[Ord. of 1-20-1992]
Any determination or investigation into an applicant's
eligibility will be conducted in a manner that will not violate the
applicant's privacy or personal dignity or violate his/her individual
[Ord. of 1-20-1992]
The administrator will grant assistance to all eligible persons
for a period that is sufficient to meet their need but in no event
may a grant of assistance cover a period in excess of one month (22
M.R.S.A. § 4309). Upon any application the administrator
will determine the applicant's eligibility on the basis of a
thirty-day prospective analysis. For reasons of administrative efficiency,
however, the administrator may elect to disburse that applicant's
assistance for shorter periods of time, such as weekly, throughout
the thirty-day period of eligibility. When the administrator elects
to disburse general assistance for a period of time less than 30 days,
subsequent grants of assistance during that thirty-day period may
be issued pursuant to the initial determination of need unless the
applicant's financial situation changes substantially enough
to warrant a redetermination of eligibility.
[Ord. of 1-20-1992; Ord. of 10-4-1993]
(a) Income standards. Applicants whose income exceeds the overall maximum level of assistance provided in §
21-63 shall not be eligible for general assistance except in an emergency. The administrator will conduct an individual factual inquiry into the applicant's income and expenses each time they apply.
(b) Calculation of income. To determine whether applicants are in need, the administrator will calculate the income they will receive during the next thirty-day period commencing on the date of application and any assets or resources that would alleviate their need. For all applicants other than initial applicants, the administrator will also consider as available income any income that was spent during the previous thirty-day period on items that are not basic necessities. If their income exceeds the amount they need for basic necessities, up to the maximum levels contained in §
21-63, applicants will not be considered in need. Exceptions will be made in emergency situations which may necessitate that the maximum levels be exceeded (22 M.R.S.A. § 4308; see §
21-34). To calculate weekly income and expenses, the administrator will divide the applicant's monthly income and expenses by 4.3.
(c) Types of income. Income which will be considered in determining an
applicant's need includes:
Earned income. Income in cash or in kind earned by the applicant
through wages, salary, commissions, or profit, whether self-employed
or as an employee, is considered earned income. If a person is self-employed,
total income will be computed by subtracting business expenses from
gross income. When income consists of wages, the amount computed will
be that available after taxes, social security and other payroll deductions
required by state, federal, and local law. Rental income and profit
from produce that is sold is considered earned income. Income that
is held in trust and unavailable to the applicant or the applicant's
dependents will not be considered as earned income. NOTE: Actual work-related
expenses such as union dues, transportation to and from work, special
equipment or work clothes, and child care costs will not be considered
available income and will be deducted (22 M.R.S.A. § 4301.7).
Income from other assistance or social services programs. State
categorical assistance benefits, SSI payments, Social Security payments,
VA benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, and payments from other
government sources will be considered as income, unless expressly
prohibited by federal law or regulation. Federal law prohibits Food
Stamps and fuel assistance payments made by the Home Energy Assistance
Program (HEAP and EPIC) from being considered income. The value of
the food stamps or fuel assistance will not be used to reduce the
amount of general assistance the applicant is eligible to receive,
although applicants may have only a limited or reduced need for general
assistance for heating fuel or electricity if a recently received
HEAP/ECIP benefit has sufficiently credited their account or otherwise
obviated an actual fuel-related cost over the prospective thirty-day
period. The administrator's obligation is to always compute the
heating needs of an applicant who has received HEAP or ECIP as if
that applicant paid for his/her total fuel costs. Accordingly, in
such cases, the administrator will budget for the household's
heating energy needs according to actual usage, up to the ordinance
maximums, but the administrator may, with written notice to the applicant,
hold in reserve the heating energy portion of the applicant's
deficit until such a time during the period of eligibility that the
applicant has a demonstrable need for the disbursement of heating
energy assistance; that is, the applicant's fuel tank can accept
a minimum fuel delivery or the applicant no longer has a positive
credit balance with his/her utility company. The City is not obligated
to divert any recipient's heating energy allowance toward nonheating
purposes solely on the basis of the recipient's receipt of HEAP/ECIP.
Court-ordered support payments. Alimony and child support payments
will be considered income only if actually received by the applicant.
