Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance Nos. 95 and 256.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 1]
For purposes of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein:
Shall mean any public or private utility company making written application to the Borough Engineer of the Borough of Woodbine for an excavation or road opening permit hereunder.
Shall mean the excavation, opening or any other work performed under a permit and required to be performed under this section within the public right-of-way.
Shall mean any person who has applied for and been granted and has in full force and effect a permit issued hereunder.
Shall mean any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, municipality, company or organization of any kind.
Shall mean any street, highway, alley, avenue or any other public way or public ground in the Borough of Woodbine and under control of the Borough of Woodbine.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 2]
It shall be unlawful, except in an emergency as set forth in paragraph b., for any person to engage in any of the following activities unless such person shall first have obtained a permit therefor from the Borough Engineer of the Borough of Woodbine as herein provided:
To dig up, excavate, tunnel, undermine or in any manner break up any street or public right-of-way.
To make or cause to be made any excavation in or under the surface of any street or public right-of-way for any purpose.
To place, deposit or leave upon any street or public right-of-way any earth or other excavated material obstructing or tending to interfere with the free use of the street.
To perform any other operation on any street or public right-of-way which in any manner interferes with or disturbs the surface of such street or public right-of-way.
In the event that any sewer main, conduit or other utility installation in or under any street, alley or public way shall burst, break or otherwise be in such condition as seriously to endanger persons or property, the owner of such sewer main, conduit or other installation shall immediately remedy such trouble and shall immediately take all such necessary steps to make said location safe and secure. Such owner shall not, however, begin making permanent repairs to such street or alley until he shall have secured a permit as hereinafter provided. Such permit shall be applied for within five working days after such break or serious trouble shall have developed, and the necessary permanent repairs to the street, public right-of-way, alley or sidewalk shall be made as directed by the Borough Engineer and shall be completed as soon as practicable, but no longer than 60 days, after receipt of the permit.
Any person failing to apply for the permit necessary to perform any of the activities set forth in this section shall be subject to a penalty as set forth in subsection 18-1.16 of this section.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 3]
A written application for the issuance of an excavation permit shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant; the location and dimensions of the excavation; the purpose of the excavation: the estimated dates of commencement, completion and restoration of the excavation, which in no case will exceed a period of six months from date of application; and such other data as may reasonably be required by the Borough Engineer. The Borough Engineer may authorize an extension of said six-month time period if there is justifiable cause, i.e., weather conditions, strike or other unforeseen circumstances.
The applicant has the additional responsibility of obtaining a separate permit in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2A:170-69.4 to 2A:170-69.6 when the proposed excavation is located within 200 feet of a gas pipeline, and all permits issued by the Borough Engineer are subject to the issuance of said separate permit. The applicant is further responsible for contacting all other local utilities to determine whether any property or facilities of the utilities are located in the vicinity of the proposed excavation site, and, if so, the applicant is obligated to comply with statutes or regulations pertaining thereto.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 4]
Upon application and payment of the fees and deposits for which provision is hereinafter made, the Borough Engineer, in his discretion, may issue or deny a permit to excavate or open the surface of any street or public right-of-way controlled by the Borough of Woodbine, within two weeks of receipt.
No permit shall be issued for any street or right-of-way for a period of five (5) years after the completion of any construction or reconstruction to it, except in an emergency situation, at the discretion of the Borough Engineer.
No permit shall be issued for any road which has been overlaid with bituminous concrete for a period of five years after completion of said overlay, except in an emergency situation or at the discretion of the Borough Engineer or the Mayor, as provided in subsection 18-1.15 of this section.
In nonemergency situations, the Borough Council of the Borough of Woodbine, by resolution, or the Mayor, pursuant to subsection 18-1.15 of this section, may waive the five-year restriction mentioned previously.
The Borough Engineer has the discretionary power, in the case of Borough streets which carry exceptionally heavy volumes of traffic, to forbid an opening or tearing up or excavating of such a road, except in the event of an emergency situation.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 5]
Permits shall become null and void unless work is commenced pursuant to subsection 18-1.3a above. The Borough Engineer may, upon application by the permittee, extend the time limit during which the permit shall be valid.
