Unnecessary noise prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in such a manner which shall make or cause to be made any loud, disturbing or unnecessary sounds or noises such as may tend to annoy or disturb another in or about any public or private area in the City of Colby.
Unnecessary smoke prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in such a manner which shall make or cause to be made any smoke, gases or odors which are disagreeable, foul or otherwise offensive and which may tend to annoy or disturb another in or about any public or private area in the City.
Unnecessary acceleration and display of power prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle, including motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and bicycles, in such a manner as to cause, by excessive and unnecessary acceleration, the tires of such vehicle or cycle to spin or emit loud noises or to unnecessarily throw stones or gravel; nor shall such driver cause to be made by excessive and unnecessary acceleration any loud noise as would disturb the peace.
Avoidance of traffic control device prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in such a manner as to leave the roadway and travel across private property to avoid an official traffic control device, sign or signal.
Operation in restricted area prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in such a manner as to leave the roadway and park, stop or travel upon or across any public or private property, parking lot, driveway or business service area for any purpose except the official conduct of business located on said property without the consent of the owner or lessee of the property. This subsection shall specifically include, but not be limited to:
Public park property;
Cemetery properties;
School District property;
Medical facilities;
Funeral homes;
Service stations;
Grocery stores;
Financial institutions; and
Other similar-type businesses with service driveways or drive-up or drive-through facilities.
Stopping and parking prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to stop or park a motor vehicle in any manner on any public or private property or parking lot contrary to a regulatory sign posted thereon which may permit parking by certain persons and limits, restricts or prohibits parking as to other persons without the consent of the owner or lessee of the property. Any vehicle parked in violation of this subsection may be removed or towed by the property owner at the vehicle owner's expense.
Compression brakes prohibited.
No person shall use motor vehicle brakes within the City of Colby which are in any way activated or operated by the compression of the engine of any such motor vehicle or any unit or part thereof. It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution under this subsection that said compression brakes were applied in an emergency and were necessary for the protection of persons and/or property.
Any person violating the provisions of this subsection, being found guilty of the same, shall be assessed a forfeiture of between $30 and $100, plus court costs.
The City of Colby's Mayor and/or his/her designee is authorized and directed to post appropriate signs consistent with the provisions of this subsection.
Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and regulations.
Obedience to traffic control devices. No person shall fail to obey the instructions of any uniform traffic control device when traveling as a pedestrian on any highway within the City of Colby unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer.
Crossing at crosswalks. No pedestrian shall cross at a crosswalk except on the right half thereof whenever practicable. Where sidewalks are provided, no pedestrian shall walk along and upon an adjacent roadway except when the sidewalk is visibly unsafe, obstructed or closed to public travel.
Prohibited pedestrian crossings. No pedestrian shall cross between adjacent intersections, unless such crossing is permitted by official traffic control devices.
No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle on any pedestrian way or sidewalk within the City of Colby, except maintenance vehicles.
Pursuant to § 349.215, Wis. Stats., those adult persons appointed by the Police Department to act as school crossing guards shall have the authority to stop vehicular traffic and to keep it stopped as long as necessary at their respective school crossings for the purpose of permitting school children to cross the street.
Driving over curbing prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to be driven or backed over any curbing in the City of Colby.
Driving over safety zones or islands prohibited. Whenever safety zones or safety islands are marked in accordance with the Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual, no operator of a vehicle shall at any time drive through or over a safety zone or safety island.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 10-1-45, Railroad Trains Not to Block Streets, of the 1995 Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 3-5-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-3.
No person, firm or corporation shall at any time place or allow to be placed upon the traveled portion of any street in the City of Colby, Wisconsin, any snow, ice, debris, refuse or any objects or substances.
No vehicle shall be operated or moved on any street unless such vehicle is so constructed and leveled as to prevent its contents from dripping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom.
No vehicle shall be operated on any street in the City of Colby which has mud or other substances which may become dislodged from its wheels, tracks or otherwise so that the same becomes distributed upon the streets.
Taxi owner's license. No person shall have or keep or use for hire or cause to be kept or used for hire for transportation of persons within the City of Colby an automobile, coach, cab or taxicab without first obtaining a license from the City of Colby and paying therefor to the City Clerk-Treasurer fees as set by the Common Council for the first vehicle and for each subsequent vehicle. Such license shall show the number of vehicles licensed and shall be issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer upon production by any applicant of a receipt showing the payment of the license fee. The person obtaining such license shall keep the same posted in a conspicuous place at his/her principal place of business and shall show such license to any person upon request. Such license shall expire on December 31 of the year following the date of its issuance.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Liability insurance. No owner of any automobile or similar motor vehicle for the transportation of persons within the City of Colby for hire shall operate the same within the City of Colby unless there shall have been filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer and accepted by said Clerk-Treasurer satisfactory proof that the licensee is insured for bodily injury liability in an amount to protect the passengers to the extent of $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each occurrence, and for property damage liability in the sum of $50,000 for each occurrence arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the licensed vehicle or any nonowned automobile. If any insurance carried by the licensee shall become inoperative, no cab shall be operated until proof of liability coverage meeting the requirements of this section has been filed.
Taxi driver's license. The driver of any automobile, cab, carriage or other vehicle used for hire for transportation of persons in the City of Colby who does not own such vehicle driven by him/her shall, before driving or operating such vehicle upon the streets of the City of Colby, obtain from the City Clerk-Treasurer a taxi driver's license and shall pay therefor to the Clerk-Treasurer a license fee as set by the Common Council.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No taxi owner's license or taxi driver's license shall be issued unless the owner or the driver is at the age of 18 or older and of good moral reputation and character.
Before issuing a taxi owner's license, the Chief of Police shall make an inspection of the vehicle or vehicles to be operated by the taxi owner or the taxi driver, and the Chief of Police shall advise the City Clerk-Treasurer if said vehicle is safe for the transportation of passengers.
Renewal of driver's license. Every license issued to any driver shall be issued for a period of two years and shall expire on the last day of December of the second year following the date of its issuance; provided, however, that the City Clerk-Treasurer may at any time for a cause, or upon complaints substantiated by satisfactory evidence, revoke the license so issued to any such driver, and conviction of any such driver of any crime or misdemeanor shall be sufficient cause for such revocation. Any taxi owner's license may be suspended by the City Clerk-Treasurer or permanently revoked for good cause shown, and any conviction of any such owner of any crime or misdemeanor shall be sufficient cause for such suspension or revocation. Any taxi owner or taxi driver may appeal from the decision of the City Clerk-Treasurer to the Common Council at any regular meeting and the owner or the driver shall be entitled to a public hearing to determine whether cause exists for the revocation or suspension by the City Clerk-Treasurer.