Open space/greenbelt. Open space shall be provided for City residents in the form of parks and greenbelts, consistent with regulatory and policy directives of the City. Where parks and green belts illustrated on the Land Use Plan pass through a proposed residential subdivision, land, in lieu of cash, shall be provided according to the adopted Land/Cash Ordinance, as may be amended from time to time. The City has determined that the dedication of land in these areas is essential for implementing the continuous greenbelt and open space system adopted as part of the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Purpose. The purpose of the open space/greenbelt is:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
To establish natural limits of growth around the City.
To visually set Maroa apart from adjacent communities and/or the rural environment.
To preserve existing natural resources and protect critical stormwater drainage corridors.
To provide conveniently located recreational amenities and facilities for residents of Maroa.
Where a greenbelt illustrated on Maroa's Comprehensive Land Use Plan passes through a proposed subdivision, a minimum width of 100 feet shall be set aside for this amenity. The 100-foot minimum width shall be increased to incorporate floodplain, steep slopes, wetlands, high-quality native plant communities, major stands of trees, riparian zones and/or other significant natural features that may exist within or adjacent to these areas. The location and extent of a greenbelt shall be determined at the time of preliminary plan and/or plat.
For the purpose of this chapter, these natural features shall include:
Floodplains: 100-year floodplain, as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Steep slopes: those land areas with slopes that equal or exceed 35% or 2.85:1.
Wetlands: as defined through the currently applicable criteria established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Major stands of trees: mature woodlands, such as stands of oak/hickory forest, and floodplain forests, such as mature cottonwood, silver maple, sycamore, hackberry, etc.
Riparian zone: natural vegetation along the edge of a stream that modulates temperature; provides nutrient input into the stream system; provides a buffer that intercepts surface runoff, filtering out sediments and pollutants; provides erosion control through soil stabilization; and serves as habitat and migration corridors for wildlife which utilizes the stream for food and drink.
The greenbelt shall be recorded with the final plan and/or plat of subdivision as open space to be maintained as such in perpetuity.
At the time of final platting, an easement, not less than 15 feet wide, shall also be recorded to accommodate future development of a recreation path within the greenbelt. Said path shall be eight feet wide and installed at such time as the City determines appropriate. Unless otherwise approved by the City Council, the path shall consist of crushed limestone and shall be engineered to avoid erosion.
Two-inch-caliper native trees shall be planted along the perimeter of the greenbelt to define its limits. Tree plantings may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council during review of a final plan or plat if the greenbelt is wooded or includes natural features that may be inconsistent with required tree plantings. Where required:
Not less than one native tree shall be planted on each side of the greenbelt for each 30 lineal feet that passes through the residential subdivision.
Trees shall be planted in naturalistic groupings and shall be worked into the existing landscape.
Native grasses, wild flowers or other native vegetation shall be installed where necessary to stabilize slopes within the greenbelt, in lieu of lawn or other traditional ground cover.
Parks. The exact location of boundaries and park land shall be determined as part of the preliminary plan or plat.
Submittal. Unless otherwise waived by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council, the following shall be submitted for staff review at the time of preliminary plat or plan to determine the existence, location and extent of wetlands, floodplains, native prairie, major stands of trees, steep slopes and other natural features that may fall within the greenbelt depicted on the Land Use Plan:
Items listed below shall be included on a site plan, at a scale not less than one inch equals 50 feet:
Location of FEMA floodplain.
Existing contours at two-foot intervals.
Existing and proposed drainage system, including all discharge points, collection, conveyance and storage facilities.
Proposed contours, at two-foot intervals.
Drainage features, stormwater management facilities, floodplains and wetland boundaries.
Boundaries of predominate soil types.
Locations, species and size of trees six inches or greater in caliper, if any.
Delineation of riparian zone, if any, and location, species and size of trees, six inches or greater in caliper, that exist within the zone.
Delineation of high-quality native plant communities, if any, and a copy of the Natural Area Rating Index for the plant communities.
Where wetlands exist within or adjacent to the greenbelt, a wetlands delineation report shall be submitted which includes:
A map showing the exact location of wetlands within the development boundaries.
An aerial photograph delineating wetlands, development and watershed boundaries.
Army Corps of Engineers data sheets with representative color photographs.
Written description of the wetlands, including a professional assessment of functional values.