The applicant shall give a 24 hour notice to the Borough Engineer or his duly authorized representative prior to making any road openings, except in cases of emergency as provided in subsection 18-1.2b. No opening shall be commenced on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, unless in cases of emergency. If done, inspection must be paid for by the applicant at a rate set by the Borough.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 6]
Transferability. Every permit shall apply only to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable.
Commencement of Work. Work under a permit shall commence within six months as set forth in subsection 18-1.3a above. If work is not commenced within that time, the permit shall automatically terminate, unless extended in writing by the Borough Engineer.
Possession of Permit. A copy of the permit, together with a copy of the plan endorsed with the approval of the Borough Engineer, must be available for inspection at the work site and shall be exhibited on demand to any duly authorized employee of the Borough State Police.
Revocation of Permit. The Borough Engineer may revoke a permit for any of the following reasons:
Violation of any provision of this section or any other applicable rules, regulations, laws or ordinances.
Violation of any condition of the permit issued.
Carrying on work under the permit in a manner which endangers life or property or which creates any condition which is unhealthy, unsanitary or declared by any provision of this section to constitute a nuisance.
Modification of Permit Conditions. In a special case, the Borough Council may, by resolution, impose special conditions to which the issuance of the permit may be subject or may decide that any provision of this chapter shall not apply or shall be altered.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 7]
Fees must be paid when the application is made. The applicant shall be charged a nonrefundable application fee of $50 for each permit. In addition to the application, the applicant shall post inspection fees as follows:
Opening an improved or unimproved road, opening in the right-of way, behind the curb, or opening the unpaved shoulder in a public right-of-way. An applicant shall post a minimum fee of $50 per road-opening permit and shall be required to sign the statement to the effect that all reasonable costs by the Borough associated with the inspection of a road opening related to the permit shall be paid upon billing and proof of expenditures of the costs to the Borough. In all cases, the minimum road-opening fee shall be $50. Fees for road-opening permits in excess of $50 shall be based on subsection 18-1.7b.
The road opening permit fee shall be charged by the Borough Engineer for the issuance of a permit, which shall be in addition to all other fees for permits or charges relative to any proposed construction work. The permit fee shall be in an amount varying with the size of the road opening and roadway typical section, as follows:
Size of Trench Opening.
First 16 square feet: $50.
Greater than 16 square feet but less than or equal to 50 square feet: $100.
For every square foot of opening greater than 50 square feet, the fee shall be $1 per square foot.
Curb and Gutter Installation Permits.
Zero to 100 feet: $50.
For every 100 foot increment beyond 100 feet, an additional fee of $25 is charged.
Burial Cable.
Up to 1,500 feet: $50.
Over 1,500 feet: $75 plus $10 for every 1,000 feet thereafter.
The fees apply to cables a maximum width of six inches in shoulder. For cables of greater widths, trench fees apply.
Maximum road opening permit fees shall be based on a cap, set by the Borough Engineer as follows:
Trench opening: $500.
Curb and gutter installation: $500.
Burial Cable: $500.
The maximum road opening permit fee cap may be adjusted on special circumstances impacting the project, which fee shall then be established by the Borough Engineer.
Performance Bond.
No permit shall be issued hereunder prior to the submission of a performance bond in the amount of $90 per square yard of excavation. This performance bond shall serve to guarantee that the road openings will be properly closed and that the road, street or highway will be satisfactorily reconstructed.
In the alternative, a certified check in the same amount shall be provided with the application.
Maintenance Bond.
A maintenance bond shall be posted prior to the release of the performance bond. The maintenance bond shall be equal to 10% of the performance bond. This maintenance bond will remain in effect for a period of two years. This bond may be in the form of a surety bond, cashier's check or certified check. The purpose of the maintenance bond is to guarantee to the Borough of Woodbine that the permittee will satisfactorily maintain the construction, excavation or road opening for a period of two years.
A maintenance bond will not be required if the final restoration is done by the County.
