Preconstruction meeting.
A preconstruction meeting shall be requested by the developer and scheduled through the Town Building and Zoning Department prior to the start of construction of a development. The developer, his contractor and design engineer shall meet with all private utility representatives, Town department heads and project observers to discuss the overall project, its impacts and schedules. A schedule of construction shall be presented, in writing, at this meeting by the site contractor as well as copies of the fully approved drawings.
Prior to scheduling a preconstruction meeting, the developer shall obtain a checklist from the Town Building and Zoning Department, identifying all items that the developer must bring to the meeting.
Meaning of drawings. The contractor shall abide by and comply with the true intent and meaning of all drawings and of the specifications taken as a whole. If the contractor believes that the construction indicated on the project drawings will not, when executed, produce safe and substantial results or if it appears that there is any discrepancy in the drawings, it is his duty to immediately notify the developer's engineer, in writing, and to thereafter proceed only upon written order of the Town.
Protection of property and work.
Conduct of operations. The contractor shall conduct his operations to prevent damage to trees, garden plots, shrubbery, pipe lines, conduits, buildings and other structures. The contractor shall use all necessary precautions to protect the work and adjacent structures of all kinds during construction and shall so conduct his operations that at no time shall the work or such structures be endangered.
Responsibility and damage. The developer shall be responsible for all parts of his work, temporary or permanent, until the project is complete and shall thoroughly protect all work, finished or unfinished, against damage from any cause as all work is at the contractor's risk until the same is accepted by the developer. The use of part or all of the work by the Town as provided for in these specifications shall not relieve the developer of this responsibility. The contractor shall be responsible for damage to life and property due to his operations and shall provide all necessary guards, rails, night lights, etc.
Construction schedule. The developer shall provide a construction schedule showing the order in which work will be completed at the preconstruction meeting. The schedule shall be reviewed at the preconstruction meeting and revised if necessary. No work will begin until a schedule acceptable to the Town is on file with the Town.
Permits. The developer shall secure all necessary permits from the Town, including Highway, Water and/or any other agency that may have authority over any work prior to the start of construction.
Existing utilities or structures.
Before construction begins near any existing utility or structure, the contractor shall notify the appropriate owner of his intention, and their instructions as to the protection of their property must be followed. Before commencing work, the contractor shall determine the exact location of any structure or underground utility in order that the contractor's project will not damage or disrupt these facilities.
The contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent entry of mud, debris, etc., into existing utilities or onto streets near the site.
All existing underground facilities shall be checked for damage before backfilling. In the event a facility is damaged, the owner of that facility shall be notified by the contractor so as to insure an acceptable repair and/or replacement.
Facilities for observation. The contractor shall furnish all reasonable facilities and aid to the construction observers for safe and convenient footways, scaffolds, ladders, etc., that may be needed for the examination and review of any part of the work. The Town of Avon may stop work when the contractor has no responsible agent on the project or if the Town feels that the contractor is not performing the work in the best interests of the municipality. Disorderly, intemperate and incompetent persons shall not be allowed on the project. The employees who neglect or refuse to follow the construction observer's instructions shall be permanently removed from the project by the contractor. Failure to conform to these controls may warrant refusal of the municipality to consider the development for dedication.
Layout. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to have the work carefully laid out by qualified surveying or engineering personnel in a manner that will assure accurate completion of the work.
Defective work. The review of the work shall not relieve the developer of any of their obligations to comply with the specifications. Any defective work shall be made good and any unsuitable materials which have been previously overlooked by the Town or its representatives shall be removed and replaced. If the work or any part thereof shall be found defective at any time before the final acceptance of the project, the developer shall make good such defect in a manner satisfactory to the Town.
Completion of grading per the grading plan to within one foot of design grade shall precede any trench excavation. Such grading shall include house "pads," removal of enough material to form the "box" for road base, surface drainage channels, required temporary situation basins, etc.
Construction brush and debris will not be buried on the site. Wood materials shall be cut, chipped, mulched or removed from the site and deposited in a permitted construction/demolition landfill.
Under this term will be included all excavation in trenches and pits, together with all backfilling and embankments that may be needed for the laying of the utilities and appurtenances or that may be necessary for the laying, changing and construction of any water, sewers, conduits, culverts, drainage ditches or water courses, or for any other incidental work that may be required or ordered by the Town or its representative.
