[Ord. No. 20-1168, 3-9-2020]
All monies collected from the sale of graves or lots in the St. James Cemetery shall be paid to the City Clerk to be credited fifty percent (50%) to the General Revenue Fund and fifty percent (50%) to the Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund.
[Ord. No. 20-1168, 3-9-2020]
The City Clerk shall not make any deed for a grave or lot in the City Cemetery, or any part thereof, until the purchase price for the grave or lot has been paid to the City Clerk in full.
[Ord. No. 20-1168, 3-9-2020]
Any person trespassing on the grounds of the St. James Cemetery by digging a grave or by burying a body therein without such grave being first (1st) located by the sexton, or otherwise violating any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.
[Ord. No. 20-1168, 3-9-2020]
The purchase price as set forth in this Section shall be charged for the purchase of Cemetery plots in the St. James Cemetery. The fees shall be as follows:
Single grave lot — six hundred fifty dollars ($650.00).
Cremation on single lot — additional one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).
Marking for monument or foot stone — twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
Footings for existing benches will be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to eighty-five dollars ($85.00) depending on the size.
[Ord. No. 20-1168, 3-9-2020]
The following rules shall govern the operation and maintenance of the St. James Cemetery:
Cemetery hours are 7:30 A.M. until Dusk.
All persons are reminded that the Cemetery is sacredly devoted to the interment of dead and that a strict observance of all properties to such a place will be required of them.
Visitors are requested to keep on the paths and roadways and to refrain from walking over lots to make a shortcut through the Cemetery.
All vehicles must remain on the roadway. No driving on the grass.
No automobile or other motor vehicle shall be operated or driven within the Cemetery at a speed in excess of ten (10) mph.
Any person or persons found loitering on the grounds after dark will be liable for arrest.
The throwing of rubbish on any part of the grounds or roadways is prohibited.
All persons are strictly prohibited from plucking flowers, either wild or cultivated or from breaking any tree shrub or plant and from writing upon, marking, defacing or in any manner injuring any marker, monument, thence or structure in or belonging to the St. James Cemetery.
Dogs will be allowed in the Cemetery only when confined in a vehicle or on a leash. Pet waste must be collected and properly disposed of by the owner.
Visitors and other persons entering the Cemetery, except the premises in its existing condition, with full knowledge that cemeteries may contain obstacles, pitfalls and obstructions which may present a hazard to the unnamed observant. All persons shall exercise due care of their own safety, and the Cemetery shall not be responsible for damages or injuries which may be sustained on count of the condition of the premises, nor on account of the failure of any person to exercise due care for his/her own safety.
The Cemetery may, at their discretion, pursuant to Section 214.209, RSMo., the abandonment of burial site, rights revert to Cemetery, pursue reclaiming unused lots after a period of seventy-five (75) years since the last recorded activity on a burial site and after all requirements of the Missouri State Statue have been met.
As of the date of approval of these rules and regulations, anything on the ground of St. James Cemetery is prohibited. These items present mowing hazards to the staff and will be removed.
Effective July 1, 2020, no more than two (2) decorations per grave. The Cemetery reserves the right to remove and discard any excess for the overall maintenance and appearance of the Cemetery.
Planting is not permitted on private lots. The planting of shrubs and flowers is carefully planned for the general appearance of the Cemetery. The Cemetery plants and cares for most of the growing things in the sections. Any existing plantings will be removed.
Foot stones are to be flush with the ground. The Cemetery staff will, as time allows, re-set present foot stones to be flat with the ground.
Borders around a lot or set of plots is prohibited. Any existing borders that are more than one (1) inch above the ground will be removed. Current borders that are cracked or broken will also be removed as time allows.
Corner markers are allowed but must be and remain flush with the ground.
Glass, plastic, ceramic, or wire of any kind as they are hazardous for the workmen and visitors.
The Cemetery does not approve of permanent in-ground metal flower vases, nor will it accept any liability for their loss or damage under any circumstances. It is the responsibility of the lot holder to return the vases to their holder so that they will not damage the Cemetery equipment. Due to the nature of bronze vases the Cemetery is not liable for theft or damage under any circumstances whatsoever. Permanent in-ground metal flower vases are not permitted.
Potted plants, votive lights, solar lights, eternal flames, balloons, toys, figurine, statuettes, pinwheels, hanging baskets, banners and other unsightly grave decorations are not appropriate in a Cemetery and will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery staff. Please be aware of the sensitivities of others when decorating the grave of a loved one.
A Christmas wreath or grave covering of natural materials is permitted on a lot beginning Thanksgiving Day. These decorations will be removed starting January 15th of the following year.
Artificial flowers are permitted year-round only in a permanent base attached to the headstone on a saddle on top of the headstone or in a pot hanging from an approved shepherd hook.
Flowers and all grave and crypt decorations will be removed periodically by Cemetery personnel. For the safety of both our visitors and employees, this includes items left on top of the lawn level markers.
Semiannual decoration removal will be the second (2nd) week of May and again the second (2nd) week of November when ALL decorations will be removed and disposed of and are not saved for retrieval. Quarterly removal of faded or damaged decorations are posted at the Cemetery entrance.
