[Ord. 1/27/72 § 1]
There is hereby established in the Town of Brooklyn a Board of Fire Commissioners which shall have the powers and authority set forth in Section 7-301 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut (Revision of 1958), as amended, and shall supervise and assist in the management of the three existing volunteer fire companies in the Town.
[Ord. 1/27/72 § 2; Ord. No. 91-3 § 1; Ord. No. 97-1 § 1]
The Board of Fire Commissioners shall consist of seven members consisting of the following:
The First Selectman;
One member of the Board of Finance, to be appointed by the Board and to serve for a term of one year;
Two members selected by the Board of Selectmen, one each from a list of three names each submitted to the Board by each of the two existing volunteer Fire Companies, and who shall serve for terms of one year;
Three citizens appointed by the Board of Selectmen, who are not members past or present of any Brooklyn Fire Company, and who shall serve for terms of three years.
All members shall be sworn and serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified, may be reappointed, and shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. Vacancies created by resignation or inability to serve shall be filled by a replacement for the unexpired term to be chosen in the same manner as was the member who created the vacancy by resignation or inability to serve.
[Ord. 1/27/72 § II]
The Board shall elect from its members a Chairman and such other officers as it shall deem necessary. The Board shall make a continuing study of the fire protection needs of the Town and from time to time make long or short term recommendations to the Town based on such study. In addition to the powers provided in Section 7-301 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, the Board of Fire Commissioners may enter into agreements with any volunteer Fire Company or organized Fire District within the Town for the fire protection thereof on such conditions as to financial and/or equipment assistance and the observance of such regulations as they deem in the best interest of the Town.
[Ord. 1/27/72 § III]
The Board shall be a budgeted agency and shall submit its account and budget annually to the Board of Finance. The Board shall submit an annual report to the Town to become a part of the Annual Report of the Town of Brooklyn. Nothing herein shall prevent the Town or an incorporated Fire District from appropriating funds to a volunteer Fire Company for services rendered or to be rendered within the confines of the Town or Fire District provided the Town or fire district shall deem it in the public interest to do so.
[Ord. No. 06-01 § 1]
Pursuant to Section 7-148 of the Connecticut General Statutes, no person shall park a vehicle or remain stationary in an area that is clearly marked "NO PARKING" or "FIRE ZONE" by appropriate devices or markers or by lines upon the surface of ground, indicating parking is prohibited, or for a period of time that is longer than allowed by legally installed signs.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to emergency vehicles or maintenance vehicles in the normal course of business.
[Ord. No. 97-6; Ord. 9/12/2001]
In order to provide rapid access by Brooklyn Fire Departments to unoccupied or locked structures that pose life or property damage hazards while minimizing delay or damage resulting from forcible entry, the following regulation is adopted by the Brooklyn Board of Selectmen and the Brooklyn Board of Fire Commissioners on September 12, 2001.
[Ord. 9/12/2001]
After the effective date this section, new commercial buildings, any new structure required by the Connecticut State Building Code or the Connecticut Fire Safety Code to be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system or an automatic fire alarm system, any new building equipped with an elevator, any new building in which hazardous materials of more than 25 gallons or 200 pounds are stored, any new nonresidential building in which the Brooklyn Fire Marshal determines that rapid access is necessary for life safety or fire fighting purposes, any property newly equipped with an automatic gate used as a means of controlling access to or from vehicle parking areas, private streets, driveways, or parking garages, and new multiple dwellings containing more than two residence units shall be equipped with a Rapid Access System.
Locked key vaults shall be mounted in a location specified by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal.
A Rapid Access System consists of a heavy duty key vault, the specifications of which shall be approved by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal. Locked key vaults shall contain the following, unless excepted in writing by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal:
Keys or other devices that operate gates that control access to the property;
Keys or other devices that control locks at points of ingress to the building;
Keys or other devices that allow access to locked mechanical, utility, electrical, boiler or interior storage rooms;
Keys to elevator controls, fire alarm panels and fire protection systems;
Keys to residential units in multiple dwellings subject to the provisions of this section;
Key cards, integrated circuit "buttons" or other devises that operate exterior or interior locks controlled by card system or other non-keyed locking systems;
Materials Safety Data Sheets for hazardous materials stored within the building;
Keys to other areas or other materials required by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal to comply with the intent of this section.
Contents of the vault shall be clearly labeled. If more than one vault is provided the contents shall be distributed among the vaults as directed by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal.
Vaults and required contents shall be provided at the expense of the building owner. Building owners are responsible for notification of the Brooklyn Fire Marshal in the event that locks or occupancy changes.
No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for a new or renovated commercial or industrial structure unless there shall be installed thereon a rapid access system approved by the Brooklyn Fire Marshal as to specification and location thereof. Key to such rapid access system shall be maintained exclusively by either the East Brooklyn and or Mortlake Fire Departments.
Upon installation of such rapid access system, the building owner shall, at his or her expense, maintain all components thereof and make repairs or replacements thereof within seven days of receipt of written notice to repair or replace from the Brooklyn Fire Marshal.
Structures existing on the effective date hereof that would, if new, fall under the provisions of this section shall be provided with secure key vaults upon the earliest date of any of the following conditions:
Completion of alterations or repairs made in any 36 month period costing in excess of 20% of the assessed valuation of the structure on the effective date of this section;
A change in ownership of the property;
A change in occupancy causing the structure; if new, to fall under the provisions of paragraph a of subsection 11-3.2;
Installation of a complete or partial sprinkler system, automatic fire alarm system, elevator or parking gate;
An increase in the floor area of the structure;
Five years from the effective date of this section.
