. 2017-90]
As noted on the diagram kept on file (P1845207)
Tulip Drive
The second parking space to the left of the front door of Building #8 Tulip Drive. (P816749)
Tulip Drive (Kensington Gardens)
The second space to the left of the front walkway to Building 9 on Tulip Drive. (HV4325)
Tulip Drive
[Ord. #13-03; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-81]
Tulip Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-82; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-104]
Tulip Drive
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-62]
The first parking space to the right of the front door of Building #8
Tulip Drive Building #5
[Ord. #13-58]
As noted on diagram on file. (P1172179)
The Crossings at One Tulip Drive
[Added 2-19-2019 by Ord. No. 19-24]
The first parking space to the left of the entrance to Building #6
VFW Post
411 New Brunswick Avenue, Fords
The first 2 parking spaces, located east of the building facing New Brunswick Avenue.
Village Drive
[Ord. #13-63]
As noted on diagram kept on file. (P1109873)
8 Walter Drive
The fifth parking space from the right in the parking area in front of Building #1 Walter Drive. (P564079)
39 Walter Drive
The fourth parking space from the right in the parking area in front of Building #4 Walter Drive. (P663547)
Walter Drive
[Ord. #13-02]
The first space on the left in the parking area in front of Building #8. (P1111735)
Walter Drive
[Ord. #13-09; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-128]
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-128]
The third parking space from the left in the parking aisle in front of #46 Walter Drive
Walter Drive
[Ord. #13-28]
The second space from the right in the parking isle in front of Building #7, Walter Drive. (P846979)
Walter Drive
[Ord. # 14-29]
As noted on diagram kept on file.
Walter Drive
[Ord. #14-45]
The first parking space from the left behind Building #10 (P1300513)
Walter Drive
[Ord. #2015-17]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1385049)
Walter Drive
[Ord. #2015-67]
As noted on diagram kept on file
(Placard #P1482036)
Walter Drive
[Ord. #2015-75; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-62]
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2016-51; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-81]
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-62]
The first pull-in parking space across from Building #1 behind 386 St. George Avenue (P1765428)
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-82]
The first parking space from the left in the parking lot to the right of Building #2
Placard #P1639660
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-82]
As noted on diagram kept on file.
Placard #P1816839
Walter Drive
[Ord. No. 2018-25]
As noted on diagram kept on file (P1880540)
Walter Drive
[Added 5-7-2019 by Ord. No. 19-62]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Walter Drive
[Added 4-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-25]
The second parking space to the left directly in front of Building #1
Walter Drive
[Added 4-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-25]
The first parking space to the left on the west side of Building #4
Walter Drive
[Added 4-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-25]
The second parking space to the left in the parking lot directly behind Building #10
Walter Drive
[Added 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-38]
The second parking space from the left between Building # 1 and Building #2
West Pond Road (#48)
[Added Ord. No. 20-75; Ord. No. 20-78]
As noted on diagram kept on file
West Pond Road (#48) (Apartment 3A)
[Added Ord. No. 2023-58]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Wisteria Drive
[Ord. #2016-33; deleted by Ord. No. 2017-08]
Wisteria Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-08; repealed 8-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-63]
Wisteria Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-08; repealed 8-18-2020 by Ord. No. 20-63]
10 Wisteria Drive
Apartment #1A
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-37]
As noted on photo kept on file
14 Wisteria Drive, The Crossings at One
[Added 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-06]
As noted on diagram kept on file
Wisteria Drive
[Added 12-15-2020 by Ord. No. 20-87]
The first parking space to the right directly in front of Building #14
The Crossings at One Wisteria Drive
[Added 9-3-2019 by Ord. No. 19-97]
The first parking space to the right of the front door of Building #12
Woodbridge Commons Way
Apartment #1609
Apartment #1608
Apartment #1213
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-37]
As noted on photo kept on file.
Woodbridge Elks 2116
665 Rahway Avenue
As indicated on site plan.
Woodbridge United Methodist Church 69 Main Street
[Ord. No. 2018-67]
First 2 spaces to the left of the side entrance and 1 space to the right of the side entrance in the side parking lot
1 Editor's Note: The site plan referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. No. 2017-99]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-4, the following off-street parking locations are designated as handicapped parking. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number of Spaces
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #09-22; Ord. No. 2017-99]
In accordance with 40 U.S.C.S.C. 318B and a written request from the Postmaster, the off-street locations are hereby designated as Handicapped Parking, pursuant to P.L. 1989 c. 201 (1) eff. 6/01/1990. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Police Director, Deputy Police Director, Chief of Police and/or Deputy Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number of Spaces
1065 Rahway Avenue
(Avenel Post Office)
The first parking space to the right in the parking lot on the south side of the building.
