The Library Advisory Committee is charged with guiding the Rice
Public Library in the development of goals, library policies, programs,
services, and collections that meet the needs of the community and
library patrons.
Develop and recommend to the Council a mission statement for the
Rice Public Library, and promote and advocate for the mission of the
Rice Public Library;
Understand the needs and goals of the community and guide the Rice
Public Library in the development of programs, collections, and services
that meet such needs and goals;
Prepare and recommend for adoption by the Town Council a five-year
strategic plan with evaluation goals; update and monitor progress
towards implementation of the adopted strategic plan;
Recommend the establishment and timely update of library policies
for programs, collections, lending, confidentiality, and services
that are aligned with the American Library Association and State of
Maine's Public Library Standards, and that advance the goals
of the library and support the strategic plan;
Stay informed of the library statistics, financial status, funding
sources and needs of the library, advise on the annual development
of the budget, focusing on the strategic plan implementation;
The Committee consists of seven voting members: one Town Councilor,
one member from the nonprofit Library Board of Directors, one member
from the Friends of the Library and four citizen members. The Library
Director is an ex-officio member without voting rights.
Citizen member appointments, or reappointments, are to be for three-year
terms, except as otherwise specified. Members representing the Council,
nonprofit Library Board of Directors, and Friends of the Library serve
until their successors are appointed by their respective boards.