Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall discriminate in making available full and equal access to all goods, services, activities, privileges, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation.
Public accommodations must be made accessible to individuals with disabilities in compliance with state and federal law and regulations.
Nothing in this chapter permits or requires access to any place of public accommodation for the purpose or intent of engaging in criminal conduct, offensive or disorderly conduct, or conduct which represents a threat to the public health, safety, or welfare.
Nothing in this chapter requires the construction or provision of unisex, single-user restrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, or shower facilities.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter:
No employer shall discriminate in the employment, compensation, work classifications, conditions or terms, promotion or demotion, or termination of employment of any person.
No labor organization shall discriminate in limiting membership, conditions of membership, or termination of membership of any person in any labor union or apprenticeship program.
No employment agency shall discriminate in the procurement or recruitment of any person for possible employment with an employer.
All contractors proposing to do business with the City of Kalamazoo shall satisfy the nondiscrimination administrative policy adopted by the City Manager in accordance with the guidelines of this section.
A contractor shall, as a condition of being deemed a responsible bidder, at the time of its submission to the City in responding to an invitation for bids or request for proposals, certify in writing that it complies with the provisions of this chapter.
All City contracts shall provide that breach of the obligation not to discriminate is a material breach of the contract. The contractor shall be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by the City in obtaining from other sources the work and services to be rendered or performed or the goods or properties to be furnished or delivered to the City under the contract.
No person shall adopt, enforce or employ any policy, practice, or requirement which has the effect of creating unequal opportunities according to actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, family status, marital status, physical or mental disability, educational association, source of income, status as a survivor of domestic violence, governmental identification method, arrest record, or conviction history for a person to obtain employment, public accommodation, or housing, except for a bona fide business necessity. Such a bona fide business necessity does not arise due to a mere inconvenience or because of suspected or actual objection to such a person by neighbors, customers, or other persons but shall require a demonstration that the policy or requirement is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the person's business.
No person shall adopt, enforce or employ any policy or requirement, or publish, post or broadcast any advertisement, sign or notice which discriminates or indicates discrimination in providing employment, public accommodations, or housing.
No person shall discriminate in the publication or distribution of advertising material, information or solicitation regarding housing, employment or public accommodations.
No agent, broker, labor organization, employment agency or any other intermediary shall discriminate in making referrals, listings or providing information with regard to employment, public accommodations, or housing. A report of the conviction of any such person for a violation of this chapter shall be made to the applicable licensing or regulatory agency for such person or business.
No person shall coerce, threaten or retaliate against a person for making a complaint or assisting in the investigation regarding a violation or alleged violation of this chapter, nor require, request, conspire with, assist or coerce another person to retaliate against a person for making a complaint or assisting in an investigation.
No person shall conspire with, assist, coerce or request another person to discriminate in any manner prohibited by this chapter.
No person shall use any arrest record history information other than convictions contained in a criminal record.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter, the following practices shall not be violations of this chapter:
To engage in a bona fide effort to establish an affirmative action program to improve opportunities in employment for minorities and women consistent with applicable state and federal law.
To discriminate based on a person's age when such discrimination is mandated by state, federal, or local law.
To refuse to enter into a contract with an unemancipated minor.
To refuse to admit to a place of public accommodation serving alcoholic beverages a person under the legal age for purchasing alcoholic beverages.
To refuse to admit persons under 18 years of age to a business providing entertainment or selling literature which the operator of said business deems unsuitable for minors.
For an educational institution to limit the use of its facilities to those affiliated with such institution.
For a religious organization to restrict employment opportunities for officers, religious instructors and clergy to individuals of that denomination. It is also permissible for a religious organization to restrict employment opportunities, educational facilities, and dormitories that are operated as a direct part of its religious activities to persons who are members of the denomination involved or who agree to conform to the moral tenets of that religious organization.
To provide discounts on products or service to students, or on the basis of age.
For a governmental institution to restrict any of its facilities or to restrict employment opportunities based on duly adopted institutional policies that conform to federal and state laws and regulations.
To restrict participation in an instructional program, athletic event or on an athletic team on the basis of age, sex, height, or weight consistent with applicable state or federal laws and regulations.
To restrict membership in a private club that is not open to the public except to the extent that private clubs which permit members to invite guests on the premises are not exempted as it concerns a member's guest.
To the use of marital status or family status limitations in a health or pension plan if such limitations conform to federal and state laws and regulations.
To discriminate in the provision of housing when based on a person's conviction history when such discrimination is mandated by state or federal law.