Appointment. Council shall appoint a Borough Secretary/Manager for an indefinite term and shall fix his compensation. The Secretary/Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications.
Powers and duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough. He shall be responsible to the Council for the organization, administration, and coordination of all Borough affairs and shall have the following powers and duties in addition to other powers and duties set forth elsewhere in this Administrative Code and ordinances of the Borough.
He shall direct and supervise the administration of all municipal departments, offices and agencies, except as otherwise provided by law or this Administrative Code. He shall not exercise any supervision or authority over the Police Department that is vested in the Mayor other than such duties as may be delegated by the Mayor.
He shall perform the duties of the Secretary in causing appropriate records to be made, preserved and certified, as required by law, this Administrative Code or other action of the Council. He shall attest the execution of all instruments and shall record all ordinances and attest the same by his signature. He shall file and record proof of service of all notices required by law, and his certificate thereof shall be good evidence of such notice. He shall have custody of the municipal corporate seal and all official Borough records. He shall deliver to his successor the seal and all books, papers and other records and things belonging to the Borough.
He shall attend all meetings of the Council and shall keep full minutes of its proceedings; he shall transcribe the bylaws, rules, regulations and ordinances adopted into a book kept for that purpose. The Borough shall furnish the Secretary/Manager with such dockets, books, forms and files as are necessary for the conduct of his office, such dockets, books, forms and files to be and remain the property of the Borough.
He shall attend all the Council meetings and meetings of its committees and shall have the right to take part in discussions, but he shall not vote. He shall prepare the agenda of each Council meeting, subject to the right of the Council President to authorize deviation from the business listed on the agenda.
He shall prepare and submit to the Council on or before November 1 of each year, or on such alternate date as the Council shall determine, a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message. In preparing the budget, he or an officer designated by him shall obtain from the head of each department, agency, board, commission, committee or officer estimates of revenues and expenditures and other supporting data as he requires. He shall review such estimates and may revise them before submitting the budget to the Council.
He shall be responsible for the administration of the budget after it is adopted by the Council.
He shall submit to the Council, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, and make available to the public, a complete report on the financial and administrative activities of the Borough for the preceding year.
He shall keep the Council informed as to the conduct of Borough affairs; submit monthly reports on the condition of the Borough finances and such other reports as the Council shall request; advise and consult the Council on matters regarding policy formulation and implementation; and shall make such recommendations to the Council as he deems necessary.
He shall attend to the letting of contracts in due form of law, and he shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same, except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed upon some other Borough officer by law.
He shall have the duty, through the proper departments or subordinates, to enforce the ordinances and regulations of the Borough, including building and housing codes adopted by the Council.
He shall have the duty to sign such papers, contracts, obligations and documents that are properly presented to him as required by law.
With the consent of the Council, he shall have the authority to represent the Borough in deliberations with other governmental bodies or councils, subject to final ratification by the Council of any action taken.
He shall have the authority, subject to final ratification of the Council, to negotiate intergovernmental cooperation agreements pursuant to the Constitution of the Commonwealth.
He shall be the purchasing officer of the Borough, and he shall purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code and this Administrative Code, all supplies and equipment for the various agencies, boards, departments, and other offices of the Borough. He shall keep an account of all purchases and shall make a full monthly written report thereof.
He shall institute and maintain an effective procedure for responding to citizen concerns and requests for information.
He shall investigate all legitimate complaints concerning Borough affairs, problems and personnel and, when appropriate, take corrective action. He shall keep a record of all complaints investigated and the action, if any, taken on the same.
He shall prepare and bring to the attention of the Council plans for the improvement of the Borough.
He shall cooperate with, aid and assist the designated Council committee chairpersons.
He shall be the Borough's development director responsible for economic development activities in the Borough.
He shall develop and administer a risk management program.
He may employ experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough, providing that this shall not be done without previous approval of the Council.
Any emergency powers that the Council may establish by ordinance to suppress mobs, riots or tumultuous assemblies, or to give aid and relief as a result of any disaster or other emergency shall devolve upon the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman of Council's Public Safety Committee and the emergency management team.
Delegation of authority. The Borough Secretary/Manager may designate a Borough employee to exercise the duties of the Secretary/Manager.
Removal. The Council may remove the Secretary/Manager at any time, with or without cause.
Acting Secretary. The Secretary/Manager shall designate, in writing, and employee of the Borough to exercise the duties of Secretary/Manager during his temporary absence or disability. During such absence or disability, the Borough Council may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another officer of the Borough to serve until the Secretary/Manager shall return or his disability shall cease.
Appointment. For the audit of each fiscal year, all accounts of the Borough shall be examined, audited and settled by an independent auditor, who shall be a certified public accountant, registered in Pennsylvania, a firm of certified public accountants so registered or a competent public accountant or a competent firm of public accountants.
Annual appointment. Such independent auditor shall be appointed, annually, by resolution in accordance with the Borough Code, before the close of the fiscal year, to make an independent examination of the accounting records of the Borough for such fiscal year.
Powers and duties. Such independent auditor shall have, possess and exercise all the powers and shall perform all the duties as provided in the Borough Code.
Compensation. The compensation for the independent auditor shall be determined by the Council and paid out of Borough funds.
Appointment and compensation. The Council shall appoint a solicitor for an indefinite term. The Solicitor's compensation shall be determined by the Council and paid out of Borough funds.
Qualifications. The Solicitor may be either an individual or firm of attorneys in good standing and active legal practice in the commonwealth.
Duties. The Solicitor shall render such legal services as may be necessary or desirable for the best interests of the Borough. The Council may employ special counsel other than the Solicitor to render legal services in connection with any legal matter involving the Borough or its officials, boards, commissions or committees.
Appointment. Council shall appoint a Treasurer pursuant to the requirements of the Borough Code.
Powers and duties. The Treasurer shall have all powers and duties as prescribed by the Borough Code. The Treasurer shall meet monthly, or more often as required by the Secretary, with the Secretary to review and initial financial reports or other documents as required.
Operational departments of government shall be created or abolished by the Council.