South Bound Brook is governed under the Borough form of government outlined in Chapter 60 of Title 40A of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated. The Administrative chapter has been drafted in conformity with the Borough law and in many instances provisions have been restated. Other enabling laws relevant to this chapter are N.J.S.A. 2A:9-7 et seq., Municipal Court; N.J.S.A. 40:55D-69, Zoning Board of Adjustment; N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23, Planning Board; N.J.S.A. 26:3-1, Board of Health; N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, Police Department; and N.J.S.A. 40A:14-78, Fire Department.
For salary grades and ranges, wages, compensation and fees of all officers and employees of the Borough, see annual salary ordinances of the Borough. Such ordinances are not included in these Revised General Ordinances, but are saved from repeal. See the Adopting Ordinance printed in the foreword of the Code.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
The Council shall consist of the Mayor and six Council members elected at large in the Borough, all of whom shall be elected and take office in the manner provided by law. The terms of office of the Mayor and Council members shall commence on January 1 next following their election.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Borough Council for any reason other than the expiration of the term of office, the vacancy shall be filled pursuant to State Statutes.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
Every person appointed by the Borough Council or by the Governor to fill a vacancy, either for the unexpired term or temporarily, shall have the qualifications required by Statute to permit the appointee to qualify for election to the office, and if the previous incumbent had been elected to office as the nominee of a political party, the person so appointed shall be of the same political party.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
The Borough Council shall meet for organization within the first seven days in January following each general election. Thereafter, the Borough Council shall meet regularly within the Borough at such times and places as provided by resolution. The Mayor shall, when necessary, call Special Meetings of the Council. In case of his/her neglect or refusal, any four members of the Council may call such meetings at such time and place in the Borough as they may designate and, in all cases of Special Meetings, notice shall be given to all members of the Council or left at their places of residence. Notice of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, C. 231, P.L. 1975.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
The Council meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the Bylaws and Rules of Council.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
The Mayor shall preside over all meetings of the Council but shall not vote except to give the deciding vote in case of a tie. Except as otherwise provided by the statute or specific ordinance, the Mayor shall nominate and, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint all officers in the Borough, and the chairman and members of all Standing Committees. No appointments requiring Council confirmation shall be made except by a majority vote of the Council members present at the meeting, provided that at least three affirmative votes shall be required for such purpose, the Mayor to have no vote thereon except in the case of a tie. Vacancies in appointive offices shall be filled by appointment in the same manner for the unexpired term only. The Mayor shall make such nomination to fill a vacancy within 30 days after the appointive office becomes vacant. If the Mayor fails to nominate within 30 days or the Council fails to confirm any nomination made by the Mayor, then, after the expiration of 30 days, the Council shall appoint the officer.
The Mayor shall see that the laws of the State and the ordinances of the Borough are faithfully executed, and shall recommend to the Council such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient for the welfare of the Borough. He shall maintain peace and good order and have the power to suppress all riots and tumultuous assemblies in the Borough.
The Mayor shall supervise the conduct and acts of all officers in the Borough and shall execute all contracts made on behalf of the Council.
[Ord. No. 3-96]
At the organizational meeting the Borough Council, by a majority vote, shall elect from their number a President of the Council who shall preside at all of its meetings when the Mayor does not preside. The President of the Council shall hold office for one year and until the next annual meeting. He/she shall have the right to debate and vote on all questions before the Council. If the Council at its annual meetings fails to elect a President, the Mayor shall appoint the President from the Council and, in that case, no confirmation by the Council shall be necessary. If the Mayor is absent from the Borough for a period of three days or for any reason is unable to act, the President of the Council shall perform all the duties of the Mayor during his/her absence or inability. The Mayor, in case of his/her intended absence from the Borough for more than three days at any one time, shall notify the President in writing of his/her intended absence, whereupon the President shall be and become acting Mayor from the receipt of notice and continue to act until the Mayor's return.