[Ord. 9/20/79 § 1; Ord. No. 93-3 § 1]
No persons, firm or corporation shall excavate within or under, or place any obstruction or substruction within, under, upon or over, or interfere with construction, reconstruction or maintenance or drainage from any highway or street maintained by the Town without the written permission of the First Selectman. The First Selectman may fill in or close any such excavation or remove or alter any obstruction or substruction made without his permission, and the expense incurred by the First Selectman in such filling or removing or altering shall be paid by the person, firm or corporation who made such excavation or place such obstruction or substruction existing within, under, upon or over any highway or street on October 1, 1979, or at the discretion of said First Selectman, any excavation, obstruction or substruction made after that date without a permit or in violation of the provisions of a permit shall be removed or altered by the person, firm or corporation making or maintaining the same within 30 days from the date when the First Selectman sends by registered or certified mail, postage repaid, a notice to such person, firm or corporation ordering such removal or alteration. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section shall be fined not more than $100.00 each day the violation exists.
[Ord. No. 93-3 § 2]
None of the provisions of this section shall apply to the grading, improvements and utilities and services in connection with any approved subdivision plan; provided that, the subdivider has filed with the First Selectman a surety company bond or cash bond or savings account assignment securing to the Town the actual construction and installation of such improvements and utilities as required in the subdivision and resubdivision regulations of the Town.
[Ord. No. 93-3 § 3]
Pavement Cuts. Cuts in pavement will be made along straight, neat lines with a saw made for such purposes.
Color Coded Marking Tape. A color coded marking tape shall be placed at least 18 inches and not greater than 2 1/2 feet below final grade above all underground utility installations except sewers and drains running in straight lines between surface catch basins, manholes, or posts identifying the underground installation. Tape shall be durable non-degradable plastic, not less that two inches wide by 0.004 inches thick and in the following colors for the particular underground utility: Blue - Water, Red - Electric Cable, Yellow - Gas, Orange - Telephone, Green - Sewer.
Backfill of Trenches. Backfill in trenches within the roadway limits and paved areas shall be placed in layers not more than 12 inches thick and shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping or other approved means to the satisfaction of the First Selectman or his designated agent.
Temporary Trench Patch. Upon completion of trench backfill and temporary pavement, the permittee will be required to maintain the temporary patch for at least a 12 month period. During this period the permittee shall inspect the trench at such regular intervals as may be necessary to maintain the trench in satisfactory condition. The temporary patch shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 inch thick hot mix asphalt. Cold mix asphalt may only be used when hot mix is not available and upon approval of the First Selectman or his designated agent.
Permanent Trench Patch. At the end of the 12 month maintenance period, or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit and hot mix is available, the permittee shall be required to replace the temporary pavement unless otherwise instructed by the First Selectman or his designated agent. A neat, straight saw cut shall be made at least two feet outside of the temporary trench patch and the material removed to a depth of six inches. Three inches of processed gravel shall be placed and thoroughly compacted upon which two courses of hot mix asphalt each 1.5 inches thick shall be placed. Prior to paving the saw cut joint shall be painted with an acceptable tack coat material. After the final pavement has been placed and compacted, the joints will be sealed with a hot bituminous asphalt sealer approved by the First Selectman.
Other Restoration. All other items damaged by the permittee shall be restored in accordance with the requirements of the First Selectman. These items include, but are not limited to, curbing, lawns, driveways, pavement markings, and signs. Pavement markings shall be replaced with like material.
[Ord. No. 93-3 § 4]
New Streets. No excavation shall be permitted in new or reconstructed streets for a period of five years after the wearing surface is placed on such street. When, in the opinion of the First Selectman, it becomes necessary to excavate in such streets due to emergency or other reason, the entire width of the street within the limits of excavation shall be overlayed with 1.5 inches of hot mix asphalt. In addition the permittee shall comply with the other applicable requirements of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Old Streets. No excavation shall be permitted in streets that have been overlayed with hot or cold mix asphalt, or treated with a sealcoat for a period of two years after such overlay or treatment. When, in the opinion of the First Selectman, it becomes necessary to excavate in such streets due to emergency or other reason, the entire width of the street within the limits of excavation shall be resurfaced with a like treatment or other process satisfactory to the First Selectman. In addition the permittee shall comply with the other applicable requirements of the Connecticut General Statutes.