A utility company may, in lieu of giving a separate bond for each project, annually in January of each year, post a performance bond or a corporate bond in an amount sufficient to encompass the estimate work to be performed by said company during the calendar year; provided, however, that when the openings of trenches exceed the amount of the bond posted, additional bonds and/or cash security will be required. Bonds which are based on automatic renewal shall state the renewal date with the certificate of renewal filed with the Borough.
A utility company or authority may also name the Borough as a coholder of its performance and maintenance bonds, provided that they are of greater or equal value, in projects done by an outside contractor.
All checks and bonds under this chapter shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer and shall be made payable to the Borough of Woodbine. Cash will not be accepted. The Borough of Woodbine will hold performance bonds until final inspection and maintenance bonds for two years after final acceptance.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 8]
The applicant, upon securing said permit, agrees that the Borough of Woodbine, its officers, employees and agents will be saved harmless from any and all claims of any nature arising out of the construction of road and street opening work covered by said permit and, further, that the Borough of Woodbine, in issuing said permit, shall not assume the liability in connection therewith. In the event of any suit or claim against the Borough of Woodbine by reason of the negligence or default of the permittee, upon the Borough's giving written notice to the permittee of such suit or claim, any final judgment against the Borough requiring it to pay for such damage shall be conclusive upon the permittee, and the permittee shall be liable for the Borough's costs, together with attorneys' fees, in connection with such suits.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 10]
The permittee shall take appropriate measures to assure that, during the performance of the excavation work, traffic conditions as nearly normal as practicable shall be maintained at all times so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the general public. The permittee shall keep all street openings guarded at all times and shall have lights, barriers and adequate safety devices as described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices maintained throughout the performance of the work, and no greater part of any road shall be opened than that specified in the permit.
All persons, firms or corporations granted a permit to make an excavation, opening or trench in the public streets and highways of the Borough shall, at all times, maintain suitable barricades and guards, display proper warning signals and flags, in accordance with the current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or any supplemental or amendments thereto, and provide all necessary watchmen to prevent injury to any person or vehicle by reason of the work. Such barricades shall be protected by sufficient lights at nighttime. Streets and highways must be kept open for traffic at all times except when otherwise ordered or approved by the Borough Engineer. All excavations remaining open overnight shall be further protected by an enclosure consisting of, as a minimum, a snow fence. This regulation shall not excuse the permittee from taking any other precaution reasonably necessary for the protection of persons or property and shall not be deemed as authorization to leave a street open when ordered to do otherwise by the Borough Engineer.
All work shall be done in such a manner as to cause a minimum of interference with travel on the street affected. No public right-of-way shall be closed to traffic without prior consent of the Borough Engineer. The New Jersey State Police (Woodbine Barracks Commander) shall be informed of all street closings at least 48 hours in advance. In the event that a road is closed, uniformed police may be required to act as traffic directors, and the proper traffic control devices shall be erected and maintained in accordance with standards described in the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as published by the Federal Highway Administration. The permittee desiring to close a road to traffic shall also notify the Fire Department, school board and postal service. The permittee shall pay for all costs associated with uniformed police service.
Where flagmen are deemed necessary, they shall be furnished by the permittee at its own expense. Through traffic shall be maintained without the aid of detours, and in the instances in which this would not be feasible, the Borough Engineer will designate detours. The Borough shall maintain roadway surfaces of existing roadways designated as detours without expense to the permittee, but in case there are not existing roadways, the permittee shall construct all detours at its own expense and in conformity with the specifications of the Borough Engineer.
The excavation work shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire stations and fire hydrants, utility valves and maintenance. Materials or obstructions shall not be placed within 15 feet of fire plugs. Passageways leading to fire escapes or fire-fighting equipment shall be kept free of piles of material or other obstructions.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 11]
The following measures shall be taken to ensure the safety and protection of the traveling public:
Any portions of work areas not closed to traffic must be temporarily patched with cold patch a minimum of two inches thick and properly maintained, until final paving is installed.
The permittee shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to confine earth from trenches or other excavations in order to encroach upon roadways as little as possible.
The permittee shall construct and maintain adequate and safe crossings over excavations and across highways under improvement to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic at all street intersections.