Protective covenants shall be submitted for the greenbelt or park, which identify:
Name, address and telephone number of the individual or group responsible for maintenance of the park or greenbelt.
Required maintenance provisions and responsibilities for these resources.
Terms and conditions associated with the use of the land.
Screen plantings.
Where a proposed residential subdivision abuts a more intensive land use, landscape screening shall be provided. Such screening may be accomplished through the provision of landscaped berms, a compact hedge, fence, wall, or a combination of these methods, as approved by the City during the preliminary and final plan and/or plat review process.
Required screening shall be a minimum of five feet in height at installation.
The placement of a screen shall not impair the safety of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Screening shall maintain a year-round opacity of not less than 75%.
Where screening is required, a landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, shall be submitted with the preliminary and final plan and/or plat of subdivision and shall show:
Location, design and dimensions of proposed fencing, if any.
Location, species, size and quantity of proposed trees and shrub plantings.
Contours of proposed berms, if any.
Limits of seed or sod and identification of ground covers, if any.
Purpose. The R-1 Single-Family Residence District is intended to provide for single-family areas identified herein which are compatible with the single-family neighborhood character.
Permitted uses:
Home occupations as defined in Article III, General Provisions, § 290-3.16.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Truck garden or farming (excluding the keeping of livestock or poultry other than chickens).
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Church, synagogue or temple.
Convent, monastery or seminary.
Schools, public or private.
Local, township or county governmental building.
Public park, playgrounds, forest preserves or playfields.
Golf course (with no exterior lighting).
Permitted accessory uses:
Buildings accessory to the principal use, including private garages, provided they are located in the side or rear yard, are no closer than seven feet to a side or rear property line, no more than 15 feet in height and occupy no more than 30% of the rear yard.
Non-paying guest homes or rooms for guests within an accessory building, provided such facilities are used for the occasional housing of guests of the occupants of the principal building and not for permanent occupancy by others as housekeeping units.
Private greenhouse, subject to the setback regulations of this district.
Private swimming pools and tennis courts (unlighted), in rear yards only, and subject to the setback regulations of this district.
Quarters comprising part of an accessory building and solely for occupancy by a household employee (and his or her family) of the occupants of the principal dwelling.
Sheds or buildings for domestic storage, provided they are located in a rear yard only and no closer than seven feet to a side or rear property line.
Vegetable or flower garden.
Small domestic animal shelter.
Special uses:
Mobile home.
Congregate-care facility.
Group housing.
Senior citizen housing.
Business and service uses:
Day-care center/nursery school.
Greenhouse/nursery retail sales (minimum one-acre lot).
Model homes.
Cemetery, mausoleum.
Religious retreat.
Hospital, medical clinic, convalescent center.
Police or fire station.
High school, college or university.
Golf course and/or driving range with exterior lighting.
Community center.
Private club.
Light industrial:
Airport, landing field.
Radio/TV tower or station.
Railroad or public utility structure.
Planned developments.
Lot size.
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 7,500 square feet with municipal sewer and water, 12,000 square feet with water or sewer and 20,000 square feet with neither.
Minimum lot width: Not less than 60 feet shall be maintained at the front property line for single-family homes.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards: not less than seven feet from an interior side lot line for a single-story structure and eight feet for a multistory structure.
Minimum rear yards: not less than 35 feet from a rear lot line.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way of U.S. Route 51.
Structure height.
Single-family detached residences: not more than 35 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Purpose. The purpose of the R-2 Multiple-Family Residence District is to provide low-density multiple-family living areas. Dwellings may include attached single-family units with four dwelling units per building or less in addition to detached single-family.
Permitted uses:
All permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Townhome and multiplex structures with up to four dwelling units.
Religious/Institutional: all permitted uses in the R-1 District
Recreational/Civic: all permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Permitted accessory uses: all permitted accessory uses in the R-1 District.
Special uses:
All special uses in the R-1 District.
Sheltered care housing.
Business and service uses: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Religious/Institutional: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Recreational/Civic: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Light industrial: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Planned developments.
Lot size.
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 7,500 square feet with municipal sewer and water, 12,000 square feet with water or sewer and 20,000 square feet with neither.
Minimum lot width: not less than 60 feet shall be maintained at the front property line for detached single-family homes and 75 feet for townhomes and multiplex structures.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards: not less than seven feet from an interior side lot line for a single-story structure and eight feet for a multistory structure.
