[Ord. #12/6/72, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any contrivance used or designated for navigation or for flight in the air.
Shall mean Borough of Beachwood, Ocean County, New Jersey.
Shall mean any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copy of any matter of literature which:
Advertises for sale any merchandise, product commodity or thing.
Directs attention to any business or mercantile or commercial establishment or other activity, for the purpose of either directly or indirectly promoting the interest thereof by sales.
Directs attention to or advertises any meeting, theatrical performance, exhibition or event of any kind for which an admission fee is charged for the purpose of private gain or profit.
While containing reading matter other than advertising matter, is predominantly and essentially an advertisement and is distributed or circulated for advertising purposes or for the private benefit and gain of any person so engaged as advertiser or distributor.
Shall mean any store or building or group thereof, including shopping centers, shopping plazas and other similar places wherein mercantile activities and services are offered to the public, and shall include all parking areas serving such places.
Shall mean putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
Shall mean garbage, refuse and rubbish, as defined herein and all other waste material which, if thrown or deposited, as herein prohibited, tends to cause a danger to public health, safety and welfare or creates unsightliness.
Shall mean any newspaper of general circulation as defined by law; any newspaper duly entered with the post office department of the united states in accordance with federal statute or regulation, and any newspaper filed and recorded with any recording officer, as provided by law. In addition thereto, shall mean and include any periodical or current magazine regularly published with not less than four issues per year and sold to the public.
Shall mean any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, newspaper, magazine, paper, booklet or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or original, or copies of any matter of literature not included in the aforesaid definitions of a commercial handbill or newspaper.
Shall mean a park, reservation, playground, beach, recreation center or any other public area in the Borough owned or used by the Borough and devoted to active or passive recreation.
Shall mean any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
Shall mean any house, building or other structure designed or used either wholly or in part for private residential purposes, whether inhabited or temporarily or continuously uninhabited or vacant, and shall include any yard, grounds, walk, driveway, porch, steps, vestibule or mailbox belonging or appurtenant to such dwelling, house, building or other structure.
Shall mean any and all streets, sidewalks, boulevards, alleys or other public ways and any and all public parks, squares, spaces, grounds and buildings.
Shall mean all putrescible and nonputrescible solid wastes (except body wastes), including garbage, rubbish, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles and solid market and industrial wastes.
Shall mean nonputrescible solid wastes consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as yard clippings, leaves, wood, glass, bedding, crockery and similar materials.
Shall mean every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, including devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 2]
No person shall throw or deposit litter in or upon any public place within the Borough except in public receptacles, in private receptacles for collection or in official Borough dumps or rubbish pits. Persons placing litter in public receptacles or in private receptacles shall do so in such a manner as to prevent it from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon private property.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 3]
No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street or other public place within the Borough the accumulation of litter from any building or litter from any public sidewalk or driveway. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 4]
No person, while a driver or passenger in a vehicle, shall throw or deposit litter upon any public place, private premises or commercial place.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 5]
No person shall drive or move any truck or other vehicle within the Borough unless such vehicle is so constructed or located as to prevent any load, contents or litter from being blown or deposited upon any street, alley or other public place.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 6]
No person shall throw or deposit litter in any park within the Borough except in public receptacles and in such a manner that the litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any part of the park or upon any street or other public place. Where public receptacles are not provided, all such litter shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere, as provided herein.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 7]
No person shall throw or deposit litter in any fountain, pond, stream, river or any other body of water in the Borough.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 8]
No person shall throw or deposit any commercial or noncommercial handbill in or upon any sidewalk, street or other public place within the Borough.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 9]
No person shall throw or deposit any commercial or noncommercial handbill in or upon any vehicle; provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful in any public place for a person to hand out or distribute, without charge to the receiver thereof, a noncommercial handbill to any occupant of a vehicle who is willing to accept it.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 10]
No person shall throw or deposit any commercial or noncommercial handbill in or upon any private premises which are temporarily or continuously uninhabited or vacant.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 11]
No person shall throw, deposit or distribute any commercial handbill in or upon private premises which are inhabited, except by handing or transmitting any such handbill directly to the owner, occupant or other person then present in or upon such private premises. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the distribution of mail by the United States nor to newspapers (as defined herein), except that newspapers shall be placed on private property in such a manner as to prevent their being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon private property.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 12]
No person in an aircraft shall drop or deposit within the Borough, any litter, handbill or any other object.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 13]
No person shall throw or deposit litter on any occupied private property or commercial place within the Borough, whether owned by such person or not, except that the owner or person in control of such private property or commercial place may maintain authorized private receptacles for collection in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon any private property.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 14]
Each owner or person in control of any commercial place, including shopping centers and delivery and parking areas thereat, shall keep the places, parking areas, delivery areas and other open areas which are a part of such commercial place free from litter.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 15]
The owner or person in control of any private property shall at all times maintain the premises free of litter; provided, however, that this subsection shall not prohibit the storage of litter in authorized private receptacles for collection.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 16]
No person shall throw or deposit litter on any open or vacant private property within the Borough whether owned by such person or not.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 17]
The violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $100 for each offense. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. Imprisonment in addition to, or in lieu of fine, may also be imposed, not to exceed 10 days for each violation.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 1; Ord. #2012-07]
It shall be unlawful for any owner or owners, occupant or occupants, tenant or tenants of any lot or tract of land situate within the Borough to permit or maintain on any such lot or tract of land any brush, weeds, dead or dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash and debris injurious to the public health, safety and general welfare or where the same shall tend to create a fire hazard. Grass or weeds in excess of eight inches in height shall be considered a violation of the within section.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 2; New; Ord. # 2012-07]
Any owner or owners, occupant or occupants, tenant or tenants who shall neglect to cut and remove or otherwise destroy such brush, grass, weeds, dead or dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash and debris as directed by this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject, for each offense, to the General Penalty as established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. # 12/20/72, § 3; Ord. #2012-07]
The Borough Code Enforcement Officer or his or her designee may at any time he or she believes there was a violation of the within provisions shall give notice to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, tenant or tenants to cut and remove or otherwise destroy any such brush, weeds, grass, dead or dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash and debris within 10 days after notice to remove the same has been received from the Borough, which notice may be affected by personal service, by regular mail, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Thereafter, the Borough shall cause the same to be removed under the direction of the Code Enforcement Officer or the designee or any other duly authorized individual of the Borough; and such officer shall certify the costs thereof to the Borough Council, which shall examine the certificate and, if found correct, shall cause the cost as shown thereon to be charged against the land and premises; and the cost shall be added to and become and form a part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon the land, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 4]
The imposition and collection of the fine imposed by this section shall not constitute any bar to the right of the Borough to collect the cost, as certified, for the removal of such growths, in the manner herein authorized.
[Ord. #2012-07]
At any time the Code Enforcement Officer, his designee or a law enforcement officer of the Borough determines that an emergent situation exists which presents a condition which could cause serious or life threatening injury or death said official shall request immediate securing or repairing to alleviate said condition. Thereafter, said officer shall certify the cost thereof to the Borough Council, which shall examine the certificate and, if found correct, shall cause the cost as shown thereon to be charged against the land and premises; and the cost shall be added to and become and form a part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon the land, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
[Ord. # 2012-07]
The owner or owners, occupant or occupants, tenant or tenants responsible for causing said emergent situation shall, in addition to the above referenced costs, be subject, upon conviction, to the General Penalty as established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. #2012-07]
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to protect and promote the public health through the control of the growth of invasive plant species.
Definition. Invasive plants and all native and non-native vines and vegetation that grow out of place and are competitive, persistent, and pernicious. These plants may damage trees, vegetation, or structures. Examples include but are not limited to bamboo (spreading or running type), ragweed, multi flora rose, kudzu-vine and poison ivy or oak.
All persons must control the growth of invasive plants. Failure to control the spread of such vegetation beyond the boundaries of a resident's property is a violation of this subsection.
All places and premises in the Borough of Beachwood shall be subject to inspection by the enforcing officer. Such inspections shall be performed by such person, persons or agency duly authorized and appointed by the Borough of Beachwood. Such inspection shall be made if that official has reason to believe that any portion of this subsection is being violated.
Violations and Penalties.
Whenever an invasive plant as defined by this subsection is found on any plot of land, lot or any other premises or place, a violation shall be given to the owner, in writing, to remove or abate the same within such time as shall be specified therein (recommend time in years — due to difficulty of removing bamboo).
The cost of abatement shall be borne by the property owner.
If the owner fails to comply with such notice within the time specified therein, the enforcing official may remove or otherwise control the invasive plant species and the Borough may thereafter recover the cost of such removal from the property owner and place a lien on the property to recover the cost of invasive plant removal.
