[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Any applicant for site development approval may, in lieu of filing an application for preliminary site plan approval, file with the administrative officer five copies of a site plan of the proposed development in sketch plat form, together with a basic description of the development, on an application form to be provided by the Planning Board for purposes of classification and preliminary discussion. Such applications shall be known and designated as classification applications and shall be processed in accordance with this division. Five copies of classification applications, each containing all required documentation, shall be submitted.
An applicant or his architect may arrange an early review meeting with planning board staff and professionals, preferably in the schematic design phase of the architect's project development. Such an early review is generally deemed desirable, but especially so in the case of larger scope projects and in the case of others that may require exceptions or variances under subdivision or zoning regulations. The purpose of such early review is to provide an informal and free exchange of ideas so as to facilitate the making of adjustments or changes in the site development with a minimum of expense to the applicant.
The architectural drawings of the architectural concept of development for early review may be simplified in their extent and schematic in character.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
The following checklist is designed to inform applicants as to what is required in preparing minor site plans for board review. Applicants shall check off items to confirm that they are included as part of the submission. Checklist items omitted can result in the application being found incomplete and therefore delay consideration by the Board. Utilities, details, profiles, etc. may be shown on separate sheets. This checklist must be submitted with the application. Applications filed which include a waiver request for any of the checklist items, shall be accompanied by a written statement in support of each waiver request.
*The total number of copies to be submitted is dependent upon which board hears your application. This information can be found in the cover sheet of the application.
General Requirements:
Completed application form (original + five copies). *Maximum number of copies required is 30.
Complete site plan and architectural drawings signed and sealed by an appropriate professional pursuant to State licensing requirements (14 copies). Plans are not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches and all sheets must be the same size. All plans must be collated and folded. *Maximum number of copies required is 30.
Application and Escrow Fees. Separate checks are required.
Completed W-9 and escrow agreement.
Fire Protection Plan in accordance with municipal code Section T10B-109.1 through § T10B-109.4 (six copies). *Maximum number of copies required is 30.
Fire protection map (14 copies, *Maximum number of copies required is 30, indicating:
Existing and proposed hydrants.
Distances between hydrants.
Distances to nearest hydrant.
Water main location, size and location where supply is coming from.
Narrative containing information regarding the relevant fire protection sector as well as distances and spacing of fire hydrants (14 copies, *Maximum number of copies required is 30.) This information must also include:
Exposure distances.
Accessibility of fire hydrants.
Demonstrating that fire flows at nearby fire hydrants, meets or exceeds municipal standards.
Size and type of building construction.
Intended use and occupancy of building.
Fire protection practices.
Completed checklist (original + five copies). *Maximum number of copies required is 30.
Letter from the Tax Collector stating that all taxes and assessments are paid to date.
If applicable, completed variance appeal form and/or conditional use form (original + five copies). *Maximum number of copies required is 30.
Submission of historic preservation plan when the property is located in a historic district or historic buffer district, pursuant to municipal ordinances including:
Photographs of the property in question and surrounding properties.
Product specifications, where appropriate.
Elevations and details for proposed new construction.
Floor plans.
Documentation sufficient to demonstrate how the proposed improvement appears in context.
Archaeological and historic sites survey.
Archaeological and historic sites construction protocol.
Delineated historic protection area or pre-mapped historic preservation area.
When available, historic photographs, maps, plot plans and other historic site documentation.
Plot plan of property showing location of all existing and proposed structures, with relationship to surrounding buildings on adjoining properties, zoning setback, driveways(s), and existing and proposed utilities.
If the project involves affordable housing the following must be provided:
Floor plans showing the location of low and moderate income units indicating whether the unit is a one-bedroom, two-bedroom or three-bedroom unit.
A table listing the number of low and moderate income units, the size of the units and the number of bedrooms.
For units proposed to be for sale, the affordable housing agreement, repayment mortgage and repayment mortgage note.
For units proposed for rental, declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions, and affordable housing agreement for rental properties.
Site Plan:
Tract name.
Tax map sheet, lot and block number.
Date, north arrow and graphic scale (min. one inch equals 50 feet).
Property boundary dimensions and bearings.
Acreage of the entire tract.
Key Map showing entire project and its relation to surrounding areas, roads and watercourses within 500 feet of the property, including zoning district and zoning boundaries.
Bulk zoning regulations for district providing existing and proposed requirements in schedule form (showing required, existing and proposed conditions).
Sealed survey.
Name, address and signature of record owner.
Name and address of applicant (if other than owner).
Property owners within 200 feet of parcel listed in schedule form.