The general assistance administrator will refer cases where support
payments are not actually received to the State Department of Human
Services' Support Enforcement Location Unit.
Income from other sources. Payments from pensions and trust
funds will be considered income. Payments from boarders or lodgers
will be considered income as will cash or in-kind contributions provided
to the household from any other source, including relatives (22 M.R.S.A.
§ 4301.7).
Earnings of a son or daughter. Earned income received by sons
and daughters below the age of 18 who are full-time students and who
are not working full-time will not be considered income. The unearned
income of a minor in the household will be considered available to
the household.
Income from household members. Income from household members
will be considered available to the applicant, whether or not the
household member is legally obligated for the support of the applicant,
if the household members pool or share their income and expenses as
a family or intermingle their funds so as to provide support to one
another (Boisvert v. Lewiston, Andro. Sup. Ct. CV #80-436).
Income from unrelated household members, such as roommates,
who occupy the same dwelling unit and who contribute their fair share
for living expenses such as rent, fuel, and utilities will not be
considered income that is available to the applicant unless actually
received by the applicant. However, only the applicant's pro
rata share of expenses will be considered when determining his/her
expenses. (Cyr v. Lewiston, White v. Lewiston, Andro. Sup. Ct. CV
#81-47, 81-210).
The pooling or nonpooling of income. When two or more individuals
share the same dwelling unit but not all members of the household
are applying for general assistance, the administrator shall make
a finding under a rebuttable presumption that the entire household
is pooling income (22 M.R.S.A. § 4301.12-A). One or more
applicants for assistance can successfully rebut the presumption that
all household income is being pooled by providing the administrator
with verifiable documentation affirmatively demonstrating a pattern
of nonpooling for the duration of the shared living arrangement. Such
documentation would include evidence of the entire household expenses
as well as bank statements, check stubs, receipts, landlord statements
or other vendor accounts clearly supporting a claim that the applicant
has been and is presently solely and entirely responsible for his
or her pro-rata share of household costs. If the applicant is unable
to successfully rebut the municipality's presumption that all
household income is being pooled, eligibility of the entire household
will be determined based on total household income. If the applicant
successfully rebuts the City's presumption that all household
income is being pooled, the applicant's eligibility will be determined
on the basis of his/her income and his/her pro-rata share of actual
household expenses.
Lump sum income. A lump sum payment received by a household
prior to the date of application for general assistance will be considered
as income available to the household, with the exception of any required
payments (i.e., any third party payment which is required as a condition
of receiving the lump sum payment or any payments of bills earmarked
for the purpose for which the lump sum payment was made) and any amount
of the lump sum payment which the applicant can document was spent
on basic necessities, as described below.
In the case where a lump sum payment was received by a household
at any time prior to the date of application for general assistance,
the administrator will assess the possibility of prorating an applicant's
eligibility for general assistance according to the criteria of 22
M.R.S.A. § 4301.7.
Identify the date the lump sum payment was received;
Subtract from the lump sum payment all required payments;
Subtract from the lump sum any amount the applicant can demonstrate
was spent on basic necessities, including all basic necessities provided
by general assistance in reasonable conformance with the specific
maximum levels of assistance, per month, provided in this chapter;
any reasonable payment of funeral or burial expenses for a family
member; any reasonable travel costs related to the illness or death
of a family member; repair or replacement of essentials lost due to
fire, flood or other natural disaster; repair or purchase of a motor
vehicle essential for employment, education, training or other day-to-day
living necessities (22 M.R.S.A. §§ 4301.7).
Add to the remainder all income received by the household between
the date of receipt of the lump sum payment and the date of application
for general assistance.
Divide the sum created by Subsection 4 above by the aggregate
maximum monthly allocation of general assistance available to the
household pursuant to 22 M.R.S.A. § 4305.3-B (Appendix A).
The dividend remaining after following the above guidelines
represents the number of months from the receipt of the lump sum payment
that the applicant(s) will not be eligible for general assistance,
except no proration of eligibility can extend longer than 12 months
from the date of application. Applicants who have been declared ineligible
for reasons of lump sum proration will not be eligible for emergency
general assistance during the period of proration.
