A property owner must obtain site plan approval from the Planning Commission prior to commencing any of the following activities on a parcel of land within the City:
The construction or placement of any new nonresidential buildings or structures over 5,000 square feet or any multifamily uses.
The expansion of an existing nonresidential building and multifamily buildings that increases the gross floor area by more than 20%.
The conversion of an existing building, in whole or in part, from a residential use to a nonresidential use.
The nonresidential use of land where no buildings or structures are proposed.
The change of use of an existing nonresidential use, in whole or in part, to another nonresidential use if the new use changes the nature and character of the property such that it increases the intensity of on- or off-site impacts; including but not limited to impacts to traffic, environmental impacts, or potential impact to adjacent properties or the surrounding neighborhood resulting from the proposed use.
A site plan is not required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission for the following uses:
The construction, alteration, or enlargement of permitted single-family detached or attached dwellings, including accessory buildings and structures.
A change in use of a nonresidential building from one permitted use to another permitted use, provided that the new use does not change the nature and character of the building or property as described in § 155-6A(5).
Home occupations in accordance with applicable sections of Chapter 205 relating to home occupations by district.
The Director of Planning may approve, deny or approve with conditions, a site plan for buildings of 5,000 square feet or less in area, or expansions of less than 20% of the gross floor area of an existing structure.
The site plan must be prepared in accordance with this chapter and other applicable City codes.
If approved with conditions, the Director's approval letter must state the basis for any required conditions.
A decision must be rendered within 60 days of the date of the submission of a complete site plan to the Department of Planning, unless an extension is agreed upon, in writing, by the Director, the applicant and property owner, or the plan must be deemed approved.
The Director of Planning may refer any project, including site plans that may be reviewed under § 155-6C and changes of use, to the Planning Commission for review and approval when special circumstances exist that warrant review by the Commission. These circumstance may include, but are not limited to, the specific nature or intensity of the proposed use, traffic impacts, environmental impacts, or potential impacts to adjacent properties or the surrounding neighborhood resulting from the proposed use.
The Planning Commission is authorized to review and act on all site plans for development requiring site plan review when so required by this chapter, or as referred by the Director. In considering site plans under this provision, the Planning Commission may act to approve, disapprove, or approve the project with conditions.
Conditional uses, special exceptions and/or variance requests shall be heard by the Board of Appeals prior to review by the Planning Commission. In acting on a conditional use or variance, the Board shall be governed by the requirements of Chapter 25, Article IV.