[Ord. #2005-19, § 3]
For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this chapter clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The definitions below are the same as or based on corresponding definitions in the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) rules at N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1.2.
Shall mean waste and wastewater from humans or household operations.
Shall mean any physical or nonphysical connection that discharges domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater, or other industrial waste (other than stormwater) to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by the Borough of Beachwood, unless that discharge is authorized under a NJPDES permit other than the Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit (NJPDES Permit Number NJ0141852). Nonphysical connections may include, but are not limited to, leaks, flows, or overflows into the municipal separate storm sewer system.
Shall mean nondomestic waste, including, but not limited to, those pollutants regulated under Section 307(a), (b) or (c) of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317(a), (b) or (c)).
Shall mean a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains) that is owned or operated by the Borough of Beachwood or other public body, and is designed and used for collecting and conveying stormwater.
Shall mean a permit issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to implement the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) rules at N.J.A.C. 7:14A.
Shall mean water used to reduce temperature for the purpose of cooling. Such waters do not come into direct contact with any raw material, intermediate product (other than heat) or finished product. Non-contact cooling water may however contain algaecides or biocides to control fouling of equipment such as heat exchangers and/or corrosion inhibitors.
Shall mean any individual, corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or political subdivision of this State subject to municipal jurisdiction.
Shall mean any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product or waste product. Process wastewater includes, but is not limited to, leachate and cooling water other than non-contact cooling water.
Shall mean water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewerage or drainage facilities, or is conveyed by snow removal equipment.
[Ord. #2005-19, § 1]
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged through an illicit connection to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by the Borough of Beachwood any domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater, or other industrial waste (other than stormwater).
[Ord. #2005-19, § 1]
This section shall be enforced by the Police Department, the Municipal Code Enforcement Officer or any duly-authorized or deputized individual.
[Ord. #2005-19, § 1]
Any person who violates any one or more subsections of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500 for each separate offense and/or confinement in the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days.
[Ord. #2005-19; Ord. #2010-06]
For the purposes of the within section an illicit connection to the Beachwood Sewerage Authority sewerage collection system shall be any connection made to said system other than by permit issued by the Beachwood Sewerage Authority in accordance with its rules and regulations.
[Ord. #2010-06]
A person or entity is prohibited to make any connection to the Beachwood Sewerage Authority sewerage collection system without a permit issued by said Authority in accordance with its rules and regulations. Such prohibited connection shall include, but not be limited to, a sump pump connection by a customer of said system.
[Ord. #2010-06]
During any Certificate of Occupancy inspection or continuing Certificate of Occupancy inspection the appropriate inspector shall inspect for illicit connections to the Beachwood Sewerage Authority system as part of said inspection.
[Ord. #2010-06]
If the provisions of any subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this section shall be judged invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such order of judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this section.
[Ord. #2005-19; Ord. #2010-06]
This section shall be enforced by the Municipal Code Enforcement Department, Building Department, or any other duly authorized or deputized individual.
[Ord. #2005-19; Ord. #2010-06]
Any person or entity that violates any one or more of the above sections shall be subject to a fine or not more than $1,000 for each separate offense and/or confinement to the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean remaining idle in essentially one location and shall include the concepts of spending time idly, loafing or walking about aimlessly and shall also include the colloquial expression "hanging around."
Shall mean any adult person having care or custody of a minor, whether by reason of blood relationship, the order of any court or otherwise.
Shall mean any place to which the public has access and shall include any street, highway, road, alley or sidewalk. It shall also include the front or the neighborhood of any store, shop, restaurant, tavern or other place of business, and public grounds, areas, parks, as well as parking lots or other vacant private property not owned by or under the control of the person charged with violating this section, or in the case of a minor, not owned or under the control of his parent or guardian.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 2]
No person shall loiter in a public place in such manner as to:
Create or cause to be created a danger of a breach of the peace;
Create or cause to be created any disturbance or annoyance to the comfort and repose of any person;
Obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles;
Obstruct, molest or interfere with any person lawfully in any public place as defined in subsection 3-3.1. This subsection shall include the making of unsolicited remarks of an offensive, disgusting or insulting nature or which are calculated to annoy or disturb the person to, or in whose hearing, they are made.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 3]
Whenever any police officer shall, in the exercise of reasonable judgment, decide that the presence of any person in any public place is causing or is likely to cause any of the conditions enumerated in subsection 3-3.2, he may, if he deems it necessary for the preservation of the public peace and safety, order that person to leave that place. Any person who shall refuse to leave after being ordered to do so by a police officer shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 4]
No parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 18 years shall knowingly permit that minor to loiter in violation of this section.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 5]
Whenever any minor under the age of 18 years is charged with a violation of this section, his parent or guardian shall be notified of this fact by the Chief of Police or any other person designated by him to give such notice.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 6]
If at any time within 30 days following the giving of notice as provided in subsection 3-3.5, the minor to whom such notice relates again violates this section, it shall be presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary that the minor did so with the knowledge and permission of his parent or guardian.
[Ord. #12/6/72, § 7; New]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance No. 10/7/77.
[Ord. #96-10, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any unemancipated person under the age of 18 years.
Shall mean any adult person having the care or custody of a juvenile either by reason of blood relationship, court order or otherwise. This definition is intended to include either or both natural parents of a minor, the legal guardian of such minor or any other adult persons who have voluntarily or otherwise assumed the responsibilities of a natural parent with respect to the custody, care and control of the minor. The term "parent" shall not apply to natural parents, legal guardians or other persons whose responsibility for the custody and control of such minor has been transferred to another person, or otherwise terminated by court order, or by the emancipation of the minor by marriage, military service or other circumstances.
Shall mean any conduct which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a violation of the New Jersey Statutes and/or Beachwood Borough Ordinances.
Shall mean any place to which the public has access, including but not limited to a public street, road, thoroughfare, sidewalk or boardwalk, bridge, alley, plaza, park, recreation or shopping area, public transportation facility, vehicle used for public transportation, parking lot or any public building, structure or area.
[Ord. #96-10 § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person under 18 years of age to be or remain upon any street or alley or other public place in the Borough between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. unless such person is accompanied by a parent or guardian or other person having custody of such minor or unless in the performance of duty directed by such parent or guardian or other person having custody or unless such person is in lawful employment making it necessary to be in such places between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
[Ord. #96-10, § 1]
The provisions of this section shall not apply when the juvenile is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult having the care and custody of the juvenile, or under any of the following circumstances:
Where the juvenile is on a medical emergency, errand or other legitimate business directed by the juvenile's parent or guardian;
When the work time of the juvenile who is gainfully employed overlaps with the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
When the juvenile is in attendance at a function sponsored by a religious, educational, or civic organization;
When the juvenile is in attendance as a bona fide student at an evening school of instruction;
When the juvenile is in attendance at a civic, cultural, recreational or social function;
When the juvenile is exercising rights protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right of assembly;
When the juvenile is traveling directly to or from his residence between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. as a result of any of the activities set forth above.
[Ord. #96-10, § 1]
Unlawful for parent to permit violation. It shall be unlawful for any parent, to assist, aid, abet, allow, permit, suffer or encourage such juvenile to go or be upon any street, alley, or other public place in the Borough between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. with the exceptions as set forth above. It shall further be. unlawful for any parent, to assist, aid, abet, allow, permit, suffer or encourage such juvenile to commit a violation of the public peace as defined herein within the Borough, whether by overt act, by failure to act or by failure to exercise supervision and control over such minor.
Notice to parents. If any juvenile is found to be violating the provisions of this section, and shall be apprehended for such violation, the Borough Police Department shall immediately notify the parents, guardian or other adult having care and custody of the juvenile of such arrest, and the violations and penalties applicable pursuant to this section. Upon such notification, such parent, guardian or other adult having care and custody of the juvenile shall immediately provide for the juvenile's placement in their care, custody and keeping, and no fine or penalty shall be imposed on the parent. Any further violation of the provisions of this chapter by the juvenile, after such notification to the parent, guardian or other adult having care and custody, shall be deemed a violation of subsection 3-4.4 of this chapter and shall be punishable by the fines provided therein.
Defense. It shall be no defense to any violation charge hereunder that a parent, guardian or other adult was completely indifferent to the activities, conduct or whereabouts of such juvenile who is charged with a violation of this section.
