[Ord. No. 01-15 § 1; Ord. No. 03-13 § 1; Ord. No. 03-20 § 1; Ord. No. 06-16 § 1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean all property owned by the Tenafly Board of Education.
Shall mean the Municipal Center of the Borough of Tenafly including Peace Plaza.
Shall mean municipal parks, municipal playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts and other municipal recreation and park facilities in the Borough.
Shall mean all animals that are neither human nor domesticated.
[Ord. No. l 01-15 § 2; Ord. No. 03-13 § 2; Ord. No. 03-20 § 2; Ord. No. 06-16 § 2; Ord. No. 13-26 § 2; Ord. No. 2017-21 § 1]
Entry Prohibited during certain hours. No person shall be allowed in any public recreation area between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except when events or programs specifically authorized by the Mayor and Borough Council are scheduled during those hours.
Consumption of Alcohol Beverage Restricted. No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage, including beer, in any public recreation or other public area of the Borough unless such consumption is approved by the Mayor and Borough Council in connection with an event or program which has received approval by the Borough.
Games of chance prohibited without Prior Approval. No games of chance shall be conducted nor shall participation in any such games of chance be solicited in any public recreation or other public area of the Borough without the prior approval of the Mayor and Borough Council.
Use of Glass Containers for Food or Beverages. No beverage or food shall be consumed in any public recreation or other public area from glass containers except by permission of the Tenafly Recreation Commission.
Restriction Activities. No archery, golf, skateboarding, roller blading, street hockey or operation of power-drive model, mopeds or motorcycles shall be permitted in any public recreational or other public area or any Board of Education area without the prior approval of the Mayor and Borough Council in the case of public recreation or other public areas or the Board of Education in the case of Board of Education areas.
Prohibited Conduct. Abusive, profane or indecent language, or any conduct that may annoy others, shall be prohibited. This shall include any conduct to obstruct, molest or interfere with any person lawfully in any public recreation or other public area including the making of unsolicited remarks of an offensive, disgusting or insulting nature or which are calculated to annoy or disturb the person or persons to whom or in whose hearing they are made.
Promulgation of Rules and Regulations. The Tenafly Recreation Commission shall have the authority to enact by resolution such reasonable rules and regulations in connection with the use and operation of any public recreation area within the Borough.
Establishment of Fees for Use of Areas. The Mayor and Council shall have the authority to enact by resolution reasonable fees in connection with the use of any public recreation or other public area within the Borough.
Feeding of Wildlife Prohibited. No person shall feed, cause to be fed, or provide food for wildlife in any public recreation or other public areas or Board of Education areas as defined herein.
Smoking Prohibited, Smoking and/or the carrying of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other combustible substance, in any manner of any form, including vapor from an electronic smoking device, shall be prohibited at all times, in all Borough parks, playgrounds, playing fields, recreation facilities, and recreational areas. This includes all public areas adjacent to such parks and facilities, including but not limited to the seating areas, parking areas, paths, walkways, driveways, or drive aisles.
Prohibition of Dogs in Children's Playground Areas. No person being the owner or in charge or in control of any dog shall allow or permit it to enter upon any children's playground area within any public recreation area as defined herein.
[Ord. No. 01-15 § 3]
This section shall be enforced by any officer of the Borough of Tenafly, including the Police Department, park Ranger and the Code Enforcement Officer. It shall be the duly of such officer to investigate any reported violation.
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine, the amount of which shall be within the discretion of and shall be fixed by the Municipal Court, but which, in no case, shall be greater than $1,000. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
Editor's Note: The metes and bounds of the Churchill Nature Preserve are established by Ord. No. 788, adopted June 14, 1960, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk.
[Ord. No. 788 § 2]
This park area shall be known as "Churchill Nature Preserve."
[Ord. No. 788 §§ 3, 4]
This park area shall be developed and maintained as a nature preserve. It is the intention that this area shall be maintained and used in such a manner that present and future generations of Tenafly residents may observe the natural flora and fauna of the area in its original state. To that end this park area shall be developed in two sections as follows:
A strip not to exceed 100 feet in width along Churchill Road shall be developed to conform generally to the appearance of adjacent properties, which shall include the planting of native shrubs and trees which may be grassed in.
The interior portion of the park area shall be subjected to minimum disturbance, but may include:
Removal of dead or damaged growth;
Removal of litter;
Access paths and trails may be established, marked and maintained to permit proper enjoyment of the interior;
Flora native to the area may be added from time to time of blend with established plantings;
Trees, shrubs and other natural features of the area shall be identified and labeled in an unobtrusive manner in keeping with the general intent of the nature preserve hereby established and for educational purposes.
The park area hereby established shall be freely accessible to the residents of Tenafly and their guests; provided, however, that the area shall be used only during daylight hours.
