The regulations of this district are designed to accommodate commercial activity within the Township. Since these enterprises are for the most part dependent on traffic generated by a major thoroughfare, these uses are grouped together to facilitate shopping via automobile. The requirements contained in this article are designed to promote safe and expedient conveyance of the resulting high traffic volumes.
Stores for the retailing of all consumer goods not otherwise prohibited by law.
Multiple commercial use complexes and shopping centers provided that the following conditions are met:
The multiple commercial use complex or shopping centers shall consist of a group of two or more commercial uses, planned, designed, and constructed as one principal structure. Each commercial establishment within the complex shall share at least one party wall with another establishment.
The minimum lot size shall be determined by the total gross floor area of the principal structure, according to the following table:
Total Gross Floor Area
Minimum Lot Area Required
0 – 20,000 square feet
1 acre
Greater than 20,000 square feet
1 acre plus 2 square feet of lot area for each 1 square foot of floor area in excess of the initial 20,000 square feet of floor area
Such use shall comply in all respects with the lot width, lot coverage, yard and building height requirements of § 250-87 of this chapter.
Personal service shops, including barber shops, beauty parlors, tailors, shoe repair, dry cleaning, laundromats, etc.
Medical and dental clinics and laboratories.
Banks, savings and loan associations, finance agencies, and other offices providing business or professional services.
Messenger, dispatch, express, and courier services.
Taxi and bus passenger stations.
Mortuary and undertaking establishments.
Indoor amusement enterprises such as arenas, bowling alleys, dance halls, and other recreation or entertainment establishments.
Drive-in movie theaters.
Restaurant facilities of all types, including drive-in, drive-through or fast food, tea rooms, cafés, and other places serving food or beverages, including private, membership, or social clubs and beverage distribution centers.
Printing and publishing firms.
Shops for contractors, plumbers, heating, painting, and upholstering specialties.
Hotels, motels, and boardinghouses.
Automobile dealers and automobile washes.
Gasoline stations and repair garages subject to the following regulations:
No repair work shall be performed out of doors.
All automotive parts, dismantled and derelict vehicles, and similar articles shall be stored only within an enclosed building.
All gasoline and petroleum pumps shall be located outside of buildings, no less than 35 feet from any road right-of-way line or property line.
All fuel, oil, or similar combustible petroleum product storage tanks shall be located underground at least 35 feet from any road right-of-way line or lot line.
Automotive vehicles without valid, current license plates and/or state inspection shall be restricted according to § 250-183 of this chapter.
Short-term rentals, as regulated in § 250-253.8 of this chapter.
[Added 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection Q as Subsection R.
All other uses which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator are similar to the above uses and in harmony with the intent of the regulations for this district. When a proposed use is not sufficiently similar to enable the Zoning Administrator to make a ruling, the Zoning Hearing Board may make a determination as authorized in § 250-18 of this chapter.
Upon approval by the Zoning Hearing Board, the following special exception uses are permitted, provided the use complies with the conditions listed herein and Article XXV and XXVIII of this chapter:
Automobile body shops provided that the following conditions are met:
All work shall be conducted indoors.
Paint booths shall be adequately filtered and vented to minimize exhaust of noxious fumes.
Flammable and/or combustible materials shall be stored within a fireproof enclosure within the principal structure or within an accessory building located no less than 50 feet from any lot line.
Outdoor storage of auto parts or equipment shall not be permitted at any time.
Lumber, coal and fuel distribution yards, provided the following conditions are met:
All principal and accessory buildings, storage areas, scales, distribution areas, and parking facilities shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any lot line or road right-of-way line.
Fuel storage tanks shall be placed underground at least 50 feet from any lot line or road right-of-way line or above ground at least 100 feet from any lot line or road right-of-way line.
Group care facilities, provided that:
Plans for the facilities are approved by the appropriate local and state agencies; i.e., Department of Labor and Industry and Department of Human Services, etc.
The group homes do not cluster in large number in the municipality; that is, no more than 3% of the population (according to the most recent U.S. Census) of the municipality can be residents of group homes.
There shall be no more than 13 aged, handicapped, dependent, neglected, disabled or mentally ill residents and no more than eight mentally retarded residents in any one group care facility unless the applicable state standards are changed, then the new standards shall apply.
Adult-oriented businesses, subject to the requirements of § 250-244.
All uses and activities in the General Commercial District shall be subject to the conditions listed in § 250-189, Operation and performance standards, of this chapter.
A lot area, lot width, lot coverage, yard depth, and building height satisfying the requirements of the following table, unless otherwise specified heretofore in §§ 250-84 and 250-85, shall be provided for every dwelling unit and/or principal nonresidential building or use hereafter erected, altered, or established in this district.
District Requirements
Lot Requirements
Minimum Yard Requirements
Min. Lot Area
Min. Lot Width
Max. Lot Coverage
One Side
Total Sides
1 acre
Where a side or rear yard adjoins a residential district, said yards shall be no less than 50 feet.
No building shall exceed 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet in height unless authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.
All uses in the GC - General Commercial District requiring approval of a zoning permit that front along US Route 22, Lincoln School Road (SR 4027) or Gravel Hill Road (SR 4011) shall also require approval of a state highway occupancy permit, unless the applicant can demonstrate that he/she already has a valid highway occupancy permit and that the proposed use or activity would still be approved under said current permit.
Any new use and/or any existing use that requires the approval of a state highway occupancy permit shall employ only right-turn-in and right-turn-out access drive connection along US Route 22.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Article XXI of this chapter.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Article XXII of this chapter.
The supplementary district regulations in Article XIX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.
The environmental and energy requirements in Article XX shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.