[Ord. #96-10, § 1]
Any parent, guardian or other adult person having legal care and custody of a juvenile who knowingly allows or permits the juvenile to violate the provisions of this section, after notice of the violations and penalties applicable pursuant to this section, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of $50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense; $200 for the third offense; and $500 for the fourth and any subsequent offenses. Any juvenile who violates the provisions of this section shall be placed in the jurisdiction of the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part for such disposition as the Court may deem appropriate.
[Ord. #96-10, § 1]
The penalty provisions of this section shall be cumulative, not exclusive, and the State or any other person shall maintain the right to proceed under any other legally available remedy.
Editor's Note: Former Section 3-5, Parental Responsibility, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 5/5/76 was repealed by Ordinance No. 96-10.
Editor's Note: See also Section 3-21 for the storage and disposition of impounded and abandoned motor vehicles.
[Ord. #6/18/65, § 1; Ord. #9/13/73, § 84-1; Ord. #12/3/79, § 1; Ord. #93-14, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any owner, possessor or occupant of lands in the Borough, to permit to be stored or placed upon such lands, any machines, or parts of machines, any vehicle, vessel or other means of conveyance which falls under regulatory direction of the Department of Motor Vehicles so in need of repair as to render the same incapable of being readily operated under its own power, except where such storage is specifically authorized by Chapter 17, Development.
[Ord. #6/18/65, § 2; Ord. #12/3/79, § 1; Ord. #93-14, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any machines, parts of machines or any vehicle, vessel or other means of conveyance which falls under the regulatory direction of the Department of Motor Vehicles so in need of repair as to render the same incapable of being readily operated under its own power, on land of another without permission of the owner, possessor or occupant of such lands.
[Ord. #6/18/65, § 3; Ord. #9/19/73, § 84-3; Ord. #12/3/79, § 1]
Upon complaint of any resident or property owner of the Borough, or any employee of the Borough, or upon his own motion, the Code Enforcement Officer, or his designated agent, shall make an investigation of the condition complained of and notify the owner, possessor or occupant of the lands complained of, personally or by certified mail, to take such steps as will effectively remove the violation from the land, within 10 days of the notice.
[Ord. #6/18/65, § 4; Ord. #9/19/73, § 4-4; Ord. #12/3/79, § 1]
The Code Enforcement Officer shall reinspect the lands after the ten-day period shall have expired and if the unlawful condition previously complained still exists, a summons shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer, to the owner, possessor or occupant of the lands.
[Ord. #6/18/65, § 5; Ord. #9/19/73, § 84-5; Ord. #12/3/79, § 1]
Any person, firm or corporation being convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50, and no more than $500 or to imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the Municipal Judge.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to leave outside of any building or dwelling in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, unattended or discarded icebox, refrigerator or any other container of any kind which has an airtight door or lock which may not be released for opening from the inside of the icebox, refrigerator or container.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to leave outside of any building or dwelling in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, unattended or discarded icebox, refrigerator or any other container of any kind which has an airtight snap-lock or other device thereon without first removing the snap-lock or doors from the icebox, refrigerator or container.
[Ord. #12/20/72, § 3]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to leave, in a place accessible to children, any abandoned or unattended well, cesspool or cistern without an adequate and substantial cover.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the General Penalty as established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. #85-10, § 1]
The purpose of this section is to control and regulate unlicensed motor vehicles within the Borough of Beachwood in order to preserve the public peace and order and protect the health and welfare of the general public of the Borough.
[Ord. #85-10, § 2; Ord. #85-14, § 1]
Shall include but is not limited to mini-bikes, motor scooters, go-carts, swamp buggies, mopeds, and snowmobiles and any other motor-driven vehicle not capable of being registered under Title 39, Motor Vehicles, of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, as amended, except such vehicles as are in such Title expressly exempted from registration. Subsections 3A and 3B shall also apply to vehicles licensed under Title 39, Motor Vehicles, of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, as amended.
[Ord. #85-10, § 3]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit and suffer to be operated a motor-driven vehicle, as defined herein, within the Borough under the following circumstances:
On private property of another without the express, prior, written consent of the owner and the occupant of the property.
On any public grounds or property.
In such manner as to create loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb or interfere with the peace and quiet of other persons.
In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger the safety or property of any person.
[Ord. #85-10, § 4; New]
Any person under the age of 18 years who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be a juvenile delinquent and shall be proceeded against as such.
Any person who violates any one or more of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the General Penalty as established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any two- or three-wheeled vehicle having wheels of such diameter as to be considered for off-sidewalk use.
Shall mean a child's three-wheeled or training two-wheeled vehicle with wheels of eighteen (18") inches diameter or less.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 2]
It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the Borough to issue registration tags to all residents upon application to the Police Department. Registration shall be offered as a protection against theft and an aid in loss recovery but shall not be considered mandatory.
There shall be provided by the Police Department annual registration of each bicycle.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 3]
It shall be considered unlawful to register any bicycle without proof of ownership, such as a bill of sale, or a sworn statement of ownership.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 4]
The Police Department of the Borough shall inspect the bicycle at the time of registration to ensure the safe mechanical condition of the vehicle, but such inspection shall not be a guarantee of the soundness of the vehicle by the Police Department.
[Ord. 11/19/75, § 5]
It shall be the duty of the Police Department to maintain all records of bicycle registration and to promote the importance of the registration program to all residents who own bicycles.
[Ord. #88-7, § 1]
The annual registration fee shall be one ($1.00) dollar per bicycle.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 6]
Every bicycle shall be equipped with a light on the front projecting a white light visible at least five hundred (500') feet to the front during hours of darkness and shall also have affixed a red reflector of at least two (2") inches in diameter on the rear so as to be visible for a distance of at least five hundred (500') feet to an approaching vehicle from the rear.
Every bicycle shall be equipped with a bell or horn giving an audible signal for at least one hundred (100') feet.
No person riding any bicycle designed to seat one person shall allow anyone else to ride on the bicycle unless the use of a sturdy "kiddie" seat attached for the purpose of transporting small children shall be employed.
No person operating a bicycle shall practice towing or being towed by any other vehicle with the exception of towing a specifically designed bicycle trailer.
Every bicycle shall be equipped with reflectors or reflection tape visible from either side of the bicycle to oncoming traffic.
It shall be suggested to all parents of children and other owners of bicycles that they ensure the safe mechanical condition of their bicycles and participate in bicycle safety programs held by the Police Department at designated times.
Every person operating a bicycle in the Borough shall obey all traffic laws that pertain to other moving vehicles.
All persons operating bicycles in the Borough shall ride to the right side of the roadway and in single file when in groups, exercising due care when passing parked vehicles.
All persons operating a bicycle shall take due care and consideration of pedestrians when going from street to sidewalk, and the same consideration for all other traffic when going from sidewalk to street.
It shall be mandatory for all persons operating a bicycle in the Borough after dark to wear at least one piece of light-colored clothing or a reflective vest to ensure visibility to oncoming traffic.
Trick riding or fancy riding shall be considered a violation of the rules and regulations of safe bicycle riding unless conducted in nonpublic thoroughfare areas.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 7]
It shall be the duty of the Police Department to conduct a bicycle rodeo consisting of registration, safety instruction and competitive skill performance tests at least once a year.
[Ord. #11/19/75, § 8]
Any person, eight years of age or over, who violates any of the sections or rules and regulations of this section shall, for the first offense, be reprimanded by a letter from the Police Department. In the case of persons under the age of 18, all correspondence shall be sent to the parent or guardian. The reprimand shall include a description of the events or nature of the violation, plus a warning that repetition could result in impoundment of the bicycle for a period of seven days should the violation be repeated.
A second offense shall require the offender to appear at police headquarters with his or her bicycle. A second offender under the age of 18 years shall appear accompanied by his or her parent or guardian. A hearing before the Chief of Police or the Traffic Safety Officer shall take place, and the decision of punishment to the offender shall be decided which shall not exceed impoundment of the offender's bicycle for a period in excess of seven days.
In the case of a third offense, the Police Department shall issue a traffic summons. If the offender is under 18 years of age, the summons shall be issued to the parent or guardian who shall be required to appear in Municipal Court, where the Judge of the Court shall determine the punishment which shall be a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $50 for each offense.
[Ord. #6/30/32]
Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person excepting officers or employees of the Borough, to cut or trim, damage or destroy, or to cause to be cut or trimmed, any of the trees, bushes, flowers or shrubbery in any of the public parks or within the lines of any of the public streets or highways or other public places within the limits of the Borough.
[Ord. #6/30/32; New]
Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. #12/18/74, § 1]
Pursuant to the provisions of the Bingo Licensing Law, and particularly under the authority of P.L. 1954, c. 6 p. 37, § 8 (N.J.S.A. 5:8-31), pertaining to the conduct of the game of chance commonly known and designated as "bingo," there is hereby authorized in the Borough of Beachwood the conduct of bingo games of chance on the first day of the week commonly known and designated as "Sunday."