[Ord. of 1-20-1992; Ord. of 10-4-1993; Ord. of 1-3-2000; Ord. of 2-5-2001; Ord. of 12-2-2002]
(a) Overall maximum levels of assistance. Notwithstanding any of the maximum levels of assistance for specific basic necessities listed in this section, an applicant's eligibility for general assistance will be first determined by subtracting his/her income from the overall maximum level of assistance designated immediately below for the applicable household size (22 M.R.S.A. § 4305.3-B). The difference yielded by this calculation shall be the applicant's deficit. Applicants will be eligible for general assistance up to the calculated deficit to the extent the applicant is unable to otherwise provide the basic necessities essential to maintain themselves or their families. Applicants with no deficit shall be found ineligible for general assistance unless they are in an emergency, in which case eligibility for emergency general assistance will be determined according to §
21-34 of this article.
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
No. in Household
Additional persons
Add $75 for each additional person
(b) Maximum levels of assistance for specific basic necessities. The
City will grant assistance to eligible applicants for basic necessities
according to the maximum levels for specific types of assistance set
forth below. The administrator, in consultation with the applicant,
may apply the amount of the applicant's deficit toward assistance
with any one or combination of necessities not to exceed the total
deficit. These maximum levels will be strictly adhered to; although
if the administrator determines that there are exceptional circumstances
and an emergency is shown to exist, these absolute levels will be
waived in order to meet immediate needs (Glidden v. Town of Fairfield,
Som. Sup. Ct. CV #79-17). In all cases, either the actual expenses
the applicant incurs for basic necessities or the maximum amount allowed
in each category, whichever is less, will be used in determining need.
Food. The administrator will provide food assistance to eligible
persons up to the allowed maximum amounts designated by the U.S.D.A.
Thrifty Food Plan for the appropriate household size. For this purpose,
the City hereby incorporates by reference the U.S.D.A. Thrifty Food
Plan, as distributed by the Maine Department of Human Services on
or about October of each year. In determining need for food, the administrator
will not consider the value of the food stamps an applicant receives
as income [22 M.R.S.A. § 4301.7(A); Dupler v. City of Portland,
U.S. Dist. Ct. CV #74-134 SD]. The City will authorize vouchers to
be used solely for approved food products.
The maximum amounts allowed for food are:
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
No. in Household
For additional members, add $106 per month.
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
The administrator will exceed the above maximums when necessary
for households having members with special dietary needs. The administrator
may require a doctor's statement which verifies that there is
a special dietary need that requires an expenditure for food which
is greater than the ordinance maximums.
Housing. The administrator will provide assistance with rent or mortgage payments that are reasonable and within the allowed maximum levels below. It is the applicant's responsibility to find suitable housing, although the administrator may help the applicant find housing when appropriate. The administrator will inform the applicant of the allowed housing maximums to assist him/her in his/her search for housing. The allowed maximum for any applicant will be the categorical housing maximum representing the minimum dwelling unit space necessary to adequately shelter the applicant household. Applicants requesting assistance for housing that contains more bedrooms than are necessary for the number of household members will be provided assistance according to the maximum level for the number of rooms actually needed. The City will not pay security deposits or back bills except in an emergency as provided in §
Rental payments to relatives. The City will not authorize any
rental payment to an applicant's relatives unless the rental
relationship has existed for at least three months and the applicant's
relative(s) rely on the rental payment for their basic needs. For
the purpose of this section, a "relative" is defined as the applicant's
parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, parent's
siblings, or any of those relatives's children [22 M.R.S.A. § 4319(2)].
Rental payments to private homes. When applicants are living
in private homes or sharing dwelling units with other people who are
not requesting general assistance, the amount allowed as the applicant's
shelter expense will be the applicant's pro rata share of the
actual, total shelter cost, up to the ordinance maximum (22 M.R.S.A.
§ 4301.6).
Any housing assistance issued to a recipient in such a circumstances
shall be issued, whenever reasonably possible, to the landlord or
property owner with most superior legal or equitable interest in the
When the City issues in aggregate more than $600 in rental payments
to any landlord in any calendar year, a 1099 form declaring the total
amount of rental payments during the calendar year will be issued
to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) pursuant to IRS regulation.