[Ord. #04-09]
The owners of the premises referred to in subsections 7-38.3 and 7-38.4 shall provide and install signs and pavement markings for each parking space reserved for the use of handicapped persons, which signs and markings shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The cost of procurement and installation of the signs and pavement markings shall be the responsibility of the owner of said property. The owner shall, subsequent to initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the Township of Woodbridge. The owner shall be responsible for the repair and restoration of same.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #07-43; Ord. #07-67; Ord. #07-72; Ord. #09-59; Ord. #09-94; Ord. #09-95; Ord. #09-96; Ord. #10-25; Ord. #10-35; Ord. #2016-2; Ord. #2016-08; Ord. No. 2018-06]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following Municipal and Board of Education Property shall have the movement of traffic controlled by the type of regulation indicated. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the regulations indicated.
Any vehicle parked other than within the boundary lines of a parking space may be towed away at the owner's expense by the Township or its agent, in addition to any penalty which may be imposed under § 7-4.
Any violation of this section may result in the removal of the vehicle by the Police Department at the expense of the owner of the vehicle in addition to any penalty which may be imposed under § 7-4.
Municipal Complex Parking Lot.
1 Main Street, Woodbridge
Eleanor Place (Block 540.04, Lots 5.02, 7.01, 9.02)
General Parking.
No person shall enter or park a vehicle in the Municipal Parking Lot unless he/she is:
Present for the purpose of conducting official business with the Township;
Attending a meeting of the Township;
An official or employee of the Township authorized to park in the lot; or
On Saturday, Sunday and holidays the Municipal parking Lot at 1 Main Street shall be open to shoppers and visitors of the downtown shopping area of Main Street.
No person shall enter or park a vehicle in any of the designated reserved spaces for Township officials unless said vehicle is owned or operated by any of the following or their designees:
Business Administrator
Chief of Staff
Chief Financial Officer
Director of Planning and Development
Municipal Clerk
Judge/Municipal Court
Chief of Police
Deputy Chief of Police
Member of the Municipal Council
WTT 35
Municipal Mail Vehicle
Police Director
[Ord. No. 2017-103]
Deputy Police Director
[Ord. No. 2017-103]
No person shall enter or park a vehicle in any of the designated visitor parking spaces unless he/she is on official business in the municipal complex and is not employed, appointed, or on staff of the Township of Woodbridge.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below, except in areas covered by other parking restrictions.
Name of Street
All roads
As indicated on site plan[1]
Editor's Note: The site plan referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
No person shall park any vehicle in the eight (8) rightmost parking spaces in the parking aisle directly in front of the Municipal Building to the right of the main stairway for more than thirty (30) minutes between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Handicapped Parking. All stalls shall be twelve (12) feet wide, as shown on the attached site plan[2] and signed with the R7-8 and R7-8P (Reserved Parking Sign and Penalty Plate), in the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued the Handicapped Parking Permit by the Motor Vehicle Commission.
Editor's Note: The site plan referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
Reserved Parking. All vehicles that are granted specialty parking in this section such as; police vehicles, ambulances, teachers, etc. must be properly identified and the reserved parking spaces must be shown on the attached site plan.[3]
Editor's Note: The site plan referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
One-Way Streets. The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as One-Way Streets in the direction indicated.
Name of Street
Road "A"
Entire length
Speed Limits:
The speed limit for both directions of traffic in the parking lot shall be fifteen (15) m.p.h.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Road "A"
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-Away Zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exit ways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area pedestrian walkway; or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owners or operator's expense.
Lane Use Reservations. The Lane locations described are designated as Lane Use Reservations and traffic shall move as indicated.
Road "A" and Main Street (CR#514)
(a) Northbound left lane of Road "A" reserved for left turn only
(b) Northbound right lane of Road "A" reserved for right turn only
Authorized Vehicles Only. The following streets or parts of streets shall be designated as use for authorized vehicles only. No vehicle other than an authorized vehicle shall enter upon the below roadway.
Name of Street
Road "B"
[Ord. No. 2017-103]
Entire length
Rosiet Homes Municipal lots.