[Ord. #12/18/74, § 1]
The conduct of bingo games on Sunday shall be subject to all provisions of the laws of the State of New Jersey applicable thereto and to the rules and regulations promulgated from time to time by the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission and to such other regulatory actions which may be lawfully taken from time to time by any authorized agency or political subdivision of the State of New Jersey.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance #82-5, #98-22 and #2001-17.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
The purpose of the within section is to establish a motor vehicle towing operator's list and uniform charges for said service. The Borough's towing agreement is based upon an all-inclusive list of willing gasoline service stations and public garages with towing capability to serve the Borough's needs on a rotational basis. Towing shall be to the Borough's facilities unless specifically otherwise requested by the owner of the vehicle. From time to time, the Borough shall establish a new agreement with said towing operators which will run for a minimum of one year or until a successor agreement is executed.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
Shall mean charge for post accident services including, but not limited to, services such as physical inspection, telephone and/or fax calls, removal of personal items and additional paperwork. Said fee shall be $5.
Shall mean the removal and transportation of a vehicle from a highway, street or other public or private road or a parking area or from a storage facility, and other services normally thereto, but does not include the recovery of an automobile from a position beyond the right-of-way or berm or from being impaled upon any other object within the right-of-way or berm.
Shall mean the removal of a vehicle from a position beyond the right-of-way or berm of any roadway, but does not include any area where the recovered vehicle, if operable, could be driven from, without the assistance of special equipment or others.
Recovery can be achieved by several actions which may include but are not limited to winching and rigging. A recovery is when the tow operator applies his knowledge in a skillful manner to preserve the condition of the motor vehicle while moving the damaged vehicle to a towable position.
Shall mean charge for a motor vehicle towed into the storage facility of the primary tower or Borough impound yard that is not movable and must be towed out of the primary tower's storage facility or Borough impound yard to a public street for towing by the secondary tower. The charge for said tow is $35.
Shall mean additional time a tow operator spends at the scene other than the time required for the actual tow and/or recovery. Examples of waiting time may include, but are not limited to, EMS services which must be performed and/or police investigations.
Shall mean the process of moving a motor vehicle by the use of the cable from a position that is not accessible for direct hook-up by conventional means for loading onto a tow vehicle. Winching is not pulling a vehicle onto a tilt bed or carrier, nor lifting a motor vehicle with a conventional tow sling.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
An application for authorization as a proprietor of a towing or wrecking business to be placed upon the list to be utilized by the Police Department shall be made by the person or firm engaged in operating a wrecker or wreckers. The fee for said application or renewal shall be $25 per year or portion thereof for the first year. Thereafter said fee or renewal shall be based on a calendar year and said application shall be submitted by no later than December 31st of each year. The application shall be made on forms furnished by the Borough Clerk and specifically report the following facts:
The full name and address of the applicant. If the application is made for a corporation, it shall state the names and addresses of the officers and directors thereof, its registered office and its registered agent.
The year, make and type of each wrecker used in the business, its serial number, registration number and registered owner.
The address where the wrecker or wreckers shall be regularly garaged, the telephone numbers available on a 24 hour per day basis and the names of all operators, their addresses and the serial number of their New Jersey motor vehicle licenses.
The application for a license shall be accompanied by a list of towing vehicles showing proper registration, inspection and insurance certificates being provided to the Borough. Said insurance certificate shall show garagemen liability as well as liability covering the operation of licensee's equipment and wrecker or for any bodily injury or property damage in a minimum amount of $500,000/$1,000,000, with the Borough named as an additional insured.
The Borough Clerk shall refer the application for authorization to the Police Department for a check of all equipment, personnel and facilities of the applicant to determine the ability of the applicant to perform the business herein regulated.
The office, workshop and storage areas of the applicant must be located in zones where such use is permitted.
Each vendor providing towing service shall show proof of ownership or a lease agreement for a proper land area to store a minimum of six cars. Each land storage area shall be fully enclosed by a cyclone fence sufficient for security purposes. Adequate lighting, shielded from abutting premises, shall be maintained during the night hours.
Each tower shall have an enclosed garage, so as to provide inside secured storage for at least one vehicle.
Equipment on Vehicles. No licensee shall possess or exhibit flashing lights except as provided by the statute.
A minimum of two flashing yellow lights pointed to the rear and so mounted as not to be obstructed by any motor vehicle being towed by the licensee.
A minimum of two flashing yellow lights spaced at least four (4') feet apart and so constructed as to be mountable on the rear of any vehicle being towed.
A 360 degree rotating amber beacon light mounted over the cab.
All lights of such candlepower in intensity as to be visible 1/4 of a mile away.
Dual rear wheels or equivalent.
Originate from a garage equipped with a portable car dolly.
A power take off controlled winch with a minimum cable thickness of three-eighths (3/8") of an inch or equivalent.
Weight equal to the vehicles to be towed, with a minimum of 5,500 pounds.
A three-eighths (3/8") inch safety chain. The lift chain and the safety chain are not to be attached in any form or manner to the same part of the wrecker.
One shovel and one broom for use in removing debris from roadway.
One 20 pound dry chemical fire extinguisher.
One five gallon bucket of sand, speedy dri or Absorbant C.
After the application has been submitted and the aforementioned has been reviewed by the Police Department, it shall be forwarded to the Police Chief for approval or disapproval by him.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
No provider hereunder may assign or delegate its responsibilities for performance arrangements on a non-fee, fee or a "medallion rights" basis. Bona fide sales of the participant's business may be assigned as long as the purchaser complies with the provisions of this section.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
All participants in the within agreement shall tow vehicles to the Borough's impound facility located at 1600 Pinewald Road, Beachwood, New Jersey. However for all other tows, the vehicle owner/driver may specifically request towing to another facility, which he shall arrange. However, if the driver/owner requests such a tow and that operator does not respond within 20 minutes and the police officer on the scene determines the vehicle is in a dangerous area, then the police shall have the right to call a Borough licensed wrecker.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
The licensee shall be required to keep a daily log of all related towed vehicles reflecting the following:
Date and time of request.
Date and time of vehicle when towed.
Address from where the vehicle was towed and address to where the vehicle was towed.
Name of towing operator performing service.
Complete dates of storage of said vehicle.
Date of release of said vehicle, complete name and address of person obtaining vehicle and whether police vehicle impound was required and produced.
Make, model, year and license plate of vehicle.
Description of general condition of vehicle with damages noted.
All other necessary and pertinent information requested by the Police Department.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
No person shall drive a wrecker who is under the age of 18 years and who does not have in his or her possession a valid license duly-issued to him to operate a motor vehicle in the State of New Jersey. Said driver must have all required licenses at all times while operating this motor vehicle.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
All towing assignments shall be given on a rotational basis and the schedule shall be affixed to the Borough's agreement with said towing operators. Soliciting business or "chasing" motor vehicle accidents by participants who were not scheduled to respond shall be sufficient cause for the governing body to terminate the participation of the violator.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
While on call, the service station or towing operator shall be available and respond within 15 minutes to any site within the Borough of Beachwood regardless of weather conditions. Participants shall supply no more nor less than one day and one night telephone number and one pager number. Towing operators eligible for the within list shall be within a 15 minute response time to any location within the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
In the event that a licensee is requested by the Police Department to render services in accordance with this section at the scene of a motor vehicle accident, the licensee shall remove from the street all broken glass, metal and other debris resulting from said accident.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
The Police Chief shall see that a record is maintained containing names, addresses and 24 hour telephone numbers of all licensed wreckers, and a record of the types of wreckers available to meet the specific need of the emergency. The Police Chief shall also see that a record is maintained of the regular response of wreckers to police calls and any and all complaints from vehicle owners as to improper service or charges.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
Licensee shall take all reasonable precautions required by the Police Department to avoid damage to any evidence, such as fingerprints, when rendering services in accordance with this section.
All motor vehicles which contain or involve evidence necessary to the Police Department and stored by the licensee in accordance with this section shall be stored pursuant to the following requirements. Licensee shall have available and must provide for a protected area for storage of impounded vehicles to be used in criminal cases. Protected areas shall include inside storage of vehicles or fenced-in storage of vehicles so as to preclude in either case access to such vehicle by unauthorized persons. He must also in the case of outside storage, cover-up said vehicle to protect interior from weather elements exposed.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1; Ord. #2005-06, §§ 1, 2; amended 2-1-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-01]
The following rates and charges shall be in effect until otherwise amended by the governing body:
Class I — Standard towing or flatbed service of a motor vehicle up to 10,000 lbs.