Minimum rear yards: not less than 35 feet from a rear lot line.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way of U.S. Route 51.
Structure height.
Single-family detached residences: not more than 35 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. The purpose of the R-3 Multiple-Family Residence District is to provide areas for the development of residential dwellings. Dwelling units could include attached single-family units with six dwelling units or less per building, apartments with 12 dwelling units or less per building, in addition to detached single-family dwelling units. Projects shall be processed as planned developments when there is a mix of two or more dwelling unit types. These areas should have access to streets classified as "major" or "collector" roadways by Chapter 230, Subdivision of Land, of the City Code and be located in proximity to open space, shopping and employment opportunities.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Permitted uses:
All permitted uses in the R-2 District.
Apartments with 12 dwelling units or less.
Religious/Institutional: all permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Recreational/Civic: all permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Permitted accessory uses: all permitted accessory uses in the R-1 District.
Special uses:
All special uses in the R-2 District.
Sheltered care housing.
Business and service uses: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Religious/Institutional: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Recreational/Civic: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Light industrial: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Planned developments.
Lot size.
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 7,500 square feet with municipal sewer and water, 12,000 square feet with water or sewer and 20,000 square feet with neither.
Minimum lot width: not less than 60 feet shall be maintained at the front property line for detached single-family homes and 75 feet for attached single-family and all multifamily dwelling units.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards: not less than seven feet from an interior side lot line for a single-story structure and eight feet for a multistory structure.
Minimum rear yards: not less than 35 feet from a rear lot line.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way for U.S. Route 51.
Structure height.
Single-family detached residences: not more than 35 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Applicability. The following standards shall apply to all nonresidential land uses when there are applications for building permits, rezoning, special use permits and planned developments, unless otherwise approved by the City Council.
Standards of development.
Setback, bulk and sign regulations. Principal and accessory buildings and structures shall comply with yard and setback requirements, floor area and height limitations and sign regulations applicable to the district in which the use is located.
Vehicular access.
Points of vehicular ingress to and egress from the site shall be limited to maximize the safety and operational efficiency of Maroa's major and collector roadways.
The location, number and design of access drives shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and coordinated with adjacent uses and properties to provide for safe and efficient movement of vehicles. Where possible, cross-easements between properties shall be provided to minimize the number of drives required on adjacent public streets.
Pedestrian access.
Sidewalks, not less than five feet wide, shall be provided along streets and access drives to provide safe pedestrian access to and from Maroa's business and industrial districts.
Where parking is proposed to be located perpendicular to an adjacent sidewalk, walks shall be increased to a minimum of 6 1/2 feet in width.
Off-street parking and loading.
Parking and loading spaces and drive aisles shall be provided in accordance with Article VII, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
Plans shall demonstrate compliance with the Illinois Accessibility Code and Americans with Disabilities Act, as may be amended from time to time.
Screening. Where a nonresidential use abuts or is across the street from a residential or institutional use, screening shall be provided in accordance with the following:
A landscaped berm, fence, wall or combination thereof shall be installed to provide year-round screening. Placement of the landscape screen shall not impair the safety of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Where off-street parking is visible from a public right-of-way, screening shall be at least three feet high upon installation, as measured from the surface elevation of the closest parking surface.
Where off-street parking or loading abuts a residential or institutional use, screening shall be not less than five feet high upon installation.
Plant materials used for screening shall comply with minimum sizes set forth in Subsection B(6)(d) below.
Landscape plantings shall be kept alive and in good condition or replaced. Any property owner who does not maintain required screening in accordance with approved plans shall be subject to fines as described in Article X, § 290-10.16 of this chapter.
Screening shall be incorporated into a landscape plan prepared for the project and shall require review and recommendation of approval by the City Council.
Landscaping. A landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, shall be submitted for all projects involving sites in excess of one acre or new construction in excess of 2,000 square feet. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the City Council.
All areas of the site which are not paved shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, ground cover and/or flowers to:
Slow surface water runoff;
Restrict blowing trash and litter;
Deter improper access or site use by the public; and
Improve the visual quality of the site.
The landscape plan shall include identification of species, size and location of plant materials and all other landscape treatments, including, but not limited to:
Ground covers.
Ornamental or accent lighting.
Paving materials.