See § 6041(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Any landlord wishing to regularly receive rental payments from
the City on behalf of applicants renting rooms from the landlord's
own residence must, at a minimum, obtain a lodging license from the
Department of Human Services, Division of Health Engineering, pursuant
to 10-144A Code of Maine Regulations, Chapter 201, as a condition
of that landlord receiving future general assistance payments on behalf
of his or her tenants.
(c) Mortgage payments. In the case of a request for assistance with a
mortgage payment, the general assistance administrator will make an
individual factual determination of whether the applicant has an immediate
need for such aid. In making this determination, the administrator
will consider the extent and liquidity of the applicant's proprietary
interest in the housing.
Factors to consider in making this determination include:
The marketability of the shelter's equity;
The availability of the equity interest in the shelter to provide
the applicant an opportunity to secure a short-term loan in order
to meet immediate needs;
The extent to which liquidation may aid the applicant's
financial rehabilitation;
A comparison between the amount of mortgage obligations and
the anticipated rental charges the applicant would be responsible
for if he/she were to be dislocated to rental housing;
The imminence of the applicant's dislocation from owned
housing because of his/her inability to meet the mortgage payments;
The likelihood that the provision of housing assistance will
prevent such dislocation; and
The applicant's age, health, and social situation.
These factors shall be considered when determining whether the
equity in the shelter is an available asset which may be substituted
for the assistance the City would otherwise be required to provide.
If after reviewing the above criteria the administrator determines
that the payment of the mortgage is not necessary to meet the applicant's
immediate shelter needs, the administrator may elect not to make any
mortgage payment unless the applicant has been served a notice of
foreclosure, although mortgage payments up to the ordinance maximum
for housing will be budgeted as an expense.
If a mortgage payment is necessary, the administrator will pay
the actual amount due, up to the amount allowed according to the maximum
levels listed below, whichever is less. After an initial application,
assistance with such payments will be given only after the applicant
has made all reasonable efforts to borrow against the equity of his/her
home. If there is not sufficient equity in the home with which to
secure a loan, and if the monthly mortgage payments are not realistically
in line with the rental rates for similar housing in the area that
could meet the applicant's needs, the administrator will inform
the applicant that he/she is responsible for finding alternative housing
within his/her ability to pay and will be obligated to make all reasonable
efforts to secure such housing.
(d) Liens.
When the City makes mortgage payments, the City may place a
lien on the property in order to recover its cost of granting assistance
with mortgage payments (22 M.R.S.A. § 4320). No lien may
be enforced against a recipient except upon his/her death or the transfer
of the property. Further, no lien may be enforced against a person
who is currently receiving any form of public assistance or who would
again become eligible for general assistance if the lien were enforced.
If the City determines that it is appropriate to place a lien
on a person's property to recover its cost of providing general
assistance for a mortgage payment, it must file a notice of the lien
with the county register of deeds where the property is located within
30 days of making the mortgage payment. That filing shall secure the
City's or the state's interest in an amount equal to the
sum of that mortgage payment and all subsequent mortgage payments
made on behalf of the same eligible person. Not less than 10 days
prior to filing the lien notice in the registry, the municipal officers
must send a different notice to the owner of the real estate, the
general assistance recipient, and any record holder of the mortgage,
by certified mail, return receipt requested, that a lien on the property
is going to be filed with the registry. This notice must clearly inform
the recipient of the limitations upon enforcement plus the name, title,
address and telephone number of the person who granted the assistance.
The municipal officers must also give written notice to the recipient
each time the amount secured by the lien is increased because of an
additional mortgage payment or the imposition of interest. This notice
must include the same information that appeared on the original notice
of proposed filing sent to the recipient.
The City will charge interest on the amount of money secured
by the lien. The municipal officers will establish the interest rate
not to exceed the maximum rate of interest allowed by the State Treasurer.
The interest will accrue from the date the lien is filed.
(e) Property taxes.
In the event an applicant requests assistance with his/her property
taxes, the administrator will inform the applicant that there are
two procedures on the local level to request that relief: the poverty
abatement process [36 M.R.S.A. § 841(2)] and general assistance.
