General. For the purposes of this Bylaw, the Town of Dedham is divided into following types of zoning districts:
Residential Districts:
Single Residence A
Single Residence B
General Residence
Senior Campus
Nonresidential Districts:
Administrative and Professional
Limited Manufacturing
Limited Manufacturing Type B
Research, Development and Office
General Business
Highway Business
Central Business
Local Business
Overlay Districts. There are also established the following overlay districts:
Flood Plain Overlay District (FPOD) superimposed over other zoning districts or parts thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where FPOD regulations impose different or additional, greater or more restrictive requirements. A use which falls within the Flood Plain Overlay District must comply with the requirements of § 280-8.1.
Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APOD) superimposed over the other districts or parts thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where APOD regulations impose different or additional, greater or more restrictive requirements. A use which falls within the Aquifer Protection District must comply with the requirements of § 280-8.2.
Wireless Communications Services Overlay District (WCSOD) superimposed over the other districts or part thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where WCSOD regulations impose different or additional, greater or more restrictive requirements.
Adult Uses Overlay District (AUOD) superimposed over the other districts or parts thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where AUOD regulations impose different or additional, greater or more restrictive requirements.
Medical Marijuana Overlay District (MMOD) is established as a district that overlays the underlying districts, so that any parcel of land lying in the MMOD shall continue to lie in one or more of the other zoning districts in which it was previously classified, as provided for in this Zoning Bylaw.
Arts Overlay District (AOD) superimposed over the other zoning districts or part thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where the AOD regulations impose different or additional, greater, or more restrictive requirements.
Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD) superimposed over the other zoning districts or part thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where the HPOD regulations impose different or additional, greater, or more restrictive requirements.
Multi-Family Housing Overlay District (MFHOD) superimposed over the other zoning districts or part thereof so that the provisions of this Bylaw pertaining to such underlying districts remain in effect, except where the MFHOD regulations impose different or additional, greater or more restrictive requirements.
[Added 5-15-2023 ATM by Art. 14]
Location of Districts. Said districts herein before referred to are located as shown on a map of the Town of Dedham Mass. Geographic Information System Map, prepared for the Dedham Planning Board, signed by the Planning Board by the Town of Dedham Engineering Department Geographic Information System Division at a scale of one inch equals 750 feet dated January 26, 2012, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk which map, together with detailed sketches, Appendix A, and all notations thereon, is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Bylaw. A vote of the Town adding or deleting zoning districts or changing their boundaries made in the form of a verbal description shall be incorporated in this Bylaw in graphic form by addition to or alteration of the Zoning Map, but any delay or error in the revision of the Zoning Map shall not postpone or otherwise affect the effectiveness of an amendment. The Planning Board may from time to time add new streets and other geographical features to the Zoning Map to keep it reasonably current and to facilitate orientation, but no changes shall be made of the zoning districts, except pursuant to a vote of the Town.
Location of boundaries. The location of the boundary lines of the districts shown upon the aforesaid zoning map shall be determined as follows:
Where a boundary line is shown approximately on the location of a property or lot line and the exact location of the boundary line is not indicated by means of a figure or otherwise, then the property or lot line shall be the boundary line.
Where a boundary line is shown outside of the lines of a street and approximately parallel thereto, it shall be deemed parallel to the nearest exterior line thereof; and a figure placed upon the zoning map between such boundary line and such exterior line indicates the distance in feet between the two lines, measured at right angles to the exterior street line unless otherwise indicated.
Where a zoning district boundary divides a lot, the entire lot area may be counted to meet the area requirements of the district in which the principal use of the lot is located. The active use, including buildings, access ways, parking, and storage, where permitted, may extend not more than 10 feet into the district in which such use is not permitted, provided that a special permit shall be required to extend such uses into any part of the lot located in a residence district SRA, SRB, or GR.
In any case not covered by the other provisions of this paragraph, the location of a boundary shall be determined by the distance in feet, if given from other lines upon the zoning map, or, if distances are not given, then by the scale of the map.