[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Westbrook 6-15-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-56 (Ch. 19 of the 2007 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Walker Memorial Library is a department of the City of Westbrook and is subject to all terms and conditions of said departments under the City Charter, Code of Ordinances and other rules and policies established by the City.
The Mayor shall appoint a Library Director, who shall discharge all duties incumbent upon the City respecting the Walker Memorial Library which has been established in the City under the provisions of the last will and testament of Joseph Walker.
The Mayor, the City Council and the Library Director shall make and adopt suitable rules and regulations respecting the care, use and control of the grounds, building and collection of the Walker Memorial Library, with the cooperation and advice of the Trustees appointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Cumberland under the 28th item of said will.
Establishment of the Advisory Committee. There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The members of the Advisory Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms. For the first set of appointments, one member shall be appointed for a one-year term, two members shall be appointed for a two-year term and two members shall be appointed for a three-year term. New members shall be appointed to hold office from the first Monday in December of each year. The Library Director and the Trustees appointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Cumberland under the 28th article of the will of Joseph Walker shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the Advisory Committee.
Officers. The Advisory Committee shall elect one of its appointed members as the Chair and another of its appointed members as the Vice Chair at its first meeting after annual appointments occur.
Meetings. The Advisory Committee shall meet four times per year or as otherwise deemed necessary by the Library Director. The Library Director shall prepare and distribute an agenda for each meeting.
Responsibilities of Committee. The Advisory Committee shall serve as an advisory board to the Mayor and the City Council. The Advisory Committee will assist the Library Director in identifying community interests and needs as well as in developing long- and short-term goals for the library, as well as assisting the Library Director in developing library policies for consideration and approval by the City Council. The Advisory Committee shall also have the following responsibilities:
Encourage the public to use the library and its resources.
Promote cooperation with the Friends of the Walker Memorial Library, members of the public and other interested parties.
Serve as an advocate for the library with respect to resource allocation and fundraising.
The Westbrook City Council shall serve as the Trustee of the Gerald C. Fluett Walker Memorial Trust. Financial management responsibilities of said Trust shall be the responsibility of the City of Westbrook's Finance Director, consistent with the provisions of Gerald C. Fluett Walker Memorial Library Trust established by City Council Order 1991-73, adopted on July 1, 1991.