If the applicant chooses to seek property tax assistance through general
assistance, or if the applicant is denied a poverty tax abatement,
the administrator may consider using general assistance to meet this
need only if:
The property tax in question is for the applicant's place
of residence;
There is a tax lien on the property which is due to mature within
60 days of the date of application; and
As a matter of policy or practice it is reasonably certain that
a tax lien foreclosure will result in subsequent eviction from the
residential property; and
The applicant, with sufficient notice, applies for property
tax relief through the Maine Resident Property Tax Program, when available.
The maximum levels of housing assistance contained in this ordinance
have been derived either from a locally accomplished fair market rental
survey or the fair market rental values developed by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). If the maximum
levels of housing are derived from the HUD values as those values
are prepared and distributed by the Maine Department of Human Services
on or about November 1 of each year, those values are hereby incorporated
by reference. If and when the maximum levels of housing contained
in this ordinance are derived from a locally developed fair market
rental survey, a record of that survey will be submitted to the Department
of Human Services, General Assistance Unit, and the maximum levels
of housing assistance will be incorporated into this ordinance pursuant
to the ordinance adoption and amendment procedures found at 22 M.R.S.A.
§ 4305.
The maximum amounts allowed for housing are:
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
No. of Bedrooms
(f) Utilities.
Expenses for lights, cooking, and hot water will be budgeted
separately if they are not included in the rent. Applicants are responsible
for making arrangements with the utility company regarding service,
including entering into a special payment arrangement if necessary.
Assistance will be granted to eligible applicants on the basis of their most-recent bill. The City is not obligated to pay back bills or security deposits. Exceptions may be made in emergency situations pursuant to §
21-34. Disconnection of utility service will not be considered an emergency in all cases. The administrator will make an individual, factual analysis to determine if the termination of utility service constitutes an emergency. The administrator will consider the household composition, the time of year, the health of the household members, and other appropriate factors in reaching a decision. Applicants who had sufficient income, money, assets or other resources to pay their utility bill when it was received, but who spent all or part of their income on items which were not basic necessities, will not be eligible to receive general assistance to replace those funds. Applicants have the burden of providing evidence of their income for the applicable time period (22 M.R.S.A. § 4308.2, see §
21-34). The administrator will notify applicants in writing that they must give the administrator prompt notice if their utility service is to be terminated or if their fuel supply is low. It is the applicant's responsibility to attempt to make arrangements with the utility company to maintain their service and to notify the administrator if assistance is needed with a utility bill prior to service being terminated.
(3) Electric.
An applicant is not automatically entitled to the maximums; established
applicants must demonstrate need.
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
Households without electric hot water. The maximum amounts allowed
for utilities, hot water, for lights, cooking and other electric uses,
excluding heat, are:
No. in Household
Note: For each additional person, add $75 per month.
Households with electric hot water. The maximum amounts allowed
for utilities, hot water, for lights, cooking and other electric uses,
excluding heat, are:
No. in Household
c. Households
with electric heat. For electrically heated households, the maximum
amount allowed for electrical utilizes per month shall be the sum
of the appropriate maximum amount under this subsection and the appropriate
maximum for heating fuel as provided below:
NOTE: When the dwelling unit is heated electrically,
the maximum amount allowed for heating purposes will be calculated
by multiplying the number of gallons of fuel allowed for that month
by the price per gallon. When fuels such as wood, coal and/or natural
gas are used for heating purposes, they will be budgeted at actual
rates, if they are reasonable. No eligible applicant shall be considered
to need more than seven tons of coal per year, eight cords of wood
per year, 126,000 cubic feet of natural gas per year or 1,000 gallons
of propane.
In accordance with the following conditions, the administrator
may allow as a budgetable expense the amount of an applicant's
summer-loaded special payment arrangement (SPB) or budget payment
arrangement (BPA), as calculated by the electric utility and entered
into by the applicant, even when the arranged payment amount exceeds
the above maximums or actual usage.
The SPA or BPA, when annualized, does not exceed the above monthly
maximums and the fuel assistance maximums, when annualized, for non-electrically
heated dwelling units.
The SPA or BPA, when annualized, does not exceed the above monthly
maximums and the fuel assistance maximums, when annualized, for electrically
heated dwelling units.
The administrator determines, in consultation with the utility,
that the payment arrangement does not include in any part the installment
payment of past debt unless the City guaranteed to the utility the
allowance of such an arrangement as a condition of averting a disconnection.