It is the contractor's sole responsibility to make sure that all work shall be conducted in strict accordance with the Federal Safety Standards of OSHA.
Width of trenches. The trenches shall be of such width as may be required by the design engineer to insure proper laying and handling of the pipes and appurtenances, proper tamping and backfilling operations. In all cases, trenches should be kept as narrow as possible. The contractor shall be responsible to provide sheeting/bracing or other requirements to insure the safety of his workmen in conjunction with the proper installation of the pipe.
Depth of trenches.
In general, the trenches shall be excavated to such a depth to properly install utilities to the grade established in the field by the design engineer. The depth of the excavation shall allow the proper bedding material to be placed under the pipe.
Any extra excavated depth by the contractor shall be filled with compacted crushed stone to the proper grade required.
Utilities shall be designed to prevent damage from frost penetration or surface forces. Water mains and services shall be generally buried with five feet zero inches of cover infields but at least six feet zero inches when they cross existing or proposed roads.
Tunneling. Work shall generally be conducted in open trenches or excavations, with proper protection. Tunneling shall be done only in areas specifically called for by the design plans with design details approved by the Town.
Blasting. Whenever necessary to resort to blasting for making the excavations, the trench shall be covered in a form to prevent fragments of rock from being thrown out. Only experienced, licensed workmen shall be employed in the handling and uses of explosives. All blasting operations shall be conducted in strict accordance with existing ordinances, regulations and specifications relative to rock blasting, storage and use of explosives.
Bailing and draining. The contractor shall furnish a sufficient pumping plant and shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, satisfactory drainage whenever needed in the trench and other excavations during the progress of the work and up to final inspection. No structures shall be laid in water. Water shall not be allowed to flow or rise upon any concrete or other masonry or flow on adjacent lands. All water pumped or bailed from the trench or other excavation shall be conveyed in a proper manner to a suitable point of discharge and may require temporary siltation traps.
Bottom of trench.
The bottom of the trench shall be carefully graded and formed according to the directions of the design engineer, before any structures are laid thereon. When other instructions or design are not indicated, all trenches shall be excavated in a straight line. In hard pan, boulder formations or rock, the excavation shall extend at least six inches below the bottom of the pipe and a carefully compacted bed of crushed stone screenings placed in the bottom of the trench up to the level of the spring line of the pipe. See Appendix DD[1] for specific material bedding requirements.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
It is the intention of this specification to achieve not less than Class "B" pipe bedding.
Suitable bedding and safety backfill material. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to generally utilize material excavated from the trench in order to provide the required backfill to meet the listed specifications unless crossing an existing or proposed road. Should the nature of the soil be such that the contractor is unable to meet the above requirements by selecting, with reasonable care, from the excavated material, he shall provide the following materials, if so ordered by the Town or its representative:
Sand, stone or concrete cradle when the trench bottom does not provide sufficient bearing capacity or when specification requires specific bedding for certain utilities.
Sand encasement shall be ordered by the Town when the trench is excavated in rock, boulders, or hard pan and none of the material above this level is suitable for backfilling the pipe.
Line and grade. All pipes and appurtenances of whatever character shall, when set, conform to the alignments and grades required by the design engineer. All of the required special castings and other fixtures that are indicated upon the plans, or that may be required during the progress of the work, shall be installed in their proper positions. Minimum grades for gravity sewer shall be:
Nominal Pipe Size
Minimum Slope per 100 Feet
Laying pipe and castings.
The contractor shall use suitable tools and appliances for the safe and convenient handling and laying of all utilities and appurtenances. All pipes and castings shall be carefully examined by the contractor for defects and no pipe or casting which is known to be defective shall be laid. If defective pipe or castings should be discovered after being laid, these shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe or castings. The pipes shall be cleaned before they are laid and shall be kept clean until they are accepted with the completed work. All ends of the pipes shall be watertight capped to exclude water and debris from entering the pipes.
Sewers shall be built to the lines and grades between manholes as shown on the project drawings. The contractor shall provide sufficient grade control to properly install the pipe and appurtenances. Sewer pipe shall be laid upgrade with spigots placed in the direction of flow. All pipes shall be fitted together to form a smooth, even invert. Pipes disturbed after laying shall be removed and relaid.