Limits of seed and/or sod.
Trees and shrubs shall be keyed into a plant list.
Upon installation, trees shall not be less than the following sizes:
Shade: three-inch caliper, minimum, as measured 12 inches above grade.
Evergreen: six feet tall, minimum.
Ornamental: six feet tall, minimum, if multi-stem; or 2 1/2 inches in caliper, minimum, if single-stem.
All plant materials shall be kept alive and in good condition or shall be replaced.
Provision shall be made for perimeter landscaping through the use of plant materials, unless otherwise recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the City Council. Such screening shall include:
The first 30 feet of a front yard. Parking and parallel drive aisles shall not be permitted in this minimum 30 feet.
A minimum ten-foot-wide perimeter yard around the side and rear property lines where a business or industrial use abuts another business or industrial use.
A minimum twenty-five-foot-wide perimeter yard around the side and rear property lines where a business or industrial use abuts a residential or institutional use.
Shade and/or evergreen trees shall be installed in these yards, at a ratio of not less than one tree for every 30 lineal feet of perimeter yard. Trees may be informally clustered or grouped, rather than equally spaced.
Exterior lighting proposed for use on the site shall be planned, erected and maintained so that light is confined to the property and does not cause direct glare or light spillage on adjacent properties or public rights-of-way.
A point-by-point photometric plan shall be submitted for parking lots containing more than 40 spaces that demonstrates the following:
Average maintained illumination between one footcandle and three footcandles.
Not more than 0.5 footcandle beyond property lines, except within 30 feet of entrances/exits.
Light fixtures shall be designed to aesthetically relate to the character of the development.
Plans for parking lot, security, landscape and other building accent lighting shall be subject to review and approval by the City Council.
Mechanical equipment. All roof-mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units (HVAC), shall be fully screened from public view on all sides of the building.
Screening shall be accomplished by the roof structure or parapet walls, unless otherwise recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the City Council.
Screening shall be designed to blend with and complement the architecture of the building.
The height of the parapet walls, roof structure or other approved method of screening shall equal the height of the tallest rooftop unit installed on the building.
Utility meters/transformers.
Wall-mounted utility meters and ground-supported transformers shall be painted to match the building.
If visible to the public, meters and transformers shall be screened by landscaping which, upon installation, shall equal the height of the tallest meter or transformer.
Trash enclosures.
Trash receptacles shall be enclosed by masonry walls or quality wood fencing, designed to match the building.
Enclosures shall be constructed to be equal to or taller than the height of the tallest bin proposed for use.
Trash enclosures shall be provided with gates to contain blowing trash and a concrete pad and approach apron.
Outdoor storage.
All business, services, storage, merchandise display and processing shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building, with the exception of:
Off-street parking and loading areas.
Open sales lots.
Outdoor sales of products for automobile service stations, provided they are related to servicing motor vehicles.
All outdoor storage facilities for accessory uses and products shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or plant materials adequate to conceal such facilities from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.
Purpose. The purpose of the B Business District is to provide areas for personal services and convenience shopping for adjacent neighborhoods as well as the entire community.
Permitted uses:
Business and service uses:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Art gallery
Art supplies
Antique shop
Beauty parlor/barber shop/hair salon
Banks and financial institution
Bicycle sales and repair
Book store
Camera store
Camping equipment sales
Candy/Popcorn shop
Carpeting store
Catering services
China and glassware shop
Coin shops
Convenience food store
Commercial school or dancing/music school
Currency exchange
Day-care center
Drug store
Dry cleaner
Electrical or similar retail sales, service or repair
Funeral parlor (mortuary)
Gift shop
Grocery store
Greenhouse/Nursery sales
Hardware store
Hobby/Toy shop
Interior decorating
Meat market/butcher
Medical practitioners (physicians and/or dentists)
Office supply store
Paint/Wallpaper store
Pet store/grooming
Photography studio
Planners (architects, attorneys, engineers, realtors, insurance agents, brokers)
Printing shop
Repair shop
Retail store
Resale clothing store
Roadside stand
Shoe repair
Shoe store
Specialized food shop
Sporting goods store
Tile store
Travel agency
Video rental
Business, professional, institutional and governmental.
Medical, dental or eye clinic.
All permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Private clubs and lodges.
All permitted uses in the R-1 District.
Theater (indoor).