Pursuant to the use-of-income requirements in §
21-61 of this chapter, whenever the administrator budgets for SPAs or BPAs under this section, the recipient will be required to pay the SPA or BPA himself or herself to the extent of the income capacity of the household.
(g) Non-electric utilities. The allowed amount for water and sewer utility
service will be budgeted at the actual thirty-day cost for those services.
Fuel. Expenses for home heating will be budgeted according to the actual need for fuel during the heating season (September through May) provided such expenses are reasonable, and at other times during the year when the administrator determines the request for fuel assistance is reasonable and appropriate. Assistance will be granted to eligible applicants on the basis of their most recent bill. The City is not responsible for back bills except in an emergency as provided in §
21-34. Applicants are responsible for monitoring their fuel supply and requesting assistance prior to depleting their fuel supply. When applicants who have been informed of this responsibility run out of fuel nonetheless, and can show no just cause for failing to give the administrator timely notice of their need for fuel, the administrator shall find that the emergency was not beyond the applicant's control and process the emergency request accordingly, pursuant to §
21-34 of this chapter.
When considering requests for fuel, eligible applicants will
be granted assistance with the actual amount necessary up to the following
Number of Gallons
When fuel such as wood, coal and/or natural gas are used to
heat, they will be budgeted at actual rates, if they are reasonable.
No eligible applicant shall be considered to need more than seven
tons of coal per year, eight cords of wood per year or 126,000 cubic
feet of natural gas per year.
(h) Personal care and household supplies.
[Amended 2-7-2005; 12-5-2005]
Expenses for ordinary personal and household supplies will be
budgeted and allowed according to the applicant's actual need
for these items, up to the maximums below. Personal and household
supplies include: hand soap, toothpaste, shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant,
dish detergent, laundry supplies and costs, household cleaning supplies,
razors, paper products such as toilet paper, tissues, paper towels,
garbage/trash bags, and light bulbs.
No. in Household
Weekly Amount
Monthly Amount
Note: For each additional person, add $1.25 per week
or $5 per month.
When an applicant can verify expenditures for the following
items, a special supplement will be budgeted as necessary for households
with children under five years of age for items such as cloth or disposable
diapers, laundry powder, oil, shampoo, and ointment up to the following
No. of Children
(i) Other basic necessities. Expenses falling under this section will
be granted when they are deemed essential to an applicant's or
recipient's health and safety by the general assistance administrator
and, in some cases, upon verification by a physician. Assistance will
be granted only when these necessities cannot be obtained through
the utilization of available resources.
Clothing. The City may assist a household with the purchase
of adequate clothing. Before assistance will be granted for clothing,
the general assistance administrator must be satisfied that the applicant
has utilized all available resources to secure the necessary clothing.
In some circumstances, clothing will be a postponable item. Exceptions
to this would be, for example, if fire or unusual cold weather makes
extra clothing an immediate necessity, special clothing is necessary
for the applicant's employment, or a household member is without
adequate clothing.
The City will pay for essential medical expenses, other than
hospital bills (see below), provided that the City is notified and
approves the expenses and services prior to their being made or delivered.
The City will grant assistance for medical service only when assistance
cannot be obtained from any other source and the applicant would not
be able to receive necessary medical care without the City's
assistance. The applicant is required to utilize any resource, including
any federal or state program, that will diminish his/her need to seek
general assistance for medical expenses. The City will grant assistance
for non-emergency medical services only if a physician verifies that
the services are essential. The administrator may require a second
medical opinion from a physician designated by the City at the City's
expense to verify the necessity of the services.
Ordinary medical supplies/non-prescription drugs will be budgeted
at the actual amount when the applicant can demonstrate a need for
such items. Allowable supplies include bandages, aspirin, cough syrup,
and other generic brand, non-prescription medicines. In addition,
the basic monthly rate for telephone service will be budgeted when
a telephone is essential to the health and safety of the household.
In order for telephone service to be considered an allowable expense
the applicant must provide a written statement from physician certifying
that the telephone is essential.
Hospital bills.
In the event of an emergency admission to the hospital, the
hospital must notify the administrator within five business days of
the admission. Notification must be by telephone, confirmed by certified
mail, or by certified mail only. If a hospital fails to give timely
notice to the administrator the City will have no obligation to pay
the bill.
