In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the Municipal Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. III.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From Municipal Code
Location in 2020 Code
Title I – Administrative
Ch. 1, General Provisions
§§ 1.1, 1.4 to 1.9 and 1.15
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. III
§§ 1.2, 1.3 and 1.14
Ch. 1, Art. I
§§ 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and 1.20
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 3, Defense of Town Officers and Employees
Ch. 29
Ch. 4, Code of Ethics
Ch. 36
Ch. 5, Public Records
Ch. 63, Art. II
Ch. 6, Commission for Conservation of the Environment
Ch. 22
Ch. 7, Appearance Tickets
Ch. 8
Ch. 8, Terms of Elected Officers
Ch. 70
Ch. 9, Claims Against the Town
Ch. 182
Ch. 10, Joint Assessor
Ch. 15, Art. I
Ch. 11, Reimbursement of Professional Consultation Fees
Ch. 152, Art. I
Title III – Licensing and Regulation of Business
Ch. 12, Bingo
Ch. 108
Ch. 14, Games of Chance
Ch. 166
Ch. 23, Job Incentive Tax Exemption
Title III – Planning, Building and Zoning Regulations
Ch. 26, Administration and Enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code
Ch. 136
Ch. 26A, Rental Housing Unit Law
Ch. 190
Ch. 28, Mobile Homes
Ch. 175
Ch. 29, Individual Sewage Disposal System
Ch. 30, Zoning
Ch. 265
Ch. 31, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 159
Ch. 33, Unsafe Buildings
Ch. 122
Ch. 34, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 145
Ch. 37, Temporary Storage
Ch. 225
Ch. 39, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 240
Ch. 44A, Town Highway Limitation Ordinance
Ch. 255
Ch. 44, Town Highways and Public Places
Ch. 232
Ch. 48, Sanitary Land Fill
Ch. 54, Dog Control
Ch. 94, Art. I
Ch. 60, Traffic and Vehicles
Ch. 255
Ch. 61, Snowmobiles
Ch. 211
Ch. 65, Public Conduct
Ch. 87
Ch. 66, Public Assemblies
Ch. 101
Ch. 67, Hearing Date/Assessment Board of Review
Ch. 15, Art. II
Ch. 72, Solid Waste Disposal
Ch. 218, Art. I
Ch. 73, Garbage and Refuse
Ch. 218, Art. II
Ch. 74, Restricted Burning Permit
Ch. 75, Adult Entertainment
Ch. 80
Ch. 76, Brush, Grass, Rubbish or Weeds
Ch. 115
Ch. 82, Veterans Tax Exemption
Ch. 247, Art. I
Ch. 83, Partial Tax Exemption from Real Property Taxes for Persons with Disabilities
Ch. 247, Art. II
Ch. 85, Partial Tax Exemption from Real Property Taxes for Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Older
Ch. 247, Art. III
Ch. 100, Enactment and Proof of Ordinance