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses, as defined in § 290-2.2, may be permitted, provided they:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same lot as the permitted or special use.
Do not include the conduct of any business, profession, trade or industry.
Special uses:
Business and service uses:
All special uses in the R-1 District.
Restaurant, with live entertainment and/or dancing.
Religious/Institutional: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Recreational/Civic: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Light industrial:
Radio/TV tower or station.
Railroad or public utility structure.
Adult-use cannabis dispensing organization.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Lot size.
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: not less than 100 feet shall be maintained at the front property line.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards:
Not less than 10 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way for U.S. Route 51.
Structure height.
Permitted uses: not more than 35 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. The C Commercial Service District is designed to allow for a wide range of retail and service uses and to accommodate auto-oriented commercial activities.
Permitted uses:
Business and service uses:
All permitted uses in the B District
Farm and garden supply
Frozen food locker
Service shop, painting, plumbing, tinsmithing, upholstering, cabinet making
Veterinary clinic/animal hospital
Offices: all permitted uses in the B District.
Vehicle sales, storage and service:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Automobile/Truck rental
Automobile display and sales (new/used)
Automobile storage lot
Automobile/Truck school
Boat dealer/repair
Camper/RV sales and service
Car wash (automatic and manual)
Farm implement display, sales or service
Mobile home dealer
Motorcycle sales and service
Oil change shop
Repair (engine, body, service station)
Service station (full- and self-serve)
Snowmobile sales and service
Trailer display and sales/rental
Religious/Institutional: all permitted uses in the B District.
All permitted uses in the B District
Audition/Assembly hall
Batting cage
Billiard/Pool hall
Bowling alley
Game room
Gymnasium/Health club
Indoor racquet court
Miniature golf course
Skating rink, ice, roller
Water park
Light industrial: all permitted uses in the B District.
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses, as defined in § 290-2.2, may be permitted, provided they:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same lot as the permitted or special use.
Do not include the conduct of any business, profession, trade or industry.
Special uses:
Business and service uses:
All special uses in the B District.
Race track, vehicular, horse, dog.
Religious/Institutional: all special uses in the R-1 District.
All special uses in the R-1 District.
Theater (drive-in).
Light industrial: all special uses in the B District.
Planned developments.
Cannabis-related businesses:
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Adult-use cannabis dispensing organization.
Adult-use cannabis infuser organization.
Adult-use cannabis processing organization.
Adult-use cannabis transporting organization.
Lot size.
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 30,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: not less than 100 feet shall be maintained at the front property line.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards:
Not less than 10 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way for U.S. Route 51.
Structure height.
Permitted uses: not more than 35 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. The OR Office-Research District is intended to include general and professional offices, corporate headquarters and product development and research activities. It is also intended to permit low-intensity service activities and the storage and distribution of finished products as well as to permit civic and governmental structures in a mutually compatible environment.
Permitted uses:
Business and service uses:
Bank and financial institutions
Office supply store
Photocopying and printing
Printing shop
Restaurants (without drive-through, entertainment or dancing)
Travel agency
All permitted uses in the B District.
Technology and research centers.
Religious/Institutional: all permitted uses in the B District.
Recreational/Civic: all permitted uses in the B District.
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses, as defined in § 290-2.2, may be permitted, provided they:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same lot as the permitted or special use.
Do not include the conduct of any business, profession, trade or industry.
Special uses:
Business and service uses:
All special uses in the B District.
Adult business uses.
Religious/Institutional: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Recreational/Civic: all special uses in the R-1 District.
Light industrial: all special uses in the B District.
Planned developments.
Lot size:
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: not less than 100 feet shall be maintained at the front property line.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards:
Not less than 10 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way for U.S. Route 51.
Structure height:
Permitted uses: not more than 45 feet in height.
Special uses: maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. This I-1 Light Industrial District is intended to accommodate industrial, warehousing and distribution, storage and sales activities where only a nominal amount of pollution is treated.
Permitted uses:
Business and service uses:
Banks and financial institutions
Building materials, storage, warehousing and retail sales
Electrical or similar retail sales, service or repair
Farm and garden supply
Frozen food locker
Repair shop
Service shop, painting, plumbing, tinsmithing, upholstering, cabinet making
Offices: all permitted uses in the OR District.