Existing and Proposed Features:
Location of streams, waterway corridors, water-courses, flood hazard and flood plain areas, bodies of water and wetland areas. All existing physical features including streams, watercourses, bodies of water, rock out-croppings, significant soil conditions in areas to be affected by proposed construction, and an outline of tree masses on site, with an indication whether such masses are evergreen or deciduous and their approximate height.
Right-of-way and/or easement dedications to include owner identity, acreage and boundary information.
Size, shape and location of buildings on the tract, on adjoining properties and on the opposite side of the street(s).
The location, layout and dimensions of parking, loading areas and isles, with an indication of the areas to be paved.
All parking spaces, driveways and access points to public streets.
Building and parking set back lines.
Location and height of fences, retaining walls and railings.
Electric telephone, CATV, gas and all other wire served utility connections on the tract and on adjacent streets.
Location, height, size and design of exterior signs and advertising features. Location of exterior signage and/or advertising features.
Location and layout of sidewalks and bicycle paths, curbs and interior walkways. Construction details are to be provided.
Landscaping plan including location, height and types of plantings and screenings.
Location of exterior lighting, area of illumination, height and type of standards.
Contours at intervals of one foot.
A tree survey that shall:
Denote the location and approximate height of those trees on the site, including both those being removed and preserved, that are within 200 feet of the construction's limit of disturbance, which shall include all utilities and driveway areas, and that are eight inches caliper D.S.H. or greater. Trees with multiple trunks shall be shown on the tree survey if the average of the D.S.H. of the tree's multiple trunks is eight inches caliper or greater.
Include a tree removal/preservation key detailing size, species and condition of the trees shown on the survey.
Delineate the limit of disturbance for construction taking into account vehicular access and egress, equipment and material storage, grading, utilities installation and other construction activity that may detrimentally impact the remaining trees. The limit of disturbance should extend to the drip line of the trees at a minimum and be species specific.
Building Drawings:
A minimum of two site sections indicating elevation changes to be made to the land on account of the proposed building(s) to include tree masses and all existing or proposed building(s). At least two of these sections shall be at right angles and any others shall be at such locations as to explain the proposed project in the clearest manner.
Drawing of all floor plans and roof plans at a minimum of 1/8 inch equals one foot.
Roof plans showing exterior air-heating circulation system layout, if applicable.
Drawings of all elevations of all proposed buildings indicating their relation to existing and proposed grades.
Photographs (black & white or color) of adequate size to show existing physical features, landscaping and any other conditions to be changed by the proposed project.
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans for disturbance in excess of 5,000 square feet:
Existing and proposed contours at intervals not exceeding two feet.
Location of present and proposed drains and culverts with their discharge capacities and velocities and supporting computations and identification of conditions below outlets.
A site grading plan showing proposed cut and fill areas together with existing and proposed profiles of this area.
Delineation of any area subject to flooding from the 100-year storm in compliance with the Flood Plains Act or applicable municipal zoning.
Delineating of streams within project area.
Location of all proposed soil erosion and sediment control facilities.
Proposed sequence of development.
Proposed starting date of each phase in the sequence.
Identification of land areas to be disturbed and length of time the soil in each area will be unprotected.
Proposed date to complete each phase of development.
Planned soil erosion and sediment control measures and facilities supporting computations based upon standards promulgated by the New Jersey Soil Conservation Committee.
Landscaping, Lighting and Signage Plan:
Landscaping plan including location, height and types of plantings and screenings.
Location, height, size and design of exterior signs and advertising features.
Location of exterior lighting, areas of illumination, height and type of standards.
Required Notes for All Plans:
Electric, telephone, CATV and all other wire served utility extensions and services shall be installed underground with standards established by the servicing utility company and approved by the municipal engineer.
All construction to be in accordance with the final construction plans as approved by the municipal engineer.
All areas where natural vegetation and/or specimen trees are to remain shall be protected by the erection of fencing and no disturbance shall occur prior to inspection by the municipal engineer and the issuance of written authorization to proceed with construction. These protective measures shall not be altered or removed without the approval of the municipal engineer.
Required Signature Format on All Plans:
Approved by the Planning Board of Princeton as a Minor Site Development.
The undersigned (applicant) (owner) hereby acknowledges that the information contained herein is true and complete to the best of its knowledge.