Class II — vehicles between 10,001 to 15,000 lbs.
Flatbed Service
Class III — vehicles weighing 15,001 lbs. and over
Off-road recovery/winching (to be billed in 30-minute increments)
Storage Rate (if required)
$50.00 per day or a portion thereof
Administrative Fee for Borough Police Department
Towing operators shall only be compensated for flatbed service if the same is approved by the police officer at the location of the tow.
If the owner of the vehicle arrives at the scene subsequent to the tow operator's being called and arriving at the scene and beginning to prepare for the tow, then if the owner satisfies the obligation to the tower, the vehicle may be released to the owner. However, if there is no such satisfaction, then the towing operator may complete the tow to the impound facility.
There shall be no fee charged to the Borough of Beachwood for the towing of any Borough police vehicle, nor any charge for tire repairs to any police vehicle belonging to the Borough of Beachwood within a reasonable distance from the Borough of Beachwood. Said reasonable distance shall be established as within Ocean County.
There is hereby established a fee of $20 for waiting time to be charged in 30 minute increments.
[Ord. #2001-24, § 1]
In the event that a participant fails to abide by the within regulations and towing agreement, then the following procedure shall apply:
The Borough's Police Chief or his designee shall immediately notify said operating participant of said violation. If it is felt that said violation is sufficient to suspend or terminate the violator, then notice of said suspension or revocation shall be given to the participant. If the participant requests a hearing, the same shall be held within 10 days of the date of said notice and participant may be represented by counsel at a hearing to be held in front of the Police Chief or his designee. Upon completion of said hearing, the Police Chief or his designee acting as the Hearing Officer shall issue a recommendation to the Borough's governing body to establish a penalty in connection with said suspension or revocation.
In the event that a party whose vehicle has been towed and stored has a dispute with the towing operator over the fees and charges imposed by said operator then said aggrieved party may appeal to the Police Chief or his designee and be given the opportunity to be heard along with said towing operator upon 10 days notice to both parties. The Police Chief or his designee shall thereafter issue a determination in writing including an appropriate remedy which shall be considered the final determination of the municipality.
[Ord. #86-4, § 1]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:67-16.9, a portion of Wave Street from the intersection of Wave Street and Pennant Avenue extending approximately one hundred (100') feet in a westerly direction is hereby closed by the Borough. It has been determined that the closing is necessary for the preservation of the public safety, health and welfare.
[Ord. #86-4, § 1]
The proper signs shall be posted designating that the above-referenced portion of Wave Street has been closed.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Provoke a breach of the peace on any public or private sidewalk, street or parking lot within the Borough of Beachwood.
Congregate with other persons on a public or private sidewalk, street or parking lot with an intent to provoke a breach of the peace or whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned and refuse to move from said public or private street, sidewalk or parking lot after being requested to do so by any authorized "enforcing official."
Congregate with other persons on a public or private sidewalk, street or parking lot within the Borough of Beachwood so as to prevent the free and unhampered passage along and over said sidewalk, street or parking lot by the public.
Refuse to move on when so ordered by any enforcement official, provided that the enforcement official has exercised reasonable discretion under the circumstances, in order to preserve or promote public peace and order.
For the purpose of this section, public sidewalks, streets and parking lots shall include but are not limited to those sidewalks, streets and parking lots under the control of the Board of Education, and the Recreation Commission and any other municipal agency of the Borough.
No person or persons, whether owner, tenant, occupant or guest, shall suffer or take part in any riotous or other disorderly conduct that shall disturb the peace and quiet of any family or neighborhood of any of the inhabitants of this municipality.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1; Ord. #99-13, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to drink, buy or consume any alcoholic beverage or have in his or her possession any open alcoholic beverage container with unconsumed alcoholic beverage contained therein in the following places, locations; situations or settings:
Upon any portion of lawn or public ground within the municipality, including but not limited to public places, playgrounds, municipal grounds surrounding municipal buildings, grounds under the control of the Board of Education, grounds under the control of the Recreation Commission, streets and sidewalks within the municipality and in grounds, parks and recreation areas without the express consent of Mayor and Council of the Borough of Beachwood.
In a private motor vehicle not in operation but parked along any public street, lane, parking area, parking lot or other public or quasi-public place.
Upon any private property not owned by such person without the express permission of the owner or other person having authority to grant such permission.
At certain specifically designated recreation areas, the Mayor and Council may issue a special permit for the consumption of alcoholic beverages at a picnic or other activity sponsored by a nonprofit corporation or organization, provided that proper application has been made for same, and applicant is in compliance with all related requirements.
No person shall discharge and alcoholic beverage container upon any public street, lane, sidewalk, public parking lot or other private property not his own without the express permission of the owner.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, by noisy or disorderly conduct to, disturb or interfere with the quiet or good order of any place of assembly, public or private, including schools, churches, libraries and reading rooms.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hinder, disturb or obstruct the processings, functions or deliberations of the Borough Council, or any other official body of the Borough of Beachwood, nor shall any person molest, obstruct, hinder or interfere with any municipal official or officer engaged in the performance of his duty or knowingly resist or oppose any person authorized by law to make arrests or to serve any writ, bill, order or process when the person so authorized is acting in the performance of his duty.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to write or cause to be written any lewd or obscene word or words, mark or marks whatsoever upon any house, building, wall, fence or other place in the municipality or deface any structure by marks, drawings or graffiti.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to cast, shoot or throw anything at, against or into any vehicle, airplane or other facility of transportation with intent to damage said vehicle or the passenger therein.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or throw or suffer or permit the depositing of any stone, sticks, glass, snow or ice or any hard, dangerous or offensive substance upon any street, avenue, road, highway or other public thoroughfare; nor shall any person throw any such object or substance at or against any person, vehicle of transportation, building or other structure.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to at any time use any automobile, truck or other vehicle located on any public or private highway, road or street or any public or private lot or premises in the municipality for sleeping or living purposes.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate in the open or on any public or private place, lot or premises, highway, road or street in the municipality.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to at any time, undress or change his or her clothes or wearing apparel on a beach or boardwalk or in waters adjacent thereto or in any automobile, truck or other vehicles located on any public or private highway, road, street or any public or quasi-public lot or in the open on any public or private lot or premises, highway, road or street in the municipality.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1]
The making, creating or permitting of any unreasonably loud, disturbing or unnecessary noise within the municipality is hereby prohibited.
The making, creating or permitting of any noises of such character, intensity or duration that is detrimental to the life, health or welfare of any individual or which, either steadily or intermittently, annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, peace or safety of any individual is hereby prohibited.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1; Ord. #2011-09, § 1]
Unless exempted under the provisions of this chapter, no person shall cause to be made, directly or indirectly, any of the following noises which have been deemed to be unnecessary and in violation of this chapter. Said enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
Horns and signaling devices. The sounding of any horn or signaling device of any automobile, motorcycle, street car or other vehicle on any street or public place of the municipality, except as a danger warning, the creation by means of any such signaling device of any unreasonably loud or harsh sound and the sounding of any such device for an unnecessary and unreasonable period of time.
Sound-reproducing devices. The using, operating or permitting to be played of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, live band, speaker system or other machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in such a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring inhabitants or, at any time, with louder volume than is necessary for the convenient hearing of the person or persons who are in the room, vehicle or chamber in which such machine or devices operate and who are voluntary listeners thereto. The operation of any such instrument as enumerated heretofore between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday in such a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of one hundred (100') feet or more from the vehicle or structure within which the same is located shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
Yelling and shouting. Yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing on public streets, particularly between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Friday, and 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays or at any time or place so as to annoy or to disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of persons in any office or in any dwelling or other type of residence or of any persons in the vicinity.
Exhaust. The discharge into the open air of any exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal-combustion engine, motorboat or motor vehicle, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent (loud) or explosive noises therefrom.
Construction or repair. Operating or use of any pile driver, steam shovel, pneumatic hammer, derrick, steam or electric hoist, power tool or any tools or equipment which shall make any loud or disturbing noise on any Sunday or Legal Holiday between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. in conducting any excavation, demolition, erection, alteration, repair or other building operation within one thousand (1,000') feet of any dwelling or business property, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and then only upon obtaining the consent of the proper authority of the municipality or the Police Department of the municipality, as the case may be which permission must be renewed every three days.
Blowers. The operation of any noise-creating blower or power fan or any internal-combustion engine, the operation of which causes noise due to the explosion of operating gases or fluids, unless the noise from such blower or fan is multiple and such engine is equipped with a muffler device sufficient to deaden such noise.