Judy Drive Entrance
Judy Drive (Head-On Parking Areas)
Dino Drive (Head-On Parking Areas)
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
New Street Municipal Parking Lot
New Street and North William Street
(Block 536, Lots 13A, 13B, 13.01 & 14)
[Ord. No. 2018-06]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the New Street Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the Main Street Business District
Employee of merchant of the Main Street Business District
Shopper of the Main Street Business District
Parking will be limited to a maximum of three (3) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The three (3) hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Municipal Clerk's Office. Permits will be available to any merchant of the Main Street Business District.
[Ord. #2016-2]
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
[Ord. #2016-2]
Residential Parking Spaces. In Block 536, Lot 13.01 residential parking spaces will be made available (4 spaces) and that a permit will be required. Spaces permitted to allow residents to remain in the lot between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
[Ord. No. 2018-06]
North James Street Municipal Parking Lot. (South Side of North James Street and North Side of North James Street)
[Amended 2-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-10]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the New Street Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the Main Street Business District
Employee of merchant of the Main Street Business District
Shopper of the Main Street Business District
Parking will be limited to a maximum of three (3) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The three (3) hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Municipal Clerk's Office. Permits will be available to any merchant of the Main Street Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (This does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot (lower level parking deck only); provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the North James Street Municipal Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the Main Street Business District.
Employee of merchant of the Main Street Business District.
Shopper/Diner of the Main Street Business District.
Employee/Visitor of Ross Street School (School #11).
Parking will be limited to a maximum of (4) four hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The four (4) hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Police Department. Permits will be available to any merchant of the Main Street Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Parking Lot
Main Library and Health Center
General Parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below.
Name of Street
"F" Street
(Health Center)
1 hour time limit
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except Sundays and holidays)
Between a point 35 feet south of George Frederick Plaza and the Board of Education property.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below, except in areas covered by other parking restrictions.
Name of Street
"F" Street
(Health Center)
Between George Frederick Plaza to the Board of Education property.
No person shall enter or park a vehicle in the Municipal Parking Lot unless he/she is:
Present for the purpose of conducting business with the Library or Health Center; or
Attending a meeting at the Library or Health Center; or
An official or employee of the Township authorized to park in the lot; or
Attending a special event where the use of the parking lot is authorized by the Chief of Police or his designee.
Handicapped Parking. All stalls shall be twelve (12) feet wide as shown on the attached site plan[4] and signed with the R7-8 and R7-8P (Reserved Parking Sign and Penalty Plate), in the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued the Handicapped Parking Permit by the Motor Vehicle Commission.
Editor's Note: The site plan referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
One-Way Streets. The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as One-Way Streets in the direction indicated.
Name of Street
"G" Street (Health Center)
Between "F" Street and "K" Street
"H" Street (Health Center)
Between "G" Street and "J" Street
"I" Street (Main Library)
Between "H" Street and "K" Street
"J" Street (Health Center)
Between "H" Street and "K" Street
"K" Street (Main Library)
Between "J" Street and "L" Street
"L" Street (Main Library)
Between "K" Street and "F" Street
Speed Limits.
The speed limit for both directions of traffic in the parking lot(s) shall be fifteen (15) m.p.h.
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-Away Zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic; block entrances or exit ways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area pedestrian walkway; or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
Property: North James Street Municipal Parking Lot. (North Side of North James Street)
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parking in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the Main Street Business District.
Employee of merchant of the Main Street Business District.
Shopper of the Main Street Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. (This does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: First Presbyterian Church Municipal Parking Lot.
1295 Oak Tree Road — Iselin
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parking in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the First Presbyterian Church Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the Oak Tree Road Special Improvement District.
Employee of merchant of the Oak Tree Road Special Improvement District.
Shopper of the Oak Tree Road Special Improvement District.
Parking will be limited to a maximum of five (5) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (This does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge)
Woodbridge High School
1 Sam Lupo Place
General Parking.
No person shall park a vehicle other than a Police Vehicle in any space marked for Official Police Parking and marked on the diagram kept on file.
[Ord. #2016-08]
Colonia High School
180 East Street
General Parking.
No person shall park a vehicle other than a Police Vehicle in any space marked for Official Police Parking and marked on the diagram kept on file.
[Ord. #2016-08]
John F. Kennedy High School
200 Washington Avenue
General Parking.
No person shall park a vehicle other than a Police Vehicle in any space marked for Official Police Parking and marked on the diagram kept on file.
[Ord. #2016-08]
Woodbridge Community Center
600 Main Street
General Parking.