[Ord. 3/24/88]
See Chapter 7, Traffic, for regulations prohibiting parking on streets between November 1st and April 1st for snow removal.
[Ord. 9/8/93 § 1]
The provisions of Connecticut General Statutes 7-163a are hereby adopted, and are set forth in subsections 13-3.2 and 13-3.3 hereof.
[Ord. 2/21/89 § 2]
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 13a-149 of the General Statutes or any other General Statute or Special Act, the Town of Brooklyn shall not be liable to any person injured in person or property caused by the presence of ice or snow on a public sidewalk, other than land used as a highway or street, provided the Town of Brooklyn shall be liable for its affirmative acts with respect to such sidewalk.
[Ord. 2/21/89 § 3]
The owner or person in possession and control of land abutting a public sidewalk shall have the same duty of care with respect of the presence of ice or snow on the sidewalk toward the portion of the sidewalk abutting his property as the municipality has prior to the effective date of this section[1] adopted pursuant to the provisions of C.G.S. 7-163a and shall be liable to persons injured in person or property where a breach of duty is the proximate cause of an injury.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved on February 21, 1989 and published on September 8, 1993.
No action to recover damages for injury to the person or to property caused by the presence of ice or snow on a public sidewalk against a person who owns or is in possession and control of land abutting a public sidewalk shall be brought but within two years from the date when the injury is first sustained.
[Ord. 9/20/79 §§ 1,2]
No person, firm or corporation shall construct a new driveway or relocate an existing driveway leading onto a Town road without first obtaining a written permit from the First Selectman of the Town of Brooklyn. In determining the advisability of issuing such permit, the First Selectman shall include in his consideration, the location of the driveway with respect to its effect on highway drainage, highway safety, the width and character of the highway affected, the density of traffic thereon, and the character of such traffic.
The person to whom such permit is issued shall comply with the provisions and restrictions contained therein at his own expense.
[Ord. 9/20/79 §§ 3,4]
Failure of any person constructing or locating such new driveway to first obtain such a permit shall constitute a violation of the ordinance. Each day such driveway is permitted or suffered to remain shall constitute a separate violation. In addition, the First Selectman shall have the right of injunctive relief against such violator or violators.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $25.00.
[Ord. 9/20/79 § 5]
Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of the First Selectman shall have the right of appeal to the Board of Selectmen.
[Ord. No. 04-3 § I]
This section shall be known as the Scenic Road Regulations of the Town of Brooklyn, and is adopted pursuant to recommendations made by the 1999 Plan of Conservation and Development and the 1993 Open Space and Conservation Plan. The purpose of the section, which is consistent with resident surveys consistently ranking protection of Brooklyn's rural character as a top priority, is to help protect Brooklyn's rural character and scenic beauty by allowing the Town a measure of protection of the areas along its rural roadways, consistent with the requirements of safe travel. This section is designed to enable the preservation of stone walls, mature street trees and other specimen trees, as well as the rural scale of roads, view sheds and other valued features. The section is intended to apply to any accepted Town roadway whether designated as a "road" or "highway" or equivalent term.
[Ord. No. 04-3 § II]
The authority to designate a Town road or highway or any portion thereof as a Scenic Road is hereby delegated to the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the procedures for such designation as set forth in this section. No State highway or portion thereof may be designated as a Scenic Road under this section.
[Ord. No. 04-3 § III]
Application Requirements. Any Town resident or property owner may apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission for designation of any Town highway or portion thereof as a Scenic Road. Such an application on a form to be prescribed by the Commission, shall include the following:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, who may be a person or other legal entity, including corporations and partnerships.
The name of the highway and the total length of the portion to be designated a Scenic Road.
A brief description of the highway and a statement as to how the highway or portion thereof meets the designation criteria specified in subsection 13-5.4, below.
A map showing lot boundaries, the amount of lot frontage, and the names of all owners of record of each lot located along any portion of the Town highway to be designated as a Scenic Road.
A statement or statements of approval of the proposed Scenic Road designation, signed by the owners of the majority of lot frontage abutting the portion of the highway proposed for such designation. Each such statement shall also contain the name, address and the amount of relevant lot frontage of each signing owner.
A copy of each such application, including the statements of signing owners described in the preceding paragraph, shall also be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk.
An application fee of $50.00.