Any person who cannot pay his/her hospital bill must apply to
the hospital for consideration under the hospital's charity care
program as provided in Title 22 M.R.S.A. § 396-F(1). Anyone
who is not eligible for the hospital's charity care program may
apply for general assistance. Applicants must apply for assistance
within 30 days of being discharged from the hospital and provide a
notice from the hospital certifying that they are not eligible for
the hospital's charity care program.
Before the administrator will consider whether to allow a hospital bill as a necessary expense, the applicant must enter into a reasonable payment arrangement with the hospital. The payment arrangement will be based upon the Medicaid rate. In determining an applicant's eligibility the City will budget the monthly payment to the hospital the applicant has agreed to pay. The applicant's need for assistance with a hospital bill will be considered each time he/she applies by including the amount of the bill in the applicant's monthly budget, but the recipient will be responsible for making any necessary payments to the hospital pursuant to the use-of-income requirements found in §
21-61 of this chapter.
Dental. The City will pay for medically necessary dental services
only. If full mouth extractions are necessary, the City will pay for
dentures provided the applicant has no other resources to pay for
the dentures. The applicant will be referred to a dental clinic in
the area whenever possible. The administrator will expect the applicant
to bear a reasonable part of the cost for dental services, including
extractions and dentures, taking into account the applicant's
ability to pay.
Eye care. In order to be eligible to receive general assistance
for eyeglasses, an applicant must have his/her medical need certified
by a person licensed to practice optometry. The general assistance
administrator will provide assistance for eyeglasses to eligible persons
only after the applicant has exhausted all other available resources.
Work-related expenses. In determining need, reasonable and actual
work-related expenses will be deducted from earned income. These expenses
include transportation at the actual costs not to exceed $0.28 per
mile, child care costs, work clothes and supplies. The applicant is
required to provide documentation substantiating the costs and that
the expenses were necessary.
Travel expenses. In determining need, necessary travel which
is not work-related will be budgeted, if the applicant can satisfy
the administrator that the prospective need for travel is necessary.
For applicants in rural areas, weekly transportation to a supermarket
will be considered, as will any medically necessary travel. The rate
at which such necessary travel will be budgeted is $0.25 a mile, and
this rate shall be construed to subsidize all costs associated with
automobile ownership and operation, including gas/oil, tires, maintenance,
insurance, financing, licensing/registration, excise tax, etc.
Burial, cremations. Under the circumstances and in accordance
with the procedures and limitations described below, the City recognizes
its responsibility to pay for the burial or cremation of eligible
Funeral director must give timely notice. In order for the City
to be liable for a burial or cremation expense, the funeral director
must notify the administrator prior to the burial or cremation or
by the end of the next business day following the funeral director's
receipt of the body, whichever is earlier (22 M.R.S.A. § 4313.2).
This contact by the funeral director shall begin the process of developing
an application for burial/cremation assistance on behalf of the deceased.
It is the funeral director's responsibility to determine if the
family or any other persons are going to pay all or part of the burial
expenses. If family members or others are unable to pay the expenses
and the funeral director wants the City to pay all or part of the
expenses, the funeral director must make timely contact to the municipal
administrator. In addition, the funeral director may refer legally
liable relatives to the administrator so that a timely determination
of financial capacity may be accomplished.
Application for assistance shall be created on behalf of the
For the purposes of determining residency, calculating eligibility and issuing general assistance for burial or cremation purposes, an application for assistance shall be created by the administrator on behalf of the deceased. With regard to residency, the municipality of responsibility for burial expenses shall be the municipality in which the eligible deceased person was a resident at the time of death as residency is determined under §
Although legally liable relatives may be asked to provide information
regarding their income, assets and basic living expenses, that information
will not be construed as an application for general assistance inasmuch
as living persons are not eligible for burial assistance. To clarify
this point of law, although legally liable relatives have a financial
responsibility to pay for the burial or cremation of their relatives,
that financial responsibility only exists to the extent the legally
liable relatives have a financial capacity to do so. Therefore, legally
liable relatives who are eligible for general assistance, by virtue
of their eligibility, have no legal obligation to pay for the burial
or cremation of their relatives. For these reasons, all general assistance
issued for burial or cremation purposes shall be issued on behalf
of, and in the name of, the deceased.