No person shall park a vehicle other than a Police Vehicle in any space marked for Official Police Parking and marked on the diagram kept on file.
[Ord. #2016-08]
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-11]
Olsen Towers Municipal Parking Lot
555 New Brunswick Avenue
General parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a municipal parking lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the New Brunswick Avenue Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
A merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
An employee of a merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
A shopper of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Parking will be limited to a maximum of three hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The three-hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Police Department. Permits will be available to any merchant of the New Brunswick Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Woodbridge Housing Authority parking spaces will be made available (four spaces) and will be property marked; spaces permitted to allow Township Housing Authority vehicles during business hours.
[Added 2-4-2020 by Ord. No. 20-13]
150 Avenel Street/Avenel Performing Arts Center (APAC)
Municipal Parking Lot
105 Avenel Street (satellite lot)
Municipal Parking Lot
181 Avenel Street (satellite lot)
Municipal Parking Lot
General parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a municipal parking lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Avenel Street Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
A patron of the Avenel Street APAC.
An employee/staff of the Avenel Street APAC.
Parking will be limited to a maximum of six hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Sunday through Saturday. Exception: The six-hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Police Department. Permits will be available to any merchant of the Avenel Street Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday. (This does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge.)
Property: 400 Inman Avenue, Colonia Evergreen Senior Center.
[Added 4-6-2021 by Ord. No. 21-17]
General parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Evergreen Senior Center, Inman Avenue Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
Patrons of the Evergreen Senior Center.
Employee/Staff of the Evergreen Senior Center.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: Five Branches Senior Center, 1 Brown Avenue, Iselin
[Added 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Five Branches Senior Center, Brown Avenue Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
Patrons of the Five Branches Senior Center.
Employee/staff of the Five Branches Senior Center.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: Sycamore Senior Center, 290 Old Road., Sewaren
[Added 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Sycamore Senior Center, Old Road Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
Patrons of the Sycamore Senior Center.
Employee/staff of the Sycamore Senior Center.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: Hickory Senior Center 17 Corriellc Street, Fords
[Added 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the Hickory Senior Center, Corrielle Street Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
Patrons of the Hickory Senior Center.
Employee/staff of the Hickory Senior Center.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: 29/31 Marconi Avenue, Iselin
[Added 2-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-09]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the 29/31 Marconi Avenue Municipal Parking Lots unless such person is:
A shopper of the Oak Tree Road Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. midnight and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Parking will be limited to a maximum of four (4) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge.)
Property: 10 Main Street, Woodbridge - Madera
[Added 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-62; amended 2-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-09]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot (lower level parking deck only); provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the 10 Main Street Woodbridge Municipal Lot unless such person is:
A shopper of the Main Street Business District.
An employee/staff of merchants of the Main Street Business District.
Merchant of the Main Street Business District.
Visitor of Parker Press Park.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Parking will be limited to a maximum of four (4) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Sunday through Saturday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge.
Property: 415 New Brunswick Avenue (Block 59.07, Lot 3)
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-69; amended 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-39]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the 415 New Brunswick Avenue Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Employee of merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Shopper of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Parking will be limited to a maximum of three (3) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The three (3) hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Police Department. Permits will be available to any merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
Property: 458 New Brunswick Avenue (Block 18.01, Lot 32)
[Added 10-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-70]
General Parking.
No person shall park any vehicle other than within the boundary lines of a parking space. No person shall wash, paint, repair or otherwise work on any vehicle parked in a Municipal Parking Lot provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit necessary emergency repairs to a vehicle.
No person shall enter or park in the 458 New Brunswick Avenue Municipal Parking Lot unless such person is:
Merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Employee of merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Shopper of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District.
Parking will be limited to a maximum of three (3) hours in all parking spaces between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exception: The three (3) hour parking time limit will not apply to any person who has applied for and obtained a parking permit from the Woodbridge Police Department. Permits will be available to any merchant of the New Brunswick Avenue Business District..
No vehicles shall be parked in this municipal parking facility between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday (this does not apply to vehicles registered to the Township of Woodbridge).
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #2016-08]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46, the following private property that is open to the public and to which the public is invited, the movement of traffic shall be controlled by the regulations listed herein. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the following regulations.
Woodbridge Center Shopping Mall
250 Woodbridge Center Drive
Police Vehicle Parking Only (Official Business) as noted on diagram kept on file.
