[Adopted 6-27-2017 by Ord. No. 400]
Newberry Township has determined, based upon the Capital Charges Study,[1] that certain fees must be imposed in order to recover certain capital costs incurred in the construction of the Sewer System and appurtenant facilities, and in order to provide for the recovery of certain costs associated with the connection of additional users to the sewer system. It is deemed to be in the public interest of Newberry Township, the current users of the sewer system, and future users, that all improved properties hereafter connected to the sewer system pay a connection fee and/or a tapping fee, as provided in the Act and as provided in this article. The purpose of this article is to provide for the imposition and collection of such connection fees and/or a tapping fee. All references to the Township ownership and operation of the sewer system shall be interpreted to include the authority as the predecessor in interest of the sewer system.
Editor's Note: Said study on file and available for viewing in the Township office.
When used in this article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have prescribed to them the meanings hereafter set forth:
Refers to a building which is intended to be used for continuous or periodic habitation by human beings and containing two or more family dwelling units; of which contains business or professional offices and one or more family dwelling units; or which contains business, professional or any other similar type of office or offices.
Refers to an improved property that is intended to be used for the purpose of carrying on a trade, business, or profession, or for social, religious, educational, charitable, or public uses.
The fee authorized by the Act, as referenced in the Code, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 67502(a), as such provisions may be amended from time to time, and representing the cost of the connection of the improved property extending from the Township's sewer main to the property line or curb stop of such improved property.
Refers to an improved property that is intended to be used for continuous or periodic habitation by human beings in a single-family unit.
In the case of a domestic use, any room, group of rooms, house, trailer, or other structure or enclosure occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by a family or by persons living together or by persons living alone.
Any property located within the Township's service area upon which there is erected a structure or structures intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure or structures sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes shall be or may be discharged.
Refers to an improved property that is intended to be used in whole or in part for the manufacture, fabrication, processing, cleaning, laundry, conversion, or assembly of any product, commodity, or article.
Any solid, liquid, gaseous, or waterborne wastes from industrial processes or commercial establishments, as distinguished from sanitary sewage.
Any person vested with ownership, legal or equitable, sole or partial, of any improved property.
Includes natural persons, partnerships, companies, societies, trusts, associations and corporations, and other groups and entities, public and private.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, and commercial establishments, exclusive of stormwater runoff, surface water or groundwater.
The sanitary sewer system owned and operated by the Township.
The fee authorized by Act, as referenced in the Code, and which is required to be paid upon the connection of any improved property to the sewer system or upon addition of an apartment or office use; a domestic use; or an increase in sanitary sewer discharge by commercial or industrial facilities.
Pursuant to the Act and as determined in the capital charges study, the following connection fee is hereby adopted for each improved property hereafter connected to the sewer system where the lateral or connection has been installed by the Authority or Newberry Township;
The actual cost to the Township, as documented by records, for connecting the customer or the average cost of previously installed connections of similar type and size. Such average cost may be trended to current cost using published cost indexes; provided, however, that:
Where the owner of such improved property causes such lateral to be installed or connection to be made at his own expense, no connection fee shall be payable to the Township.
Pursuant to the Act and as determined in the capital charges study, a tapping fee is hereby imposed against any improved property and against the owner of such improved property whenever such owner hereafter shall connect any such improved property with a sewer main constituting a portion of the sewer system, which tapping fee shall be calculated in the following manner:
Base tapping fee. To be paid by all owners or persons connecting to or using the sewer system:
Capacity part
$1,135.97 per EDU
Collection part
$1,985.92 per EDU
Total base tapping fee
$3,121.89 per EDU
Influent pump station.