The Brooklyn Board of Fire Commissioners shall adopt within 60 days of the effective date of this section, and shall modify from time to time as they deem reasonable and necessary, a policy for administration of the provisions hereof including:
Procedures for obtaining approved key vaults;
Policies and procedures necessary to reasonably assure the security of keys that operate key vaults;
A requirement that the Brooklyn Fire Marshal publish a list of existing properties affected by this section within 90 days of the effective date of this section.
Any owner violating the provisions of this section shall be fined $25.00 for each offense. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense. Appeals shall be made within 30 days after the effect of this section upon any person or entity. Appeals shall be made in writing by certified mail to the Brooklyn Fire Commissioners.
Temporary Key Vaults may be authorized by the Fire Marshal as he may unilaterally determine in order to protect the health, safety, life or property of people affected by this section.
Single-family/two-family owners are exempt from this section but can apply to the Fire Marshal if they want to be part of the system.
This section shall become effective pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 7-157 (Revision of 1958).
[Ord. 1/23/63 § 1]
No person shall erect or proceed to erect within the limits of the Town of Brooklyn any equipment and buildings to be used for the bulk storage of flammable liquids for resale, nor shall any alterations be made to any equipment and building now existing within the Town of Brooklyn, unless an application is first filed for approval of such location and erection or removal or alteration, with the Selectmen of the Town. Such application shall be in writing, and shall state the location of the proposed equipment or buildings to be erected, removed or altered. Furthermore the Board of Selectmen may request the location of buildings immediately adjoining or adjacent thereto, the materials to be used in the erection, removal or alteration and the use for which the equipment and buildings is to be put, a plot plan which will show the boundaries of the applicant's property, the location of the equipment and buildings thereon, and the location of adjacent buildings.
[Ord. 1/23/63 § 2]
Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $25.00 to be paid to the Town of Brooklyn.
[Ord. 1/23/63 § 3]
Upon the receipt of an application, the Selectmen shall examine the premises involved and the adjacent properties and buildings and, if in their opinion it is necessary, hold a public hearing on the application. After a public hearing has been held, a rehearing may be held in the sole discretion of the Selectmen. The Selectmen in rendering a decision on an application shall take into account the real conditions as to the character and use of adjoining buildings or property in the vicinity, the number of persons residing or working in the vicinity, traffic conditions or the like, the creation of hazards from fire or other means that would menace the public security, health or morals, and the reactions and opinions of the adjoining property owners and residents in the area and in the Town of Brooklyn to the use of the property involved for the bulk storage of flammable liquids for resale. The Selectmen shall render their decision upon such application within 10 days from the date of the hearing and if the application is granted, a written permit shall be issued to the applicant.
[Ord. 1/23/63 § 4]
Notice of public hearing on an application shall be given by posting upon the sign posts in the Town a printed or written notice signed by the Selectmen or a majority of them, and by publishing a like notice in a newspaper having a circulation in the Town of Brooklyn. Such posting and such publication to be at least five days previous to holding the hearing, including the day that notice is given, and any Sunday and any legal holiday which may intervene between such posting and publication and the day of holding such hearing, but not including the day of holding such hearing.
[Ord. 1/23/63 § 5]
Any person failing to secure a permit required by this section or who shall violate any provisions thereof, may be fined not more than $100.00.
[Ord. 5/3/10; Ord. 2/17/11]
The purpose of this section is to establish a schedule of fees for permits and plan approvals issued by the Fire Marshal as permitted under the Connecticut General Statutes.
Review of Construction Documents. The fee for the review of construction documents for new construction, additions or change of use shall be $50.00 per 1,000 square feet or portion thereof, not to exceed $2,500.00, payable upon submission of the plans.
At the sole discretion of the Fire Marshal, plans for buildings over 50,000 square feet, buildings which by their proposed use or occupancy present a special risk or hazard and buildings with unusually complex designs may be required to undergo an independent third party plan review. A competent consultant or agency, subject to the reasonable approval of the Fire Marshal, shall conduct the independent plan review and shall furnish the Fire Marshal with a written report of its findings and recommendations prior to the Fire Marshal's review and approval of any such plan. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with the independent plan review.
Fees for Required Periodic Inspections.
Blasting Permit
Hazmat Annual Truck Inspection — First Truck
Each additional truck
Liquor Permit — New
Liquor Permit — Renewal
Group Home Annual Inspection
Day Care Facility
Health Care Facility — New
Health Care Facility — Renewal
Smoke Detector
Restaurants (Waived if Liquor Permit Inspection is done)
Apartment Buildings and Dormitories:
Four or less Units
More than Four Units
Business Occupancy and Mercantile Establishments:
Less than 10,000 sq. ft.
10,000 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft.
Over 50,000 sq. ft.
Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfast Establishments
Burn Permit
Other required inspections
Fees for inspections required for amusement rides and vendors for the Windham County Agricultural Association:
The actual time spent by the Fire Marshal for such on-site inspections at his/her current hourly rate of compensation.
Fees for Other Nonprofit Organizations. The fees applicable to any nonprofit organization shall be the lesser of the fees set forth in the schedule above or the time expended by the Fire Marshal for the required on-site inspection at his/her then current hourly rate of compensation.
No final approval of the applicant's plans shall be given or inspection certificates issued by the Fire Marshal until the required fee and the costs, if any, associated with any required independent plan review have been paid in full.
No fees shall be required for any plan approval or inspection for the Town of Brooklyn or any of its municipal agencies, the Brooklyn Library Association, the Quinnebaug Valley Senior Citizens, church buildings, Mortlake Fire Department or the East Brooklyn Fire Department.