The permittee must call the New Jersey Utility Opening Service at (800) 272-1000 and obtain clearances before beginning excavation.
It is urged that all utilities be constructed with a minimum of three feet of cover to provide protection for the utilities in the event that future Borough street or public right-of-way reconstruction, repair or modifications necessitate excavation, undercutting or installation of facilities in the area where the utility is located. This location will in no way relieve the utility owner of the responsibility of relocating said utility at said utility owner's expense in case of conflict with future construction, reconstruction or modification of Borough-related facilities.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 12]
All work shall be governed by the New Jersey State Department of Transportation 1989 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, with all amendments and supplements except as supplemented herein.
No work shall be done in such a manner as to interfere with any water main or sewer line or any connection with either of the same from any building, unless that is the purpose of the excavation or permission has been obtained in advance from the Borough Engineer. No work shall be carried on in such a manner as to result in damage or destruction of any property of the Borough of Woodbine, unless that is necessary for completion of the work and permission has been obtained in advance from the Borough Engineer.
For all openings:
The paved roadway surfaces shall be cut vertically with a harp tool on a straight line before excavating. The edges of the opening shall be as square and clean-cut as possible.
The material excavated from the trench opening shall not be replaced as backfill unless specifically permitted by the Borough Engineer.
All excavations shall be completely backfilled by the permittee and shall be compacted by tamping or other suitable means in a manner prescribed by the Borough Engineer. Where the Borough Engineer determined that the excavated material is unsuitable for backfill, the permittee shall backfill the excavation with sand, cinders or other suitable material, which shall be placed in layers (not exceeding six inches in depth) and thoroughly compacted in the manner prescribed by the Engineer, upon completion of the work, the permittee shall remove any excess material and leave the premises in a clean condition. If the Engineer determines that any backfilled excavation has settled or caved in, he shall notify the permittee, who shall promptly continue backfilling until the Engineer determines that settlement is complete.
Clean granular backfill shall be furnished from outside sources and deposited in layers and compacted in such a manner and by such matters as to achieve 95% standard proctor density throughout the entire backfill.
If tunneling operations are required, the tunnel shall be backfilled with rammed concrete or pressure-grouted.
The uncompleted length of a road opening allowed under a permit at any one time shall not exceed 50 linear feet, unless approved by the Borough Engineer.
All openings must be backfilled immediately and final pavement restored between 30 and 90 days.
All openings in roadside areas shall be backfilled and leveled with clean granular material to within four inches of the adjacent grade. After proper settlement, four inches of topsoil shall be placed and the area fertilized and seeded. Mulching shall also be placed when directed by the Borough Engineer. Should proper growth not be achieved, the area will be reseeded as necessary.
Road openings and/or trenches involving unusual or special conditions shall be restored in accordance with and pursuant to the direction of the Borough Engineer.
Any opening or restoration procedure which is not in conformance with the technical specifications listed in this section must be approved by the Borough Engineer.
Upon completion of work, the applicant will request a final inspection by the Borough Engineer. If work is completed in a satisfactory manner, a certificate of satisfactory completion will be signed. Upon the signing of this certificate and the delivery of a maintenance guaranty to the Borough Engineer, the performance guaranty will be returned.
In any case where the contractor has not complied with these regulations to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, the Engineer, without notice, may cause the work to be done, and the cost shall be charged against the bonding company.
Where openings are made in a roadway, disturbing more than 25% of the roadway, the entire roadway width shall be overlaid with a two-inch and variable thickness of FABC-1, Mix 5, pavement applied to the entire length of the disturbed area and rolled in place to obtain a smooth pavement surface.
The Borough Engineer may, in his discretion, waive the paving of the entire roadway in cases where less than 50% of the roadway is disturbed.
All traffic control devices, i.e., signs, stripes, etc., removed as a result of said permittee's street opening shall be replaced in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, upon final restoration.
All excess of excavated materials on any street shall be promptly removed from the street by the person, firm or corporation receiving the permit.
The contractor shall furnish sufficient pumping equipment at his own expense for satisfactory drainage whenever needed in the trench and other excavations during the progress of the work.
