[Adopted 4-1-2015; amended in its entirety 11-25-2019]
There exists conclusive evidence that products containing, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, cause cancer, respiratory and cardiac diseases, and negative birth outcomes, therefore, it is the intention of the South Hadley Board of Health to regulate the sale of tobacco products, as defined herein.
This regulation is promulgated pursuant to the authority granted to the South Hadley Board of Health by MGL c. 111, § 31, which states "boards of health may make reasonable health regulations."
For the purpose of this regulation, the following words shall have the following meanings:
An establishment that does not share space with another business, that has a separate entrance, that does not sell food or alcohol, that does not have a restaurant license or lottery license, whose only purpose is to sell or offer for retail sale tobacco products and/or tobacco product paraphernalia, in which the entry of persons under the age of 21 is prohibited at all times, and which maintains a valid permit for the retail sale of tobacco products from the South Hadley Board of Health and applicable state licenses. Entrance to the establishment must be secure so that access to the establishment is restricted to employees and to those 21 years or older. The establishment shall not allow anyone under the age of 21 to work at the establishment. As of the effective date of this regulation, no new adult-only retail tobacco stores shall be located within 25 feet of a retailer with a tobacco product sales permit.
Any tobacco product manufactured or packaged as a wrap or as a hollow tube made wholly or in part from tobacco that is designed or intended to be filled by the consumer with loose tobacco or other fillers regardless of any content.
An individual who has been designated by the owner or operator of any establishment to be the manager or otherwise in charge of said establishment.
A distinguishable taste or aroma, other than the taste or aroma of tobacco, imparted or detectable either prior to or during consumption of a tobacco product or component part thereof, including, but not limited to, tastes or aromas relating to any fruit, chocolate, vanilla, honey, candy, cocoa, dessert, alcoholic beverage, menthol, mint, wintergreen, herb or spice; provided, however, that no tobacco product shall be determined to have a characterizing flavor solely because of the provision of ingredient information or the use of additives or flavorings that do not contribute to the distinguishable taste or aroma of the product.
Any roll of tobacco that is wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco with or without a tip or mouthpiece not otherwise defined as a cigarette under MGL c. 64C, § 1, Paragraph 1.
Any element of a tobacco product, including, but not limited to, the tobacco, filter and paper, but not including any constituent.
Any ingredient, substance, chemical or compound, other than tobacco, water or reconstituted tobacco sheet, that is added by the manufacturer to a tobacco product during the processing, manufacturing or packaging of the tobacco product. Such term shall include a smoke constituent.
Any card, paper, note, form, statement, ticket or other communication distributed for commercial or promotional purposes to be later surrendered by the bearer so as to receive an article, service or accommodation without charge or at a discount price.
Perceivable by either the sense of smell or taste.
Any public or private college, school, professional school, scientific or technical institution, university or other institution furnishing a program of higher education.
Any product containing, made or that is derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, regardless of the nicotine content, that relies on vaporization or aerosolization. Electronic cigarette devices include any component part of such product, including liquid for use in the device, regardless of whether the liquid contains nicotine, whether or not sold separately. This term includes such devices whether they are manufactured as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes or under any other product name. It does not include any product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product that is being marketed and sold or prescribed solely for the approved purpose.
Any individual who performs services for an employer.
Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, trust or other organized group of individuals that uses the services of one or more employees.
Any tobacco product or component part thereof that contains a constituent that has or produces a characterizing flavor. A public statement, claim or indicia made or disseminated by the manufacturer of a tobacco product, or by any person authorized or permitted by the manufacturer to make or disseminate public statements concerning such tobacco product, that such tobacco product has or produces a characterizing flavor shall constitute presumptive evidence that the tobacco product is a flavored tobacco product.
An individual, partnership, association, corporation or trust or any person or group of persons that provides health care services and employs health care providers licensed, or subject to licensing, by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health under MGL c. 112, or a retail establishment that provides pharmaceutical goods and services and is subject to the provisions of 247 Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) 6.00. Health care institutions include, but are not limited to, hospitals, clinics, health centers, pharmacies, drugstores, doctor offices, optician/optometrist offices and dentist offices.
A bottle or other vessel which contains nicotine in liquid or gel form, whether or not combined with another substance or substances, for use in a tobacco product, as defined herein. The term does not include a container containing nicotine in a cartridge that is sold, marketed, or intended for use in a tobacco product, if the cartridge is prefilled and sealed by the manufacturer and not intended to be opened by the consumer or retailer.
The higher of the price listed for a tobacco product on its package or the price listed on any related shelving, posting, advertising or display at the place where the tobacco product is sold or offered for sale plus all applicable taxes if such taxes are not included in the state price, and before the application of any discounts or coupons.
The age an individual must be before that individual can be sold a tobacco product in the municipality.
