[Ord. #86-21, § 41.2]
The provisions of this section are intended to apply to any park, playground, beach area, or parking area which serves these recreational facilities unless otherwise indicated.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41.3]
As used in this section:
Shall mean that portion of the Borough situated along the Toms River and bounded on the south by Clubhouse Road, on the east by Lookout Street and on the west by Beachwood Boulevard is hereby designated as the public bathing area in the Borough. Such public bathing area shall include, but not limited to, the bathing beach, designated vehicle parking areas, boardwalks, sidewalks, playgrounds, guard ropes or lines, diving platforms or rafts (whether movable or immovable) and all necessary ingress and egress ways to any of the foregoing areas, places or things.
Shall mean any park, parkway, reservation, playground, beach and swimming area open to the public and parking lots which serve these recreational facilities and are located within the Borough, irrespective of whether or not the same is owned by the Borough as long as the area is under the control of the Borough.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41.4; Ord. #2003-05, § 1]
No person shall use, enter upon or remain in the public bathing area except upon compliance with the provisions of Chapter 9 and upon payment of the fee in paragraph a below. The operation hours on the beach and its parking area are from dawn to dusk.
The fee for said bathing or beach tag shall be $8 per season for 2003 and $10 in 2004 and thereafter.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-5]
The Borough Clerk and such other officer or employee of the Borough as shall be designated by resolution of the Mayor and Borough Council shall, upon application by such person or persons entitled thereto, issue personal use tags and vehicle permits upon payment of the fees established thereto. No personal use tags shall be issued for daily, weekly, monthly, or other use for a period shorter than the entire specified period. No fee shall be charged for a child under 12 years of age. Proof of age may be required for children under the age of 12 at the discretion of the police, lifeguard or agent of the Borough.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-6; Ord. #97-02, § 1; Ord. #2001-03, § 1; Ord. #2003-05, § 2]
No vehicle, except for which a vehicle permit shall have been issued by the designated officer or employee of the Borough shall use, enter upon or remain in the public bathing area except the police, fire, first aid or vehicle of like nature. Such vehicle permit shall be issued upon payment of a fee and submission of an application of a person within the category of persons who would otherwise be entitled to apply for and receive a personal use tag as stated above. Fees shall be established by ordinance of the Mayor and Borough Council. Vehicle permits shall be placed in the rear window-drivers side, and shall remain clearly visible at all times during the year in which the permit shall have been issued for. Vehicles without a rear window shall place one permit on the rear of the vehicle and it must be and remain clearly visible at all times.
Seasonal parking permit fee — resident: $ 5
Seasonal parking permit fee — nonresident: $10
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-7]
The Mayor and Council of the Borough reserve the right to limit the number of personal use tags and the number of vehicle permits authorized to be issued.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-8]
No personal use of tag or vehicle permit shall be transferable to any person or vehicle other than to whom or for which it shall have been issued.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-9]
All personal use of tags shall be worn on the person at all times while in the public bathing area and shall be available for inspection by police, lifeguard or any agent for the Borough upon request. All personal use tags and vehicle permits shall be clearly visible at all times. Each personal use tag and/or permit shall be valid only for the year in which it shall have been issued.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41-10]
Any personal use tag or vehicle permit hereafter issued may, in addition to the imposition of any penalties provided hereunder against the responsible individual or vehicle owner, be revoked temporarily by any police officer, beach guard, lifeguard or other agent of the Borough for the refusal or failure of such person to display such tag or permit and to comply with any rule or regulation governing the use of the public bathing area, to obey the reasonable directions of the officer or employee charged with the maintenance of good order thereon, for engaging in any noxious or offensive conduct or language or for other good cause.
[Ord. #86-21, § 41.11; Ord. #87-18, § 3; Ord. #91-05. § 1; Ord. #92-04, § 1; Ord. #2001-16, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #2001-23, §§ 1—3; Ord. #2011-02 § 1; Ord. No. 2016-05; Ord. No. 2016-06]
No person shall don or remove any bathing apparel within the public bathing area.
No person shall consume any items of food or drink or bring any such items upon any portions of the public bathing area, playground, park, beach or parking lots utilized for recreation except such portions as shall be specifically designated for such purposes. In no event shall any such items of food and drink be contained in glass or other breakable containers. Glass and other breakable containers are strictly prohibited at all times from these recreation sites.
No person shall swim or bathe in any other place in the Borough other than those areas or places specifically designated for such purposes.