All water pumped and bailed from the trench or other excavation shall be conveyed in a proper manner to a suitable point of discharge.
The flow in all sewers, drains and watercourses encountered on the work, and in gutters alongside of or across the work shall be entirely provided for, both temporarily and permanently, as required, by the contractor and at his expense.
Hay bales or other methods approved by the Soil Conservation Service shall be placed at inlets to prevent sand and silt infiltration.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 13]
Temporary Restoration.
Temporary restoration shall consist of a two-inch minimum compacted depth of bituminous cold-patch material placed on the base material, brought to adjacent existing grade, and shall be maintained by the permittee. During the months when hot-mix bituminous concrete is commercially unavailable, the trench or excavation shall be restored using 10 inches of gravel subbase and two inches of cold-mix bituminous concrete, RR102-Fine, or its equal. The contractor shall, to the satisfaction of the Engineer or his designated representative, maintain the surface of the trench until permanent restoration is made.
No permittee shall commence the final restoration of any street foundation or surface until the settlement of the subsurface is complete and the area is properly prepared for final restoration. Should settlement continue to be inadequate, the Borough Engineer shall determine when the work is acceptable for final restoration.
Final Restoration of Oil and Stone Roadways.
For openings in gravel and oil and stone roads, clean granular backfill shall be added. Eight inches of road gravel (soil aggregate Type I-5) shall then be added to a level 10 inches minimum below the level of the adjacent paved surfaces. A two-inch minimum depth of cold patch shall be placed on the base material as temporary restoration only.
The permittee shall perform the final restoration by removing the two-inch patch and replacing it with FABC-1, Mix-5, rolled in place to obtain a smooth pavement surface. All joints between the new and existing pavements shall be saw-cut and sealed with a tack coat.
Asphalt Pavement Restoration, Final.
As to asphalt pavements, before placing the base course, the opening shall be cut back six inches beyond the perimeter of the trench opening and a tack coat applied to all joints. The tack coat shall be asphaltic oil Grade RC-O or emulsified asphalt 2S-2 or equal. At least one foot of backfill shall be quarry blend, except high-pressure liquids, i.e., water mains or services, where eight inches of compacted gravel (soil aggregate Type I-5) will be acceptable. Where the existing pavement depth is greater than two inches, the layer of crushed stone [one and one-half (1 1/2) inches (quarry blend)] shall be installed at a twelve-inch depth between the gravel and bituminous stabilized base course to obtain a minimum depth of four inches bituminous stabilized base course (I-2 or I-3) conforming to the standard specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
For openings in newly constructed or reconstructed [five years old or less] pavements, a four-inch minimum final layer of bituminous stabilized base (I-2 or I-3) course shall be required on all openings and two inches FABC surface course (I-4 of I-5) as specified in the standard specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
For openings in concrete or asphalt overlays on concrete, reinforced Class C concrete shall be installed at a minimum thickness of six inches or whatever is existing, whichever is greater. The concrete shall be doweled into existing concrete with No. 6 rebars 12 inches O.C. in all directions. If an asphalt overlay existed over the concrete, then the identical thickness of bituminous stabilized base course shall be placed over any new concrete repairs.
If the work is not completed within the time specified in the permit or any extension granted by the Borough Engineer or is not performed in accordance with the regulations set forth in this section and any other regulations that may be established by the Borough Engineer, then the Borough may complete the work itself and restore the surface of the street. The cost of completing the work and restoring the street shall be charged to the permittee and may be recovered without limit by an action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
The applicant shall have 24 hours to effectuate repairs to any opening when notified by the Borough Engineer. Prior to final restoration, should the applicant fail to make repairs, repairs will be made by the Borough, and all costs of said repair shall be borne by the applicant. If payment is not made, the Borough will notify the applicant of its intent to file against the bond.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 14]
If more than three individual holes are required within the twenty-foot length, a single trench must be used rather than the individual holes. In no case will more than three individual holes be permitted.
