[Adopted 11-15-2004 by Ord. No. 1104-03]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, unless otherwise specified, upon conviction shall pay a fine of not less than $50 or more than $100, and shall pay the costs of prosecution. For each subsequent offense occurring within 12 months of the prior offense, upon conviction, the person shall pay a fine of not less than $100 or more than $250 and shall pay the costs of prosecution.
[Amended 1-17-2020 by Ord. No. 0120-01]
Any person or employee convicted of cruelty or abandonment of any animal is otherwise guilty of failing to comply and shall be prohibited from obtaining or maintaining any business license (relating to the control, possession, supervision or any other activities involving animals) within the City of Rehoboth Beach for a period of five years following said conviction.
A violation of the provisions of this section shall be a civil offense pursuant to Chapter 126 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rehoboth Beach. Any person, firm or corporation who violates this article shall pay a civil assessment of $200. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.