Foam plastic packaging is not biologically degradable and is a soil pollutant that hampers the growth of grass and other plants. Please do not bring it into the Cemetery.
The Cemetery is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen grave decorations. The removal of flowers, planting or other property without proper authorization is theft and will be prosecuted.
The quantity and disposition of funeral flowers on new graves is to be determined by the Park Director. They will only remain for one (1) weekend after the interment as they become faded and unsightly.
All decorations on family monuments other than those in industry standard rust-proof cradles or in the monument vases will be removed as per the published decoration removal schedule. Cradles are not permitted on shared monuments.
Crosses of any type will be treated as decorations and removed per the normal decoration removal dates. They are not saved for retrieval. They are buried in a reverential and respectful manner. The families must be responsible for the collection prior to removal days and replacement after the removal days are past.
U.S. Flags must be on a three-eighths (3/8) inch wooden pole and be twelve (12) inches by eighteen (18) inches and placed in an approved holder that will not impede the mowing. (see the City or Utility Clerks for information for the approved holders and proper placement.)
U.S. Flags will be removed seven (7) days after Memorial Day and/or Veteran's Day and properly disposed of.
Any U.S. flag that has touched the ground will be collected and stored for proper disposal per the U.S. Flag Code. U.S. flags that are not in the approved holder will be removed and stored for proper disposal.
Shepherds hooks are allowed if they meet and are installed per the shepherd hook specifications. Shepherd hooks not installed per the specifications will be removed and discarded by the Cemetery staff.
Benches in place as of December 31, 2019, and permanently affixed to a concrete mounting slab are grandfathered. No new garden benches will be allowed unless they are a headstone/bench combination and used in place of a headstone. Benches that are currently present but not placed on a concrete mounting slab will be removed. Arrangements for installation on a concrete slab can be made with the Park Director for a fee.
Wreaths with wreath stands are authorized for a 15-day period surrounding the national holidays.
Easter Sunday.
Mother's Day.
Memorial Day.
Father's Day.
Veteran's Day.
The wreaths and stands will be removed by Cemetery staff seven (7) days after these holidays.
Use of fireworks and candle lanterns are expressly prohibited to prevent fires.
Painted rocks are not allowed.
No decorations are to be placed on or in the ground including artificial flowers, painted rocks statuary, garden stones, toys, or any other decorations of any kind.
The St. James Cemetery Board reserves the right to revise these rules.
Ownership Rights On Interment.
The terms "lot owner" or "ownership" shall mean the right to use a lot, or part of a lot as purchased from the City of St. James for burial purposes only as prescribed by existing or subsequent regulations of the City of St. James Cemetery.
The City of St. James shall have the right to assume that the lot owner acquired the lot for the interment of himself/herself or a member of the family. Unless otherwise directed, in writing, by the owner, his/her heirs or assignee. The City Clerk will permit the interment of the family, at the request of any person, upon proof of eligibility for burials as follows:
Typically, there is no problem when the owner is living or is to be interred. When the owner is deceased, however, it becomes important who has the right of interment, the right of designation, and the right to sell or transfer the unused portions of the lot. The most difficult problems arise in the cases of remarriage or a surviving spouse when there is discord between the second spouse and children by the first marriage, or when two (2) or more of the most direct heirs (with equal kinship) want to use the remaining spaces for their burial and for members of their family. To avoid being a party to family feuds, we herein set out who will be recognized as having the right of interment, the right to direct interments, and the right to sell or transfer unused graves on a family lot.
The Cemetery will assume, at all times, that the lot owner (or owners) acquired the lot for interment of himself/herself and members of his/her family unless he/she has otherwise stipulated by a "Will," by "Notarized Affidavit," or by indicating "Exceptions in the Deed." The Cemetery will also assume that it is proper for a husband and wife to be buried on the same lot should this be the desire of the survivor, so that the surviving husband or wife of any individual interred on a lot has the right of interment if space is available, whether the survivor is a direct heir or an in-law. Unless this office is legally directed to act otherwise, by an owner or owners or by the legal heirs or personal representative of any owner or owners after death, the Cemetery will allow interments at the request of any interested person or any funeral home in accordance with the foregoing and on the following rules and regulations.
Rights Of Owner And Spouse. All plots conveyed to an individual are presumed to be the sole and separate property of the owner named in the instrument of conveyance and the owner shall have the first right of interment, he/she shall have the right of direction for relatives or friends, and he/she shall have the right of sale or transfer, except that the spouse of an owner of any plot containing more than one (1) interment space has a vested right of interment of his/her remains in the plot, and any person thereafter becoming the spouse of the owner has a vested right of interment of his/her remains in the plot if more than one (1) interment space is unoccupied at the time the person becomes the spouse of the owner, and no conveyance or other action of the owner without the written consent or joiner of the spouse of the owner divests the spouse of a vested right of interment; provided, however, that a final decree of divorce between owner and spouse terminates the vested right of interment of said spouse unless otherwise provided in the decree, but the Cemetery is obligated to reserve graves for those parties with a vested right of interment only when notified by a notarized affidavit signed by the party with the vested right which affidavit shall state the kinship and the space desired.