No person shall operate any boat nor shall any person waterski within one hundred (100') feet of the public bathing area. No boat may be beached at any recreational area unless the area is so designated by lifeguards, police officers or agents of the Borough.
No person shall bring, possess or consume alcoholic beverages of any kind at any recreation site within the Borough without specific permission and/or permits issued by the Borough or State. Parking lots adjacent to recreation sites are included in this prohibition.
No person shall bring upon or permit to be brought upon any portion of any recreation site any animal, whether leashed or unleashed.
The only exception to this subsection provision shall be for a dog or cat on leash within areas or portions of recreational areas owned by the Borough that are clearly marked and designated allowing for said animals' presence. Owners are responsible to clean up after their pets as set forth in Chapter 5, subsection 5-1.16 entitled, "Nuisances Prohibited."
No person shall operate a bicycle or other self-propelled vehicle or any motorized vehicle upon any portion of any recreation site except where designated. Bicycles and motor vehicles being operated in a thoughtful and safe manner within parking areas so designated for traffic are exempt. Any vehicle operated in an unsafe, reckless or careless manner is in violation of this paragraph.
No person shall play any game or games whatever in or upon any park, beach, playground, provided however that baseball, football, tennis and other games of recreation may be played upon such portions of the recreation site as may be designated by the Mayor and Borough Council and under such rules as may be prescribed by the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to regulate specific sporting events to be played on designated recreational fields. The playing of games in parking areas is prohibited.
All persons within any recreation site in the Borough shall obey the directions of any police officer, lifeguard, beach guard or authorized agent for the Borough, when in the opinion of such police officer, guard, agent or lifeguard, the actions of any person are detrimental to the safety of such person or the enjoyment of the recreation site by other persons lawfully thereon.
No person shall fish off any bathing dock or beaches during the bathing season. No person shall molest or in any manner disturb or annoy any animal, fish or fowl which may be placed in any fountain, pool, basin or found in any recreation site within the Borough.
No person shall throw, discard, drop, leave, discharge, scatter or cast any garbage, wastepaper, refuse, ashes or rubbish into or on, or suffer or permit any servant, agent, employee or other person in his charge to do so unless the appropriate receptacle is utilized. No person shall take into, carry through, leave in or throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge into or on the parks, playgrounds, beaches and other recreational sites, any sick, diseased or dead animals, organic refuse or any other offensive matter.
No person shall make unsightly, damage, destroy or disfigure any recreation site or portion thereof within the Borough.
No loud sound, music or noise may be made or caused to be made at any recreation site, playground or beach so as to disturb or annoy another individual or individuals. This paragraph should not apply to properly licensed or permitted functions authorized by the Borough.
Indecent exposure of a person as defined in New Jersey State Statute, disorderly conduct, objectionable noise, breach of the peace and use of profane or indecent language is expressly forbidden in all parks, playgrounds, beaches and other recreation sites within the Borough.
No picnic or similar outing may be held at any park, playground or beach area except in those areas set aside for that purpose. No refreshments of any kind shall be sold or offered for sale in connection with a picnic except by written permission from the Recreation Commission.
No person shall molest or disturb any other person at any recreation site within the Borough.
No person shall refuse or neglect to obey the orders or instructions of any police officer, lifeguard, beach guard or authorized agent of the Borough while in the performance of their duties at any recreation site within the Borough.
The ingress and egress are designated as one way in and out of the bathing area and parking area. Vehicles of any kind are prohibited from all beaches, parks, playgrounds and other recreation areas except where specifically designated.
No person shall sell or offer for sale any object or merchandise or any other thing, at any recreation site unless a permit is first obtained therefor from the Mayor and Borough Council.
No person shall distribute advertising matter in any recreation site nor post, place or put any bill, sign, notice, placard or other encumbrance on any tree, fountain, post, railing, fence or other erection in or surrounding any recreation area, nor display any advertising matter of any kind on any vehicle within the recreation site, except by prior permit issued by the Borough of Beachwood.
No parades, processions, picnics or exercises or other activity which results from the congregating of a large number of people shall be permitted within the recreation areas without first having obtained a permit from the Mayor and Borough Council.
Within or upon the recreation areas, no person shall fire or discharge any firearm, nor kindle or build a fire, except in fireplaces expressly provided for that purpose, nor throw any stones or missiles, not fire, discharge or set off any firework containing any substance of any explosive character. The last inhibition shall not prevent special fireworks displays from being given under the auspices or direction of the Borough upon special permit issued by the Mayor and Council and in accordance with the Borough ordinances and State Statutes pertaining thereto.
The Mayor and Borough Council and/or Chief of Police may suspend any portion of this section when an emergency exists, or for the health and safety of the residents, or for other unusual circumstances, or for public functions.
Mayo Park Facilities: See subsection 9-1.12
Mayo Park ballfield lights night uses turn-on fee $50 per use
Mayo Park picnic area rental:
$75 nonrefundable fee
$75 refundable deposit
$150 nonrefundable fee
$ 75 refundable deposit.
Any cancellation must be in writing addressed to the Borough Clerk. In the event the Borough receives a cancellation notice 60 days or more from the date scheduled, then the entire fee and deposit shall be refunded. In the event that cancellation notice is received by the Borough less than 60 days from the scheduled event, $75 shall be deducted from the deposit and rental fee with the balance being returned to the reserving party.
[Ord. #91-11, § 1]
All park and playground areas located in the Borough of Beachwood shall be open to the general public from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and shall remain closed to the public between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. except for the mini-playground areas set forth below, which shall be open to the general public from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and shall remain closed to the general public between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. No person shall remain in a park or playground area during the hours when the area is closed. The parks and playgrounds located at the following locations are hereby designated as mini-playground areas.
Bayside Avenue and Spithead Road;
On Ocean Avenue between Birch Street and Elm Street;
The southeast corner of the rectangular area bounded by Surf Avenue, Birch Street, Halliard Avenue and Elm Street are specifically intended for use by persons aged 12 years or less and older persons will be permitted in these areas solely for the purpose of supervising children under 12 years of age. All other park and playground areas within the Borough of Beachwood will be open for use by members of the general public regardless of age.
[Ord. No. 2016-05]
The following fees are hereby established for use of the Mayo Park recreation facilities:
[Amended 12-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-16]
Beachwood Org.
Holiday fee for all rental types: $150.
Defined as any contractual holiday as defined in the Teamsters Beachwood Public Works Agreement.
Applicants are responsible for any and all damages to the facilities and the security deposit shall be forfeited as it applies to cleaning, setup, returning of keys or damages. If applicant cannot maintain safety during rental and if police are called they shall forfeit their deposit.
During rentals there shall be no horseplay, ball playing, roller blading, skate boarding, tents, inflatables, live stock (farm animals) or outdoor heaters permitted in the building. The kitchen fryer shall not be used.
Deposit Refund. Deposit refunds are made to the applicant only. Checks received must be in the name of the applicant. Upon return of the key, the applicant will be required to sign a voucher and pending the condition of the facility following inspection, that voucher will begin the refund process. All refunds are addressed by the governing body at a regularly scheduled meeting following the rental event. Process may take several weeks due to meeting schedules.
Cancellation Policy
Rescheduling Fee
Cancellation advance of 60 days will cost the applicant
Cancellation of 60 days or less will cost the applicant
Cancellation of 30 days or less will cost the applicant
Full Deposit
Applicant is renting the Mayo Park Center — which includes in your agreement the exterior surroundings, the park itself and the parking lot no smoking permitted in the building, outdoor ashtrays are available. Nothing is permitted to be left overnight and the building must be absolutely clear of all personal items. All caterers equipment and rental equipment is to be removed by the end of the event and the building must be reset as found. Anything left behind will be discarded.
Applicant required to comply with the following:
The Facility is available from 8:00 a.m. on the date of the event. The key is to be picked up by the last business date preceding the event during hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
No representative of the Borough will provide access to the facility. If keys are not picked up and an employee is called out, a fifty ($50) dollar charge will be deducted from the deposit.
The applicant must notify the Beachwood Police Department no less than 30 minutes before accessing the facility.
All trash will be placed in containers located outside.
All cleaning requirements as provided on the Borough's application MUST BE ADDRESSED and will be considered when approving refund of applicant's deposit.
Deposit refund will be denied, if the Borough must clean up, reset or discard any items.
Any damages exceeding the deposit will be billed to the applicant.
Failure to return keys in a timely manner (next business day) will cost the applicant $10 each for failure to return.
If you have hired a caterer or rented any equipment, everything must be removed at the end of your event.
Anything left outside the facility will affect the refund of your deposit.
Violations and Penalties. The violation of any provision of this subsection shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 for each offense. Imprisonment in addition to or in lieu of fine, may also be imposed, not to exceed 10 days for each violation.
