There is created a Personnel Committee, which shall consist of four members of the City Council (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Council") to be appointed by the Executive and Rules Committee, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. Each member shall serve for a term of one year. One member shall be designated by the Personnel Committee as its Chairman. The Committee shall meet at such times as it may determine.
The Personnel Committee shall:
Advise the Council on matters concerning personnel administration;
Make any investigation which it deems advisable concerning the administration of personnel in the City and report its findings and recommendations to the Council;
Recommend to the Council policy rules and procedures pertaining to personnel administration;
Recommend to the Council wages, salaries and fringe benefits for all City employees;
Select the final candidate from those submitted and recommended by a department head; or if there is no department head, the Personnel Committee shall select the finalist. The Committee may, alternatively, report its recommendations to the Council as a whole, which shall then make the selection(s) and act thereon. The appointment of City officers shall be made in accordance with § 85-5.7.