[Ord. #88-10, § 1; Ord. #2011-09, § 2]
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to:
The use of chimes by churches.
Activities in the public parks, playgrounds or public buildings under the permission or authority of the municipal officials.
Activities of the municipal departments in performance of their duties, drills or public demonstrations.
Any public utility as defined in Title 48 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey or to any employee of such public utility when such public utility or its employees shall be engaged in performing work to prevent the threatened interruption of services or to terminate the interruption of services rendered to its customers.
[Ord. #88-17, § 1]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish regulations concerning the operation and maintenance of certain alarm systems within the Borough of Beachwood and to provide penalties upon conviction for violation of any of the provisions set forth herein.
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, certain words and phrases are defined as follows:
ALARM SYSTEM - Shall mean any mechanical, electrical or electronic device which is designed or used for the detection of any unauthorized entry into a building, structure or facility, or for alerting others about the commission of an unlawful act within a building, structure or facility, or for alerting others about the existence of any other condition requiring response of police, and which emits and/or transmits an audible and/or visual signal or message when actuated. Alarm systems include but are not limited to direct-dial telephone devices, audible alarms and subscriber alarms.
AUDIBLE ALARM - Shall mean a device that emits an audible signal from the premises that it is designed to protect.
DIRECT-DIAL ALARM - Shall mean a device that, when actuated, causes a recorded message to be transmitted, via telephone to the Beachwood Police Department stating that emergency response is necessary.
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER - Shall mean the primary phone number advertised to the public for requesting emergency services.
FALSE ALARM - Shall mean an alarm signal, necessitating response by the Beachwood Police Department, or other appropriate agency, where an emergency situation does not exist. An alarm that has been activated by an external source that is beyond the reasonable control of the subscriber shall be considered false.
SUBSCRIBER ALARM - Shall mean an alarm system that is terminated by direct connection to the Beachwood Police Department, in accordance with regulations prescribed in separate legislation.
BOROUGH - Shall mean Borough of Beachwood.
POLICE - Shall mean Beachwood Police Department.
[Ord. #88-17, § 2]
It shall be the responsibility of all persons, entities, firms, corporations or other groups that maintain alarm systems within the Borough, to provide current information to the police, consisting of the names and telephone numbers of responsible persons who may be contacted in case of emergency, or who are authorized to provide service to the alarm system; either must be on a 24 hour basis. This information is to be filed with the police when the alarm system is initially placed into service, and must be revised immediately whenever changes are necessary.
Audible alarms must be silenced within 30 minutes after a designated responsible person is notified to do so by the police or, the alarm system may be equipped with a timing device that will automatically silence the audible alarm within thirty (3) minutes after it is actuated.
The direct dial alarms shall not be connected to the Beachwood Police Department emergency phone numbers. Direct dial alarms must be equipped with a device that will prevent more than three repeated transmissions of an alarm for the same emergencies to the Beachwood Police Department. [Recorded messages must also include the name and telephone number of a responsible person who may be contacted by the police in case of any emergency, on a 24 hour basis.]
It shall be the responsibility of all persons, entities, firms, corporations or other groups that maintain alarm systems within the Borough to prevent the transmission of false alarms through the program of training and periodic inspection and maintenance of the system.
The maximum permissible number of false alarms from any one location shall be as follows:
Two false alarms in any 30 day period; or Eight false alarms in any one year period. False alarms in excess to these standards shall be considered to be in violation of this section.
[Ord. #88-17, § 3]
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the general alerting alarms that may be used by fire companies, ambulance squads, or emergency management agencies, to summon response of their members. The provisions of this section shall not apply to alarm systems that are affixed to motor vehicles.
[Ord. #88-17, § 4]
Any person, entity, firm, corporation or other group that is found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $350. Each incident shall be considered as a separate violation. In addition to any penalty that may be ordered by the court, the Chief of Police may authorize the disconnection of subscriber alarms from the Police Department after giving written notice to the subscriber.
[Ord. #88-17, § 5]
The provisions contained herein shall apply equally to those alarm systems that were placed in service prior to or subsequent to the effective date of this section.
[Ord. #88-27, § 1; Ord. #2000-21]
In accordance with, and pursuant to the authority of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5 and 2C:35-7, the Drug-Free Zone Map produced by Owen Little & Associates, Inc. as Beachwood Borough Municipal Engineers under date of November 27, 2000, Map. No. BHWDDFZM, is hereby approved and adopted by the Borough of Beachwood as an official finding and record of the location and areas within the municipality of properties which are used for school purposes which are owned by or leased to any elementary or secondary school or school board, areas within the municipality of property that comprise any public housing facility, public park or other public building and the areas within 500 feet of such public property.
[Ord. #88-27, § 2; Ord. #2000-21]
The Drug-Free Zone Map approved and adopted pursuant to this section shall continue to constitute an official finding and record as to the location and boundaries of areas on or within one thousand (1,000') feet of property owned by or leased to any elementary or secondary school or school board and areas on or within five hundred (500') feet of property that comprises a public housing facility, public park or other public building until such time, if any, that this section shall be amended to reflect any additions or deletions with respect to the location and boundaries of said properties in the Drug-Free Zones.
[Ord. #88-27, § 3; Ord. #2000-21]
The school board or the chief administrative officer in the case of any private or parochial school, the Board of Trustees of the Public Library and any other public or quasi-public agency or body having ownership and/or control of any public lands within the Borough of Beachwood shall have the continued obligation to promptly notify the Borough Engineer and the Borough Attorney of any changes or contemplated changes in the location and/or boundaries of any public property which creates a one thousand (1,000') foot or five hundred (500') foot Drug-Free Zone.
[Ord. #88-27, § 4; Ord. #2000-21]
The Clerk of the Borough of Beachwood is hereby directed to receive and to keep on file the original map approved and adopted pursuant to subsection 3-16.1 of this section, and to provide at a reasonable cost, a true copy thereof to any person, agency or court which may, from time to time, request such a copy along with a certification that such copy is a true copy of the map approved and adopted herein and kept on file. It is further directed that a true copy of such map and of this section shall be provided to the County Clerk and to the Office of the Ocean County Prosecutor.
[Ord. #88-27, § 5; Ord. #2000-21]
The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared, recited and stated:
It is understood that the map approved and adopted pursuant to this section was prepared and is intended to be used as evidence in prosecutions arising under the criminal laws of this State and that pursuant to State law, such map shall constitute prima facie evidence of the following:
The location of elementary and secondary schools within the municipality.
The boundaries of the real property that is, and continues to be, used for school purposes.
That such property is and continues to be used for school purposes.
The location and boundaries of areas which are on or within one thousand (1,000') feet of such school property.
The location of property that comprises a public housing facility, public park or other public building within the municipality.
The boundaries of the real property that is, and continues to be, used for public housing facility, public park or other public purposes.
The location and boundaries of areas which are on or within five hundred (500') feet of such public property.
A prosecutor is not precluded from introducing or relying upon any other evidence or testimony to establish a violation of any offense defined in the statutes of this State including the use of a map or diagram other than the one approved and adopted pursuant to subsection 3-16.1 of this section. The failure of the map approved and adopted herein to depict the location and boundaries of any property which is, in fact, used for school purposes or for public purposes, or which is owned by or leased to any elementary or secondary school or school board, whether the absence of such depiction is the result of inadvertent omission or the result of any changes in the location and boundaries of such property which have not yet been incorporated into a revised approved map, shall not be deemed to be an official finding and record that such property is not owned by or leased to a school or school board or that such property is not used for school purposes or public housing facility, public park, or other public purposes within the municipality.
The municipal engineer has complied with the statutory requirements concerning the preparation, approval and adoption of a Drug-Free Zone Map.
[Ord. #91-18, § 1; Ord. #91-21, § 1]
At the intersection or interception of two streets, no hedge, fence, screening strip of wall higher than thirty (30") inches above the edge of the road, nor any obstruction division, other than a post not exceeding one square foot in area in cross section, nor shall any tree branch be lower than eight (8') feet in height from the edge of the road, be permitted on any lot within the triangular area formed by two intersecting street lines bounding said lot (or the projection of said lines) and by a line connecting a point on each street line located twenty-five (25') feet from the intersection of the street lines.
[Ord. #94-28, § 1]
As used in this section, the following definitions shall apply:
CONVICTED OFFENDER - Shall mean any person who has been convicted of a violation of the following statutes: N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2, N.J.S.A. 2C:14-3 and N.J.S.A. 2C:14-4, where the victim of said crime was a person under the age of 18.