To be paid by all owners or persons connecting to or using the sewer system:
Special purpose part (Township contribution)
$313.43 per EDU
Reimbursement part (McNaughton reimbursement)
$463.85 per EDU
Total tapping fee for influent pump station
$777.28 per EDU
For owners or persons connecting to the sewer system by way of the following interceptor lines, the following fees shall apply in addition to the base tapping fee and influent pump station tapping fee:
Newberrytown interceptor. To be paid by all owners or persons connecting to or using the Newberrytown Interceptor:
Base tapping fee
$3,121.89 per EDU
Influent pump station
$777.28 per EDU
Special purpose part (Township reimbursement)
$480.77 per EDU
Special purpose part (pump station abandonment)
$239.08 per EDU
Total Newberrytown interceptor tap fee
$4,619.02 per EDU
Fox Farm interceptor. To be paid by all owners or persons connecting to or using the Fox Farm Interceptor:
Base tapping fee
$3,121.89 per EDU
Influent pump station
$777.28 per EDU
Special purpose part (tap fee credit reimbursement)
$592.22 per EDU
Reimbursement part (McNaughton management fee)
$189.48 per EDU
Total fox farm interceptor tap fee
$4,680.87 per EDU
White oak interceptor.
To be paid by all owners or persons connecting to or using the White Oak Interceptor:
Fox Farm interceptor tapping fee
$4,680.87 per EDU
White Oak special purpose part (Township contribution)
$212.09 per EDU
Total white oak interceptor tap fee
$4,892.96 per EDU
The above tapping fees are imposed and payable for each separate use made within or on any improved property. In the case of domestic uses and apartment or office uses, a separate tapping fee shall be paid for each dwelling unit or apartment or each office or suite of offices as though each were in a separate structure and as though each had a direct and separate connection to the sewer system, regardless of whether the sewer mains or extensions thereto are installed by the owner or by the Township. In the case of commercial uses, industrial uses, and all other types of uses, a separate tapping fee shall be paid for each separate use or type of use made within or on such improved property.
The connection fee and tapping fee imposed hereunder with respect to any improved property to be served by the sewer system shall be due and payable at the time of the filing of the application to connect such improved property to the sewer system and upon addition of an apartment or office use; a domestic use; or an increase in sanitary sewer discharge by commercial or industrial facilities.
In the case of a commercial or industrial use, one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon 223 gallons of wastewater discharged per day (or estimated to be so discharged). The projected discharge for such commercial or industrial use shall be estimated by the Township or by its consulting engineer in accordance with sound engineering practice. After one year following the date of connection to the sewer system, the Township shall make an analysis of actual discharge of such commercial or industrial use, and shall thereafter adjust the tapping fee previously collected, either upward or downward, based upon the highest actual quarter-annual discharge. Any additional amount due from the owner of such commercial or industrial use shall be payable immediately upon notice thereof given by or on behalf of the Township to such owner, and any refund due to such owner shall be promptly paid by the Township to such owner following such determination. In no event shall the tapping fee be less than the applicable fee set forth in § 310-56 above. After the initial year of discharge, the Township shall analyze annually the actual discharge of such commercial or industrial use, and, if the discharge is greater than the last annual analysis, it shall thereafter adjust the tapping fee upward based upon the highest actual quarter-annual discharge, and the additional amount due shall be payable immediately upon notice thereof to the owner. No downward adjustment or refund of a tapping fee shall be made or paid after the first year's analysis as required hereinabove.
The Township or its authorized representative shall have the right of access at all reasonable times to all parts of any premises connected to the sewer system to examine and inspect connections and properties in order to enforce the provisions of this article.
The Township shall have the right to adopt by resolution from time to time changes to the connection fees and tapping fees and such additional rules and regulations as it may deem necessary and proper in connection with the imposition, collection and establishment of the connection fee and tapping fee imposed herein.
The connection fees and/or tapping fees imposed by the Township shall be a lien on the improved property connected to and served by the sewer system where such fees or charges are not paid as provided herein, which lien may be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of York County, Pennsylvania, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the filing and collection of municipal claims. In addition, the payment of said connection fees or tapping fees imposed hereunder may be enforced by the Township in any manner appropriate under existing laws at the time they become due and payable.
All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions inconsistent herewith are repealed.
In the event any provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this article shall be held by any court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this article, it being the intent of the Township that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect.