No city manager, no member of the city council, no subordinate city officer, no member of any board or commission charged with the expenditure of any money appropriated by the city council or belonging to the city, no officer or employee of the city, elected or appointed, shall be interested, directly or indirectly in any contract entered into by or in behalf of the City of Old Town for work or material, or the purchase thereof, to be furnished to or performed for the city, and all contracts made in violation hereof are void and the city treasurer is expressly forbidden to pay any money out of the city treasury on account of any such contract. No such officer or employee, except a policeman or fireman, shall accept or receive from any person, firm or corporation acting under a franchise or license from the city, any frank, free pass, free ticket, or free service, or accept directly or indirectly from any such person, firm or corporation, and service upon terms more favorable than those granted to the public generally. This provision shall not apply, however, to any free service now or hereafter provided for by contract, franchise or ordinance.
This act shall be submitted for approval or rejection to the qualified voters of the City of Old Town at an election to be held the second Monday in September in the year A.D., 1945, and warrants shall be issued for such election in the manner now provided by law for the holding of municipal elections, notifying and warning the qualified voters of said city to meet in the several ward meetings of said city, there to cast their ballot concerning a new charter for the City of Old Town.
The vote shall be taken by ballot at said election in answer to the question: "Shall an act passed by the legislature in the year 1945 entitled 'An Act to Grant a New Charter to the City of Old Town' be accepted?" which shall be printed on the official ballots and at said election the voters of said city in favor of accepting this act shall vote "Yes" and those opposed shall vote "No".
Otherwise said ballot shall be in the form provided by law when a constitutional amendment is submitted to the vote of the people. The provisions of law relating to the preparation of voting lists for municipal elections shall apply to such election and said election shall in all other respects be conducted by law, and the results thereof shall be determined in the manner now provided by law for the determination of the election of mayor. If a majority of the valid ballots deposited as aforesaid shall favor accepting the same, then this act shall forthwith take effect as herein provided.
So much of this act as authorizes the submission of the acceptance of this charter to the voters of the City of Old Town shall take effect as provided in the constitution of the state, but it shall not take further effect unless adopted by the voters of the City of Old Town as hereinbefore provided. If adopted by the voters of the city, then this act for the purpose of nominating and electing officers hereunder shall take effect on the date of its adoption by the voters, and for all other purposes this act shall take effect on the first Monday in January in the year 1946.
All ordinances in force at the time when this charter takes effect, not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter, shall continue in force until amended or repealed.
All rules and regulations of the municipal officers of the City of Old Town in force at the time when this charter takes effect, not inconsistent with the provisions hereof, shall continue in force until amended or repealed.
All rights, actions, proceedings, prosecutions, and contracts of the city or any of its departments, pending or unexecuted when this charter goes into effect and not inconsistent herewith shall be enforced, continued or completed in all respects as though begun or executed hereunder.
All officials, officers, trustees, members of departments, hereafter to be appointed or elected under the provisions of this charter by the city manager or city council, whose term of office has not been herein otherwise provided for, shall not serve out their present terms, but shall continue in office only until their successors are appointed or elected, and qualified, as provided in this act. The term of office of the present members of the board of overseers of the poor, board of health, park commission and cemetery board shall terminate on the first Monday in January, 1946.
In case this act is approved in the manner hereinbefore provided, all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.