[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753; 7-21-2021 by Ord. No. 1798]
A developer shall not engage in any development without first receiving a stormwater permit from the City pursuant to this article via the City's site plan approval process contained in the zoning regulations in Chapter 39 - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Section 39-5 and 39-7, Article II.
The granting of a stormwater permit shall authorize only such development for which the permit is issued, subject to the terms of the permit, and it shall not be deemed to approve other development or other land use activities, or replace other required permits.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753; 7-21-2021 by Ord. No. 1798]
The City shall grant a stormwater permit after approval of the site plan (Chapter 39 - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Article 12) and before issuance of a building permit(s), and may impose terms and conditions in accordance with Section 29-104, only upon compliance with all of the following requirements:
Completed stormwater permit application form.
The developer has submitted a drainage plan for the site complying with Section 29-99 for the approval of post-construction stormwater runoff BMPs.
The drainage plan contains a description of adequate, temporary stormwater management facilities to control construction site stormwater runoff and prevent off-site sedimentation, satisfying the requirements of Section 29-117, and the developer has obtained a soil erosion permit from the county enforcing agency, if necessary.
The drainage plan contains permanent on-site stormwater management facilities complying with the City Stormwater Standards, and the performance and design standards as set forth in Division 8 of this article.
The developer has submitted restrictive covenant language for review and subsequent recording at the County Register of Deeds, if required for the development.
Written construction plan approval obtained from the County Drain or Water Resources Commissioner, or intercounty drainage board, if required.
The developer has paid or deposited the stormwater permit review fee pursuant to Section 29-100.
The developer has paid or posted the applicable financial guaranty pursuant to Section 29-101.
The developer provides all easements necessary to implement the approved drainage plan and to otherwise comply with this article, including, but not limited to, Section 29-163. All easements shall be acceptable to the City in form and substance and shall be recorded with the County Register of Deeds.
The developer provides the required maintenance agreement for routine, emergency, and long-term maintenance of all structural and vegetative BMPs installed and implemented to meet the performance standards. This agreement shall be in compliance with the approved drainage plan and this article, including, but not limited to, Section 29-164. The maintenance agreement shall be acceptable to the City in form and substance and shall be subsequently recorded with the County Register of Deeds.
Limitations of review. The City will review private developments for off-site impacts, but will not review the internal storm sewer and drainage system for the site.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
A preliminary drainage plan meeting the requirements of Section 39-23(a)(4)m through n shall be included on the site plan submitted to the City for site and development plan review. The drainage plan submitted for stormwater permit review shall be shown on the approved site plan if Planning Commission or administrative staff review is required, or on a site plan meeting the requirements in the City Stormwater Standards. The drainage plan shall identify and contain all of the information required in the City Stormwater Standards.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
All expenses and costs incurred by the City directly associated with processing, reviewing and approving or denying a stormwater permit application shall be paid or reimbursed to the City from the funds paid directly to the City. The City reserves the right to request a separate escrow account be established by the developer, as provided in Subsection (b) of this section. The City may draw funds from a developer's escrow account to reimburse the City for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the City relating to the application. Such reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses related to the following:
Services of the City Attorney directly related to the application.
Services of the City Engineer directly related to the application.
Services of other independent contractors working for the City, which are directly related to the application.
Review required by the County Drain or Water Resources Commissioner.
Any additional public hearings, required mailings and legal notice requirements necessitated by the application.
At the time a developer applies for a stormwater permit, the developer shall pay the required fees established by the City for a stormwater permit. The developer may also be required to deposit with the City, as an escrow deposit, an initial amount as determined by resolution of the City Council for such matters and shall provide additional amounts as requested by the City in such increments as are specified in said resolution. Any excess funds remaining in the escrow account after the application has been fully processed, reviewed, and the final City approval and acceptance of the development has occurred will be refunded to the developer with no interest to be paid on those funds. At no time prior to the City's final decision on an application shall the balance in the escrow account fall below the required initial amount. If the funds in the account are reduced to less than the required initial amount, the developer shall deposit into the account an additional amount as determined by City Council resolution, before the application review process will be continued. Additional amounts may be required to be placed in the escrow account by the developer, at the discretion of the City.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
The City shall not approve a stormwater permit until the developer submits to the City, in a form and amount satisfactory to the City, a letter of credit or other financial guaranty for the timely and satisfactory construction of all stormwater management facilities and site grading in accordance with the approved drainage plan. Upon 1) certification by a registered professional engineer that the stormwater management facilities have been completed in accordance with the approved drainage plan, and 2) receipt of construction record drawings for all private drainage systems meeting the minimum requirements of the City Stormwater Standards, the City may release the letter of credit or other financial guaranty, subject to final City acceptance and approval.
Except as provided in Subsection (c) of this section, the amount of the financial guaranty shall be equal to the construction cost estimate provided by the developer of all stormwater management facilities and site grading, unless the City determines that a greater amount is appropriate, in which case the basis for such determination shall be provided to the developer in writing. In determining whether an amount greater is appropriate, the City shall consider the size and type of the development, the size and type of the on-site stormwater management system, and the nature of the off-site stormwater management facilities the development will utilize.
The City may waive the financial guaranty for a development if the County Drain or Water Resources Commissioner or the County Road Commission, as part of its review process, requires a letter of credit or other financial guaranty for the satisfactory construction of all stormwater management facilities.
The City may reduce or waive the amount of the financial guaranty for a development that will not increase the percentage of impervious surface of the development site by more than 10%.
This article shall not be construed or interpreted as relieving a developer of its obligation to pay all costs associated with on-site private stormwater runoff facilities as well as those costs arising from the need to make other drainage improvements in order to reduce a development's impact on a drain consistent with City Stormwater Standards.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until a stormwater permit has been issued and stormwater management facilities have been completed in accordance with the approved drainage plan and all applicable restrictive covenants, construction record drawings have been submitted and approved, and until the executed maintenance agreement is recorded with the County Register of Deeds; provided, however, that the City may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy if an acceptable letter of credit or other financial guaranty has been submitted to the City, the County Drain or Water Resources Commissioner, or the County Road Commission for the timely and satisfactory construction of all stormwater management facilities and site grading in accordance with the approved drainage plan.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
Stormwater management facilities, after construction and approval, shall be maintained in good condition, in accordance with the approved drainage plan, and shall not be subsequently altered, revised or replaced except in accordance with the approved drainage plan, or in accordance with approved amendments or revisions in the plan.
[11-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1753]
In granting a stormwater permit, the City may impose such terms and conditions as are reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this article. A developer shall comply with such terms and conditions.
Approval of the stormwater management system is considered to be granted by the City upon issuance of a stormwater permit, unless authorization is required to be granted by the County Drain or Water Resources Commissioner under state law and this approval has not been offered.