[Ord. No. 2018-01 § 1; Ord. #5/15/64, § 1; Ord. #4/3/78, § 1; Ord. #81-1, § 2; Ord. #89-19, § 1; Ord. #97-02, § 2; Ord. #2002-23, § 1; Ord. #2006-25, § 1; Ord. No. 2018-01 § 1]
No person shall place, cause to be placed, nor allow any boats or boat trailers on the boat launching ramp located on the easterly side of Compass Avenue adjacent to the Beachwood Community Center without having first applied for, been granted and have properly displayed a permit issued by the Borough Clerk. Permits shall be issued only to residents of the Borough of Beachwood.
Launching ramp permit $100
Marina licensed boats exempt. The above boat launching fee shall exempt those that rent a slip in the Borough Marina.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 2; Ord. #4/3/78, § 2; Ord. #81-1, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-11 § 1]
No person shall launch any power-operated boat, raft or marine device from any of the borough-owned lands within the Borough of Beachwood except through the use of the municipal launching ramp or other designated area, and then only upon payment of the fee, signing of an application, receipt of a permit and the exhibition of the necessary decals as hereinafter provided. The municipal boat launching ramp shall not be used for the launching of any boat over twenty-six (26') feet in length or having a beam in excess of eight (8') feet. No permit shall be required for the launching of boats under the length of sixteen (16') feet which are primarily designed to operate without mechanical power. The area immediately adjacent to the westerly fence line of the Beachwood Beach on the southerly shore of the Toms River is hereby designated as the launch area for unpowered boats under the length of sixteen (16') feet. This section shall not apply to the launching of sailboats by members or guests of the Beachwood Yacht Club within the area adjacent to the Yacht Club, which area is the subject of a lease agreement between the Yacht Club and the Borough.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-02; Ord. No. 2018-01 § 2]
No person shall park a motor vehicle or a boat trailer which does not have a valid permit in the marked Borough owned area near the Borough launching ramp located on the northerly side of Compass Avenue adjacent to the Community Center which is restricted to boat trailer parking from April 1st to November 15th of each year. Any vehicle or trailer without a valid permit shall be subject to violation of Section 1-5 as set forth in Chapter 1 of the Borough Code.
[Ord. #4/3/78, § 3; Ord. #83-3, § 1; Ord. #86-7, § 1; Ord. #87-6, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #88-3, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #88-11, § 1; Ord. #88-24, § 1; Ord. #2002-23, § 2; Ord. #2006-19, § 1; Ord. No. 2016-11 § 2; Ord. No. 2018-01 § 3]
No person, firm or corporation shall tie up a boat except at designated areas, such designated areas being the slips rented by the Borough of Beachwood.
Rental of such slips shall be restricted to owners of homes located within the Borough of Beachwood or residential tenants within the Borough of Beachwood until such time as the waiting list consisting of owners of homes within the Borough or residential tenants within the Borough is exhausted. When the aforementioned waiting list is exhausted, boat slips shall be offered to individuals not meeting the description provided above on a first-come, first-serve basis with the specific understanding that said individuals shall have no guaranteed right of renewal the following year in the event additional property owners in Beachwood or residential tenants within the Borough of Beachwood place their name on the waiting list. Under no circumstances is more than one boat slip to be rented to a single residential address or nonresidential address should the residential address become exhausted. Fees for rental of Borough-owned slips shall be:
Thirty-five (35') foot slip with catwalk $780
Thirty (30') foot slip with catwalk $690
Deleted by Ord. No. 2018-01 § 3.
Boat Slip Rules & Regulations.
Those applying for a slip must present the title to their boat at the time of application and execution of their boat slip agreement. Title must be in the name of an individual who is a home owner or renter in Beachwood. If applying as a nonresident the same rule applies for ownership of the boat. The applying party must certify the overall boat length and width and, if an outboard motor is powering the boat, the length shall include the motor in a downward or in water position.
The rental season shall begin on April 1st of each year and end on October 31st. Once the season has commenced there will be no refunds. If cancelled 45 days prior to season commencement, a refund of $200 may be made upon submission of a request and the reason therefor. The governing body shall review and approve or disapprove of said request.
There shall be no assignment or subletting of the boat slips.
No individuals shall reside on any boat docked at the Borough Marina.
Boats are to be properly secured and shall fit into the designated slips contracted for by said resident or nonresident. If they do not fit and any monies paid by said renter shall be forfeited to the Borough.
All park rules and regulations of the Borough shall apply to individuals conduct at the Borough Marina facility.
