[Ord. No. 2021-10, 10-12-2021]
Definition Of Undeveloped Areas In Merriam Woods. Areas in Merriam Woods where without public utilities, including City water/sewer lines, buildings, and driveways.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Merriam Woods hereby declare it necessary, reasonable, and proper to charge future residents the cost of installing water/sewer lines to undeveloped areas in said City:
The cost would include the normal fees of normal water/sewer installation, customer deposit, inspection fees, and connection fees.
An additional cost would apply for the renting of any additional equipment than what the City owns to drill through the rock. This additional charge would be for the cost of the equipment, delivery of the equipment, and pick up of the equipment.
An additional cost would be added to the above costs if there are no City water/sewer lines and/or connections in the area. The cost would include the installation of new City water lines to the resident's property line and the sewer trunk line installed in the street. The City would have to obtain an approved permit from the Department of Natural Resources to add new lines to existing lines.
The resident would be responsible for the cost of hiring a plumber to connect the water from his/her property line to the home. The resident would be responsible for hiring a plumber to connect the sewer from the street to his/her home and repair of the road. The City will inspect the sewer connection to the City trunk line.
The City will provide an estimated cost of completion for the entire project but said cost could change based upon unforeseen circumstances during the installation.
[Bill No. 158, 8-14-2007]
This policy outlines the procedures to be used for water and sewer main inspections, water and sewer service lateral line inspections, culvert installation and inspections, and road repairs that are required during the construction of a new residence or the extension of water or sewer lines.
[Bill No. 158, 8-14-2007]
Water And Sewer Main Lines.
All water and sewer main extensions must be designed by an professional engineer licensed by the State of Missouri. Proposed designs shall be submitted to the City Clerk, who will then submit the plans to the City's engineer, currently MECO Engineering. All review costs are billed to the developer requesting the extension. After MECO Engineering has reviewed and approved the designs for compatibility with the technical aspects of the City's systems and the review fee has been paid, the proposed extension will be presented to the Board of Aldermen for approval.
The extension request must comply with the City's current Water and Sewer Line Extension Policy.[1] It shall remain the policy of the Board of Aldermen to require Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) construction permits for every line extension exceeding one hundred (100) linear feet.
Editor's Note: Said policy is on file in the City offices.
Approved extensions will not be allowed to proceed with construction until an approved construction permit from MoDNR and the two (2) sets of the approved plans have been submitted to the City and a preconstruction conference held. Those responsible for attending the preconstruction conference include the City's Building Inspector and any inspection personnel, the developer, and all subcontractors involved in the construction of the lines. At that conference, the following guidelines will be discussed, along with any other concerns that may be specific to the project:
Line Locates. Missouri One-Call requires that the contractor call for locate requests forty eight (48) hours prior to commencing work. The City will locate, to the best of its ability, water and sewer lines in the public right-of-way once the locate request has been received. Please note that rain, snow, and ice will delay the marking of lines. We recommend that a representative of the contractor be on hand to make field notes of the markings.
Inspection Required. All work on the project will be inspected by the City prior to the closing of any trench or excavated site. The City Building Inspector will inform the contractor and/or developer that the trench is approved and that it may be backfilled. All work will be installed according to the approved plans. All changes must be approved by the City prior to work being done.
Inspection And Work Hours. Inspections will be scheduled one (1) day in advance. Inspections will be available between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Thursday, holidays excluded. The City observes the following holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following, and Christmas Day. If the City Office is to be closed for a holiday or other occasion, there will be no inspection available. All work in the public right-of-way and roads will be done during the work hours noted above. Work on private property, away from City infrastructure or easements, may be done at the developer's and/or contractor's convenience.
Construction Site Safety. No open trenches will be left at the end of the workday unless they are secured to protect the public from danger. A properly protected construction area will include signs indicating "Utility Work" or "Road Work" placed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of every approach to the disturbed area and barriers to prevent accidental entry into any open trenches. Shoring of trenches and other OSHA safety requirements should be met as well. Any obvious unsafe practices will be noted by the inspector and can generate a stop-work order if not corrected immediately. Please remember that these are minimum guidelines and certain sites may require additional protection.
Passable Roadways. Every effort must be made to keep the roadway passable to traffic and to maintain homeowner access to their property during the day. If roads will be closed during the day due to the construction, the contractor is responsible for notifying the City, Taney County 911 Administration, Taney County Sheriff's Department, Taney County Ambulance District, Western Taney County Fire District, and affected residents prior to the closure. No roads or driveways will remain closed after work hours unless approved in advance by the Board of Aldermen or its representative.