[Ord. #2016-08]
The owners of the premises referred to in this section shall provide and install signs and pavement markings as required, which signage and markings shall be in accordance with the current Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M.U.T.C.D.). The cost of signs and installations shall be the responsibility of the owner of said property. The owner shall, subsequent to the initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the Township of Woodbridge.
The penalty for a violation and conviction of this section shall be not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and/or imprisonment in the County jail for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by a period of community service not to exceed ninety (90) days.
[Ord. #04-09; Ord. #11-67; Ord. #12-43; Ord. No. 2018-92. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the regulations of Subtitle 1, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes are hereby made applicable to the properties listed below.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the first offense, and for subsequent offenses, a fine of at least one hundred ($100.00) dollars and up to ninety (90) days community service on such terms and in such form as the Court shall deem appropriate, or any combination thereof. For all violations written or issued through Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, the penalty will be mandated by the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Aspen Manor Condominiums
1 Aspen Way
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Avenel VFW Post 7164
60 West Park Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Clover Leaf Gardens
Roanoke Street, Woodbridge
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
(Congregation Adath Israel - Amboy Avenue)
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-92]
Crossroad Garden Apartments
Pikeview Lane, Woodbridge
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Harrowsgate Condominiums
323 Gill Lane
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Kensington Garden Apartments
Ford Avenue, Fords
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Knights of Columbus
116 Grand Street
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Knights of Columbus
109 Morrisey Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
R & G Realty
1291 Route NJ 35, Colonia
(St. Georges Avenue)
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Saint Anthony's Church
436 Port Reading Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Saint Cecilia's Church
45 Wilus Way
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
VFW Post
411 New Brunswick Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Woodbridge Elks
665 Rahway Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Woodbridge Garden Apartments
Bunns Lane, Woodbridge
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Woodbridge Knights of Columbus
Amboy Avenue
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
PSE&G Rights-of-Way
All locations within the Township
No person shall enter or park a vehicle on any PSE&G right-of-way unless he/she is:
An official or employee of PSE&G authorized to be on the property; or
A government official on official business; or
A person or vehicle with express written consent to be on the property.
St. John Vianney
Inman Avenue, Colonia
General Parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall enter or park a vehicle on the church property unless he/she is:
Present for the purpose of conducting business with the church or school; or
Attending a religious service or religious class; or
An official or employee of the church or school authorized to park in the lot; or
Attending a special event where the use of the parking lot is authorized by the church or school.
FedEx Ground
6000 Riverside Drive, Keasbey
[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-07]
General Parking.
All vehicles shall park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Ross Street Plaza
410 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge
[Added 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 21-67]
General Parking. No person shall enter or park a vehicle on above listed property unless he/ she is:
An official or employee of Ross Street Plaza authorized to be on the property.
A tenant that conducts business at the above location.
Present for the purpose of conducting business with the entities associated with the above listed location.
A person or vehicle with express written consent to be on the property.
Woodbridge Veterinary Group
424 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge
[Added 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 21-69]
General Parking. No person shall enter or park a vehicle on above listed property unless he/ she is:
An official or employee of Woodbridge Veterinary Group authorized to be on the property.
A tenant that conducts business at the above location.
Present for the purpose of conducting business with the entities associated with the above listed location.
A person or vehicle with express written consent to be on the property.
[Ord. #04-09]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-4, the regulations of Subtitle 1, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes are hereby made applicable to the properties listed below.
[Ord. #04-09]
In accordance with 40 U.S.C.S.C. 318B and a written request from the Postmaster, the off-street locations are hereby designated as Handicapped Parking, pursuant to P.L. 1989 c. 201(1) eff. 06/01/1990.
[Ord. #04-09]
The owners of the premises referred to in subsections 7-39.2 and 7-39.3 shall provide and install signs and pavement markings as required, which signage and markings shall be in accordance with the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The cost for the procurement and installation of signs and pavement markings shall be the responsibility of the owner of said property. The owner shall subsequent to initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the Township of Woodbridge. The owner shall be responsible for the repair and restoration or replacement of same.
[Ord. #08-58; Ord. #08-80]
Installation of Parking Meters or Pay-and-Display Meters Authorized. The Woodbridge Parking Utility is hereby authorized and directed to provide for and to install parking meters or pay-and-display meters to regulate certain parking within the train station lots and curbside parking on Eleanor Place, the west side, beginning two hundred fifty (250) feet south of Main Street to Legion Place in Woodbridge, New Jersey ("Eleanor Place").