A mechanical device made available for use (including to an individual who produces cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco, or roll-your-own tobacco solely for the individual's own personal consumption or use) that is capable of making cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products. RYO machines located in private homes used for solely personal consumption are not nonresidential RYO machines.
Any person engaged in the sale or distribution of tobacco products who applies for and receives a tobacco product sales permit or any person who is required to apply for a tobacco product sales permit pursuant to these regulations, or his or her business agent.
Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind, including, but not limited to, an owner, operator, manager, proprietor or person in charge of any establishment, business or retail store.
Public or private elementary or secondary schools.
Any display from which customers may select a tobacco product without assistance from an employee or store personnel.
Any chemical or chemical compound in mainstream or sidestream tobacco smoke that either transfers from any component of the tobacco product to the smoke or that is formed by the combustion or heating of tobacco, additives or other component of the tobacco product.
Any object used, intended for use, or designed for use in inhaling or otherwise introducing tobacco products into the human body.
Any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff; or electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), electronic cigars, electronic pipes, electronic hookah, liquid nicotine, e-liquids or other similar products, regardless of nicotine content, that rely on vaporization or aerosolization. "Tobacco product" includes any component or part of a tobacco product. "Tobacco product" does not include any product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration either as a tobacco use cessation product or for other medical purposes and which is being marketed and sold or prescribed solely for the approved purpose.
Any automated or mechanical self-service device, which upon insertion of money, tokens or any other form of payment, dispenses or makes cigarettes or any other tobacco products.
No person shall sell or provide a tobacco product or permit tobacco products to be sold or distributed to a person under the minimum legal sales age; or not being the individual's parent or legal guardian, give tobacco products to a person under the minimum legal sales age. The minimum legal sales age in South Hadley is 21.
Required signage.
In conformance with and in addition to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 270, § 7, a copy of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 270, § 6, shall be posted conspicuously by the owner or other person in charge thereof in the stop or other place used to sell tobacco products at retail. The notice shall be provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and made available from the South Hadley Board of Health. The notice shall be at least 48 square inches and shall be posted conspicuously by the permit holder in the retail establishment or other place in such a manner so that it may be readily seen by a person standing at or approaching the cash register. The notice shall directly face the purchaser and shall not be obstructed from view or placed at a height of less than four feet or greater than nine feet from the floor. The owner or other person in charge of a shop or other place used to sell tobacco products at retail shall conspicuously post any additional signs required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The owner or other person in charge of a shop or other place used to sell hand-rolled cigars must display a warning about cigar consumption in a sign at least 50 square inches pursuant to 940 CMR 22.05(2)(e).
The owner or other person in charge of a shop or other place used to sell tobacco products at retail shall conspicuously post signage provided by the South Hadley Board of Health that discloses current referral information about smoking cessation.
The owner or other person in charge of a shop or other place used to sell tobacco products that rely on vaporization or aerosolization, as defined herein as "tobacco products," at retail shall conspicuously post a sign stating that "The sale of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to someone under the minimum legal sales age of 21 years is prohibited." The notice shall be no smaller than 8.5 inches by 11 inches and shall be posted conspicuously in the retail establishment or other place in such a manner so that it may be readily seen by a person standing at or approaching the cash register. The notice shall directly face the purchaser and shall not be obstructed from view or placed at a height of less than four feet or greater than nine feet from the floor.
Identification, face-to-face sales:
Each person selling or distributing tobacco products shall verify the age of the purchaser by means of a valid government-issued photographic identification, including but not limited to a driver's license, U.S. military ID, passport containing the bearer's date of birth that the purchaser is 21 years old or the legal sales age required by state law, whichever is older. Verification is required for any person under the age of 27.
All retail sales of tobacco products must be face-to-face between the seller and the buyer and occur at the permitted location.
No person shall sell or otherwise distribute tobacco products within the Town of South Hadley without first obtaining a tobacco product sales permit issued annually by the South Hadley Board of Health. Only owners of establishments with a permanent, nonmobile location in South Hadley are eligible to apply for a permit and sell tobacco products, at the specified location in South Hadley.
As part of the tobacco product sales permit application process, the applicant will be provided with the South Hadley regulation. Each applicant is required to sign a statement declaring that the applicant has read said regulation and that the applicant is responsible for instructing any and all employees who will be responsible for tobacco product sales regarding federal, state and local laws about the sale of tobacco and this regulation.
Each applicant who sells tobacco products is required to provide proof of current tobacco retailer licenses issued by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, when required by state law, before a tobacco product sales permit can be issued. The applicant may be asked to provide evidence that a legitimate business transfer or business purchase has taken place.
A separate permit, displayed conspicuously, is required for each retail establishment selling tobacco products. The fee shall be determined by the South Hadley Board of Health annually.
