The Town Meeting shall have authority for final approval of those actions of the Town as hereinafter enumerated, and when considering such actions said meeting shall be deemed to be the legislative body of the Town. The Town Meeting shall also have legislative authority for all other matters not specifically enumerated hereinafter or enumerated in Section 402. All persons deemed to be eligible to vote in Town Meetings as prescribed in the General Statutes shall be eligible to vote in Town Meetings called pursuant to this Charter. Said voters shall be eligible to vote in special referenda called pursuant to this Charter. No Town Meeting shall be called except pursuant to Sections 303 and 304 of this Charter.
All Town Meetings shall be called pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-3 by resolution of the Board of Selectmen, fixing the time and place of said meeting, notice of which shall be given at least five days in advance by publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Town, and by posting a notice in a public place. All Town Meetings shall be called to order by the moderator selected to moderate said Town Meeting and all business shall be conducted pursuant to Section 305 of this Charter. The Town Clerk shall serve as clerk of all Town Meetings, but in the absence of the Town Clerk, the moderator shall appoint a clerk of the meeting. Any Town Meeting may be recessed from time to time as the interests of the Town may require, and the moderator may entertain a motion to recess such meeting.
All actions taken at Town Meetings shall be by a majority vote of those present and qualified to vote providing that a quorum is present equal to at least 25 of the electors of the Town as determined from the latest official list of the Registrars of Voters. Immediately upon calling the meeting to order, the moderator shall ascertain if a quorum is in attendance. If a quorum is present the meeting shall proceed. If a quorum is not present, the moderator shall recess the meeting to the same day of the next following week.
If a quorum is present at the recessed meeting, the meeting shall proceed. If a quorum is not present at the subsequent Town Meeting, all matters on the call of the Town Meeting shall revert to the Board of Selectmen who shall have final authority over such matters.
A Town Meeting vote on any matter on the call of the Town Meeting shall be by paper ballot if more than 20% of present and qualified voters vote to require that the matter on the call be decided by a paper ballot vote.
Special Town Meetings shall be called by the Board of Selectmen and shall follow Section 302 of this Charter for consideration of the following:
The issuance of bonds and all other forms of financing, the terms of which are in excess of one year;
Any supplemental appropriation which exceeds 1% of the current year's Town Budget limit set forth in Section 905B, excluding any bonds or notes issued subject to Section 910D;
With the exception of the acquisition of open space contained within a plan of subdivision approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Chapter 126 of the General Statutes, the acquisition or disposition of the fee title to real estate by the Town;
The creation, consolidation, modification or abolition of any permanent Town Agency or department not otherwise provided for in this Charter, provided however, any newly created Town Agency or department shall come under the provisions contained in this Charter;
Leases and lease options to which the Town, including the local Board of Education, is a party which involve a term or obligation in excess of one year, excluding leases of personal property;
Any appropriation from the capital and non-recurring expense fund, not included in the annual budget, which exceeds 1/2 of 1% of the current year's Town Government Budget, as defined in Section 105;
The acceptance of any federal, state or private grant which participation shall require the Town to contribute funds in excess of 1/2 of 1% of the current year's Town Government Budget, as defined in Section 105.
The discontinuance of Town roads;
The establishment of or changes to the geographical boundaries of voting districts;
Such other matters or proposals as the Selectmen, in their discretion, shall deem of sufficient importance to be submitted to a Special Town Meeting, including recommendations by the Selectmen for the adoption, modification or repeal of any ordinance.
Two percent of the electors of the Town, as determined by the latest official registry lists of the Registrars of Voters may, at any time, petition over their signature for a Special Town Meeting concerning such matters provided for in Section 303C (except for a petition to purchase property), Section 303D and Section 303H of this Charter. Any such proposal may be examined by the Town Attorney before being submitted to a Special Town Meeting. The Town Attorney shall be authorized to correct the proposal for repetitions, illegalities and unconstitutional provisions, but may not materially change its meaning or intent.
The Town Clerk shall, within seven days of the receipt of the petition, report to the Selectmen whether the petition yields sufficient valid signatures. If sufficient valid signatures are not found, the Clerk shall so notify the Selectmen who shall declare the petition invalid. If sufficient signatures are found, the Selectmen shall call a Special Town Meeting within 30 days of such certification. The same procedures and requirements shall govern Petitioned Town Meetings as govern Special Town Meetings.
There shall be a panel of Town Moderators, consisting of not more than four members, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. The Panel of Moderators shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a two-year term beginning on the first day of December of each Town election year. Each moderator shall be an elector of the Town and shall have a working knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order as well as Chapter III of the Hebron Town Charter. Following their appointment, the Moderators shall meet to draft a common set of procedures to be used at all Town Meetings, using Robert's Rules of Order as a guideline. Periodically, the Panel of Moderators may meet to discuss, and as necessary, revise, add or delete provisions to the common set of procedures.
Not less than five days prior to any Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint one of the members of the Panel of Moderators to preside as moderator of the forthcoming Town Meeting and one to serve as an alternate moderator. The Selectmen shall exercise reasonable care in the selection of the moderators to avoid any conflict of interest. Prior to the Town Meeting the moderators may meet with the person or persons designated by the Town Manager to discuss procedures and conduct of the upcoming meeting. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint members of the Panel of Moderators on a rotational basis so that each shall act as moderator as nearly equal a number of times as possible. In the event that no Town Moderator is available the Board of Selectmen may appoint a qualified elector to serve as Special Moderator at a particular meeting.