Water Line Trenches. All water main installations must have a minimum depth of forty-two (42) inches from the top of the pipe to the top of the trench and will be bedded with one-inch base rock from four (4) inches beneath the pipe to the top of the trench. Trenches will have a minimum width of twenty four (24) inches and will not exceed (30) inches in width. No water lines will be approved that are in a common trench with electrical lines or that do not have the required horizontal or vertical separation required from sewer lines. In the event that water and sewer lines must cross, the City's Building Inspector will determine the safe and acceptable method of installation for crossings.
Sewer Line Trenches. Sewer main lines that are to be accepted by the City must be inspected by the City. Lines that will not become a part of the City system will not be inspected and the City will not ask that installation deficiencies be corrected unless those deficiencies affect the safety or integrity of the City's water or sewer systems. Again, the accepted lines must be bedded from four (4) inches beneath the pipe to the top of the trench with one-inch base rock and will have a minimum width of twenty four (24) inches.
Road Repairs And Construction Site Restoration. Every road will be restored to its condition existing prior to disturbance or better. It is recommended that the developer or contractor videotape or photograph the condition of the road prior to excavation for comparison purposes. Any area not in the roadway that is affected by the construction will have grass seed and straw or hydroseed applied prior to final acceptance of the lines. The City will not accept or provide final acceptance of the water or sewer lines until the repair to the road has been inspected and approved.
Final acceptance of the water or sewer lines will be given in writing and will occur only after the project has been constructed according to the plans, certified by the design engineer for compliance with the plans, passed inspection, and all site cleanup and road repairs have been completed. Lines may be put in service only after final acceptance by the City.
Water And Sewer Service Laterals.
Water and sewer service laterals will be installed to maintain the horizontal or vertical separation required by the Building Code adopted by the City[2] or by Missouri Department of Natural Resources, whichever is more restrictive. Minimum depth of water and sewer service laterals will be eighteen (18) inches. All excavation that occurs on a chip and seal or asphalt road surface must first be saw-cut to provide clean edges for road repairs. All service laterals will be bedded with one- inch base rock beginning four (4) inches below the pipe and continuing to the top of the trench, with all levels thoroughly compacted. All of the items listed in Subsection (A), Water and Sewer Main Lines, will apply to water and sewer service laterals. All costs associated with connecting to the water or sewer systems are the responsibility of the developer.
Editor's Note: See Chapter 500, Building Regulations.
Water services will be installed on the developer's property according to the drawing and specification page provided by the City. The meter pit location is required to be within two (2) feet of the front property line (on private property) and the meter pit is required to extend approximately three (3) inches above the finished grade to prevent infiltration. Meter pits shall not be placed in driveways.
Gravity sewer service laterals will maintain a one percent (1%) to four percent (4%) slope from the residence to the main line and no angles greater than forty five degree (45°) will be permitted. Residences that are below the grade of the gravity sewer line will be allowed to use a sewage ejector pump that discharges solids up to two (2) inches in diameter. It should be noted that the City would prefer developers or contractors use a grinder pump in this instance, but we recognize that it is ultimately the responsibility of the property owner to maintain their sewer service lateral and prevent stoppages in the line. A two-way cleanout with a screw-on cap will be required at the apex of the service line.
Residences served by low pressure sewers are required to use a grinder pump that is compatible with the City's sewer system. All pumps must be reviewed by the City Engineer for compatibility. All pumps and equipment installed to connect to the sewer system is the property of the homeowner and is his/her responsibility to operate and maintain.
In order to ensure that the water and sewer service laterals are functioning as installed, the developer or contractor will be required to send approximately two hundred (200) gallons of water through the sewer service with the inspector in attendance. If the sewer service utilizes a pump, the pump must demonstrate that it can empty the basin two (2) times.
Once the services have been installed as required and inspected, are shown to work, and the trenches have been filled correctly, the services will be approved. The City will then make water service available to the property and a water meter can be installed.
Road Repairs.
Road repairs begin at the property line and extend one (1) foot in all directions past the area disturbed during the installation of water and sewer service laterals and the culvert.
Ditches And Shoulders. Ditches must be restored to preconstruction condition or better. Shoulders will be restored with one-inch base rock.
Gravel Roads. Once the utilities are installed and approved, the road will be patched with one-inch base rock, with compaction before and after the application of the base rock.
Chip And Seal Or Asphalt Roads. All excavation on surfaced roads will require the area to be disturbed be saw-cut prior to using excavation equipment to dig utility trenches. Once the utilities are installed and approved, the road will be swept clean before being repaired. All patches will be completed using hot mix asphalt that is compacted.
Additional supporting documents for this policy are attached to this Chapter and include:
Water Service Illustration.
Parts List for Water Connection.
Road Surface Repairs Illustration.
[Bill No. 158, 8-14-2007]
Any person or corporation violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and be subject to the penalty set out in Section 100.220. Each day a violation is allowed to continue shall constitute a separate offense hereunder and may be punishable as such.