[Ord. No. 350 § 33; Ord. No. 2009-3 § 2; Ord. No. 2015-3]
In the R-A Single Family Residential Zone, no premises shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered, or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Single family dwellings;
Public parks and playgrounds; and
Municipal buildings, facilities and services essential to the operation of and solely intended for the needs of the Borough of Interlaken provided same are subject to the general review and recommendation of the Planning Board.
Family day care home.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Private garage or carport for not more than three automobiles;
Private swimming pools;
Tool shed or similar storage building or domestic animal or pet housing not exceeding 120 square feet;
Outdoor barbecue structure;
Fences as regulated by ordinance;
Home occupation;
Other customary accessory uses and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal structure and use, such as but not limited to flag poles, swing sets, and ground mounted basketball nets.
Cabanas, for use around swimming pools, are specifically permitted as accessory uses or structures.
[Added 10-19-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-6]
Area, Yard and Building Requirements. As specified in the Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements. (The Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements is attached to this chapter as Exhibit A.)
Permitted Uses.
Same as permitted in the R-A Family Residential Zone.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Same as permitted in the R-A Single-Family Residential.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements. As specified in the Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements. (The Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements is attached to this chapter as Exhibit A.)
[Added 10-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-5]
In the R-C Single Family Residential Zone, no premises shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered, or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Single Family dwellings;
Public parks and playgrounds; and
Municipal buildings, facilities and services essential to the operation of and solely intended for the needs of the Borough of Interlaken provided same are subject to the general review and recommendation of the Planning Board.
Family day care home.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Private garage or carport for not more than three automobiles;
Private swimming pools;
Tool shed or similar storage building or domestic animal or pet housing not exceeding 120 square feet;
Outdoor barbecue structure;
Fences as regulated by ordinance;
Home occupation;
Other customary accessory uses and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal structure and use, such as but not limited to flag poles, swing sets and ground mounted basketball nets.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
As specified in the Schedule set forth for the R-A Single Family Residential Zone except in any case where the Schedule contradicts any material set forth in paragraph d as to Conditional Uses below, the material in paragraph d as to Conditional Uses shall control. The material in paragraph d below on Conditional Uses will not apply to any other uses.
Conditional Uses.
Houses of Worship Churches and similar places of worship, parish houses, convents, and libraries that are owned and operated by duly incorporated religious organizations designed or intended for worship shall be permitted in R-C zone within the Borough of Interlaken, subject to the following limitations and requirements:
The minimum lot size shall be one-half acre for each building and accessory buildings. One each parish house, convent, church school and church library may be constructed as part of a building used as a church or similar place of worship, or in an accessory building but, in no case will there be permitted more than one principal building and one accessory building on any one lot.
The minimum front yard depth shall be 25 feet.
The minimum side yard shall be 25 feet on either side.
The minimum rear yard depth shall be 50 feet.
The minimum street frontage shall be 200 feet.
The maximum building height shall be two stories, not to exceed 50 feet to the highest point of any building, exclusive of chimneys, steeples and similar items.
Maximum Impervious Coverage shall be 60%;
Parking areas shall be located only in the side yards and rear yard and not in the buffer strips required by paragraph (i) below. Off-street parking shall be provided at the ratio of one off-street parking space for each three seats in the church or 72 inches of pew length.
Buffer strips 10 feet in width with planting, as indicated by the location and existing trees and undergrowth, shall be maintained all along the side lines and rear line. No trees shall be removed in the buffer strips unless approved by the Planning Board.
There shall be a minimum of one separate ingress and the one separate egress from and to a public street, collector road, or arterial road.
No building permit shall be issued unless a site plan has been approved by resolution of the Planning Board.