PERMANENT RESIDENT - Shall mean any person who resides within the Borough of Beachwood for more than 30 days in any one year.
[Ord. #94-28, § 2]
Any convicted offender who becomes a permanent resident of the Borough of Beachwood shall upon obtaining permanent residence status as defined in this section register at the Beachwood Police Department. At the time of registration the following information shall be supplied by the convicted offender:
Name and Social Security number;
Street address;
Driver's license number;
Make, model and license plate number of any motor vehicle owned or used;
Nature of each and every offense committed;
Date of each offense and date of each conviction;
Date of release from custody;
Prosecuting agency for each offense;
Age of victim for each offense.
Obligation to provide that information contained in paragraph a above shall be a continuing obligation and any change in any of the information so supplied shall be immediately reported to the Beachwood Police Department.
[Ord. #94-28, § 3]
The Police Chief shall maintain a registry of convicted offenders containing the information required in subsection 3-18.2 of this section in alphabetical order by street name, which registry shall be available at all times for inspection by any person. A copy of the registry shall also be forwarded by the Police Chief of the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #94-28, § 4]
Unless otherwise provided by law, statute or ordinance, any person charged with violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and be subject to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 90 days, or both.
[Ord. #97-10, § 1]
The purpose of the within section is to regulate the parking of trucks, trailers and other similar vehicles and equipment of a certain size upon the roadways within residential neighborhoods. Said vehicles and equipment tend to block the view of other vehicles and children playing in these neighborhoods as well as negatively impacting the aesthetics of the residential neighborhood.
[Ord. #97-10, § 2]
As used herein, the reference to truck, tractor, tractor trailer, trailer body, mobile home, house trailer (boat trailer), camper trailer, bus or any similar vehicle or equipment means vehicles or equipment having an overall length in excess of twenty (20') feet or a height of more than nine (9') feet.
[Ord. #97-10, § 3]
There is hereby prohibited the parking of any truck, tractor, tractor trailer, trailer body, mobile home, house trailer (boat trailer), camper trailer, bus or any similar vehicle or equipment on any street within any residential zone of the Borough of Beachwood. This shall not apply to vehicles actively engaged in a commercial activity. Such activities shall include (but not be limited to) delivery trucks actively engaged in making a delivery, construction vehicles actively engaged in a construction project or vehicles as described herein, actively engaged in service calls.
[Ord. #97-10, § 4]
The within section shall not apply to any governmental entity or agency.
[Ord. #97-10, § 5]
Any person who violates any one or more subsections of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 for each separate offense and/or confinement in the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days.
[Ord. #98-16, § 1; Ord. #2005-19, § 2]
The purpose of the within section is to prohibit the feeding of geese, ducks and other wildlife, which create a nuisance condition and discourage said geese, ducks and wildlife from migrating in a natural manner.
[Ord. #98-16, § 2; Ord. #2005-19, § 2]
No person or persons shall feed, cause to be fed or provide food for geese, ducks and wildlife on publicly owned lands within the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #98-16, § 3; Ord. #2005-19, § 2]
This section shall not be construed to prohibit humane acts toward geese, ducks, or other wildlife on an individual basis, such as the temporary nurturing of a wounded bird on one's own premises.
[Ord. #98-16, § 4; Ord. #2005-19, § 2]
No person shall abandon, leave or discard any geese, ducks or wildlife on any private or public lands within the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #98-16, § 5]
The Police Department, Code Enforcement Officer, Superintendent of Public Works (or his authorized designee) and/or the Ocean County Board of Health, are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this section.
[Ord. #98-16, § 6]
Any person who violates any one or more subsections of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100 for each separate offense. Said convicted individual may be ordered to perform community services not to exceed 10 days in duration.
Editor's Note: See also Section 3-6 for abandoned or inoperable vehicles.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 1; Ord. #2001-17, § 1]
Shall mean that period beginning at the time of impound shall constitute the first date of impound. The next consecutive day of impound shall begin at 12:01 a.m.
Shall mean all vehicles impounded per the Police Department and which will be stored in the Borough impound yard. Those situations warranting impoundment are abandonment, DWI offenders, serious and fatal accidents, for evidentiary purposes, violation of Title 39 or 2C Statutes and any other seizure for investigative purposes. The requesting officer will complete a standardized vehicle report detailing the recovery reason and inventory of contents within the vehicle, denoting damages and/or missing components.
Shall mean any automobile, motorcycle, omnibus, road tractor, trailer, truck, truck tractor and vehicle as defined in R.S. 39:1-1.
Shall mean any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or legal entity of any kind or description.
Shall mean an enclosed area protected from access by unauthorized persons on Borough property, monitored by Police Headquarters and sufficiently posted concerning no trespassing/unauthorized entry into enclosure.
Shall mean any real property within the Borough which is not on a public street or highway.
Shall mean the entire width between the curbs or boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 2]
No person shall abandon any vehicle within the Borough of Beachwood and no person shall leave any vehicle at any place within the Borough for such period of time and under such circumstances as to cause such vehicle to reasonably appear to have been abandoned. The abandonment is therefore in direct violation of this Code.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 3]
No person shall leave any partially dismantled, inoperative, wrecked or junked vehicle or any unregistered vehicle on any street or highway within the Borough.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 4]
The Police Department shall cause to be created an impoundment area to hold vehicles impounded by it until they can be disposed of in accordance with applicable statutes of the State of New Jersey. The aforesaid impounding area shall be enclosed by an eight (8') foot high chain link fence with "No Trespassing" signs affixed to it and under monitor surveillance camera to preclude theft or further damage to such impounded vehicles.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 5; Ord. #2001-17, § 2]
The Borough police impound yard storage area will be of sufficient size to accommodate the needs of the Police Department and shall be available during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) for the release of the towed vehicles to the owners, pursuant to this section. The impoundment/storage and release of such vehicles will follow established guidelines in accordance with Police Agency Standard Operating Procedures.
While in storage, the Borough shall not assume any liability from vehicle owner or person having legal right to the vehicle which is beyond the Borough's control.
The storage fee for the Borough police impound yard will be $25 per day beginning with the first moment of impound, and $25 per day commencing at 12:01 a.m. of each consecutive day.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 6]
An employee of the Beachwood Police Department shall be assigned to investigate the last title owner of the abandoned or junked vehicle in an attempt to determine the person responsible for the abandonment of each vehicle and to prosecute all culpable persons for any violation of the State Motor Vehicle Act or this chapter specifically.
Such taking of possession shall be reported to the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles on a form prescribed by him for verification of ownership. When the vehicle remains unclaimed by the owner or other person having a legal right, the same may be sold at auction in a public place. The Beachwood Police Department designee shall give notice of such sale by certified mail to the owner, if name and address is known, and to holder of any security interest filed with the Director of Division of Motor Vehicles, and by publication on a form prescribed by one insertion, at least five days prior to the sale in one or more newspapers published in this State and circulating in the Borough in which such motor vehicle is being held.
The Police Department shall also be responsible for the sale or disposition of the impounded vehicles, with minimum bid starting at towing and storage charges to date. If no minimum bid is received, then the best offer may be accepted.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 7]
At any time prior to sale, the owner or other person entitled thereto may reclaim possession of motor vehicle upon payment of costs incurred for removal and storage of the vehicle and any fine or penalty and court costs assessed against persons for violations giving rise to seizure or taking possession of such vehicles.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 8]
If the Police Department, in its report to the Director of Division of Motor Vehicles, certifies on an application prescribed by him that such motor vehicle is incapable of being operated safely or of being put in safe operational condition except at a cost in excess of the value thereof, the Division shall, without further certification or verification, issue to the Borough for a fee of $2 a junk title certificate thereto, with proper assignment thereon, which shall be assigned and delivered to the purchaser of the vehicle at public sale.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 9]
Upon the sale of any motor vehicle for which no junk certificate is issued, the Borough shall execute and deliver to the purchaser an application for certificate of ownership prescribed by the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles in the same form and manner as provided in R.S. 39:10A-15 which shall also contain the name and address, if known, of the former owner.
Such application shall be accepted by the Director of Division of Motor Vehicles for issuance of a certificate of ownership upon their established fee.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 10]
Upon the sale of a motor vehicle, claims of interest therein shall be forever barred and the proceeds realized therefrom after payment of expenses of possession and sale shall be remitted to the Borough treasury as its sole property.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 11; Ord. #2001-17, § 3]
In accordance with subsection 3-12.8, call list for wrecker/towing service and established fees for towing (subsection 3-12.3), the respective towing agency shall submit an itemized bill to the Police Department Records Bureau for recording and forwarding to the Chief Financial Officer for payment within 45 days from date of invoice. These funds will be reimbursed to the municipal treasury upon disposition through release or auction of said vehicle inclusive of towing and storage fees.