After the pipe has been placed and adjusted to line and grade, the bed shall be trimmed to support the pipe for its entire length. Material used for bedding shall be thoroughly compacted under the bottom and the haunches of the pipe. The trench shall then be backfilled to above the top of the pipe and carefully compacted to hold the pipe in position.
Cutting pipe. Whenever it may be necessary to cut any straight pipe, it shall be completed by skilled workmen with proper tools, in such manner as will not cause any cracking of the pipe.
Manholes shall be constructed of the size, type and at the locations shown on the Plans, or as designated by the design engineer in the field.
The manhole bed shall be excavated level and include a minimum of six inches of crushed stone.
Manhole risers and flat slab covers shall be precast reinforced units. Manhole bases may be precast "Monobase" or field poured with 3,500 concrete psi.
Eccentric cone sections may be used on the top of manhole riser sections if the inside height dimension from the bench wall to the bottom of the eccentric section exceeds eight feet.
Interior and exterior concrete surfaces shall be sealed by the supplier and touched up or recoated by the contractor with approved bitumastic coal tar sealer.
Manholes shall be cored before installation of any pipe into the manhole. Pipe shall be sawcut after installation and not "chipped off."
All openings and joints in the manhole sections shall be completely filled once the sections are set, with nonshrink grout* and after initial set, waterproofed on the inside and outside with a coal tar coating. (*NOTE: When PVC is used, all openings around pipes shall be completely filled with 100% epoxy nonshrink grout.)
Before each barrel of the manhole is set, the joint shall be cleaned and the barrel correctly aligned, so that the steps form a continuous ladder. The first step shall be no more than 30 inches below finished grade and continue to the top of the bench wall.
It is the intent of these specifications to construct first-class manholes which will exclude all groundwater, by means of carefully constructed foundations, tight barrel joints and the coating of the inside and outside of the manholes.
Frames and covers or grates. The frames shall be firmly set in a bed of not less than one full inch of cement mortar and adjusted to the finished grade. The manhole frame may be set directly on the concrete roof slab, providing the top will be at the proper grade; otherwise, precast concrete spacers or bricks shall be mortared to the roof slab to raise the frame to the proper grade. A maximum of three courses of spacers or bricks shall be used to adjust the frames and grates to the proper grade.
Benches. Benches shall be constructed in all manholes. The bench may be constructed of cast-in-place concrete and shall be depth of the pipe.
Drop manholes. Drop manholes are not permitted.
Shallow sewer manholes. Where any manhole is less than four feet from invert to bottom of roof slab, the contractor is to provide a manhole as shown in Appendix O.[1] The roof slab shall be precast structural concrete reinforced to withstand a concentrated H-20 load plus 30% impact. The slab shall be formed to fit into the ends of the vertical pipe and shall have a full bearing for its entire circumference.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Sealing of manholes. All manholes shall be sealed with two coats of sealer as applied by the manhole manufacturer to the entire interior and exterior surfaces in minimum dry thickness of 11 mils per coat. Application shall be in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations and shall be certified thereto by the suppliers. Before placement in the field, abraded areas shall be touched up with two coats by the contractor. Covers and other exposed surfaces shall also be coated in the field. Improper materials or mil thickness shall be cause for rejection of manhole sections.
Gutter inlets shall be constructed as shown in the Appendix J[1] or as shown on the plans for special conditions. Catch basins shall be constructed of precast concrete structures.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
All catch basins shall be coated inside and outside with two coats of heavy-duty coal tar sealer.
Sewer laterals and water services shall be installed to the right-of-way (or easement) line for all lots, with the cleanout or curb box installed at or near the right of way or easement line. The end of each service shall be watertight and located with a stake extending four feet minimum above finish grade. The stake shall be color-coded in conformance with New York State Code Rule 753-4.7 (Industrial Code 53) to denote the type of service they represent.
A hydrant unit shall consist of a hydrant, guard valve, mechanical joint tee and anchor pipes.
Before hydrants or valves are installed, they shall be checked to determine if they are in the proper working order.