A tobacco product sales permit is nontransferable. A new owner of an establishment that sells tobacco products must apply for a new permit. No new permit will be issued unless and until all outstanding penalties incurred by the previous permit holder are satisfied in full.
Issuance of a tobacco product sales permit shall be conditioned on an applicant's consent to unannounced, periodic inspections of his/her retail establishment to ensure compliance with this regulation.
A tobacco product sales permit will not be renewed if the permit holder has failed to pay all fines issued and the time period to appeal the fines has expired and/or the permit holder has not satisfied any outstanding permit suspensions.
A tobacco product sales permit will not be renewed if the permit holder has sold a tobacco product to a person under the MLSA, § 300-92, Sales to persons under minimum legal sales age prohibited, Subsection A, three times within the previous permit year and the time period to appeal has expired. The violator may request a hearing in accordance with Subsection A(4) of § 300-107, Violations and penalties.
Maximum number of tobacco product sales permits.
At any given time, there shall be no more than 11 tobacco product sales permits issued in South Hadley. No permit renewal will be denied based on the requirements of this subsection except any permit holder who has failed to renew his or her permit within 30 days of expiration will be treated as a first-time permit applicant. New applicants for permits who are applying at a time when the maximum number of permits have been issued will be placed on a waiting list and will be eligible to apply for a permit on a first-come, first-served basis as issued permits are either not renewed, revoked, or are returned to the Board of Health.
A tobacco product sales permit shall not be issued to any new applicant for a retail location within 500 feet of a public or private elementary or secondary school as measured by a straight line from the nearest point of the property line of the school to the nearest point of the property line of the site of the applicant's business premises.
Applicants who purchase or acquire an existing business that holds a valid tobacco product sales permit at the time of the sale or acquisition of said business must apply within 60 days of such sale or acquisition for the permit held by the current permit holder if the applicant intends to sell tobacco products.
No person shall operate an adult-only retail tobacco store, as defined herein, within the Town of South Hadley without first obtaining an adult-only retail tobacco store permit, as defined herein, issued annually by the South Hadley Board of Health.
The adult-only retail tobacco store is also required to have a tobacco product sales permit pursuant to § 300-93 of this regulation.
The fee for an adult-only retail tobacco store permit shall be determined by the South Hadley Board of Health.
An adult-only retail tobacco store permit is nontransferable. No new permit will be issued unless and until all outstanding penalties incurred by the previous permit holder are satisfied in full.
A separate adult-only retail tobacco store permit is required for each adult-only retail tobacco store.
The adult-only retail tobacco store permit shall be displayed at the adult-only retail tobacco store in a conspicuous place.
Issuance of an adult-only retail tobacco store permit shall be conditioned on an applicant's consent to unannounced, periodic inspections of the adult-only retail tobacco store to ensure compliance with this regulation.
An adult-only retail tobacco store permit will not be renewed if the permit holder has failed to pay all fines issued and the time period to appeal the fines has expired and/or the permit holder has not satisfied any outstanding permit suspension.
Maximum number of adult-only retail tobacco store permits. At any given time, there shall be no more than one adult-only retail tobacco store permit issued in South Hadley. No permit renewal will be denied based on the requirements of this subsection except any permit holder who has failed to renew their permit within 30 days of expiration will be treated as a first-time applicant. New applicants for permits who are applying at a time when the maximum permits have been issued will be placed on a waiting list and will be eligible to apply for a permit on a first-come, first-served basis as issued permits are either not renewed, revoked, or are returned to the South Hadley Board of Health.
No person shall sell or distribute or cause to be sold or distributed a single cigar unless such cigar is priced for retail sale at $2.50 or more.
No person shall sell or distribute or cause to be sold or distributed any original factory-wrapped package of two or more cigars, unless such package is priced for retail sale at $5 or more.
This section shall not apply to a person or entity engaged in the business of selling or distributing cigars for commercial purposes to another person or entity engaged in the business of selling or distributing cigars for commercial purposes with the intent to sell or distribute outside the boundaries of South Hadley.
The South Hadley Board of Health may adjust from time to time the amounts specified in this section to reflect changes in the applicable Consumer Price Index by amendment of this regulation.
No person shall sell or distribute or cause to be sold or distributed any flavored tobacco product, as described herein, except in permitted adult-only retail tobacco stores.
No person or entity shall sell or distribute blunt wraps in South Hadley.
No person shall:
Distribute or cause to be distributed any free samples of tobacco products or nicotine delivery products. No means, instruments or devices that allow for redemption of all tobacco products or nicotine delivery products for free or cigarettes at a price below the minimum retail price determined by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue shall be accepted by any permit holder.
