A Zoning Administrator designated by the Township Supervisors shall administer and enforce this chapter. He may be provided with the assistance of such other persons as the Township Supervisors may direct. The Zoning Administrator shall administer this chapter in accordance with its literal terms and he shall not have the power to permit any construction, use or change of use which does not conform to this chapter.
If the Zoning Administrator shall find that any of the provisions of this chapter are being violated, he shall notify, in writing, the person responsible for such violations, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering the action necessary to correct it. He shall have the authority to order discontinuance of illegal use of land, buildings, or structures; removal of illegal buildings, signs or structures or illegal additions, alterations or structural changes; discontinuance of any illegal work in process; or any other action provided by this chapter to ensure compliance with, or prevent violation of, its provisions.
No building, structure, sign or land shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted, removed, maintained, moved, added to, used or the use therein changed unless and until a building and zoning permit is obtained from the Zoning Administrator. The permit requirements shall apply to all permanent, temporary, seasonal, part-time or movable buildings, structures, signs or uses, unless exempted elsewhere in this chapter. No building and zoning permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, unless he receives a written order from the Zoning Hearing Board in the form of an administrative review, special exception or variance as provided by this chapter.
Applications for a building and zoning permit shall be filed by the property owner, his authorized agent or an individual with a proprietary interest in the property, said individual to hereafter be known as the applicant. Applications shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator and contain the following:
Building and zoning permit application form. On a form supplied by the Zoning Administrator, the applicant shall provide information to describe the size, location, and nature of the proposed building, structure or use. The applicant shall sign the application form to verify the accuracy of the information.
Plot plan. All applications for a building and zoning permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan in accordance with the following:
Three copies of the plot plan shall be submitted. In lieu thereof, an 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches plot plan is acceptable, provided it is suitable for photocopying.
The plot plan shall show, where applicable, size, shape, and dimensions of the lot; size and location of all existing buildings; size, location and use of all proposed buildings, additions or alterations; parking lots, parking spaces, driveways, signs and other site improvements; and other information as may be necessary to determine conformance with this chapter.
Engineering, architectural or surveyor's plans may be required by the Zoning Administrator where necessary to accurately depict the proposed work on a property.
The Zoning Administrator may waive the plot plan requirement where the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates that minimum standards are greatly exceeded.
Other permit prerequisites. At the time of application, the applicant shall produce, where applicable, a valid sewage permit, road encroachment permit, Labor and Industry approval, subdivision approval or other approval preliminary to issuance of the building and zoning permit.
Application fee. All applications for a building and zoning permit shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with the current schedule of fees resolution adopted by the Township Supervisors.
When an applicant fails to: 1) complete and sign the building and zoning permit application form, 2) submit a plot plan, 3) pay the required application fee, 4) secure and produce other permit prerequisites, or 5) submit other information required by the Zoning Administrator, the application for a building and zoning permit shall be deemed incomplete. The Zoning Administrator may notify the applicant to request supplemental information to complete the application. Such notice shall prescribe a time period, not to exceed 30 days, for completion of the application by submission of the supplementary information. Failure to complete the application shall result in written disapproval, in accordance with § 250-258 of this chapter.
After an application has been determined to be complete, the Zoning Administrator shall take official action to approve or disapprove the permit application in accordance with the following:
Approval. When a completed application is found to conform with the provisions of this chapter the Zoning Administrator, within 20 days of application completion, shall issue an approved building and zoning permit. Issuance of the permit shall be accompanied by an approved plot plan, where applicable, and a placard for display on the premises during the construction or alteration period. Building and zoning permits are nontransferable and are valid for work authorized therein only for the owner and the property so designated.
Disapproval. When a completed application is found not to conform with the provisions of this chapter the Zoning Administrator, within 20 days of application completion, shall disapprove the application for a building and zoning permit. Plot plans submitted with the application shall also be disapproved. The disapproval shall be in writing, citing the deficiencies of the application. Appeals for a disapproval by the Zoning Administrator shall be taken in the manner set forth in Articles XXVII and XXVIII and §§ 250-272 and 250-273.
All approved building and zoning permits for properties located in the Township shall include the following disclaimer:
"The majority of the lands within the INS - Institutional Zoning District are located within an area where land is used for military operations. Owners, residents, and other users in this district, and in the Township overall, may be subjected to inconvenience, discomfort, and the possibility of injury to property and health arising from normal and accepted military operations and practices including, but not limited to, noise, vibration, odors, dust, the operation of machinery of any kind including aircraft and military vehicles, and the discharge of weapons. Owners, occupants, and users in this district, and in the Township overall, should be prepared to accept such inconveniences, discomfort, and possibility of injury from such military operations, and are hereby put on official notice that Federal and State laws may bar them from obtaining a legal judgment against such military operations."
Building and zoning permits issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the Zoning Administrator authorize only the use, arrangement and construction set forth in such approved plans. A building and zoning permit shall be revoked, in writing, by the Zoning Administrator for any of the following reasons:
When use, alteration or construction does not comply with or exceeds the scope of that authorized by the building and zoning permit; or
When information pertinent to the application for a building and zoning permit has been falsified or misrepresented; or
When other provisions of this chapter are violated in conjunction with the use, alteration or construction authorized by the building and zoning permit; or
When the original decision of the Zoning Administrator did not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
Written revocation shall be provided to the applicant and shall indicate the reasons for such action. Additionally, the revocable offenses shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and subject the violator to the penalties provided by § 250-279 of this chapter.
No approved building and zoning permit shall expire:
If the work described therein has not begun within 90 days from the date of issuance; or
If the work described therein has not been completed within two years from the date of issuance.
Upon expiration of a building and zoning permit work shall cease and shall not thereafter be commenced unless and until a new building and zoning permit is obtained.
The Zoning Administrator shall maintain certificate of zoning compliance forms which shall be utilized to record the following:
Nonconformities. Owners or occupants of nonconforming uses of land or structures and land in combination shall obtain a Certificate of Zoning Compliance to document wherein the use differs from the provisions of this chapter. Authorization to renew, change, extend, enlarge or alter the nonconformity shall not be granted unless and until the specifics of the nonconformity are first recorded on a certificate of zoning compliance and the change or alteration is found to comply with Article XXIII of this chapter. The Zoning Administrator may require written documentation to verify the characteristics of the use and the dates of establishment.
Approved uses and structures. Owners or occupants of uses or structures authorized by approved building and zoning permits may request a certificate of zoning compliance to verify that the use or construction completed is in compliance with the approved permit and the provisions of this chapter. Similarly, owners or occupants of preexisting conforming uses or structures may request a certificate of zoning compliance. Upon receipt of such a request, the Zoning Administrator shall inspect the premises and approve or disapprove a certificate of zoning compliance.
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Zoning Administrator from conducting routine inspections and investigations to determine zoning compliance, nor shall it prevent him from responding to complaints on zoning violation. Furthermore, violations of the conditions, uses or a violation of this chapter, punishable in accordance with § 250-279 of this chapter.