Rescission Procedures. Any person desiring to rescind a designation of a town highway as a Scenic Road shall make application for rescission on a form prescribed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such application shall include the following:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, who may be a person or other legal entity, including corporations and partnerships.
The name of the highway and the total length of the portion previously designated as a Scenic Road to now be rescinded.
A brief description of the highway and a statement as to how the highway or portion thereof no longer meets the designation criteria specified in subsection 13-5.4, below.
A map showing lot boundaries, the amount of lot frontage, and the names of all owners of record of each lot located along any portion of the town highway to be designated as a Scenic Road.
A statement or statements of approval of the proposed rescission of Scenic Road designation, signed by the owners of the majority of lot frontage abutting the portion of the designated highway. Each such statement shall also contain the name, address and the amount of relevant lot frontage of each signing owner.
A copy of each such application, including the statements of signing owners described in the preceding paragraph, shall also be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk.
An application fee of $50.00.
Referral to Conservation Commission. All applications for designation of Scenic Roads, or rescission of Scenic Roads, shall be referred by the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Conservation Commission for its recommendation prior to public hearing.
Hearings, Notice and Decision.
When the Planning Commission receives an application for designation or rescission of a Scenic Road, it shall conduct a public hearing on the proposal. The notice of and deadlines for such hearing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-26d and 8-26e of the Connecticut General Statutes. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall send notice of such public hearing to the Board of Selectmen, the Director of the Highway Department, and the Tree Warden. The applicant shall mail copies of the notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to each owner of property having frontage on the portion of the Town highway proposed for designation as a Scenic Road. Such mailings shall be made at least 15 days before the date of the hearing. The applicant must submit proof of such mailing to the Commission at or before commencement of the public hearing.
The Commission shall make its decision on the application within 35 days after the close of the public hearing. The Commission may approve the application as submitted or may designate a lesser portion of the highway as a Scenic Road. If the Commission fails to act upon the application within the time frame set forth in this subsection, the application shall be denied in its entirety. In such case, the applicant shall be allowed to resubmit an application effective immediately, with no additional filing fee. If an application is denied by vote of the Commission, no Scenic Road application involving the same highway or portion of highway may be submitted for a period of one year from the date of publication of the denial.
The Commission shall publish a notice of any decision it renders on an application in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Brooklyn no later than 15 days after the date of the decision. If the Commission approves the application, it shall notify the Board of Selectmen, Director of the Highway Department, Conservation Commission, Inland Wetlands Commission, and the Tree Warden of the designation within 15 days after the date of the decision, specifying the scenic characteristics warranting protection. The failure to send such notice shall not affect the validity of the designation.
Following the public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall vote on the proposed designation. The designation shall become effective upon such date as the Planning and Zoning Commission may establish.
Appeal of Designation or Rescission. Any person or party aggrieved by a designation or rescission of designation of a highway or portion of a highway as a Scenic Road pursuant to this section may appeal in the manner and utilizing the same standards of review provided for appeals from the decisions of Planning and Zoning Commissions under Section 8-8 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
[Ord. No. 04-3 § IV]
In evaluating an application for designation or rescission of a designation of Scenic Road, the Planning and Zoning Commission must find that such highway or portion of a highway is free of intensive commercial development and intensive vehicular traffic, and furthermore meets at least one of the following criteria:
The road is unpaved;
The road is bordered by mature trees or stone walls;
The travel portion of the road is no more than 20 feet wide;
The road offers scenic views;
The road blends naturally into the surrounding terrain; or
The road parallels or crosses over brooks, streams, lakes or ponds.
The Commission is not bound to find multiple criteria in order to designate a road as a Scenic Road, and may base its designation upon the criteria as it, in its discretion, determines is appropriate. The Commission may consider the recommendation of the Conservation Commission as part of its deliberative process, but is not bound to accept the recommendation of the Conservation Commission.
[Ord. No. 04-3 § V]
No road which has been designated as a Scenic Road under this section shall be altered or improved, including but not limited to, widening the travel portion of the road, paving, changes of grade, removal of stone bridges, road straightening, removal of stone walls, and removal of mature trees, except for good cause as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission approving any alteration or improvement of a road designated as a Scenic Road under this section, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall schedule a public hearing on the proposed alteration or improvement. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall notify the Selectmen, the Director of the Highway Department, and owners of lot frontage abutting the highway or portions of the highway designated as a Scenic Road of the proposed alteration and improvement and scheduled public hearing. Hearing notices and deadlines shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8-26d and 8-26e of the Connecticut General Statutes. Following the public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall vote on the proposed alterations and improvements and shall state the reasons for any such approved alterations or improvements in the Planning and Zoning Commission's minutes.