Hydrants shall be set plumb with the break flange three inches above the finished grade. Hydrant weeps shall be surrounded by at least 10 cubic feet of crushed stone or gravel. If the groundwater is higher than the drainage plug, the plug shall be closed and the crushed stone eliminated.
Valve boxes shall be placed plumb over the operating nut of the valve and adjusted to the final grade.
All hydrants shall be painted yellow and all valve box covers shall be painted blue.
General. Trenches shall be immediately backfilled following the installation of utilities unless specifically changed, in writing, by the design engineer and approved by the Town. The roadways and sidewalks shall be left unobstructed, with their surface in a safe passable condition. The trench shall be tamped sufficiently to prevent settlement of or damage to existing or newly installed structures.
Backfill immediately after approval. Only select earth material shall be deposited around the utility and appurtenances covering them by hand for a depth of at least 12 inches above the pipe. This earth shall be thoroughly tamped as it is being placed so as to fill the lower portion of the trench thoroughly to give utilities a Class B bed for their entire length.
Restrictions as to materials. No rock or frozen materials shall be placed in trenches within existing or proposed streets. Such material may be used in fields where immediate compaction is not necessary and at least two feet of select fill has been placed over the pipe.
Backfilling; pavement crossings.
All utility lines or laterals that cross existing or proposed streets shall be backfilled with crusher-run stone conforming to NYSDOT Specification Section 304-2 Type 2 (304.12). At the discretion of the Superintendent of Highways, native trench material may be used for backfill in lieu of crusher-run.
Material shall be compacted in lifts of one foot maximum to the elevation of the road subgrade. From there, the backfill shall conform to the material specifications for individual road sections.
Cleaning up.
As the work progresses or as directed by the design engineer, all rubbish or refuse, unused materials and tools shall be removed at once from along and near the trench line construction.
Rough cleanup along the route shall immediately follow installation procedures. Large spoil banks will not be permitted in developed areas.
Final cleanup and landscaping shall proceed immediately after the installation, testing and approval of the facility.
Erosion control measures must be maintained throughout the construction process and removed only upon the approval of the Town.
In all cases, the project site shall be restored to a condition equal to or better than that which previously existed.
Compaction densities specified herein shall be the percentage of the maximum density obtainable at optimum moisture content as determined and controlled, in accordance with AASHTO T99 (ASTM D698-12e2). Field density tests shall be made in accordance with AASHTO T238 and T239 (ASTM D6938-15). Each layer of backfill shall be moistened or dried as required and shall be compacted to the following densities, unless otherwise specified.
Select fill.
Under all existing or proposed roads, driveways, parking areas: 95%.
All other areas: 85%.
Methods and equipment. Methods and equipment proposed for compaction shall be subject to the approval of the Town. Compaction by rolling or operating heavy equipment over fill areas shall be conducted in a manner by which injury to existing utilities and structures shall be avoided. Any pipe or structure damaged thereby shall be replaced or repaired as directed by the Town at the expense of the developer.
Field density tests may be ordered by the Town as necessary and will be paid for by the developer.
The developer shall furnish all necessary samples for laboratory tests and shall provide assistance and cooperation during field tests. The developer shall plan his operations to allow adequate time for laboratory tests and to permit taking of field density tests during compaction. Any areas found to be below required compaction densities shall be removed and replaced with new material at the developer's expense. The methods of operation and/or the backfill materials shall be changed to meet required compactions. Inadequate compaction shall be cause for the Town to issue a stop-work order on a project.
General information.
Upon the satisfactory completion of the installation of the underground utilities, the contractor shall proceed to test each of the installed facilities as here in specified. All utilities shall be pretested by the contractor before the Town is to witness the final tests. No test will be accepted unless witnessed by the Town. Records and date of these tests shall be submitted to the municipality as part of the record drawing information.
Water or test required of the developer during any procedures will be paid for by the developer. All hydrants for water supply or testing use shall be operated only by the Town Water Utilities Department.
Sanitary sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority, or other sewer authority having jurisdiction.
Storm drains. All storm sewers shall be flushed clean by the contractor and the lines shall be lamped with the Town.
Water mains.