Boats occupying Borough owned slips which are noncompliant with the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to fines pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 4; Ord. #83-3, § 2]
All persons using the Municipal boat launching ramp facilities shall have in their possession a permit for the use of such launching ramp and shall have prominently displayed on the tongue of the boat trailer and on the windshield of the boat, left side, or if not windshield, on the dashboard of each boat, a decal which shall be furnished by the Borough Clerk upon payment of the proper fee and completion of the application for a permit as stated in this section.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 5; Ord. #3/4/81, § 1; Ord. #2000-14, § 1]
All use of the Municipal boat launching ramp or boat slips shall be limited to those persons who have applied for and received a permit and duplicate decals from the Borough Clerk of Beachwood. A separate application and fee must be submitted for each boat and trailer, which will make use of the Borough facilities. No permit for the use of Borough boating facilities shall be issued other than to the legally registered owner of the boat and trailer which will make use of the facilities. The duplicate decal shall be displayed on the windshield of the boat and on the tongue of the trailer which is used to launch the boat. The trailer to be utilized shall be of the same decal number as the boat which is to be launched. Adequate proof of ownership and residence in the Borough shall be required prior to the issuance of any permit. The Borough Clerk or such assistant as may be designated by the Clerk is hereby designated as the person to represent the governing body granting any permit or rental agreement for the use of Borough boating facilities.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 6; Ord. #2/16/72, § 1; Ord. #4/3/78, § 4; Ord. #3/4/81, § 2; Ord. #83-3, § 3; Ord. #86-1, § 2; New; Ord. #87-6, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #88-3, § 2; Ord. #88-24, § 2; Ord. #89-19, § 2; Ord. No. 2018-01 § 4]
The permit to allow the use of Borough owned property and the municipal boat launching ramp shall be granted only upon a written application signed by the applicant. The application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, the size, type and registration number of each boat to be licensed. The applicant shall also certify that each boat to be licensed complies in all respects with Coast Guard and New Jersey Marine requirements and that each such boat bears a current New Jersey Marine Registration Number.
Owners of all boats using Borough-owned boat slips shall also certify that such boat fully complies with Coast Guard and New Jersey Marine regulations and bears a current New Jersey Registration Number.
Boats not equipped with mufflers sufficient to deaden engine noises are prohibited on Borough-owned property and the municipal boat launching ramp.
[Ord. #5/15/64, § 8]
All persons using the Municipal boat launching ramp shall do so at their own risk, and the Borough assumes no responsibility for theft, loss or damage to any boats or motor vehicles or any equipment used in connection with them.
[New; Ord. #88-3, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-11 § 3]
Boating Season Violations. Those renting a boat slip in the Borough's Marina shall not occupy the slip prior to April 1st or after October 31st of the boating season. First offenders shall be subject to a minimum fine of $100. Those who are subsequently found guilty of a second violation shall be subject to a minimum fine of $200 and they shall be ineligible to lease a slip the following season.
[Ord. No. 2018-01 § 5]
The violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 for each offense. Imprisonment in addition to or in lieu of fine, may also be imposed, not to exceed 90 days for each violation.
[Ord. #86-32, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #94-03, § 1; Ord. #98-14, § 1; Ord. #2000-02, § 1; Ord. #2001-20, § 1; Ord. #2003-02, § 2; Ord. #2003-06, § 1; Ord. #2004-02, § 1; Ord. #2011-02, § 2]
Fees Established. The fees for use of the Beachwood Community Center shall be as follows:
Deposit: $500 for a Borough resident per rental;
$800 for a nonresident of Beachwood per rental
[Amended 2-5-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-01]
Rental: $500 for a Borough resident per rental;
$800 for a nonresident of Beachwood per rental
[Amended 2-5-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-01]
Rental — Organizational-Local Service $100 per rental.
Cleanup or Custodial Fee $100 per rental
Cleanup or Custodial Fee—Holiday $150 per rental
Cancellation Fee and Rescheduling Fee — There shall be a $200 cancellation fee if cancelled in advance of 60 days. If cancelled between 60 days and 30 days in advance of the scheduled date there shall be a $250 cancellation fee. If cancelled less than 30 days there shall be a full loss of deposit. The fee for rescheduling shall be $50
The fees hereinabove set forth shall not apply to local (Beachwood) nonprofit organizations and to other nonprofit organizations that are excluded from the present fee structure by the Borough of Beachwood governing body.
