[Ord. #73-10]
The Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority has been created in the County of Sussex with jurisdiction, among other matters, over sewer systems along the Wallkill River, known as the Wallkill Valley Sewage System. The Township of Wantage previously notified the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority that it did not wish to be a part of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority, but after further information and investigation the Township of Wantage has reconsidered its prior determination and now desires to be a member of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority.
Editor's Note: For Wantage Township Water and Sewer Utility, see § 2-29.
[Ord. #73-10]
The Township of Wantage shall become a member of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority and the territorial limits of the Township of Wantage shall be a part of the district regulated by the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 40:14B-11, etc.
A copy of this section certified to be true by the township clerk shall be submitted promptly to the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority for approval by said authority immediately after final adoption and publication thereof.
A copy of this section certified to be a true copy by the township clerk shall be filed immediately following adoption and publication of this section, together with a certified copy of the resolution of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority approving this section, in the office of the secretary of state.
The Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority has been established to provide for and maintain sewage disposal systems in the County of Sussex, and pursuant thereto has initiated a program for municipalities within the area of the Wallkill River. The Wallkill River can assimilate only a certain quantity of effluent from all of the municipalities within the area of the Wallkill Basin, and the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority has prepared a plan for the apportionment of the volume of sewage disposal to be allowed each municipality within the Wallkill Basin area. The governing body of the Township of Wantage has examined the plan proposed by the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority and has approved the same, and the allocation allotted to it.
The plan of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority providing for the allocation and apportionment of the volume of sewage disposal on a proportionate basis to the Township of Wantage and the various other municipalities involved in the Wallkill River Basin Area is hereby approved in accordance with the plan, a copy of which is on file in the office of the clerk of the township, and is available to members of the general public who may examine the same.
The mayor and clerk of the Township of Wantage are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority approving the plan referred to in subsection 11-3.2 herein. A copy of the proposed agreement is on file in the office of the clerk of the Township of Wantage and is available to members of the general public who may examine the same.
[Added 4-26-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-06]
Every owner of real property located in the Township of Wantage that requires reserve capacity for wastewater treatment at the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority’s (SCMUA) wastewater treatment facility for the development of the property must first utilize any unused sewer allocation that has been allotted to the Township of Wantage by SCMUA or obtained by or for the property prior to the effective date of this subsection, before such property owner may seek to obtain a sewer allocation from another municipality within the service area or any other source. If an allocation is available, the property owner must enter into a sewer allocation agreement with the Township as a precondition to applying for any and all land use approvals necessary for the development of the property.
[Ord. #2002-09]
Professional and inspection fees attributable to the services provided by the following individuals, including, but not limited to, the township attorney and township engineer in connection with the review and approval of any application as well as installation of any sewer or water improvements to the water service connections pursuant to this chapter, shall be as provided for in this section. The township shall be entitled to be reimbursed for the review of all applications, both as to completeness and as to content, for the review and preparation of documents including, but not limited to, resolutions, developers agreements, deeds, easements, and necessary correspondence with applicant and/or applicant's professionals.
Whenever an amount of money in excess of $5,000 shall be deposited by an applicant with the township for professional services employed by the township including, but not limited to, the township attorney and township engineer to prepare agreements and/or contracts, to review applications for development, for municipal inspection, etc., the money, until repaid or applied to the purposes for which it is deposited, including the applicant's portion of the interest earned, except as otherwise provided in this section, shall continue to be the property of the applicant and shall be held in trust by the township. Money deposited shall be held in escrow. The township, upon receiving the money, shall deposit it in a banking institution or savings or depository approved for such deposits by the State, in an account bearing interest at the minimum rate currently paid by the institution or depository on time or savings deposits. The township shall notify the applicant in writing of the name and address of the institution or depository in which the deposit is made and the amount of the deposit. The township shall not be required to refund any amount of interest paid on a deposit which does not exceed $100 for the year. If the amount of interest exceeds $100, that entire amount shall belong to the applicant and shall be refunded by the township annually or at the time the deposit is repaid or applied to the purposes for which it was deposited, as the case may be; except that the township may retain for administrative expenses a sum equivalent to no more than 33 1/3% of that entire amount which shall be in lieu of all other administrative and custodial expenses.
The chief financial officer of the township shall make all of the payments to professionals for services rendered to the township to prepare agreements and/or contracts, deeds, ordinances or resolutions, to review applications for development, for municipal inspection or other purposes under the provisions of this chapter. The application review and inspection charges shall be limited only to professional charges for review applications, review and preparation of documents and inspections of the water and/or sewer services under construction and review by outside consultants when an application is of a nature beyond the scope of the expertise of the professionals normally utilized by the township. The only costs that shall be added to any such charges shall be actual out-of-pocket expenses of any such professionals or consultants including normal and typical expenses incurred in processing applications and inspecting improvements.
