[Adopted 2-19-2002 by Ord. No. 874 (Ch. 64, Art. VI, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances)]
Whenever used herein, the words "cleaning" and "sweeping" shall each mean and include the other. Generally, it shall mean the undertaking by the Borough of cleaning and removing litter from public streets in the Borough.
Hereinafter, all public streets in the Borough will be swept/cleaned on a routine basis according to a schedule to be adopted by the Borough Council by simple resolution. Such resolution shall list all streets to be swept/cleaned and set forth the dates and times when each street shall be cleaned. Signs shall be prominently and conspicuously posted on each street to be cleaned no less than five days prior to the date when the street is scheduled to be swept/cleaned, setting forth the name of the street, the date and time when it shall be swept/cleaned and designating which side (or both sides) are to be cleaned. The notice shall further prohibit the parking, stopping, standing or presence of vehicles or any other obstacle or thing in the area to be swept/cleaned during the scheduled date and time. Such notice shall further set forth the fines for violation, and the right of the Borough to tow or remove forthwith without notice for illegal parking, stopping, standing or presence of a vehicle or any other obstacle in the area to be swept/cleaned.
If any vehicle, obstacle or thing shall be present in an area scheduled for sweeping/cleaning during the scheduled time, Borough officials shall have the right forthwith without notice to have the same towed by a licensed salvor and other obstacles may be otherwise removed.
Any person or entity owning a vehicle or other obstacle, or who permits, allows or causes a vehicle or other obstacle to be parked, stopped, stand or be present in an area where street sweeping/cleaning is scheduled shall be guilty of a civil violation of this article. Any such person or entity shall be liable to have his/her property removed at his/her expense at the published rate for removal regularly charged by the person removing the same, and subject to a civil fine of $300 for each violation.