[Adopted 12-6-2017 by Ord. No. 5711]
[Amended 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 5810]
The following tax rate is hereby levied on all property within the City of Altoona, Pennsylvania, and subject to taxation, for City purposes, for the year 2024, beginning January 1, 2024:
For general revenue purposes: 5.629 mills on real estate (0.005629) on each dollar of assessed valuation.
Ongoing tax. The general revenue real estate tax imposed herein shall continue at the above rate during the year 2024 and each calendar year thereafter without annual reenactment, until this enactment is repealed or the rate is changed by City Council.
Discounts and penalties established by Article IV of this Chapter 646 shall be applicable to all real estate taxes levied and assessed herein.