This district is designed to allow limited residential and recreational development on predominantly wooded or forested areas within the Township. Further, this district is recognized to contain ecologically sensitive characteristics which need regulation for protection and preservation for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations.
Customary agricultural operations such as gardening, truck farming, flower and tree nurseries, but not including the raising, keeping, and breeding of poultry and livestock. In no case shall manure, fertilizer or other odor or dust-producing substances be stored anywhere within 200 feet of an adjoining lot line.
Public conservation areas and structures for the conservation of open space, water, soil, forest and wildlife resources.
Public park and recreation areas, forest preserves, camps, game refuges and similar non-intensive uses.
Single-family dwellings.
Planned residential developments, subject to the requirements of Article XXIV.
Customary accessory uses and buildings incidental to any of the above permitted uses as provided for in Article XIX of this chapter, and including, but not limited to, home occupations and no-impact home-based businesses, as defined in § 250-171 of this chapter.
Upon approval by the Zoning Hearing Board, the following special exception uses are permitted provided the use complies with the conditions listed herein and Articles XXV and XXVIII of this chapter:
Recreation areas and structures operated by membership clubs for the benefit of their members.
Communications towers and antennas subject to § 250-245 of this chapter.
The keeping of livestock or fowl, including the accessory keeping of horses, subject to the following conditions:
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
A minimum lot size of 10 acres shall be provided.
A maximum of one animal unit (AEU) per acre shall be permitted.
Buildings in which livestock, fowl, or other than customary household pets are kept shall be located no closer than 100 feet from the nearest dwelling other than that of the owner, nor within 50 feet of any property line. Any pasture fence shall be located a minimum distance of 10 feet from the property line of an adjacent parcel in a Residential Zoning District or the property line of an adjacent parcel in residential use.
The area within which livestock or fowl, including horses, are kept shall be enclosed by a fence designed for containment.
The owner of the livestock or fowl, including horse(s), shall provide suitable shelter for the animal(s), shall exercise suitable control over the animal(s) and shall not allow a nuisance condition to be created in terms of excessive noise, odor or soil erosion.
A lot area, lot width, lot coverage, yard depths, and building height satisfying the requirements of the following list, unless otherwise specified heretofore in this section or § 250-40, shall be provided for every principal building or use hereafter erected, altered, or established in this district.
District requirements.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Min. Lot Area
Min. Width
Max. Lot Coverage
Each Side
Nonresidential building
3 acres
Single-family detached
No public* utilities
2 acres
Public sewer; on-site water
1 acre
All permitted uses if general landscape has slope in excess of 20%*
3 acres
See lot averaging regulations in § 250-192.
No building shall exceed 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet in height unless authorized by a special exception.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article XXI of this chapter.
Application for development of plots with the general landscape having a slope in excess of 20% shall be accomplished by a soil and erosion control plan approved and/or prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Additionally, such properties shall be limited to the removal of no more than 25% of the vegetative cover.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Article XXII of this chapter.
The supplementary district regulations in Article XIX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements of this district.
The environmental and energy requirements in Article XX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.
Residential development in the RF District may employ the lot averaging development option as detailed in § 250-192.