Reference: §§ 320-214B(2)(c); and Diagram 320-214-1.[1]
Editor's Note: Diagram 320-214-1 is included in § 320-214F.
The off-street parking provisions of this chapter shall apply to all buildings, structures and uses in all districts at the time any building, structure or use is erected, enlarged, extended or increased in accordance with this article and be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the 2020 Sub Area Plan after the effective date of this chapter. Parking shall be an accessory use as allowed in Table 320-507-1.[1]
Editor's Note: Table 320-507-1 is included in § 320-507.
A parking plan is required in conjunction with § 320-214, Site plans, of this chapter and must be approved before installation of improvements, issuance of an erosion control/stormwater permit and issuance of a building permit.
Each off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway designed to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner that will least interfere with traffic movement. No parking area shall be designed to require any vehicle to back into a public street.
Reference: Table 320-507-1.[1]
All parking spaces required shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, or may be located not to exceed 400 feet from the parcel.[2]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection B, concerning driveway widths in certain situations, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-27-2021 by Ord. No. 10-21. This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of Subsections C through F as Subsections B through E.
There shall be no customary storage of any sports vehicle, boat, trailer, utility trailer, camper, or any like business or recreational vehicle between the front or corner side lot line and the plane of a house, garage, or accessory building or structure of any residential district.
There shall be no storage or parking of construction or farm equipment, tractor-trailer semis, delivery vehicles, or other vehicles that are not standard passenger vehicles except inside a fully enclosed building in all residential districts. In all other districts, these types of vehicles/equipment shall be allowed only in conjunction with an approved use of the property and may be parked outside.
No parcel or contiguous parcel under single ownership shall display more than one vehicle or one piece of equipment (car, truck, tractor, boat, camper, trailer or items of a similar nature) for sale at any one time for no more than six months unless the parcel is zoned for automobile sales and is licensed with the State of Wisconsin. Any such item on display for sale shall not be located less than 15 feet from the right-of-way.
No part of a yard, open space, or off-street parking or loading space required about or in connection with any building for the purpose of complying with this chapter shall be included as part of a yard, open space, off-street parking or loading space similarly required for any other building except if allowed in another part of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Table 320-507-1 is included in § 320-507.
[Amended 8-22-2022 by Ord. No. 4-22; 10-9-2023 by Ord. No. 11-23]
Table 320-610-1
Minimum Parking Dimensions
Reference: Diagram 320-610-1.
Stall width perpendicular to parking stall (feet)
Surface parking
Parking ramp above or below ground
Stall depth (feet)
One-way drive aisle width (feet)
Two-way drive aisle width (feet)
Parallel parking (feet)
8 × 22
Flexibility may be provided to existing parking facilities that expand parking if existing parking dimensions are less than the dimensions required; the expanded parking facilities may be allowed to match the existing parking dimensions and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Diagram 320-610-1
Parking Dimensions
Reference: Table 320-610-1.
320 Diag 320-610-1 Parking Dimens.tif
Driveway/drive aisles.
"Driveway/drive aisles" shall be defined as areas vehicles and equipment drive on to access private property parking areas and public rights-of-way.
Pavement. All off-street driveways/drive aisles, except as permitted in Table 320-507-1, shall be surfaced with a dustless all-weather material (asphalt, concrete, pavers, etc.). The surface shall be a minimum of three inches thick on a six-inch thick base of compacted stone or gravel. Surface depths and base depths are advisory for agricultural and single-family and two-family residential uses.[1]
[Amended 8-22-2022 by Ord. No. 4-22]
Editor's Note: Table 320-507-1 is included in § 320-507.
Compacted stone or gravel may be used for off-street driveways/drive aisles only in instances where gravel or stone exists and is planned to be expanded and is outside of the sewer service area.
The use of compacted stone or gravel may be allowed for nonresidential driveways/drive aisles only when approved as a special exception as allowed in Table 320-507-1[2] only for parking, maneuvering, and use of heavy machinery/construction equipment in conjunction with the operation/business of the property. This excludes semi-tractor/trailers and/or delivery vehicles.