Light industrial:
Bottling works
Lumber yard
Carting, express or storage yard
Contractor's yard
Grain elevator
Light industrial
Milk distribution station
Research and development
Self-storage facility
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses, as defined in § 290-2.2, may be permitted, provided they:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same lot as the permitted or special use.
Do not include the conduct of any business, profession, trade or industry.
Special uses:
Business and service uses:
All special uses in the B District.
Day-care center/nursery school.
Light industrial: all special uses in the B District.
Planned development.
Cannabis-related businesses:
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Adult-use cannabis dispensing organization.
Adult-use cannabis infuser organization.
Adult-use cannabis processing organization.
Adult-use cannabis transporting organization.
Adult-use cannabis craft grower organization.
Adult-use cannabis cultivation organization.
Lot size:
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 43,560 square feet.
Minimum lot width: not less than 150 feet shall be maintained at the front property line.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yards: not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Minimum interior side yards:
Not less than 10 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way of U.S. Route 51.
Structure height:
Permitted uses: not more than 45 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. This I-2 Heavy Industrial District is intended to provide for uses permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District plus other more intensive uses so long as they do not exceed the performance standards of Article XI. Most of the uses, traditionally considered as heavy industrial, will require a special use permit to assure that the public health, safety and welfare, as well as the economic viability and environmental quality of Maroa are protected.
Permitted uses: all permitted uses in the I-1 District.
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses, as defined in § 290-2.2, may be permitted, provided they:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Are operated and maintained under the same ownership and on the same lot as the permitted or special use.
Do not include the conduct of any business, profession, trade or industry.
Special uses:
Business and service uses: all special uses in the I-1 District.
Acid or chemical manufacturing
Airport/Landing field
Auto wrecking or junkyard
Batch plants
Explosives manufacturing/storage
Gasoline/Propane bulk storage
Lime, phosphate or limestone storage or handling
Oil well
Radio/TV tower or station
Railroad or public utility structure
Refuse storage, sorting or transfer
Slaughter or processing of poultry or poultry products
Planned development.
Cannabis-related businesses:
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Adult-use cannabis dispensing organization.
Adult-use cannabis infuser organization.
Adult-use cannabis processing organization.
Adult-use cannabis transporting organization.
Adult-use cannabis craft grower organization.
Adult-use cannabis cultivation organization.
Lot size:
Permitted uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Minimum lot size: 43,560 square feet.
Minimum lot width: not less than 150 feet shall be maintained at the front property line.
Special uses. Lot sizes for special uses shall be as specified in the special use permit, unless otherwise noted for a particular use listed in this district, based upon the criteria listed in Article X, § 290-10.13.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yard:
Not less than 30 feet for a local street and 35 feet for a collector.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Setback from major highways: not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way for U.S. Route 51.
Structure height:
Permitted uses: not more than 45 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.
Purpose. The A Agricultural District is established as a zone in which agricultural and certain related uses are encouraged as the principal uses of land.
Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted only on a ten-acre minimum tract size:
Farming, including the usual buildings and structures used for agricultural purposes.
Truck and flower gardening, nurseries, orchards and greenhouses.
Single-family dwellings.
Public elementary and high schools or private schools with a curriculum the same as ordinarily given in public elementary and high schools.
Roadside stands offering for sale only farm products which are produced on the premises.
The usual accessory structures, including buildings for seasonal or temporary storage of grain whenever such elevator and temporary storage are located upon or adjacent to a railroad right-of-way.
Home occupations.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses. A farm may contain dwellings for workers employed on the premises or direct relatives of the farm owner, but no more than one dwelling unit per 10 acres of tillable land.
Special uses:
Country clubs, golf courses, miniature golf courses and driving tees.
Cannabis-related businesses:
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Adult-use cannabis craft grower organization.
Adult-use cannabis cultivation organization.
Yard and setback regulations. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged in this district shall provide and maintain a setback in accordance with the following:
Minimum front and corner side yard:
Not less than 30 feet for a local street or 35 feet for a collector.
Not less than 25 feet from an interior side lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Minimum rear yards:
Not less than 10 feet from a rear lot line abutting a nonresidential use or district.
Not less than 25 feet from a rear lot line abutting a residential use or district.
Structure height:
Permitted uses: not more than 45 feet in height.
Special uses. Maximum height limitations shall be specified with the granting of a special use permit.