The Woodbridge Parking Utility is hereby authorized to install parking meters or pay-and-display meters, at its discretion, to regulate parking located on certain lots located within the Township of Woodbridge.
The provisions contained herein are enforceable Monday through Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays.
Operation of Meters. The operator of any vehicle parked in any space regulated by a parking meter, upon entering said parking space, shall immediately pay the required parking fee in accordance with the directions provided. The failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this section and shall subject the operator and/or owner of the vehicle to the penalty as set forth herein.
Overtime Parking. Upon payment of the required parking fee, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by such vehicle during the period of parking time which has been paid for. If such vehicle shall remain parked in such parking space beyond the parking time paid for, such vehicle shall be in violation of this section and shall be punished as set forth herein.
Parking within Lines. Each vehicle parked in the metered parking spaces or permit parking spaces shall be parked only within the lines or markings designating such parking spaces. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked across any such line or marking.
Slugs. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this section to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slug, device or metallic substitute or any other substitute for United States currency.
Daily Parking Rate. The daily parking rate for the metered parking located in the train station lots shall be determined pursuant to the license agreement with New Jersey Transit. The Woodbridge Parking Utility shall determine the daily and hourly parking rate for the metered parking located on Eleanor Place.
[Ord. #08-58]
The Police Department and/or Woodbridge Parking Utility are hereby authorized to have lines or markings painted in the train lots, any other lot located within Woodbridge Township and on the streets for the purpose of designating permit and metered parking spaces to be used by each parked vehicle.
[Ord. #08-58]
An application for all train station quarterly parking permits may be obtained by mailing the Woodbridge Parking Utility located at 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey a letter and a self-address stamped envelope or by contacting the Parking Utility at the following email address: parking@twp.woodbridge.nj.us. Upon approval of the application and receipt of the application fee, the Woodbridge Parking Utility may issue a quarterly permit which shall be hung from the inside mirror or displayed in the front window of the motor vehicle of the applicant. If the Parking Utility does not issue a parking permit, it shall return the application fee unless the applicant would like to be placed on the waiting list.
The quarterly permit fee shall be determined pursuant to the license agreement with New Jersey Transit.
The Woodbridge Parking Utility may grant a refund request for any unused, full monthly portion of a quarterly permit fee minus a twenty-five ($25.00) dollar processing fee. For example, if you were to ask for a refund several days into the first month of the permit, then the refund would be equal to the pro-rated fee for two (2) months minus twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.
[Ord. #08-58]
A quarterly parking permit issued pursuant to this section constitutes a license to park the vehicle for which it was issued and in which the permit is displayed, in parking spaces designated for vehicles having such permit in the train station lots. The permits do not provide any representations of a guaranteed space and cannot be transferred.
Woodbridge, may, with the consent of New Jersey Transit, provide for premium quarterly permits issued for the Pearl Street Lot which could either provide guaranteed parking and/or allow the permit to be transferred among vehicles belonging to family members.
[Ord. #08-58]
It shall be the responsibility of the holder of a parking permit to remove it from the vehicle and, regardless of condition, surrender it to the Woodbridge Parking Utility when the conditions under which the permit was issued no longer exist. Failure to do so will be a violation of this section.
Replacements may be issued upon the return of the existing permit, regardless of its condition. The replacement fee for a lost permit shall equal the pro-rata value of the remaining unused portion of the quarterly permit, plus the Woodbridge Parking Utility may charge a twenty-five ($25.00) dollar processing fee.
[Ord. #08-58]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this section for any operator or owner of a vehicle to park in an area designated for permit parking without displaying the permit in the front window.
[Ord. #08-58]
No trailers, trucks or buses shall be parked in the train station lots or in any metered parking space.
[Ord. #08-58]
No person shall park or place any disabled vehicle or permit any such disabled vehicle to remain in any such parking area without the express permission of the police or the attendant in charge of such parking area.
[Ord. #08-58]
It shall be the duty of Woodbridge Township Police Officers and such other personnel designated by Woodbridge Township to perform enforcement functions to report the following:
The number of each parking space which indicates that the vehicle occupying the space is parked in violation of the provisions of this section;
The name of the train station lot which required a permit, in which the reported vehicle was parked and did not display the required permit;
The State license number of each vehicle;
The time and date that each vehicle is parked; and
Any other facts or information necessary for a thorough investigation of the circumstances in connection with such violations. Each police or special officer shall also attach to such vehicle a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of this section and instructing such owner or operator to report at the Municipal Court office of the Township of Woodbridge in regard to such violation.
