[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
The director of public works is charged with the enforcement of all provisions of this chapter, except collection, subject to the control and direction of the city administrator.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
In order to enforce the provisions of this chapter, the city may correct any violation of this chapter. The cost of such correction, including attorney's fees, may be added to any water service charge payable by the person occupying the property upon which the violation occurred, and the city shall have such remedies for the collection of such costs as it has for the collection of water service charges.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
No person shall knowingly make any false statement, representation, record, report, plan, or other document filed with, or to be filed with or taken by, the city.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
If any provision of this chapter or the application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance codified in this chapter or the application of such provisions to other persons or other circumstances shall not be effected.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.