There shall be no provision for off-street parking facilities in the park area hereby established.
In order that the natural atmosphere be preserved in the park area hereby established, no tables, lights or water fountains shall be placed in the area, and active sports and picnicking in this park area are prohibited.
[Ord. No. 89-13 § 1; Ord. No. 93-20 § 1; Ord. No. 98-13 § 1; amended 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
Davis-Johnson Park. Any person, individual, organization or group desiring to use the Davis -Johnson Park for any of the following purposes shall make an application, in writing, to the Director of Public Works or his/her designee on a form provided by the Director of Public Works not less than seven days prior to the anticipated use and shall pay a nonrefundable application fee of $40, and, in addition to the application fee, the following charges shall be paid, in advance, upon approval of the use of the park by the Director of Public Works.
Tenafly Residents
Photography at gazebo
Meeting, ceremony or other use of gazebo (other than for item a above)
In addition, a fee of $2 shall be charged for each person attending for any of the purposes set forth in item b above. All fees and charges shall be made payable to the "Davis-Johnson Special Trust Account."
Alliene S. D. Johnson Garden Room. Any person, individual, organization or group desiring to use the Alliene S. D. Johnson Garden room shall make an application, in writing, to the Director of Public Works or their designee on forms to be provided by the Department of Public Works not less than thirty 30 days prior to the anticipated use. The fees for use of the facility shall be set forth in the application form and may be amended by Resolution of the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. No. 93-20 § 2]
The Director of Public Works or his designee is hereby designated as the Public Officer charged with the enforcement of the terms of this Section.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
The purpose of the following provisions of this section are to establish that the Borough may act to temporarily close or limit the use of any public recreation or other public area or any Board of Education area whenever, in the judgment of the appropriate enforcing authority, such action is deemed necessary or desirable for the protection of the health or safety related to the use of such facilities and generally protects the public health, safety and welfare; and to create procedures and authorize rules and regulations thereunder for the temporary closing of parks and recreational facilities in the event of imminent lightning risks.
The Borough may act to temporarily close or limit the use of any public recreation or other public area or any Board of Education area whenever, in the judgment of the appropriate enforcing authority, as defined in subsection 21-1.3 the Code of the Borough of Tenafly, such action is deemed necessary or desirable for the protection of the health or safety of those entitled to use of such facilities.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the activation of the lightning safety system warning siren or strobe lights or the happening of any event which a reasonable person would perceive to be a risk to health and safety due to lightning.
Shall mean an automatic system that enables itself upon the detection of weather threats in the area.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
If a lightning risk warning occurs, all activities within such park or recreational facility shall immediately cease until the lightning warning system provides the all-clear sound; and
All persons within the park or recreational facility when the lightning risk warning occurs shall immediately exit the park or recreational facility and not return until the lightning warning system provides the all-clear sound; and
If a park or recreational facility is closed, as provided in paragraph b, the parks or recreational facilities will be deemed temporarily closed until the lightning warning system provides the all-clear sound.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
All activities, whether or not organized, taking place on public recreation or other public areas or any Board of Education area shall be covered by the Lightning Safety Policy of the Borough of Tenafly.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
The person or persons seeking issuance of such a permit shall be responsible to ensure all coaches, umpires, referees, and or coordinators shall sign the Borough of Tenafly Lightning Safety Policy. (The Policy may be found on file in the Borough offices.)
Each umpire, coach, coordinator or adult in charge of an organized activity shall be responsible to ensure that his or her group follows the Lightning Safety Policy. Disregarding the policy subjects the umpire, coach, coordinator or adult in charge to a possible penalty and suspension of responsibility regarding all Tenafly recreation activities, and privileges including using the fields and parks for organized activity.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
Members of the public using the parks and fields on an individual, unorganized basis are individually subject to the Borough of Tenafly Lightning Safety Policy.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
Any officer of the Borough of Tenafly, including the Police Department, designated agents of the Recreation or Public Works Department or the Mayor and Council shall be authorized to prohibit any actions or conduct which they may consider to be dangerous or improper or any acts or actions in violation of the rules and regulations herein provided and shall have the power of expulsion.
[Ord. No. 13-25]
If this section of the Code of the Borough of Tenafly provides for the licensing or permitting of the violator, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Tenafly reserve the right to revoke such permit or license.
Any person found guilty of violating this section of the Code of the Borough of Tenafly shall be subject to a penalty consisting of a fine or imprisonment, or both, subject to the discretion of the Judge, the maximum of which shall be the maximum fine not to exceed $1,000 or term of imprisonment permitted to be imposed by the court having jurisdiction over the violation of this section of the Code of the Borough of Tenafly.
In the event of a continuing violation, each instance shall constitute a separate offense.