The financial responsibility of certain family members. Grandparents,
parents, siblings, children and grandchildren of the deceased, who
live in Maine or own property in Maine, are financially responsible
for the burial or cremation of the deceased to the extent those relatives,
individually or as a group, have a financial capacity to pay for the
burial or cremation either in lump sum or by means of a budgeted payment
arrangement with the funeral home. Accordingly, at the request of
the administrator, all legally liable relatives must provide the municipal
administrator with any reasonably requested information regarding
their income, assets and basic living expenses. If any responsible
family members refuse to provide the requested information or refuse
to allow the City to investigate their resources, the City will not
grant the requested burial or cremation assistance. If the administrator
makes a finding that one or more legally liable relatives has a financial
capacity to pay for the burial, the City will not grant the requested
burial or cremation assistance (22 M.R.S.A. §§ 4309,
Ten days to determine eligibility. The administrator may take
up to 10 days from the date of contact by the funeral director to
issue a written decision regarding the amount of the City contribution
toward the burial or cremation.
The City obligation to pay when legally liable relatives or
others can contribute. The figures provided in this section are the
maximum benefits provided by the City when no contributions toward
the burial or cremation are available from any other source. To the
extent any legally liable relatives of the deceased have a financial
capacity to pay for the burial or cremation, that financial capacity
shall be deducted from the maximum burial costs allowed by this section.
In addition, any other benefits or resources that are available, such
as social security burial benefits, veterans' burial benefits,
or contributions from other persons, will be deducted from the maximum
amount the City will pay.
Burial expenses.
The administrator will respect the wishes of family members
with regard to whether the deceased is interred by means of burial
or cremated. The maximum amount of general assistance granted for
the purpose of burial is $1,000, with additional payments, where there
is an actual cost, for:
The wholesale cost of a cement liner if the cemetery bylaws
require one;
The opening and closing of the grave site;
iii. A lot in the least expensive section of the cemetery.
If the City is able to provide a cemetery lot in a City-owned
cemetery or in a cemetery under City control, the cost of the cemetery
lot in any other cemetery will not be paid by the City.
The City's obligation to provide funds for burial purposes
is limited to reasonable calculation of the funeral director's
direct costs, not to exceed the maximum amounts of assistance described
in this section. Allowable burial expenses are limited to: removal
of the body from a local residence or institution; a secured death
certificate or obituary; embalming; a minimum casket; a reasonable
cost for necessary transportation; and other reasonable and necessary
specified direct costs, as itemized by the funeral director and approved
by the municipal administrator.
Cremation expenses. In the absence of any objection by any family
members of the deceased, or when neither the administrator nor the
funeral director can locate any family members, the administrator
will issue general assistance for cremation services. The maximum
amount of assistance granted for a cremation shall be $700, with additional
payments, where there is an actual cost, for a cremation lot in the
least expensive section of the cemetery, a reasonable cost for a burial
urn not to exceed $50, and transportation costs borne by the funeral
director at a reasonable rate per mile for transporting the remains
to and from the cremation facility.
Capital improvements. The costs associated with capital improvements/repairs
(e.g., heating/water/septic system repair) will generally not be budgeted
as a basic necessity. Exceptions can be made only when the capital
improvement/repair has been preapproved by the administrator as a
necessary expense and the monthly cost of the capital improvement/repair
has been reduced as far as reasonably possible by the applicant entering
into an installment payment arrangement with the contractor. The administrator
may grant general assistance for capital improvements when: 1) the
failure to do so would place the applicant(s) in emergency circumstances;
2) there are no other resources available to effect the capital repair;
and 3) there is no more cost-effective alternative available to the
applicant or City to alleviate an emergency situation. In some cases,
the entire immediate cost of the capital improvement can be mitigated
by the applicant entering into an installment payment arrangement
with a contractor. The City reserves the right to place a lien on
any property pursuant to 22 M.R.S.A. § 4320 when general
assistance has been used to effect a capital improvement. The lien
process shall be accomplished in the same manner as for mortgage payments,
as described in Subsection (b) above.