The Borough shall periodically inspect all road openings and the repair and resurfacing thereof for the purpose of determining compliance with any conditions imposed on the issuance of the permit and the specifications. The Borough may, upon the recommendation of its inspector:
Order a temporary stop to any road opening.
Order that the applicant perform or correct specified work in accordance with the directions of the Borough Engineer.
Order a stop to any work and revoke the permit, in which event the Borough shall complete or cause to be completed the work and declare the applicant's cash deposit forfeit or notify the applicant's surety of an intent to file claim on the bond.
Correct any work after notification to the applicant and the neglect or the refusal of the applicant to make corrections as indicated and, upon doing so, declare the applicant's cash bond forfeit or notify the applicant's surety of an intent to file a claim on the bond.
Take any other action deemed reasonable under the circumstances.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 15]
If, by special permission of the Mayor or his designee, a permit is issued to open any paved or improved street surface less than five years old, a penalty charge shall be made for the opening, except that the penalty shall be waived in the event that the work is an emergency nature. The penalty charge shall be equal to 2% of the cost of restoring the opening for each unelapsed month or fraction thereof for the five-year restriction period.
Example. For an opening made with 55 months left on the moratorium the total permit fee shall be calculated as follows:
Cost of opening:
Penalty fee:
(2% x 55 months) x $975 = $1,072.50
Penalty fee:
Cost of opening:
Application fee:
Total permit fee:
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 16]
The terms of this section shall not apply to a road, street, avenue, highway or right-of-way within any subdivision approved by the appropriate governmental bodies prior to the Borough of Woodbine having accepted the same for maintenance.
In an appropriate case of an application of a public utility for the installation, removal, replacement or maintenance of utility poles in the right-of-way where the cartway will not be disturbed, damaged or substantially affected and where said activities will not create, constitute or result in a hazard or conditions detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, the Borough Engineer or his designee may waive compliance by said utility with the terms of this section as may be deemed inappropriate to the accomplishment of the intent and purposes of this section.
The Borough Engineer or his designee may waive compliance with any of the terms of this section in the case of an application by a Federal, State, county or municipal governmental body, department, agency or authority.
[Ord. No. 442-2002 § 17]
The penalty prescribed for any violation of this section or any subsection thereof shall be a fine not exceeding $200 or imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or both. Each day shall be considered a separate offense.
The municipality may withhold issuance of future permits if the applicant has failed to restore prior street openings in compliance with this section.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance Nos. 8 and 442-2002.
[Ord. No. 518-2010 § I]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:65-1 et seq., the Governing Body finds and declares that it is in the best interest of public safety that property owners abutting sidewalks cause the same to be kept free from obstructions and nuisances of every nature so as to provide for the free flow of pedestrian traffic in a safe manner in the Borough of Woodbine.
[Ord. No. 518-2010 § II]
OBSTRUCTIONS — Shall mean any object or thing which is located upon a sidewalk or walkway which in any way impedes the free flow of pedestrian traffic upon said sidewalk or walkway;
NUISANCE — Shall mean an obstruction and/or thing such as water from a sprinkler, snow, ice or dirt, even of a temporary nature, which would make travel upon the sidewalks impractical. It is not necessary for said nuisance to block or impede the ability of a pedestrian to walk upon the sidewalk.
SIDEWALK or WALKWAY — Shall be interchangeable and shall mean that portion of property located between any road or highway and the adjacent property upon which pedestrians travel dedicated to the Borough as a right-of-way for said purposes.
[Ord. No. 518-2010 § I]
Owners of property directly adjacent to any sidewalk or walkway within the Borough shall be responsible to immediately remove any obstructions or nuisances upon said sidewalk at the expense of such property owners,
[Ord. No. 518-2010 § II]
Should any property owner responsible to remove said obstructions or nuisances fail to do so for a period of 10 days after written notice has been given to said property owner by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Borough of Woodbine or his/her designee, a formal complaint may be filed in the Borough Court against said property owner for enforcement of this section. The Municipal Court in its discretion may impose penalties prescribed by Chapter 1, Section 1-5 et seq., of the Borough Code and, in addition, may impose restitution in favor of the Borough for all costs incurred to effect the removal of said obstructions or nuisances.