The Zoning Administrator, or such individual that has been or
shall be duly appointed by the City Council, shall be in charge of
the administration and enforcement of this chapter and shall perform
or see to the performance of the following duties:
A. Issue all zoning certificates and make and maintain records thereof.
B. Issue all certificates of occupancy and make and maintain records
C. Conduct inspections of buildings, structures and use of land to determine
compliance with the terms of this chapter.
D. Maintain permanent and current records of this chapter, including,
but not limited to, all maps, amendments, special uses, planned developments,
variances, appeals, applications and records of hearings.
E. Receive, file and forward for action all appeals and applications
for appeals, variations, amendments, special uses and planned developments.
F. Provide clerical and technical assistance that may be required by
the Planning and Zoning Board in the exercise of its duties.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. I)]
G. Initiate, at least every other year, a study of the provisions of
this chapter and make reports of recommendations for change to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
H. Inform the City Council of all violations of this chapter and all
other matters requiring prosecution or legal action.
I. Discharge such other duties as may be required by this article.
The City Council is the elected legislative authority of the
City of Maroa and has reserved to itself the final authority on subdivisions,
special uses, planned developments, amendments and variations, to
be exercised pursuant to its legislative discretion.