Pressure tests. The entire system, including services to the curb stops, shall be pressure tested at a minimum 1.5 times the working pressure or 150 psi, whichever is greater, for a period of two hours. The test pressure shall not fluctuate during the test period. No high pressure test will be allowed when the temperature is less than 32°, unless a heated shelter is provided for test equipment. This test shall be performed in accordance with AWWA C600-10. The pressures at the point of testing shall be related to the highest elevation of the main.
Disinfection. Upon completion of the pressure testing the main shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C651-05 as applicable.
Samples. After flushing of the newly disinfected main, the developer shall obtain samples of water and submit them to a laboratory approved by the New York State Department of Health. Upon the receipt of a satisfactory laboratory report, this information, together with the Town Engineer's certificate of construction, shall be submitted to the Livingston County Department of Health for approval. Upon receipt of the approval of completed work from the Health Department, the water system shall be considered complete and may be accepted for service by the Town.
Defective areas. In any areas where satisfactory results of applied tests cannot be obtained, the defective portion of the system shall be located and replaced with new material. That portion of the system shall then be retested until satisfactory results are obtained.
General information.
The contractor shall not proceed to construct any surface improvements until the underground system has been installed, tested and approved by the Town.
Careful attention shall be given by the contractor to obtain the necessary compaction densities as specified. All surface improvements shall be constructed to the shape and dimensions as shown on the typical sections or on the approved plans. A greater road width and base may be required in those areas where particular soil conditions or traffic patterns require special considerations.
The subgrade shall be graded to remove all unsatisfactory or unstable material. Where material is removed below the subgrade elevation, suitable granular material shall be used to bring the road to proper subgrade. Where groundwater or poor soil conditions exist, the developer shall be required to install perforated underdrain and crushed stone weeps to drain the base. The entire subgrade surface shall be thoroughly compacted according to NYSDOT Standard Specification 203-3.12.
Fabric filter material may be required by the Town to stabilize the base or subbase before the contractor proceeds to install same.
No movement shall be observed in the subgrade material as the roller passes. When the subgrade is completed, the contractor shall so notify the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer for a base determination. Upon the review and written approval of the subgrade by the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer, the base material may be placed.
Base material.
Approved base materials shall be uniformly deposited and compacted in layers with a roller, according to NYSDOT Specifications. Rolling shall begin at the sides and continue toward the center and shall continue until there is no movement of the course ahead of the roller. After compaction, the top surface of this course shall not extend above the theoretical elevation for this course and when tested with a straight-edge 16 feet in length, any bump or depression over 1/4 inch from the theoretical grade line shall be satisfactorily eliminated.
When the base has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, the developer may place the binder course. If base conditions are changed as determined by the Superintendent of Highways before the binder is placed, he may order the developer to seal the stone with a rapid-sealing liquid asphalt emulsion as specified in NYSDOT Standard Specification Section 702-6, Asphalt Emulsion Tack Coat, with 0.5 gallon per square yard as determined by the conditions and not more than 24 hours prior to placement of binder asphalt.
If the compaction of the base is questionable by the Superintendent of Highways, it may require rerolling or stone replacement by the developer.
Bituminous pavement.
Binder shall be placed and compacted to a minimum finished layer thickness or three inches with a self-propelled asphalt spreader and rolled according to NYSDOT Specification 403-3.03. Before applying the top course, any irregularities in the binder course shall be eliminated, but at no time will "cold patch" or "winter mix" be allowed on the binder for repair work.
Before the surface course is placed, the binder will be cleaned and inspected by the Superintendent of Highways to determine the condition of the pavement. It may be necessary to apply a tack coat at the rate of 0.1 gallon/square yard before placing the surface.
Surface course shall be placed and compacted to a minimum finished layer thickness of one inch with a self-propelled asphalt spreader and rolled in accordance with NYSDOT Specification 403-3.03.
Temporary road construction.
Where construction sequences preclude the specified road construction items and these requirements for certificates of occupancy, a temporary road consisting of the specified road section less top surface course may be constructed.
This temporary road shall be reviewed by the Superintendent of Highways and approved, in writing, prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. The Town Board may accept dedication of the road if sufficient monies remain in the financial guarantee to top the road in the next year.
Continuation of existing road.
