Should any section or provision of this chapter or the application of any provision to particular circumstances be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the chapter as a whole, or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. In such case, should any section or provision be declared invalid or void, and the effect would be that there be no zoning, regulations or standards in effect which would be applicable to the particular lot or situation, then the zoning regulations and standards which were in effect and adopted previously.
All ordinances or sections of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed in their entirety and this chapter, as amended and restated, shall be in full force and effect upon adoption by the Board of Supervisors.
This chapter is required for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare and shall be effective upon its passage and signing by the officers of the Board of Supervisors.
This chapter has been duly presented after public hearings and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Brady Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, held on the 16th day of November 2005.