Distribute or cause to be distributed, any free samples of tobacco products, accept or redeem, offer to accept or redeem, or cause or hire any person to accept or redeem or offer to accept or redeem any coupon that provides any tobacco product without charge or for less than the listed or nondiscounted price; or
Sell a tobacco product to consumers through any multi-pack discounts (e.g., buy-two-get-one-free) or otherwise provide or distribute to consumers any tobacco product without charge or for less than the listed or nondiscounted price in exchange for the purchase of any other tobacco product.
This section shall not apply to products for which there is a state law prohibiting them from being sold as loss leaders and for which a minimum retail price is required by law.
The sale or distribution of tobacco products in any form other than an original factory-wrapped package is prohibited, including the repackaging or dispensing of any tobacco product for retail sale. No person shall sell or cause to be sold or distribute or cause to be distributed any cigarette package that contains fewer than 20 cigarettes, including single cigarettes.
Permit holders who sell Liquid Nicotine Containers must comply with the provisions of 310 CMR 30.000 and must provide the Board of Health with a written plan for disposal of said product, including disposal plans for any breakage, spillage or expiration of the product.
All permit holders must comply with 940 CMR 21.05 which reads: "It shall be an unfair or deceptive act or practice for any person to sell or distribute nicotine in a liquid or gel substance in Massachusetts after March 15, 2016, unless the liquid or gel product is contained in a child-resistant package that, at a minimum, meets the standard for special packaging as set forth in 15 U.S.C. §§ 1471 through 1476 and 16 CFR § 1700 et seq."
No permit holder shall refill a cartridge that is prefilled and sealed by the manufacturer and not intended to be opened by the consumer or retailer.
All self-service displays of tobacco products are prohibited. All humidors including, but not limited to, walk-in humidors must be locked.
All vending machines containing tobacco products are prohibited.
All nonresidential roll-your-own machines are prohibited.
No health care institution located in South Hadley shall sell or cause to be sold tobacco products. No retail establishment that operates or has a health care institution within it, such as a pharmacy, optician/optometrist or drugstore, shall sell or cause to be sold tobacco products.
No educational institution located in South Hadley shall sell or cause to be sold tobacco products. This includes all educational institutions as well as any retail establishments that operate on the property of an educational institution.
No person shall sell or distribute or cause to be sold or distributed any electronic cigarette except in a permitted adult-only retail store.
The sale or distribution of tobacco products must comply with those provisions found at MGL c. 270, §§ 6, 6A, 7, and MGL c. 112, § 61A.
The sale or distribution of tobacco products must comply with those provisions found at 940 CMR 21.00 (Sale and Distribution of Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking Devices in Massachusetts) and 940 CMR 22.00 (Sale and Distribution of Cigars in Massachusetts).
It shall be the responsibility of the establishment, permit holder and/or his or her business agent to ensure compliance with all sections of this regulation. The violator shall receive:
In the case of a first violation, a fine of $100.
In the case of a second violation within 36 months of the date of the current violation, a fine of $200 and the tobacco product sales permit shall be suspended for 14 consecutive business days.
In the case of three or more violations within a thirty-six-month period, a fine of $300 and the tobacco product sales permit shall be suspended for 30 consecutive business days.
In the case of four violations or repeated, egregious violations of this regulation, as determined by the Board of Health, within a thirty-six-month period, the Board of Health shall hold a hearing in accordance with Subsection D of this section and may permanently revoke a tobacco product sales permit.
Failure to cooperate with inspections pursuant to this regulation shall result in the suspension of the tobacco product sales permit for 30 consecutive business days.
In addition to the monetary fines set above, any permit holder who engages in the sale or distribution of tobacco products while his or her permit is suspended shall be subject to the suspension of all Board of Health issued permits for 30 consecutive business days. Multiple tobacco product sales permit suspensions shall not be served concurrently.
The South Hadley Board of Health shall provide notice of the intent to suspend or revoke a tobacco product sales permit, which notice shall contain the reasons therefor and establish a time and date for a hearing, which date shall be no earlier than seven days after the date of said notice. The permit holder or its business agent shall have an opportunity to be heard at such hearing and shall be notified of the Board of Health's decision and the reasons therefor in writing. After a hearing, the South Hadley Board of Health shall suspend or revoke the tobacco product sales permit if the Board of Health finds that a violation of this regulation occurred. All tobacco products shall be removed from the retail establishment upon suspension or revocation of the tobacco product sales permit. Failure to remove all tobacco products shall constitute a separate violation of this regulation.
Whoever violates any provision of this regulation may be penalized by the noncriminal method of disposition as provided in MGL c. 40, § 21D.
Each day any violation exists shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
Enforcement of this regulation shall be by the South Hadley Board of Health or its designated agent(s). Any resident who desires to register a complaint pursuant to the regulation may do so by contacting the South Hadley Board of Health or its designated agent(s) and the Board shall investigate.
If any provision of this regulation is declared invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby but shall continue in full force and effect.
This regulation shall take effect on November 25, 2019.