Editor's Note: Table 320-507-1 is included in § 320-507.
Driveways within public rights-of-way shall comply with the Greenville Standard Specifications and Details.
Parking area.
"Parking areas" shall be defined as areas vehicles and equipment park in designated spots.
Pavement. All off-street parking areas, except as permitted in Table 320-507-1, shall be surfaced with a dustless all-weather material (asphalt, concrete, pavers, etc.). The surface shall be a minimum of three inches thick on a six-inch thick base of compacted stone or gravel. Surface depths and base depths are advisory for agricultural and single-family and two-family residential uses.
[Amended 8-22-2022 by Ord. No. 4-22]
Compacted stone or gravel may be used for off street parking areas only in instances where gravel or stone exists and is planned to be expanded and is outside of the sewer service area.
The use of compacted stone or gravel may be allowed for nonresidential parking areas only when approved as a special exception as allowed in Table 320-507-1 only for parking, maneuvering, and use of heavy machinery/construction equipment in conjunction with the operation/business of the property. This excludes semitractor/trailers and/or delivery vehicles.
Curb and gutter. Concrete curb and gutter shall be required in all new parking lots; existing parking lots that add parking are not required to install curb and gutter if curb and gutter does not already exist. Where alternatives to concrete curb and gutter are demonstrated to be more appropriate, it may be approved by the Public Works Director and Engineer. Curb cuts may be permitted intermittently to allow for the treatment of stormwater.
[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 8-22]
The minimum number of parking stalls required is shown in Table 320-612-1. Greenville recognizes not all land uses function the same; some may require more parking while others require less; therefore, general and specific uses have been identified with general uses allowed flexibility with reduced parking of up to 50% of the required number of stalls.
Table 320-612-1
Number of Parking Stalls
Reference: § 320-612.
Specific Use
Parking Stalls Required
Assembly: churches, funeral homes, theaters, auditoriums, community centers, vocational and night schools and other places of public assembly
1 for each 5 seats
Bed-and-breakfast establishments
1 for each guest room
Dwelling: ADU
1 for each dwelling
Dwelling: mobile/manufacturing home
2 for each dwelling unit
Dwelling: multifamily
1.5 for each dwelling unit
Dwelling: single-family attached
2 for each dwelling unit
Dwelling: single-family detached
2 for each dwelling unit
Dwelling: two-family
2 for each dwelling unit
Hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living, memory care, community living arrangements
1 for each 2 beds, plus 1 for each 3 employees
Hotels, motels
1 for each guest room plus 1 for each 3 employees
Recreational use, indoor facility
1 for each 4 of the total building occupancy permitted by Building/Fire Codes
Schools, day cares
1 for each employee
General Use
Parking Stalls Required (may be reduced by up to 50%)
Distribution/wholesale use
1 for each employee per shift
Entertainment use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Government use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Institutional use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Manufacturing use
1 for each employee per shift
Office use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Restaurants/bars/tavern/tap room
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Retail use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Service use
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Warehouse use
1 for each employee per shift
A snow storage area shall be provided outside of the parking and driveway and drive aisle areas. An area 5% of the total parking/driveway/drive aisle areas shall be provided and shown on the site plan and landscape plan and not interfere with traffic movement, parking spaces, or site amenities such as landscaping, aboveground utilities, signs, etc. Agriculture, single-family, two-family, and attached single-family uses are exempt.
In the case of structures or uses not mentioned, the provision for a use which is similar shall apply, as determined by the Community and Economic Development Director or designee.
In addition to any other requirements relating to parking spaces contained in this chapter, the provisions contained in §§ 101.13, 346.503 and 346.56, Wis. Stats., and any Wisconsin Administrative Code sections or accessibility codes and standards adopted pursuant thereto are hereby adopted by reference and made applicable to all parking facilities whenever constructed.
Off-street parking spaces shall not be reduced in numbers unless said number exceeds the requirement set forth herein.
See § 320-214D for inspection and completion requirements.