The Town of Brooklyn shall maintain any highway or portion of any highway designated as a Scenic Road in good and sufficient repair and in passable condition. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person who owns or occupies land abutting a Scenic Road from maintaining and repairing the land that abuts the Scenic Road if the maintenance or repair occurs on land not within the paved or unpaved right-of-way of the Scenic Road.
In maintaining roads in good repair, the Town shall conduct routine maintenance in a manner to protect and maintain scenic qualities to the extent feasible. "Routine maintenance" shall include:
Winter road maintenance;
Road cleaning;
Removal of dead, seriously diseased or damaged trees and branches that pose a threat to safety in accordance with Section 23-59 of the Connecticut General Statutes; pruning to allow school buses and emergency vehicles to pass; removing of brush, rocks and other obstacles to travel or obstructions to sight lines; cutting for utility lines in accordance with Section 16-234 of the Connecticut General Statutes; and trimming and removal of brush to enhance and protect scenic views, stone walls, street trees, and other scenic features as set forth in its designation as a Scenic Road;
The repair of road drainage systems including, but not limited to, the removal of shrubs, trees, silt, and other material, and the replacement of culverts, catch basins and related infrastructure;
Repaving, repair or retreatment of paved surfaces not requiring widening of the traveled way, the removal of trees or stone walls, or grade change;
Graveling and grading to smooth the surface of unpaved roads, provided that the nature and characteristics of the material used remain the same or the surface is restored using materials such as crushed stone, native stone or an equivalent; and
Installation of reflectors and warning, speed limit and other signs in the interest of safety, provided they are kept to the minimum necessary to adequately serve their purpose.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may propose alternatives to alterations affecting the right-of-way of any Scenic Road in order to preserve historic stone walls, trees, views, and other features. This may include but is not limited to driveway entrance placement and treatment, guard post placement, removal of trees and vegetation for highway and utility maintenance, and drainage improvements. Use of materials that complement and blend in with scenic features of the highway are recommended, including, but not limited to, stone and timber in the construction and repair of bridges, guard rails and other structures.
[Ord. 6/28/89]
It is hereby found that rapid growth and development within the Town of Brooklyn are placing unprecedented strain upon Town roads and appurtenant drainage systems, culverts, and catch-basins.
To alleviate that siltation, and as empowered by Section 7-148(c) of the General Statutes, and the Board of Selectmen are herby authorized to develop such regulations as they may deem appropriate to carry out the following purposes:
To provide the proper alignment, width, and grades and pavements of existing Town roads serving as a right-of-way to any proposed such-division, to ensure that such existing Town roads remain safe and continue to conform to the plan of development of the Town;
To provide adequate and sufficient storm drainage systems for carrying off increased storm drainage created by any proposed subdivision and associated access road improvements, whether such additional drainage would impact upon existing Town improvements or private lands;
To provide that adequate and sufficient culverts, manholes, and catch-basins be installed to carry run-off water from the road surface and to divert road water from the proposed subdivision beneath or around existing roads without causing significant increases in erosion or sedimentation.
Compliance with the regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen shall be a condition precedent to any application for subdivision of property within the Town of Brooklyn. Failure to comply shall be adequate cause for denial of any such application.
[Ord. No. 04-4]
2.3.8 Driveways:
All driveway construction shall conform to the Standard Details (See figures 4 and 5). Driveways shall be paved with a minimum thickness of two inches of bituminous concrete for at least 20 feet from the road or such as is required by the Board or its designated agent. All driveways that contain slopes of 10% or greater shall be paved for that length. No driveway shall have a slope greater than 12%.
Driveway approaches shall be constructed so that they match the grade at the gutter line of the road. A landing area equal to one car length (20 feet) and no greater than 3% slope shall be constructed adjacent to the Town road to facilitate sight line distance exiting the driveway.
In some instances an as-built plan may be required to ensure compliance with this regulation.
Prior to commencement of any driveway construction an application shall be approved and the Board's designated agent shall be notified at least 48 hours in advance.