The owner or operator of any vehicle receiving notice attached to said vehicle shall pay to the Court Administrator or an Officer of the Court, either in person or by mail or as otherwise indicated in the notice, the penalty established herein.
The owner or operator's failure to make such payment may result in the following:
An assessment of a late penalty;
An assessment of additional court charges; and
The issuance of a bench warrant.
[Ord. #08-58; Ord. #08-80]
Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate subsections 7-40.1, 7-40.7 and/or 7-40.8 upon conviction, shall be liable to a fine of fifty-four ($54.00) dollars for each violation and each day that a violation continues shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.
Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate Subsection 7-40.6 (Permit Parking), upon conviction, shall be liable to a fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each violation and each day that a violation continues shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.
The fines received for any violation under this section for a vehicle parked in any of the train station lots or in any location utilizing metered parking shall be paid to the Woodbridge Parking Utility by the Court Administrator.
[Ord. #09-72]
A dead-end shall be created at the terminus of Kilmer Drive adjoining the border of Clark, Union County, New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 2017-70; Ord. No. 2017-117; Ord. No. 2017-133; Ord. No. 2018-62. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
The existing traffic signals at various locations below are owned and operated by the Township of Woodbridge.
Name of Street and Intersecting Street
Avenel Street and West Park Avenue, Avenel
[Amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-122]
Avenel Street and Station Drive, Station Drive
[Ord. No. 2017-117]
Avenel Street and Rahway Avenue, Avenel
Blair Road and Omar Avenue/Federal Boulevard, Avenel
Blair Road and Randolph Avenue/Roosevelt Avenue, Avenel
Chain O'Hills Road and New Dover Road, Colonia
Green Street and Elizabeth Avenue, Iselin
Green Street and Worth Street, Iselin
Green Street (County Route 604) and Worth Street
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-08]
Green Street (County Route 604) and Elizabeth Avenue
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-09]
Inman Avenue and Cleveland Avenue, Colonia
Inman Avenue and Jordan Road/Cpl. Kevin Reinhard Way, Colonia
Inman Avenue and Cleveland Avenue/Cavour Street
[Added 4-6-2021 by Ord. No. 21-20]
Inman Avenue and Delaware Avenue
[Added 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-21]
Kind Georges Post Road and Liberty Street, Fords
Lake Avenue and Lancaster Road/Skyline Avenue
[Added 10-29-2019 by Ord. No. 19-107]
Mutton Hollow Road and Antares Drive/Woodbridge Center Drive, Woodbridge
Mutton Hollow Road and Antares Drive
[Added 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-53]
New Brunswick Avenue (CR 616) and Pennsylvania Avenue
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2202-01]
New Dover Road and Colonia Boulevard
[Added 2-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-11]
Oak Tree Road and Magnolia Road/Plymouth Drive, Iselin
Port Reading Avenue and Old Road, Woodbridge
[Added 3-24-2020 by Ord. No. 20-17]
Port Reading Avenue (CR #604) and Tappan Street, Prologis Way
[Ord. No. 2017-133]
Rahway Avenue and Randolph Avenue/Veteran's Way, Avenel
Rahway Avenue and Green Street/East Green Street, Woodbridge
[Ord. No. 2022-29]
Rahway Avenue (County Road 514) and Avenel Street/Ashton Court
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 19-10]
Rahway Avenue and Homestead Avenue
[Added 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-35]
Riverside Drive and Mac Lane
[Ord. No. 2018-62]
Smith Street East Bound (CR 656)/Driscoll Bridge Access Road Relocation – Henry Way
[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-05]
West Avenue and Woodbridge Avenue, Sewaren
Wood Avenue South and 100 Wood Avenue/ Metro Corporate Park Drive
[Added 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-34]
Wood Avenue South and Prudential/Hilton Driveway
[Added 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-35]
Wood Avenue South and Siemens/Hilton Driveway
[Added 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-36]
Woodbridge Center Drive (County Road 646) and Highview Drive
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-52]
Woodbridge Center Drive (County Road 646) and Wick Corporate Drive
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-53]
Woodbridge Center Drive (County Road 646) and Woodbridge Terrace
[Added 4-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-54]
The traffic control signals installed are in accordance with the provisions of the MUTCD, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes, and the New Jersey Administrative Code and shall conform to the design, and shall be maintained in operation as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
[Added 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 21-59. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Definitions. As used herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
A location that is fitted with charging station equipment.