Rights Of Surviving Spouse. After interment of the owner, the surviving husband/wife shall have the first right of interment, the right of direction and the right to sell or transfer unused grave spaces; provided, however, that when there are surviving children of the owner by a previous marriage, the surviving husband/wife shall only have the first right of interment, and all surviving children of the owner will equally control all other unused graves.
Rights Of Direct Children On Death Of Owner And Spouse. After the interment of an owner and spouse, the direct children of the owner shall have the right of interment, the right of direction for members of their family, and when unanimously approved by all, the right to sell or transfer; and interment request from any direct child, or for any direct child, will be honored in the order received until all grave spaces have been used, except that, a second wife or husband of the original owner or the surviving wife or husband of any direct child (or in-law) interred on the lot may designate one (1) vacant grave space to be reserved for herself/himself, but the responsibility for so designating a grave rests with the individual, and failure to do so divests the surviving wife or husband of this privilege if grave spaces are no longer available.
When more than one (1) of the nearest living direct heirs (of equal kinship) make requests for the reservation of the same grave space or grave spaces, the order of need (or death) establishes which party or parties will use the reserved grave space or spaces, and a surviving wife or husband has a first right if space is available although it is reserved for other individuals.
Joint Tenants — Rights Of Interment And Descent. In a conveyance for two (2) or more people as joint tenants, the owners may individually direct burials for relatives or friends if spaces are available in excess of the number needed to accommodate all owners and their spouses who have a vested right of interment. The Cemetery has the right to recognize the order of any owner. Any owner may be interred without the consent of the surviving owner or owners and the husband or wife of an owner may be interred without the consent of the surviving owner or owners. Upon the death of a joint tenant, all rights are immediately vested in the surviving owner or owners, subject to the vested right of interment of the remains of the deceased joint tenant and his/her husband or wife.
Order Of Succession. Upon the death and interment of joint tenants or owner and spouse, the nearest living kin shall have the right of interment, the right of direction for members of their family, and when action jointly, the right to sell or transfer. The nearest living kin in different situations may be parents, brothers, and or sisters, nieces and or nephews, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. Any party making a request with our office may be asked to:
Sign a notarized affidavit indicating that he or she is the nearest living kin, or one of the nearest living kin. The policy as outlined for "direct children" in Rule 2 — Paragraph E, also applies for direct heir (or the husband or wife of a direct heir) is interred, this automatically gives the Cemetery, City of St. James, approval for interment of the surviving husband/wife, and that this is a first right if the Cemetery, City of St. James, is properly notified by the survivor that this is his or her desire.
Right Of Interment, Direction Or Sale By Agreement Of Heirs. The most direct heirs of a deceased owner may, by a properly executed legal agreement, state who among them shall have the right of interment, direction, and of sale or transfer, which agreement must bear the signature of all the most direct heirs of equal kinship, and which must be recorded in the office of the City Clerk before being valid. When there are several owners of a lot, they may designate one (1) or more persons to represent the plot by filing a written notice of designation in the City Clerk's office which notice must bear the signatures of all owners. In the absence of a properly executed notice, the Cemetery is not liable to any owner for interring or permitting an interment in the plot in accordance with these rules.
Affidavits. An affidavit properly executed shall remain in force unless a subsequent affidavit is submitted to the Cemetery office that must bear the signatures of all the living parties that properly signed and executed the first affidavit. An affidavit by a person having knowledge of the facts setting forth the fact of the death of the owner and the name of the person or persons entitled to use of the plot, authorization for the Cemetery to permit the use of the unoccupied portions of the plot by the persons entitled to the use of it. An affidavit by any person having knowledge of the facts setting forth the fact of the death of one (1) joint tenant and establishing the identity of the surviving joint tenants named in the deed to any plot when filed with the City Clerk, is complete authorization for the City Clerk to permit the use of the unoccupied portion of the plot in accordance with these rules.
Vested Right Of Interment. A "vested right" or "first right" of interment may be waived. A "vested right" or "first right" of interment is terminated upon the interment elsewhere of the remains of the person in whom vested. No vested right of interment gives to any person the right to have his/her remains interred in any interment space in which the remains of any deceased person have been interred, nor does it give any person the right to have the remains of more than one (1) deceased person interred in a single interment space in violation of these rules and regulations.
The deed to a Cemetery space invests in the owner the right to use such lot for burial purposes for any person they may choose to admit; provided, such admission is free of charge and without compensation, and in accordance with the Cemetery regulations.
Space owners must provide a quit claim deed or warranty deed to the purchaser of the space(s) being purchased. At this time the new owner must provide a copy of the quit claim deed or warranty deed to the City Clerk so it may be recorded under the new owner(s) name. At that time the new owner(s) information will be recorded, and the new owner(s) will receive the deed to the space. If the original deed is not available, the owner(s) will have to provide a warranty deed or quit claim deed to the new owner(s).