Anyone using said Community Center facility shall be required to make the above payments and to sign the appropriate contractual agreement between the Borough and said individual or organization prior to use of the facility.
[Ord. #89-2, § 1; Ord. #91-05, § 2; Ord. #98-14, §§ 2-5; Ord. #2002-08, § 1; Ord. #2006-11, §§ 1—3; Ord. #2015-03; Ord. #2015-05; Ord. No. 2019-06; amended 8-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
The following field use fees are established for various recreational programs within the Borough of Beachwood:
Registration fee: Not to exceed:
Adult teams
$25 per team $25 per game
All leagues must submit a written certificate of liability insurance and copies of their rosters two weeks prior to the season.
Other fees:
Baseball, soccer and/or softball
League night light use escrow
Night light use
$50 per game per night paid at time of application.
***Applicants will be required to establish an escrow account with the Borough of Beachwood, the applicant must arrange for electric service to be in their name. Upon proof of payment and paid account status at the end of the season, escrow will be released. Any unpaid balance after 30 days of season end, escrow will be forfeited, and balance will be paid by the Borough of Beachwood and applicant will forfeit all future use of lights. Applicant will be charged a twenty-five ($25) dollar service fee for any bill not paid in a timely manner. Applicant must comply with all conditions of lighting agreement application.
Recreation program: Fees for the summer recreation program shall be established by resolution of the governing body to fall within the following guidelines on May 1st of each year:
Recreation fee
Not to exceed
Per child
Maximum family fee
(4 children and more)
Extended summer camp 2:30 p.m.— 4:30 p.m.
$200 (per child)
Special events within the summer camp program
$50 (per child/per event)
Recreation sponsored events. The fees for recreation sponsored special events shall be established on May 1st of each year by resolution duly adopted by the Beachwood Borough Council and falling within the following. (All fees not to exceed.)
[Amended 8-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
Table events and other event registration
Hobby Shows
$150 per 8 foot table space
Craft Shows
$150 per 8 foot table space
Memorial Day Exhibitors
$150 per 10x10 area space
4th of July Celebration
$150 per 8 foot table space
Food vendors for all events
$300 per 8 foot table space
Food trucks for all events
$300 registration
Town Wide Yard Sale
$50 registration
$50 registration
Instructional Clubs
$50.00 registration
Dances Admission charge
Teenager (13-18 years)
All charges are plus the cost of the dance, i.e. food, band, etc., which will be added in and included in the price of ticket. Fees will be adjusted depending on the event and age group involved.
Holiday events
Admission charge
Teenager (13-18 years)
Bus trips $25 registration fee plus cost of trip
Other recreational activities. The fees for recreational/sponsored special events shall be established on May 1st of each year by resolution duly adopted by the Beachwood Borough Council and falling within the following "not to exceed" fees:
Registration fees per program per person
Twirling-Color Guard
Arts and crafts
Cultural clubs
Instructional clubs
Running Clinic
All fees will be plus the cost of the program, i.e. supplies, salary, etc.
Admission fee $10 (excludes cost of food, etc.)
Fees to be paid to Running Clinic instructors shall be within the following range:
Running Clinic Instructor $15-$25 per session as set forth above.
Yoga or Special Exercise Instruction with fee per person per session or class $5 to $10.
Fee per class or session to be set by the governing body of Beachwood as referenced above on May 1 of each year.
The instructor shall be paid the established fee not to exceed $40 per 1 hour session.
Running Clinic with fee per person as $50
Fee per class or session to be set by the governing body of Beachwood as referenced above on May 1 of each year.
Fees to be paid to Running Clinic Instructors shall be within the following range: Running Clinic Instructor: $15 — $25 per session.
[Ord. #91-05, § 2]
Any donations received by the Borough of Beachwood for the recreation programs shall be placed in a Recreational Trust Fund for the specific use of the above-referenced programs set forth within this section.
[Ord. #98-20, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #2011-02, § 3]
Purpose. The purpose of the within subsection is to establish a fifty ($50) dollar fee in order to regulate the use of the Borough's River Front Gazebo for a scheduled event. This regulation is necessary in order to ensure that individuals can schedule and use the facility at a fixed time and date.
Fee. There is hereby established a fifty ($50) dollar event fee for scheduling a wedding or wedding photo session at the River Front Gazebo. The individual scheduling the event shall pay a fifty ($50) dollar fee, shall fill out the required application to include the individual's name, the event planned, the date and time which will be limited to three hours for the event.