The conductors, including ungrounded and grounded, and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, charging status or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of delivering electrical energy from the charging station to the electric vehicle.
A dedicated, marked parking space that is fitted with charging station equipment and exclusively used for the charging of electric vehicles.
A two-wheel or three-wheel electric vehicle that operates exclusively on electrical energy stored in the vehicle's batteries. Said vehicle shall meet the requirements of an electric vehicle.
A vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from a charging station or other electrical energy source that is stored in the vehicle's battery for propulsion purposes. "Electric vehicle" includes: a battery electric vehicle; a plug-in hybrid electrical vehicle; a neighborhood electric vehicle; and electric scooters or electric motorcycles.
A vehicle that does not meet the definition of "electric vehicle" as provided herein.
An electric vehicle that contains an internal combustion engine and also allows power to be delivered to drive wheels by an electric motor; charges its battery primarily by connecting to a charging station or other electrical source not on board the vehicle; may additionally be able to sustain a battery charge using an on-board internal-combustion-driven generator; and has the ability to be propelled through the use of electricity. Said vehicle shall meet the requirements of an electric vehicle.
The Township has designated charging station spaces at each of the following locations for use of electric vehicles.
Number of spaces
105 Avenel Street
One (1) parking space
[Ord. No. 2022-22]
364 Eleanor Place
Two (2) parking spaces.
[Ord. No. 21-59]
87 New Street
Four (4) parking spaces.
[Ord. No. 21-59]
Fees. The first two hours of charging shall encumber a fee of $1.50 per hour, the third hour of charging and all additional hours shall encumber a fee of $2.50 per hour. Township owned vehicles shall be exempt from associated fees denoted herein.
Use of said charging station spaces shall be limited and restricted as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing a vehicle in a Charging Station Space unless the vehicle is an Electric Vehicle as defined in this section and is connected for electric charging purposes; and
Electric vehicles are authorized to park in spaces designated as Charging Station Spaces only during the time when the vehicles are connected for electric charging purposes or up to six (6) hours, whichever is less. Within 15 minutes of the time the vehicle is no longer charging, the owner or operator of said vehicle shall be required to remove the vehicle from the Charging Station Space. If the owner or operator of said vehicle allows his or her vehicle to remain in a charging station space while the vehicle is no longer charging past the fifteen-minute grace period, then said owner or operator shall be in violation of this section.
Any person who parks a non-electric vehicle in a space designated and marked as reserved for electric vehicles shall be guilty of a traffic infraction, and shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100, and shall pay any costs incurred by the court related to assessing the fine.
Unauthorized vehicles, such as, but not limited to, non-electric vehicles, or vehicles not connected for electric charging purposes will be towed away at the owner's expense.
Vehicles continuously electrically connected to the charger for longer than 6 hours shall be guilty of a traffic infraction and shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100, and shall pay any costs incurred by the court related to assessing the fine.
Any vehicle parked within a charging station space for longer than six (6) hours may be towed away at the owner's expense.
[Section 7-44 was amended in entirety 6-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-47. Prior history includes Ord. No. 2022-30.]
Prohibited Operation and Forfeiture. It shall be unlawful and pose an immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township of Woodbridge for any person to operate any all-terrain vehicle or dirt bike upon any public street, highway or right-of-way located within the Township in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3C-17. Any all-terrain vehicle or dirt bike operated in a manner that violates this section shall be deemed contraband subjected to forfeiture in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C:64-1 et seq., and shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:64-6 or, at the discretion of the entity funding the prosecuting agency involved, may be destroyed.
Direct Disbursement of Gasoline Prohibited. It shall be unlawful and pose an immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township for any person owning a gas station in the Township disbursing gas from gas pumps located on said property to the general public to disburse or allow to be disbursed gasoline directly into any all-terrain vehicle or dirt bike. It shall be lawful to distribute gasoline directly into an all-terrain vehicle or dirt bike driven to a gas station on a properly registered trailer, truck, or other lawful means of conveyance.
Delivery To and Removal From Storage Facilities Restricted. It shall be unlawful and pose an immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township for any person owning a storage facility that allows a person to deliver or remove an all-terrain vehicle or dirt bike to or from a storage facility that is not driven to the storage facility on a properly registered vehicle, truck, or other lawful means of conveyance.
Violations and Penalties. Any person who shall be convicted of a violation of the terms and conditions of this section shall be subject to the General Penalty provisions set forth in Section 1-5 of these Revised General Ordinances.