When construction of a road is continued from an existing road or previously developed section, the pavements shall be joined with a triangular cut of at least 15 feet from edge of the pavement to the center line of the old pavement. The intent of this provision is to eliminate any grade difference and make a smooth riding transition.
All pavement joints shall receive a tack coat before placing the binder or top course.
Stabilized shoulders. Stabilized shoulders shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the typical sections in Appendix C.[1] Construction methods shall conform to NYSDOT Specification 410-3.01. The base course shall consist of a wedge of crusher-run stone with a single surface treatment.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Underdrains. Underdrains shall be installed in conformance with NYSDOT Standard Specification Section 605 and underdrain filter material Type 1 per NYSDOT Specification 605-2.02.
Concrete gutters.
Concrete gutters shall be a minimum of six inches in depth and constructed true to the shape, line and grade on a thoroughly compacted base. The gutters may be constructed using a slip form method or in-place formwork.
Joints between sections shall be placed every 10 feet at right angles to the flow line and must be "wet struck" 1/8 inch wide and 3/4 inch deep. Full depth bituminous expansion joints shall be placed every 50 feet and at all structures or inlets.
Gutters shall be broom finished before the joints are struck and the finish shall be consistent throughout the project.
Gutters shall be cured and sealed by spraying with an approved curing and sealing compound at the rate recommended by the manufacturer.
One coat of curing and sealing compound shall be applied when the work is complete and another coat after the gutters have set for 48 hours.
The use of burlap or coverings for curing or protection is not acceptable until after the concrete has been sprayed and set.
The gutters, prior to final paving, shall be flooded and checked for horizontal and vertical line and grade and finish. If any gutters are found to be constructed in an unacceptable manner by the Superintendent of Highways, they shall be removed and replaced.
Gutter replacements shall conform to the existing gutter regarding finish and color.
Concrete sidewalks.
Minimum four inches in depth and constructed true to shape, line and grade. Sidewalks installed through driveways shall be five inches in depth and be reinforced with six-inch-by-six-inch wire mesh (10 gauge). If location of driveway is unknown, sidewalks shall be five inches in depth throughout.
Minimum width shall be five feet or to match existing.
The base shall be thoroughly compacted crusher-run stone with a thickness of six inches. The base material shall extend six inches outside each edge of the concrete sidewalk.
A cross slope of 1/4 inch per foot shall be maintained for positive drainage.
Construction joints shall be wet struck at five-foot increments and be 3/4 inch deep. Full depth bituminous expansion joints shall be placed every 25 feet and at all castings.
Sidewalks shall be broom finished and have troweled edges with a corner radius of 1/4 inch. The finish shall be consistent throughout the project.
Two coats of approved curing and sealing compound shall be applied: one coat immediately following the finish work and the second coat 48 hours later.
The contractor shall obtain in accordance with ASTM C31/C31M-10 two samples from every other truck delivering concrete to the site and have the samples compression tested by an independent testing laboratory.
Results of these tests shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Highways.
The monuments shall be installed at those locations shown on the approved final plan and as located in the field by a Licensed Land Surveyor. They shall be installed to a depth of at least 30 inches below finished grade with the top surface to be flush with finished grade. Upon the installation of the monuments the location shall be certified to the Town by a licensed land surveyor as to their accuracy.
Upon satisfactory completion of the utilities and roads, the entire area within the right-of-way shall be raked and graded to the approved plans.
The site contractor shall be responsible to fine grade the right-of-way and maintain erosion control. In those areas where home construction has started, cleanup and site maintenance will then become the responsibility of the builder.
Debris and spoil banks created during the development (not home construction) of the site shall be entirely removed and/or disposed of from the site. No burying of debris or material shall be allowed on approved or proposed building lots.
During the time period between initial installation and testing and acceptance for dedication, debris and/or sediment may accumulate in the utility systems. The developer shall be responsible to flush and remove this debris from the system prior to the final inspection for dedication.
Street and traffic signs shall be supplied and installed by the Town of Avon Highway Department in accordance with standards outlined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (State of New York, Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic and Safety).
Signs and posts shall be ordered by the Highway Department for consistency throughout the Town. Upon receipt of signs, they shall be placed in the field by the Highway Department with sign, post and installation cost the responsibility of the developer.