[Ord. No. 554, § 2, 6-10-1980]
During past years and continuing to the present time, the city has experienced an inadequate supply of raw water for its municipal water system, particularly during the summer months and in periods of inadequate rainfall and from time to time emergencies exist because of the lack of an adequate water supply.
The Missouri River, the reservoir supplying raw water to the city at times becomes dangerously low and it occasionally becomes necessary to restrict the use of water or prohibit entirely its use for certain purposes.
The city water treatment plant has a limited capacity and at such times cannot meet the demands placed upon it and the treated water storage and distribution system further has a limited capacity and such treatment plant and treated water storage and distribution system are subject to mechanical or electrical breakdowns, or similar malfunctions which from time to time may create an emergency.
The board of city commissioners finds and determines that it is imperative to the public well-being that certain uses of water not essential to the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the city be restricted at times or certain uses be prohibited entirely.
The board of city commissioners of the city finds and determines that it is necessary for the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the city to enact this article which shall be in addition to existing ordinances previously enacted by the city.
[Ord. No. 554, § 3, 6-10-1980]
The provisions of this article shall apply to all persons using water in or outside of the city from the Williston municipal water supply system.
[Ord. No. 554, § 4, 6-10-1980]
A determination that an emergency exists which requires the imposition of certain restrictions on use of water or the prohibition of use of water for certain purposes shall be made in the following manner:
If such emergency shall be caused by a dangerously low level of water in the Missouri River or an inadequate supply of raw water, the determination of emergency shall be made by the board of city commissioners at any regular meeting or special meeting which may be called for that purpose and the board of city commissioners, after declaration of such emergency, may impose any one or more of all of the restrictions and prohibited uses of water provided in Section 22-63.
If such emergency shall be caused by the lack of capacity of the water treatment plant or the lack of capacity of the treated water storage and distribution system, or by a mechanical or electrical breakdown or similar malfunction in any part of the municipal water system, such determination of emergency shall be made by the director of the department of public works of the city who is hereby authorized and directed in such circumstances to declare an emergency and impose any one or more or all of the restrictions or prohibited uses provided in Section 22-63.
After an emergency shall be determined pursuant to either paragraph (1) or (2) above, and determination that certain restrictions or prohibited uses shall be imposed, notice thereof may be published in any reasonable manner in the official newspaper of the city or broadcast on radio or television stations serving the city in any reasonable manner and after publication of such notice, it shall be unlawful for any person to use or withdraw water from the municipal water system in any manner contrary to such restrictions or prohibited uses.
[Ord. No. 554, § 5, 6-10-1980; Ord. No. 996]
Upon declaration of an emergency pursuant to either paragraph (1) or (2) of Section 22-62, the board of city commissioners or the director of the department of public works, as the case may be, may impose restrictions on use of water or prohibit the use of water from the municipal water system in any one or more or all of the following manners, either for temporary periods of time or for an extended and indefinite period of time until the emergency shall pass, as may be deemed necessary:
Restrict or prohibit the use of municipal water for watering, sprinkling or irrigating yards, lawns, gardens, trees, shrubbery, grass or any other vegetation; restrict or prohibit the use of water for washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, trailer houses or any other mobile equipment; restrict or prohibit the use of water for washing of sidewalks, driveways, filling station aprons, porches, or other outdoor facilities or services; restrict or prohibit the use of water for operation of any ornamental fountain or other exterior structure making use of water or the addition of water to any swimming or wading pool, whether public or private.
In order to minimize peak demands on the City's water treatment and distribution system, the use of municipal water for the purposes of sprinkling or irrigating yards, lawns, gardens, trees, shrubbery, grass or any other vegetation shall be done in accordance with the following schedule:
Persons living in dwelling structures which have a street address number assigned ending in an even digit may use water outside such structure only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Persons living in dwelling structures which have a street address number assigned ending in an odd digit may use water outside such structure only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
For the purposes of this paragraph (2), any street address number ending in a fraction shall be deemed to be an odd number.
Require that persons living in dwelling structures which do not have street address numbers assigned living in the city or persons living in dwelling structures which live outside of the city but which use water supplied from the Williston municipal water supply system may use water outside such structure only during certain hours of each day, as established by the director of the department of public works of the city or by the board of city commissioners of the city.
Prohibit entirely the use of water for any of the purposes described in paragraph (1) above during certain hours of the day, such as between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.