The township shall not bill the applicant, or charge any escrow account or deposit authorized under paragraph b of this subsection, for any municipal clerical or administrative functions, overhead expenses, meeting room charges, or any other municipal costs and expenses except as provided for in this section, nor shall a township professional add any such charges to his bill. If the salary staff support and overhead for a township professional are provided by the township, the charge shall not exceed 200% of the sum of the products resulting from multiplying (1) the hourly base salary, which shall be established annually by ordinance, of each of the professionals by (2) the number of hours spent by the respective professional upon review of the application for development or inspection of the developer's improvements, as the case may be. For any professionals the charge shall be at the same rate as all other work of the same nature by the professional for the township when fees are not reimbursed or otherwise imposed on applicants or developments.
The township requires of the developer a deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses for these professional services. The deposit shall be placed in an escrow account in accordance with this subsection. The amount of the deposit required shall be reasonable in regard to the scale and complexity of the development. The amount of the initial deposit shall be as provided for in the township ordinance, Chapter 21.
Each payment charged to the deposit for review of applications, review and preparation of documents and legal services, and inspections of improvements shall be pursuant to a voucher from the professional, which voucher shall identify the personnel performing the service, and for each date the services performed, the hours spent to one-quarter hour increments, the hourly rate and the expenses incurred. All professionals shall submit vouchers to the chief financial officer on a monthly basis in accordance with schedules and procedures established by the chief financial officer. If the services are provided by a township employee, the employee shall prepare and submit to the chief financial officer a statement containing the same information as required on a voucher, on a monthly basis. The professional shall send an information copy of all vouchers or statements submitted to the chief financial officer simultaneously to the applicant. The chief financial officer shall prepare and send to the applicant a statement which shall include an accounting of funds listing all deposits, interest earnings, disbursements and the cumulative balance of the escrow account. This information shall be provided on a quarterly basis, if monthly charges are $1,000 or less, or on a monthly basis if monthly charges exceed $1,000. If an escrow account or deposit contains insufficient funds to enable the township to perform required application reviews, improvement inspections or document review and preparation, the chief financial officer shall provide the applicant with a notice of the insufficient escrow or deposit balance. In order for work to continue on the development or the application, the applicant shall within a reasonable time period post a deposit to the account in an amount to be agreed upon by the township and the applicant. In the interim, any required health and safety inspections shall be made and charged back against the replenishment of funds.
Payments required prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy or other permit related to the water and/or sewer service may be issued with respect to any approved sewer or water connection application until all bills for reimbursable services have been received by the township for professional services rendered in connection with the application when payment has been made.
The following close-out procedure shall apply to all deposits and escrow accounts and shall commence after the township has granted final approval and after the improvements have been approved, in the case of improvement inspection escrows and deposits:
The applicant shall send written notice by certified mail to the chief financial officer and to the relevant township professionals, that the application or improvements, as the case may be, are completed.
After receipt of such notice, the professional shall render a final bill to the chief financial officer within 30 days, and shall send a copy simultaneously to the applicant.
The chief financial officer shall render a written final accounting to the applicant on the uses to which the deposit was put within 45 days of receipt of the final bill.
Any balances remaining in the deposit or escrow account, including interest, shall be refunded to the developer along with the final accounting.
All professional charges for review of an application for water and/or sewer services, review and preparation of documents or inspection of improvements shall be reasonable and necessary, given the status and progress of the application or construction. Review fees shall be charged only in connection with an application for development presently pending or upon review of compliance with conditions of approval, or review of requests for modification or amendment made by the applicant. A professional shall not review items which are subject to approval by any State government agency and not under municipal jurisdiction except to the extent consultation with a State agency is necessary due to the effect of State approvals in the subdivision or site plan. Inspection fees shall be charged only for actual work shown on water and/or sewer service connection plan or required by an approving resolution. Professionals inspecting improvements under construction shall charge only for inspections that are reasonably necessary to check the progress and quality of the work and such inspections shall be reasonably based on the approved development plans and documents.
If the township retains a different professional or consultant in the place of the professional originally responsible for development, application, review or inspection of improvements, the township shall be responsible for all time and expenses of the new professional to become familiar with the application or the project, and the township shall not bill the applicant or charge the deposit or the escrow account for such services.