This __________ day of _____________________ , 20 _____.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4]
The administrative officer shall examine each application as to form and completeness, consulting with the municipal engineer if he so desires and, in appropriate cases, with the storm drainage engineer and shall notify the applicant if he approves the application in these respects.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
The administrative officer in consultation with the municipal engineer and, in appropriate cases, with the storm drainage engineer shall review each classification application that is filed and prepare a report thereon, including any recommendations as to whether the proposed site development should be classified as major or minor, being guided by the considerations set forth in Sections T10B-210, T10B-211 and T10B-226. Upon completion of the report, the administrative officer shall forward such, together with the application, sketch plat and related documents and information, to the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof appointed by the Board chair.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
In preparing the report, the administrative officer shall review each application and related material with the purpose of judging the anticipated effect on the proposed development in light of the criteria and standards set forth in section T10B-226 and for properties in a historic preservation zoning district and historic preservation buffer zoning district, Article XIII, Historic Preservation in each of the following respects:
Ecological considerations.
Relation of proposed structure to environment.
Scenic, historical, archaeological and landmark sites.
Surface water drainage.
Driveway connections to public streets.
Traffic effects.
Pedestrian and bicycle safety.
On-site parking and circulation.
Utility services.
Disposal of wastes.
Advertising features.
Special features.
Waterway corridors.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
If after review the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof determines that no major detrimental effects nor so many minor detrimental effects as cumulatively constitute a major detrimental effect are to be anticipated in any of the foregoing considerations, and further finds that the application conforms to the definition of "minor site plan" as set forth in Section T10B-2, it shall classify the proposed site development as a minor site plan and shall recommend to the Planning Board approval of the application as submitted or as modified by the applicant based on the recommendations in the report. Approval may be conditioned upon terms providing for the installation and maintenance of required on-tract improvements and the guarantee thereof. The administrative officer notify the applicant of its action and recommendation. Where the site development has been classified as a minor site plan and also involves other related development applications which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board, the application for minor site plan approval shall be referred to the Planning Board for action and shall be subject to the hearing and notice requirements of Divisions 4 and 5 in Article IV of this Chapter. Where there are no other related development applications which are to be referred to the Planning Board, then following the classification of the application as a minor site plan and the issuance by the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof of its recommendation of plan approval, the applicant shall thereupon cause to be published in accordance with Section T10B-21 a notice as follows:
The Planning Board (or subcommittee of the Planning Board, if applicable) has classified a proposed site development (name of applicant and docket number) _____ as a minor site plan and recommended approval. The street address, if any, and the lot and block numbers of the property which is the subject of this application are __________. The Planning Board of Princeton will approve such application if no objection is received by the Planning Board within 10 days after this publication. __________ is the date of the meeting at which the application was classified as a minor site plan and recommended to be approved. A brief description of the application is__________. The application and the submitted documents are available in the Planning Board Office for review. For further information you may call the office of the Planning Board of Princeton, Telephone Number (609) 924-5366.
The applicant shall at the same time give notice as set forth in Section T10B-53, including a statement of the date of publication.
Within 10 days after such publication any person aggrieved by reason of such classification or recommendation may file objections in writing with the secretary of the Planning Board and request a hearing on such application by the Board. The Board shall schedule a public hearing by the full board subject to the hearing and notice requirements of Divisions 4 and 5 in Article IV of this Chapter. If no written objection or request for a hearing is received by the Board within 10 days after the date that the above notice was published, the chair of the Planning Board may approve the application on behalf of the Planning Board including the approval of a waiver of the requirements for surface water drainage pursuant to Section T10B-277(f), and return it to the applicant without further notice or public hearing. Approval by the Planning Board shall be endorsed upon the sketch plat and it shall be signed by the chairman and attested by the secretary.
In cases where the Board is required to hold a hearing, the filing of proof of publication and service under paragraph (a) of this section shall be deemed part of the application for development, and the time within which the Board must act as set forth in Section T10B-65 shall begin to run on the date that such proof is filed with the secretary of the Planning Board.
Approval of a site development as minor shall constitute and have the force and effect of the final site plan approval.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Whenever the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof determines that one or more major detrimental effects should be anticipated under the foregoing considerations, it shall classify the proposed site development as major and shall advise the applicant of such classification and that further proceedings must be initiated by filing an application for preliminary site plan approval as prescribed in Division 3 of this article.
In classifying a proposal as major, the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof on the basis of its review may determine that less than all of the documentation required under Divisions 7 and 8 of this article is needed for the processing of an application for preliminary site plan approval of such proposal. In such event the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof shall specify what documentation under Divisions 7 and 8 is needed and the applicant shall be required to submit with any application for preliminary site plan approval for such proposal only the documentation so specified.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4]
The procedure set forth in this division is intended to expedite the review, simplify the form and lessen the expense of applications for site plan approval of developments from which no major detrimental effects are anticipated under any of the considerations listed in Section T10B-210. In furtherance of these objectives, the reviewing authorities are authorized to expedite the processing of such applications.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2022-01 repealed prior § T10B-214, Appeal to board from action of committee or Planning Board chairman. History includes Ord. No. 2018-11.