[Ord. #2000-09, § 12]
Any person who violates any one or more sections of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500 for each separate offense and/or confinement in the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days.
[Ord. #2005-08, § 1]
The purpose of the within section is to protect the health, safety and welfare of children within the Borough of Beachwood as a result of there being no current State law concerning the prohibition of convicted sex-offenders residing or living near areas where children regularly meet and congregate.
[Ord. #2005-08, § 2; Ord. #2006-23, §§ 1,2]
A person over the age of 18 years of age who has been convicted of a violation of any crime against a minor as listed in N.J.S.A. 2C:7-2, and who as a result of said conviction is required to register with the proper authorities pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:7-1 et seq. shall not be permitted to reside or live within one thousand (1,000') feet of any school, park, playground or day-care center in the Borough. The within prohibition shall also apply to school bus stops as designated by the Toms River Board of Education. The distance prohibition shall be five hundred (500') feet from said school bus stop.
Any person who resides or lives within one thousand (1,000') feet of any school, park, playground or day-care center in the Borough shall have 60 days from receipt of written notice of the prohibition set forth herein to move. Failure to move to a location which is in compliance with this section within that time period shall constitute a violation of this section. Additionally, any person who resides or lives within five hundred (500') feet of a school bus stop as designated by the Toms River Board of Education shall have 60 days from receipt of written notice of the prohibition set forth herein to move. Failure to move to a location which is in compliance with this section within the time period shall constitute a violation of this section.
This section shall not apply to a person who has established a residence prior to the effective date of the within section.[1]
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2005-08, codified herein, was adopted June 1, 2005.
Any person who violates any one or more subsections of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,250 for each separate offense and/or confinement in the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days.
[Ord. #2008-16, § 1]
The Borough's public buildings and certain public beaches, parks, and recreation areas are for the enjoyment and use of the public in a healthy and wholesome manner. The odors caused by persons who smoke tobacco products and the litter caused by persons who improperly dispose of cigarette butts on public properties significantly detract from the wholesome, healthy environment and reduce the enjoyment of the public properties for those who want to enjoy the healthy and wholesome environment free of smoke related pollution. Smokeless tobacco also poses a health and environment risk from those who properly dispose of or spitting of tobacco juices.
[Ord. #2008-16, § 2]
PUBLIC FACILITIES - The public facilities covered under the within section are any and all municipal buildings, all public lands and bathing beach located along the Toms River within the Borough, and various parks and playgrounds including Mayo Park, Birch and Surf Recreational, and Soccer Complex, Ocean Avenue Park, and Cherry Street Park.
SMOKING - The use of lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco and/or other similar products.
SMOKELESS TOBACCO - An unlighted tobacco product also called spit tobacco, chewing tobacco, chew, chaw, gip, plug coming in the form of snuff (fine grain tobacco) and chewing tobacco (shredded, twisted or "bricked" tobacco leaves).
[Ord. #2008-16, § 3]
No person shall use smokeless tobacco or smoke a cigarette, cigar or other tobacco product upon the public facilities covered by the within section. The within prohibitions will not apply to the dock areas at the Community Center and to all outside areas surrounding the Community Center. Additionally, the prohibition will not apply to designated smoking areas established outside of various public buildings throughout the Borough.
[Ord. #2008-16, § 4]
Notice of the smoking prohibition provided for in the within section shall be conspicuously posted by a sign indicating "No Smoking" or the international "No Smoking" symbol.
[Ord. #2008-16, § 5]
The violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 for each offense. Imprisonment in addition to or in lieu of fine, may also be imposed, not to exceed 10 days for each violation.
[Ord. #2010-03]
For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this section clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Shall mean a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels or storm drains) that is owned or operated by Borough of Beachwood or other public body, and is designed and used for collecting and conveying stormwater.
Shall mean any individual, corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State subject to municipal jurisdiction.
Shall mean any waste container that a person controls whether owned, leased, or operated, including dumpsters, trash cans, garbage pails, and plastic trash bags.
Shall mean water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewerage or drainage facilities, or is conveyed by snow removal equipment.
Shall mean the ocean and its estuaries, all springs, streams and bodies of surface or ground water, whether natural or artificial, within the boundaries of the State of New Jersey or subject to its jurisdiction.
[Ord. #2010-03]
Any person who controls, whether owned, leased, or operated, a refuse container or dumpster must ensure that such container or dumpster is covered at all times and shall prevent refuse from spilling out or overflowing.
Any person who owns, leases or otherwise uses a refuse container or dumpster must ensure that such container or dumpster does not leak or otherwise discharge liquids, semi-liquids or solids to the municipal separate storm sewer system(s) operated by the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #2010-03]
Permitted temporary demolition containers.
Litter receptacles (other than dumpsters or other bulk containers).
Individual homeowner trash and recycling containers.
Refuse containers at facilities authorized to discharge stormwater under a valid NJPDES permit.
Large bulky items (e.g., furniture, bound carpet and padding, white goods placed curbside for pickup).
[Ord. #2010-03]
This section shall be enforced by the Police Department and/or other municipal officials of the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. #2010-03]
Any person(s) who is found to be in violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.
[Ord. No. 2016-04 § 1]
Shall mean the acquisition of information by use of one or more sensing devices.
Shall mean an unmanned aircraft that can fly under the control of a remote pilot or by a geographic positions system ("GPS") guided autopilot mechanism, and that is equipped with any sensing device or capable of any data collection.
Shall mean a device capable of acquiring data from its surroundings. Sensing devices include, but are not limited to, cameras, microphones, thermal detectors, chemical detectors, radiation gauges, and wireless receivers in any frequency (including cellular, WiFi, or other data frequencies).
Shall mean an unmanned vehicle or device of any size that is capable of remote-control flight by any means and that does not possess any sensing device and is not capable of any data collection.
[Ord. No. 2016-04 § 2]
Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3-25.3, drones are prohibited from flying in any airspace below 400 feet within the Borough of Beachwood.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3-25.3, unmanned aircraft are prohibited from flying in any airspace below 400 feet within the Borough of Beachwood in:
The airspace over any residential or commercial zoned area in the Borough of Beachwood;
The airspace over any roads within the Borough of Beachwood; and
The airspace over any government or public buildings, property, or parks within the Borough of Beachwood.
[Ord. No. 2016-04 § 3]
This section shall not prohibit the constitutional use of drones and unmanned aircraft by any law enforcement agency or emergency services organization of or servicing the Borough of Beachwood, the State of New Jersey, or the United States of America for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner.
This section shall not prohibit any Federal, State, County or municipal agency from the use of drones and unmanned aircraft for any lawful and authorized purpose pursuant to applicable regulation.
This section shall not prohibit individuals and entities from the use of drones during daylight hours for business purposes in the airspace within the boundary lines of private commercial or residential property with the property owner's consent, except that data collection shall be limited to data collection of and relating to the properties that provide consent thereto alone.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the authorized and lawful operation and use of drones for commercial, business, educational, scientific, research, environmental, and personal purposes pursuant to and in accordance with specific FAA regulations, if any.
This section shall not prohibit the use of unmanned aircraft by:
Any Federal, State, County or Municipal agency, including, but not limited to, law enforcement and emergency services agencies, for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner; or
An owner of private property in the Borough of Beachwood in the airspace within the boundary lines of that property or in the airspace within the boundary lines of private property in Beachwood with that property owner's consent.
[Ord. No. 2016-04 § 4]
A violation of this section shall be punishable by a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or up to 90 days in jail.
[Added 3-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
No person shall, for any purpose, including hunting, taking or killing any fowl or animal, discharge a firearm, gun rifle or bow and arrow, or any device likely to cause injuries to human beings, in any part of this municipality, except the following:
West of the Garden State Parkway.
In any area where hunting is allowed pursuant to state law or regulations.
[Added 3-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
Nothing hereinabove set forth shall be construed to permit hunting and gunning in this municipality in violation of any laws of the State of New Jersey pertaining to fish and game, and more particularly and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no person shall, for the purpose of hunting, taking or gunning any fowl or animals, have in his or her possession while within 450 feet of any occupied dwelling or while within 1,000 feet of a school playground, or shall any person, for the purpose of hunting, taking or killing any fowl or animals, discharge any firearm upon or across any state, county or municipal highway or street in such areas of the municipality where hunting is not otherwise specifically prohibited.
[Added 3-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
Any person violating a provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court before whom such conviction is made.