Registration. Each multiple dwelling unit or apartment shall file a Certificate of Registration with the municipal housing inspector pursuant to the State of New Jersey Certificate of Registration Statute, N.J.S.A. 46:8-28.
The landlord of each multiple dwelling unit or apartment shall prepare leases which set forth, at a minimum:
The number of bedrooms in each separate dwelling unit.
The number of permissible inhabitants.
The identity and ages of the individuals who reside at the premises pursuant to the terms of the lease.
The information contained in such lease shall be provided to all Borough officials and agencies including, but not limited to, the Borough schools to verify proof of residency prior to enrollment. The definition of any and all terms relevant to this section shall be the same as set forth in the State of New Jersey Multiple Dwelling Law, N.J.S.A. 55:13a-3 and are specifically incorporated herein by reference.