The Town shall have and may exercise all powers and may perform all functions not denied by the Constitution or laws of the United States, by the Constitution or laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or by this Charter. Those powers may be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
Specifications of General Municipal Duties. The Town shall have the affirmative duty to do each of the following, in addition to the performance of specific mandated duties provided for in this Charter and of all other municipal duties from time to time imposed on it by law:
To secure all possible municipal home rule.
To encourage and enable maximum citizen participation in the business and affairs of the Town.
To establish and maintain appropriate procedures for communicating effectively with Town residents on issues of public interest and for responding promptly and effectively to inquiries and complaints of residents.
To provide municipal services and facilities with the highest degree of efficiency and economy.
To provide for the health and well-being of its citizens and the safety of persons and property within the Town.
To promote the creation and maintenance of public parks, open space and recreational and leisure time facilities and programs for residents of all ages, with due consideration for the interests of neighboring residents.
To promote the creation and maintenance of adequate regulations and programs for the preservation and enhancement of a safe, healthy, peaceful and attractive environment for the Town citizens and to define and prohibit disorderly or offensive practices within the limits of the Town.
To provide for comprehensive, progressive and long-range planning in all aspects of land use and community development.
To promote beneficial cooperation with the pertinent school district and neighboring school districts and with neighboring governmental units.
Nature and Exercise of General Municipal Duties. The general municipal duties identified in Section 202(a) are intended as objectives to be sought at all times by Town Council and the Town Manager and all other employees and agents of the Town, directly or indirectly, by appropriate means. They shall not be deemed to be set forth in any order of priority. Neither the Town nor any person shall have any legal liability for damages to any person under the provisions of Section 202(a) in excess of such liability (if any) as would otherwise exist by law in the absence of those provisions.
Any specific and mandatory regulatory or procedural provision of this Charter shall be construed as exclusive; it shall prohibit any inconsistent regulation or procedure.
The powers of the Town under this Charter shall be broadly construed in favor of the Town. The specific mention of particular powers or duties shall not be interpreted as limiting in any way the general powers conferred under Section 201 of this Charter or under the Constitution or laws of Pennsylvania as they now exist or may be amended.
Nothing in this Charter shall limit the discretionary authority of the Town under Article IX, Section 5 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania with respect to inter-governmental cooperation in the exercise of any function, power or responsibility of the Town.