[Adopted 4-14-1980 by Ord. No. 753 (Ch. 64, Art. II, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances)[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repeals Ord. Nos. 24, 83, 84 and 120.
Every owner of property in the Borough shall, on 30 days' notice from the Borough Council, construct a sidewalk and/or construct a curb which shall conform to all applicable requirements of this article in front of or alongside such property.
Every owner of property in the Borough shall, on 30 days' notice from the Borough Council, repair the sidewalk and/or curb in front of and/or alongside such property, except in the case of emergency repairs when it shall be 48 hours, in the manner stipulated in such notice.
All sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed, reconstructed and repaired of concrete only, according to specifications determined from time to time by the Borough Council, provided, where the existing sidewalk is of brick or flagstone and at least 2/3 of such sidewalk is in good repair, such sidewalk may be repaired with brick or flagstone, as the case may be, as used in the original construction; provided further, the Council may, at its discretion, authorize the use of material other than concrete in the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk, where the owner of the property shall request authority for the use of such material.
All sidewalks hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the Borough shall be not less than six feet wide, and not more than 10 feet wide, except that the Council may authorize sidewalk width of less than six feet in special cases where the nature of the terrain or the width of the street may make a wider sidewalk impracticable.
All sidewalks and all curbs shall be constructed, and the grading therefor shall be done, upon the line and grade obtained by the property owner from the Building Inspector, and not otherwise.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Building Inspector or his designated representative to determine, in the case of any individual property, whether or not the sidewalk and/or curb shall be constructed or repaired. At least two days prior to commencement of such work, it shall be the duty of the owner of the property where the work is to be done to notify the Building Inspector or his designated representative of that fact, so that he or his designated representative can visit the site of the work in order to ascertain whether the work is being done according to requirements. Within two days after the completion of the work, the Building Inspector or his designated representative shall inspect the sidewalk and/or curb to determine whether all requirements of this article were adhered to in such work.
Any property owner, upon his own initiative, and without notice from any Borough authority, may construct a sidewalk and/or curb in front of and/or alongside his property, provided that he shall first notify the Council, make application to the Building Inspector for the correct line and grade for such sidewalk and/or curb, conform to the requirements of this article as to line and grade and as to materials used, and otherwise notify the Building Inspector or his designated representative, as required by § 328-6 of this chapter.
Whenever any property owner shall fail to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk and/or curb, within the time limit specified herein[1] or, having undertaken to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk and/or curb, either upon his own initiative or following his notice from the Borough to do so, shall fail to conform strictly to the proper line and grade and to all other requirements of this article, the Borough may cause such construction, reconstruction or repair, or correction of any deficiency, to be done at the cost of such property owner, and may collect the cost thereof and 10% additional, together with all charges and expenses, from such property owner, and may file municipal claim therefor or collect the same by action in assumpsit.
Editor's Note: See §§ 328-1 and 328-2 of this chapter.