For the purposes of this Article, the terms used herein are
defined as follows:
Shall mean anything which is detrimental or damaging to health,
or which is potentially detrimental or damaging to health, or impacts
the general well being of the public's health as determined by this
The following specific acts; conditions and things are each
and all of them declared to constitute public health nuisances and
are prohibited:
a. Garbage.
1. Depositing, maintaining, or permitting to be deposited or maintained,
or accumulating in or upon any public or private street or thoroughfare
or place; or in or upon any property or building any wastewater, sewage,
garbage, offal, excrement; any dead animal or part thereof; any decaying
or putrescible matter; any oyster or clam shells; or any foul, putrid
or decaying liquid or substance.
2. Allowing any garbage, excrement, leaves, branches, vegetative matter
or any other offensive or decomposed solid or fluid matter or substance
to leak or escape from any cart, wagon, vehicle or other container
in which the same may be conveyed or contained.
b. Excrement. Permitting any human excrement or material containing
human excrement to remain or flow upon the surface of the ground or
to remain or flow in any open ditch or stream; burying, plowing under
or otherwise disposing of such excrement or permitting the same to
be done within one hundred (100) feet of any stream, well, lake, spring
or other source of water used for drinking or other domestic purposes;
or depositing or permitting to be deposited any such material in any
place where it is likely to gain access to such water or to appear
again above the surface of the ground.
c. Use of any privy vault(s) and cesspool(s).
d. Toilet Accommodations. Any premises that are not provided with suitable
toilets in good working order.
e. Buildings.
1. Permitting any building or portion thereof occupied or intended to
be occupied by human beings to be or remain in a state of uncleanliness
detrimental to the health of the occupants or of the public.
2. Permitting any building which is inhabited by human beings or which
is occupied by human beings for any purpose to be without an adequate
supply of running water at any time while being occupied.
3. Permitting any filthy or unhealthful plumbing fixtures of or in a
building used or occupied by human beings for any purpose, regardless
of whether such condition shall be the result of leakage, stoppage
or any other cause.
f. Stables or Kennels. Any stable or kennel that is not provided with
watertight floors properly graded, trapped and drained to a sewer
or septic system if no sewer is available.
g. Insects, Larvae, Pupae, Rodents and Vermin.
1. Maintaining or permitting to be maintained any pool, pond, ditch,
stream or other body of water or any cistern, privy vault, cesspool,
rain barrel or other receptacle containing liquid in which mosquito
larvae or pupae may or do exist.
2. Maintaining or allowing to be maintained any condition, which causes
or engenders the breeding of flies, mosquitoes, termites, carpenter
ants, roaches or other insects of public health significance.
3. Maintaining or allowing to be maintained any condition, which causes
or engenders the breeding of rodents (rats or mice) or other vermin
of public health significance.
4. Failure to provide for written proof of inspection and treatment,
as appropriate, by a State licensed pest control service for insects,
rodents or other vermin upon notice of violation from any agent of
the Board of Health for all public or private property.
h. Vermin or Insect Exterminators. The regulations covering this item
are covered in N.J.A.C. 7:30-1.
i. Smoke. Emission from any premises of any smoke, gases, soot, stench
or other substance in quantity or strength sufficient to cause potential
injury or damage to health.
j. Slaughtering. Killing, skinning or dressing of any animal intended
for food, to be sold for human consumption, without permission from
this Board.
k. Animals. The keeping of horses, cows, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs,
dogs, cats or other animals under unsanitary conditions. Keeping,
maintaining, or harboring any stray dog or cat.
l. Spitting. Spitting upon the floor, steps, platform or upon the interior
of any street or railway car, bus or other public conveyance or upon
the floors, staircases or any part of any building or upon the sidewalks
or crosswalks of any street, alley, lane or public place.
m. Obnoxious Trades. The carrying on of any trade or business in such
a manner as to be obnoxious or offensive or which may be attended
with unhealthful odors or which may be attended by such conditions
or noises as may be potentially detrimental to health.
n. Common Towels. The supplying or furnishing of any roller towel (except
such roller towel which can be mechanically adjusted for individual
use or except individual paper towels) or of any towel for use by
more than one (1) person without intermediate laundering, in any hotel,
schoolhouse, restaurant, boardinghouse, bakery, clubhouse, washroom
or public lavatory or in any place where a number of people congregate.
o. Food. The "Sanitation in Retail Food Establishments & Food &
Beverage Vending Machines" N.J.A.C. 8:24 et seq.
p. Plants. Permitting poison ivy, ragweed or any other poisonous plant,
to exist or to grow upon any public or private property within fifty
(50) feet of any public sidewalk, public street, party line or building
or permitting any ragweed or other noxious or harmful weed to grow
upon any property, either public or private.
In addition to the preceding paragraphs, whatever is detrimental
to health or whatever is potentially injurious or dangerous to health
is hereby declared to be a health nuisance.